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raynos :P
Oh god the lag.
I un-ignored error
It loaded 400 messages
@ErrorErrorError would you like some genuine advice on web development
@ErrorErrorError okay. Here's a reworking of your design. I made it as simple as possible. No images, no flashy, no hard to read text. I used vanilla Javascript, HTML, and CSS. Pick it apart. go through it tag by tag, style definition by style definition, line of code by line of code. If there's something you don't understand, look it up until you find it and understand it. It doesn't actually submit the form, it's up to you to do that. good luck.
please, don't set a blank value attribute
@MattMcDonald er, me? i didn't...
submit is the only type I can recall that has an explicit default value
@MattMcDonald yes, true. But i didn't set an empty value attribute anywhere...
@david no.... remember the nyancat. jsfiddle.net/2M4MS
Oh fun!
It's the let's rip @ThomasShields code apart
@Raynos yay! :D
I was mostly just trying to demonstrate to @ErrorErrorError that you don't have to have lots of pictures and flashy and colors to make a form look good...
I still think he should use my one >.>
which isn't really a form...
<marquee> my number </marquee>
@david did you make one? must have missed it... can you put it in again?
it's just DHTML
i'd probably just do an ajax post with it instead of stupid form submitting anyway
@david Your one does enable the user to use the Google search form.
@david considering @ErrorErrorError's former experience/comments, I don't think AJAX is a very good idea
use document.createTextNode
yes, embrace the power of text nodes
@david that's nicer than mine.
@david but it also takes a lot more code
oh no actually I'm thinking of Thomas's jsfiddle. sorry I got them mixed up
Damnit nathan, now i REALLY want to make that nyancat leave a massive rainbow trail
@Nathan wait, mine? which one? lol
I have way too many jsFiddle's to keep track.
Mine could use a refactor to use ul/li instead of mass divs
52 mins ago, by Thomas Shields
@Nathan oh yeah :D
@Thomas yeah it takes more code, but it also lets you edit them in place, and delete them
this shit is dead
@david yeah true
@ChadScira ?
nevermind, the SO chat page said it was 40 mins since someone said anything (must have been cached)
@david there now mine's editable. no delete though. that's where your jQuery comes in handy. (i still like yours better, btw. :) jsfiddle.net/thomas4g/QVUHU/34
why aren't you using a proper form?
you have your inputs outside of the form for no visible reason
here's a thought: try appending the numbers added to a multi-select inside of a form
then the value gets passed to the server upon submitting
@MattMcDonald i am using a form...but it is just for demo purposes
then you can wire a delete button/function to the select
I've actually got a different idea that i'll try first, but that's a good idea too
lol i just saw the dilbert strip link in the starred list
wtf is up with their URL structure
"Make more zeroes so Google puts it first" -- the Boss
@ChadScira they do have a link titled "Linux/Unix" on the frontpage that takes you to dilbert.com/fast which has nice urls and everything
@david I still like your design better, but i implemented the same functionality with less code and no jQuery. :) jsfiddle.net/thomas4g/QVUHU/49
@ErrorErrorError here's a better/updated version: jsfiddle.net/thomas4g/QVUHU/49
@Thomas less code doesn't always mean better
@ThomasShields your html sucks
@david yeah, that's true. I was just proud of doing it without jQuery, lol :D
too proud, prolly.
@Raynos why?
because its not semantic
and now it's time for... the Tear Tommy's Code Game!!! (btw, i hate being called tommy, it just...fit)
@Raynos what's not semantic about it?
sure, normally i'd use more HTML5 but i was trying to stick with HTML4 for a simple example for @ErrorErrorError
<form id="foo" method="post" action="./" onsubmit="return false;">
    <label for="insertNumber">insert number:</label>
    <input type="text" id="insertNumber" name="insertNumber" />
    <label for="numberList">number list:</label>
    <select multiple id="numberList" name="numberList"></select>
    <input type="submit" id="submitList" value="Submit Numbers" />
and away we go...
@ThomasShields inputs outisde a form
div id=main
@Raynos one input is outside a form; and that's because it's not supposed to get submitted with the form; it just adds stuff into the form.
there's no problem with it getting submitted to the server
you can just ignore it server-side or clear the value via js
@MattMcDonald true
I disagree, if you don't need it to be sent with the form, don't send it with the form
yah but it should be in a separate <form>.
@Nathan why?
it's an input. nothing about "input" implies that it requires submission...
<input> belongs inside <form> like <option> inside <select>.
yep, nate's on to something
or <title> in <head>
different forms, different actions
so as it stands, my markup doesn't validate?
like it probably works in every browser, but it's just not correct.
as we know, "just works" doesn't mean valid
see: blink tag
or <b><i>Created with MS Word</b></i>
As far as I'm aware inputs don't have to be inside forms
there's probably a standard somewhere that spells it out.
W3C's validator only tells me i've got an error with having no <title> tag
oh wait i did the wrong one
yep, inputs outside forms are legit.
I'm checking the standards, and there is nothing about them having to be in forms
@david yeah, same
man the 4.01 spec is a goldmine for forms
I have to read this one night
@ThomasShields dont confuse legit and semantic
@Raynos okay, so why isn't it semantic?
because it's not in a form.
who says it has to be in a form to make it semantic?
whats the point?
Whats the point of an input that's not in a form?
my example
semantic means every element is used purposefully and placed correctly as it's supposed to be
the input's value is not supposed to get sent to the server
Ok now turn javascript off.
Whats the point of an input outside of a form?
this is why I brought up the multi-select idea
Ok now turn the browser off.
What's the point of an input INSIDE of a form?
@Raynos this whole example assumes javascript is on. I was just trying to show @ErrorErrorError a nicer way to do this site.
@david LOL
I'm afraid anyone who pulls the 'Wut if javascript is turned off?' card needs to be shot.
@david agreed
It's the most retarded argument ever
You made a big assumption
If you turn it off, then you can't have nice things
@david ...
Fucking hell.
Write semantic HTML
@david, scroll-click doesnt "have" javascript , FYI
style it with DRY CSS
@Raynos how big? like 1% of the entire world doesn't use javascript.
and enhance it with javascript
The HTML needs to work without javascript
I get the feeling you don't know what semantic means Raynos, if you think it requires javascript to be turned off
you do NOT write HTML to be consumed by javascript
if those people are stupid enough to try and browse the web in 2011 with Javascript turned off, I don't care if they can't use my site.
@ThomasShields ...
@teresko neither does lynx
What about the blind?
@Raynos the blind can still have javascript enabled...
You expect screen readers to parse javascript?
@Raynos this is a form okay! for administrators to input phone numbers! it's very specialized! blind peopl aren't gonna be using it!
@Raynos , give it up and let the children play in "developers"
Bad practices
Screen readers read what's on the screen. Which could potentially be changed by javascript
hacks hacks hacks
Progressive enhancement is a strategy for web design that emphasizes accessibility, semantic HTML markup, and external stylesheet and scripting technologies. Progressive enhancement uses web technologies in a layered fashion that allows everyone to access the basic content and functionality of a web page, using any browser or Internet connection, while also providing those with better bandwidth, more advanced browser software or more experience an enhanced version of the page. History "Progressive Enhancement" was coined by Steven Champeon of [http://www.hesketh.com hesketh.com] in a ser...
I have no issue with hacking stuff together
if I may, here's a long forum post someone made on disabling JS
@Raynos In general, I'd agree with you. the content on the site should be consumable as text, without styling, without markup even. But this particular scenario is one of a buisness type applicaiton, with a very narrow audience. So it's okay to make assumptions about the user.
> It's likely that the higher figures for JS disabled are cited by Webmasters who can't sort all of the search engine and scraper robots from their site stats, and so see a higher percentage.

One issue to consider very carefully is that of visitors who have inadvertently disabled JS, or who have disabled it on the recommendation of some "internet security site" and who have no idea how to re-enable it, or who may have forgotten that they've disabled it.

I disable JS (using a checkbox in a Firefox add-on) very frequently for several reasons: First there is the issue of very poorly-coded ro
but if your going to show an example of how to do it right to someone whos new to web development
See also "unobtrusive javascript"... I agree w/Raynos.
Then do it right.
@Raynos, progressive enhancement is all good, except when the basic functionality requires javascript
Don't give a poor example and the say "well that doesn't really matter"
@david I agree.
but our definition of basic functionality differs
@Raynos so how would you suggest accomplishing my jsfiddle without javascript?
gmail needs javascript. Cloud9IDE needs javascript
@ThomasShields you can't without control over the server. Although the jsfiddle echo api might help
This form requires you to be able to submit a list of unknown length to the server. Can you do that without javascript?
@david yes, one submit at a time.
you can by leveraging the server
one roundtrip per submission.
allow functionality via a comma-separated list in the input
you guys make a good point. gimme a moment and i'll try something.
Alternatively use HTML5 inputs
good idea @MattMcDonald
value="12321, 13123, 12312, 123123", etc
I'm sure the range input allows multiple inputs
you can also use another form that says "add x# of numbers" and echo a new form server-side
@Raynos i somehow doubt that if the user has JS disabled that their browser will support HTML5. that in itself is an assumption.
@ThomasShields ...
That's not what it's about
I don't think you understand the types of people who turn JS off
Treat HTML as an entity in itself
you write HTML for HTML
you don't write HTML to be used by CSS
you don't write HTML to be used by javascript
@Raynos so how do you reach people who don't have HTML5 capabilities, then??
Okay, so for the example we're sending error*3 we need to get him to implement a whole different server API, and a client side that degrades to use a massive chain of single requests just to get his simple example working?
It's a layered circle.
@david I wouldn't go that far.
it's not even necessary. The backend saves the content submitted in the form.
@ThomasShields you don't.
Okay, you enjoy your layers. I will say "screw anyone using IE, they don't get nice things. screw anyone who disables javascript, they can't have nice things either." And I will code in peaceful and harmonic simplicity
By itself the form has one phone number field. The JS enables you to build up an array of phone numbers, but the backend can accept either.
generally, I view the web as a food chain
server > html > css > js
Also remember that if you do it like @MattMcDonald says then you dont need a web page
It's okay to make the form "not nice things" for people without JS but you can still make it degrade gracefully, to be clunky but workable.
Or I can just make the backend accept the list, and anyone who disables javascript can get a pen and paper and fax me their phone numbers
If you build the HTML and server properly then you can use CURL and just POST to the server
and once i get the fax i'll page them to let them know i've received it, and am busy processing it in the trash
A: In 2011 is it truly necessary to still degrade js?

NathanIn 2011 there are still several important types of users for whom you can't assume javascript will function properly: search robots browsers for visually impaired users feature phones corporate browsers, thin clients, etc still using IE6 or whatever REST-based clients by fellow developers your ...

I've read pieces by fellow devs that suggest turning off CSS to ensure your page works
now that's paranoid
Why should I bother making it degrade gracefully? They can piss off with their disabled javascript
I do that :D
@david that's the wrong attitude.
No, it's not
That's all there is to it. It's the wrong way to develop.
You keep telling yourself that
the browser/user may be literally disabled, like screen readers for the blind.
blind users can still have javascript enabled
subscription is sooo evil
Yes and reading your garbled HTML is not going to help
and slow
why does the beta of IE10 have less HTML 5 support than IE9?
@david , so basically you are advertising a HDD here : Hope Driven Development .. nice going
@stevebot because trolls
just sped up an A* by caching the costs on the nodes as properties instead of having other structures...
speed up of 20x
mm, I've wanted to try stashing data on DOM properties
No, I'm advocating targeted development. I'm not trying to make my code run on everything, that's a waste of time. I pick the technologies I want to use, and use them.
there is something to be said for that.
It is 2011, Anyone who is still using IE, or still has javascript disabled should be used to missing out on things.
I am not going to bend over backwards to support people who intentionally handicap themselves.
@david , let me repeat this for you : not every user's action works with javascript : case and point : middle-click or scroll-click
if you have a JS on a link , it will not work in this case
It depends on your product and audience, of course. Google's search form should work anywhere. Government services should also. But for teaching newbies or writing a new w3sxools you should model unobtrusiveness and graceful degradation.
@david i guess you really are a kid, because otherwise you would understand that not everyone can choose the browser they have .. like at work
are there any good FF plug-ins to reload JS? I have CSS reloader and I love it.
@teresko, I seriously have no idea what you're talking about. Are you saying you can't detect middle mouse clicks in javascript?
I did, it works
If your work requires you to use IE with js disabled, then I suggest you grow up and move on, because your job is going to go nowhere fast when management has that attitude
@david .. this is a part where you publish a proof
technically you made the point originally, so the onus is on you to provide proof
@david you cant drop IE9 support.
thats ridiculious
@Raynos Can't I?
seems I just did
some very interesting perspectives in here
so ive got this pc
with pci slots
And theres a black slot in the back of the PC case where the pci bit is supposed to stick out
How do I remove that think
@Raynos missile launcher.
.. it depends , one would need to see the case to give you an answer
@david the difference merely is that I care about my users
@MattMcDonald i wouldn't call the dropping of 50%+ of userbase as "interesting" or even "perspective" ( something involving "shortsightedness" would seem more appropriate )
no, I enjoy reading both sides
they each have their merits
@Raynos I care about them too, which is why I go to such efforts to make them upgrade to a decent browser
Tbh browser support has nothing to do with writing semantic proper HTML
yeah , one side is employed
I dont support old browsers
I patch old browsers for them using modernizr
sorry i dropped out earlier; household duties to attend to. This discussion merits a blog post. you guys mind if i quote you?
@teresko don't generalize
not all developers need to support age-old browsers
To be fair, I don't have anything specifically against IE, if they can handle the technologies I decide to use, then great. But i'm not going to jump through hoops to make things backwards compatible
@MattMcDonald you really think that someone , who thinks that ignoring all of IE users is a proper way of making sites , is earing his bread in web development field ?
if you build HTML 5-centric stuff, you could care less about older browsers
which is where I think @david is coming from
and there are HTML 5 studios out there
context is key
I guess my view is a very purist view. I feel that as technology moves forward, people need to move forward with it.
@MattMcDonald exactly. If you have to support IE6 and no JS, semantic is going to mean semantic HTML4, and no HTML5. If you couldn't care less about older browsers, semantic means semantic HTML 5.
If you're constantly having to deal with problems that arise simply because someone, somewhere is afraid of change, then you're stifling creativity and growth
I understand that legacy systems often require the use of things like IE6
I apologize if I was projecting at all during that last exchange
but there is nothing stopping them from running IE6 in addition to a modern browser
@david except that a lot of users are stupid and don't even know there's any other way to browse the web except clicking the blue "e"
@Thomas and I refuse to aid and abet stupidity
To be perfectly honest, they probably won't even realise what they're missing
@david I hate to break this to you , but developers and admins pretty much only professions , where you have full access to your work environment. Everyone else uses what they have.
@david fair enough; I agree for many of my personal endeavors. But for stuff like a buisness application or a major website (like Apple, google, Microsoft) - you have to support stupid users.
@teresko, you are wrong.
@Thomas you don't have to support them by degrading your entire system. You can support them by providing them with training. Teaching them how to upgrade their system
really ? in which company you have seen secretary with admin-level permissions ?
dang i gotta go. thanks all - good opinions all around. oh, and @david good point.
You don't need admin level permissions to install chrome :S
catch you later @Thomas
I've been on those school computers where you can't install any programs
both windows and os x
@david to install anything , you need ability to launch the installation
Then they should talk to their teacher, it's the school's fault their technology is old, not mine
the difference of course, is you have to purposefully avoid the nagging alerts on os x in terms of upgrading safari
and safari really isn't that bad anyways
.. ignorance is a bliss
I can't take responsibility for the systems of everyone who wants to view my site.
well, I guess I could, but I'm not going to
@teresko you must be a very happy chappy then
@david I think there's purity on the other side too. The key is standards, but we're differing about what to consider "standard".
@Nathan My perspective is from the view of someone who wants to use a new technology, that isn't supported in older browsers.
It will never work in an older browser
I could get similar functionality by providing a downgraded version to the older browsers
Take something more superficial like webkit-drop-shadow. I think it's fine to use it, but it's also fine to let people without webkit miss out on the extra visual "functionality" icing.
But that would involve more work, and lead to a larger code base
That's what I'm saying, if it doesn't work then they miss out on the extras
I'm not going to go out of my way to implement a shadow library that mimics it using divs
If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work. I'm not going to make it work for them, when they could make it work themselves by using a newer browser
Right, and all I'm saying is that your form should degrade into a clumsier but still workable experience without javascript.
In most cases.
The main practical advantage for me is that I can use functional testing tools that don't run a full browser.
frankly, I wish more people would turn off JS and access the web from devices requiring accessibility
so it would be a justifiable expense
hello ppl
@Nathan I disagree, I don't think it's worth making it degrade. And you can run your unit tests in something like phantom
Hello @MechanisM
have a question. used long time ago code like: $('a[href$=.mp3]').each(function.. to convert all mp3 links to flash player. now in jquery 1.6 seems like it's wrong regex.
alternative: loop through document.links
how to use it?
var links = document.links, i = 0, link, exp = //;
    link = links[i];
        link.href = "foo"; //something
    link = null;
ohh ok
but wanted smth shorter like in my example. maybe someway to fix it?
though i really would recommend against links.length part within the loop construction
are you suggesting to cache it?
@david or Selenium... but whatever. laters.
no , im suggesting that that document.links is a collection of DOM elements , and length operation on it is expensive + it can change if you change the amount of links in the page ( the length is recalculated each time you access it , when dealing with element collections )
for example , you can create an endless loop
the problem with caching it is that you will have empty iterations
if you remove nodes
this is the same for modifying the array you're iterating through
element collection IS NOT an array
btw what is regex for mp3 links in jquery 1.6 then?
I didn't say it was
i was just clarifying
it's a NodeList/HTMLCollection
@teresko по-русски говоришь?
@MechanisM , no, my russian skills are read-only
@teresko ok. just wanted to say привет in russian.
well , greetings to you too
btw , as for your jquery select : it is actually a CSS3 selector , and in css it would look like a[href$=".mp3"] .. so maybe you should try to play around with it
or a[href~=".mp3"]
that might work too

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