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in this case you would need to use the new RegExp invocation
i dont know much regex, goes way over the head
var replaceString1 = new RegExp(lsResult + allowedChars, "g");
assuming the regex is correct
didn't look too hard at what the vars are containing
Should I use named function expressions? e.g. $(function init () { ... });
Of course not.
/[A-Za-z]/g is the same as new RegExp("[A-Za-z]", "g");
@rlemon I don't know if he has to deal with the whole regex as a string... but if he does, he could use this:RegExp.apply(this, /^\/(.*)\/([gim]{0,3})$/i.exec("/" + lsResult + allowedChars + "/g").slice(1));
@KendallFrey Was that for me? :-)
@rlemon -the change hasnt changed anything in the functionality m working on
according to me my issue lies in formatIncludes
it should have provided me --
@ŠimeVidas That would be my bot :)
@KendallFrey Huh? Your bot?
You were talking to your bot?
var r = "/" + "(\D)" + "/g";
console.log("1234 abcd".match(r));

console.log("1234 abcd".match(/(\D)/g));
[" ", "a", "b", "c", "d"]
see, that regex is not valid the way you are building it
@ŠimeVidas No, that was my bot.
can u pls refer me some good and easy tutorial on regex
there is none
regex isn't good or easy
!!/rot13 'banana hammock'
@Shmiddty Command rot13 does not exist.
@Varun I only saw the last message, but based on that, when you need to dynamically build a regexp, you need to escape the escapes: '\D' gives you D; '\\D' gives you '\D'
both are about the best you will get
@rlemon Liar
@KendallFrey Oh thats super. Let's just bots chat with our identities.
Nothing can go wrong.
I don't know if you recall all the other bots doing the same at one point?
@Shmiddty I don't see a rot13 converter being useful for the bot
probably just get annoying
@Zirak or he could just use new RegExp()
@rlemon That's the source of the problem? He wouldn't need a double-escape if he used a regexp literal.
but did you see how he's building the literal?
(lazy as fuck)
Q: How does HashMap determine where to put things?

dalawhHow does the add method in HashMap determine where a key goes in a HashMap? Like, if I was trying to put "S","T","A","C","K" into the HashMap of size 10, how does it determine where each letter goes?

he would need to double escape that as well
@Zirak What is that owl doing to the other owl? Did we just walk in on something naughty?
goood morning!
@Varun just be thankful you don't have to code in REBEL
any one here to help me?
@rlemon :)
@relmon thank you.
@SandeepPattanaik ask your question
I want to use bellow code for 3 times.
I'm being thanked? I better not get the question now
format or I bin it
1 message moved to Trash can
window.document.onkeydown = function (e) {
    if (!e) {
        e = event;
    if (e.keyCode == 27) {

function lightbox_open() {
    window.scrollTo(0, 0);
    document.getElementById('light').style.display = 'block';
    document.getElementById('fade').style.display = 'block';

function lightbox_close() {
    document.getElementById('light').style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById('fade').style.display = 'none';
i am using SO chat for the second time only
nope, I am using first time
the rules are not official but a good idea
the top will help with formatting and features
@rlemon wait i will give you the jsfiddle link
I have no idea by what you mean "use it 3 times"
Need to make the bot auto-trash unformatted code blobs and repost them with fixed font
why window.document in one place but document.getElementById in another without window.??
@rlemon wait, i will give u the link
@rlemon - can u pls help me out
on the fiddle i gave?
var light = document.getElementById('light'),
    dark = document.getElementById('fade');
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
    if (e.which === 27) {
}, false);

function lightbox_open() {
    window.scrollTo(0, 0);

function lightbox_toggle() {
    light.hidden = dark.hidden = !light.hidden;
@Varun nope, I gave you some good hints and Zirak as well.
too much code for me to identify and correct issues and I hate reading plugins
but mostly because I hate reading plugins
@rlemon bro, look at my fiddle
no issues
when you clicked the linked ffffffff, it open popup
and what is the issue?
thanks for the help any ways
@SandeepPattanaik works fine here
but all popup window contains same value
I gave different value to different popup, but it showing only first value @rlemon
because they all have the same ID
seriously dude?!
you have multiple elements with the same ID. how did you expect this to work
@SandeepPattanaik you are opening the same popup
every time
welcome to the wonderful world of javascript "programmers"
wait, nevermind
i changed the id in html
dude..... you need to open the correct ID
pass the id along
and your mix of inline and external JS makes me sick :( and will be a nightmare for you to maintain
pls help me bro
when you are clicking the link
how can I help you here aside from re-teaching you javascript :P
sorry if that sounds mean... but it's true
lolz @ david
@relmon pls
ok, i'll help but you will have to do work yourself
gud night guys @rlemon thanks for the help buddy
@relmon yeah
is that kittens person online?
i want to know if he had any more luck with his wabsockets
                      <a href="javascript:;" class="btn green button-submit">
                             Submit <i class="m-icon-swapright m-icon-white"></i>
                             </a>        i want to call form action after pressing this button ..how could i achieve this?
@rlemon proceed bro
Had luck-ish.
@david yarp, lurking.
Im getting left hand side expression on prefix operation on this:

navItems = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

for(var i =0; i < navItems.length;++1){}

Any ideas?
He did
@SomeKittens ^
I'm basically using long-polling
@Batman ++1 (unlike ++i) is invalid and nonsensical
v.v socket.io longpolling or your own?
Hey, @relmon!
@JanDvorak oh crap
@david Socket.io (Neither my server nor Heroku supports websockets proper)
Sorry, my internet is being crap, so my messages probably got delivered late and were out of context
i don't like socket.io... it seemed slow and overly complex and bloated when i tried it
my message got lost and no reply..:(
@david It works for me, which is enough. I like the way it falls back on other methods.
@relmon where are you bro
Yeah, @relmon! Why won't you reply to your pings?
@SomeKittens Yeah, @rlemon! Why won't you reply to your pings? (source)
also, i'm awesome
relmon sounds like a sort of monster i'd keep in my pocket
also, Amaan is smarter than I am bug him
Hahahaha, you're an ass
@david I call my pocket monster pedro
@rlemon that's way more information than i ever needed
@relmon pls fix my bug bro
@SandeepPattanaik no
now you're spamming
@rlemon how can i do spam. can u explain
@rlemon got it all updated with bootstrap, will push to Heroku when I get out of class (College blocks all ports other than 80 on wifi)
Code's up on GitHub
I have a small question
@simonTifo I don't believe that you do.
@simonTifo did you read the rules for this doom?
@SomeKittens Demo?
@simonTifo No you don't.
@ShotgunNinja Can't push to Heroku, ITS is blocking port on wifi. Will let you know when I get back to my room.
Another chatroom to fill with spam and cat gifs!
@ShotgunNinja It's more a learning experiment for me, instead of something useful. There's actually a surprising lack of good chat on node tutorials out there.
how do i run it @SomeKittens?
@david node app.js
should work
You'll need to install the dependencies
with npm install?
here we go
yah, they're all in package.json
SomeKittens chat: ram.zk.io:8888
nope it's broken
What's broken?
Yeah, still trying to figure out how to not hardcode that.
Off, back later.
@MikeBoutin if you want to mirror things, just position half of them relative to left and half of them relative to right... left:7%; is mirrored by right:7%;
okay it works now
custom function (probably not the best but it works)

function pourcentAtCenter(obj){
var objPos = obj.position();
percentLeft = ((objPos.left+obj.width()/2) / thisWidth) * 100;

if(percentLeft <= 50){
percent = percentLeft;
percent = 100 - (percentLeft);

return (percent/100)*2;
The cheapest, fastest, and most reliable components are those that aren’t there. [Gordon Bell]
@SandeepPattanaik asking the same Q over and over
repeating same or similar requests or information qualifies as spam
so is everyone using my GUI ? :P
or just @david
@SOChatBot never been so true
@rlemon gui?

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