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note to self: Never hire Nexxpresso
@Nexxpresso we have a smoking room :D
My boss yells at me for smoking
on each level
"God Rob you smell like an ash tray!"
Im in UK if you smoke even near a building some policemen will try to kill you
you can even solve sudoku there :D
glad they do not carry weapons
Just turned off the server we're preparing for our customer, I love the silence. :D
Smoking here is like raping little children in other countries ..
@rlemon that's a good boss. A bad one would simply avoid you without letting you know there is a problem.
@Nexxpresso Does that imply that raping little children in the UK is fine?
Don't know
@rlemon You should quit smoking and get a Spotify subscription.
@OctavianDamiean I'm sure it is. At least that's what was told about our nemesis in our countrysides.
@dystroy Don't think there is problem in that case
@Nexxpresso yea here you cannot smoke in public buildings or within like 6 meters of the entry ways
I wish Austria would be so advanced.
posted on April 03, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Hey geeks! I'll be at Skeptech in a few days if you want to hear me

@rlemon that's a good thing
I dont see how that is a good thing
i miss china people would smoke everywhere
I'm a non-smoker
It is a very good thing.
Non-smokers suffer from ignorant smokers.
like @Nexxpresso?
Smokers get shit from Arrogant self righteous non smokers.
Why am I ignorant I go outside to smoke
i'm not blowing it in anyones faces. I should be allowed to go outside and have my smoke
Holy shit I am a free man I can smoke outside if people have a problem with that they are ignorant
It's like I'd save up all my farts to go release them in your face but worse.
85% of the cost of cigarettes are taxes. governments (in Canada at least) don't actually want people to stop smoking
The problem is that the non-smokers still have to go through the smoke in front of the building
they make BILLIONS a year from it
@rlemon Well if you go outside that's completely fine.
I need to go to army soon, FML
From my experiences Non-Smokers are the ignorant arrogant assholes
@TemporaryNickName Which country?
South Korea
Smokers mostly try to go somewhere where they can smoke alone or with other smokers
Smoking is a bad habbit and I don't condone it or wish anyone to start, however at the same time I made my choice long ago. Let me live with it and piss off with the 'you should stop' crap or you'll get the hot end of my next smoke in your eye.
@TemporaryNickName Ouch.
Every south korean has to go to the army so it was expected
@OctavianDamiean could be worse, could be from NK
North Korea best Korea
@rlemon I doubt we would have heard about it here...
much power in military
Well, given the tension between SK and NK I think it's still shit.
North Koreans have to eat their own poo because they have no food left
Maybe those poor guys
isn't China siding with SK in all of this? or at least asserting that NK won't do shit or else they will step in?
North Korea best Korea!
@TemporaryNickName i thought they do it in general
China is next to NK
Who ever attacks nk first china has to defend
@rlemon true, they're starting to be fed up with NK now. Not really siding but asserting NK should stop his sh*t
They still have a defense contract
@Nexxpresso I think you have this wrong. China is (iirc) stating that no one will do shit to anyone (NK et al) or else they will step in
I think China is seriously going to help North Korea and start a big war between NK & China vs SK & US
@Nexxpresso Which China can simply decide to ignore
if NK attacks SK china steps in. if SK attacks NK china steps in.
if NK attacks US NK is fucked.
@TemporaryNickName not if they can avoid it. China has nothing to gain in such a war
@TemporaryNickName I don't think it'll become an open war but more of a (pseudo) covert war.
not sure if China wouldn't just screw up NK by themselves
i don't think they want to fuck up their relations to the US completely because of some tiny state that can't get their heads out of their asses
i can't see how they would profit by helping NK
Lets just call it what it really is, a 60 year old civil war between two of the most stubborn political leaderships in the world.
If this really happens, this is going to be the WW3!
no it won't.
NK attacks anyone at this point and everyone says fuck you NK you're toast.
i think so too
@david That's the terminology Express uses, I adopted it.
if china would really be on the side of nk, this could get troublesome though
Well, nobody can predict for sure what would happen. It can't be WWIII but a few nuclear weapons exploding wouldn't be pretty.
but i doubt it
@Nexxpresso why? they just developed their own. Give them another 6 months and they'll blow themselves up
@GNi33 I don't think China would take such a controversial stand. economically it would be crushing to them.
@Nexxpresso Are you really thinking bombing the country would be good ? There are people in there...
they would have to support NK as well as fund their own army
@TemporaryNickName You know what's the difference between the political systems from 1914, 1939 and now? Back then monarchs and politicians had a say, nowadays it's corporations.
They won't risk to fuck up their profit.
@rlemon exactly. i'd even go that far and say if NK would really start a war, China would take care of them themselves
exactly what i've been saying
if NK starts anytthing china will shut them down
would be a good thing
@Nexxpresso killing millions of people isn't a good thing.
^ not the nuke thing, what rlemon said
@Nexxpresso there are reasons nukes havn't been used since 1945
the world understands now that nukes are genocide
don't systematically wipe out a people.
@OctavianDamiean Yeah, pretty much
One advantage to a corporate oligarchy.
killing is not the answer here.
@SomeKittens Pretty much the only advantage though.
Fucking stupid north korean thinks eating own poo poo is humanly correct and give all their wages to Kim Jung Un to build stupid the stupid rocket that doesn;t even work
Death and war might happen, but shouldn't be the plan in place to correct their social and political downfalls.
They are literally brain washed and it's worse than zombie diseases
solution: My Little Pony Korea. if we turn the entire country into bronies there can be no war! (not unless those bastard CareBear jerks decide to ruin our fun)
@TemporaryNickName It's nothing new though, happened before. Stalin did the same thing (he was actually worse) killed ~30 Million people in his own country and created some kind of obscure personality cult around him.
fatass Kim jr 2nd say USA, SK and Japan are the evil people on earth before he goes to sleep but he uses Apple iMac in his office
Just discovered I have a project for a book due today. Haven't even read the book. Whoops.
Thankfully NR isn't as big as Russia otherwise we'd have a problem.
@Nexxpresso 320
I have a bat. Wanna try to invade my place?
I'll fuck you up
ohh wait... but I know you're thinking of invading my place... so I better bring my bat to you and fuck you up first.
Great war strategy is now being devised using SO ChatBot... Can't fail...
@Nexxpresso 384
@Nexxpresso Which is all fine and dandy but doesn't solve anything.
My bot makes it very simple.
Should I bomb North Korea?
I think so.
See? Simple.
TIL: Nexxpresso is setting himself up to be a war criminal, also a masochist.
@Nexxpresso 24000
@Nexxpresso So, you go bomb NR, then what?
Gangis Nexxpresso over here would take over the world!
@Nexxpresso Are you sure you don't have Austrian roots?
Australian straight and true.
@dystroy "Top foreign policy experts have released a statement claiming that they have licked Kim Jong-Un and that he tastes like rasin"
day all be criminals anyways
@Nexxpresso Great plan, because solving problems with violence has worked great for humanity throughout history.
Read about someone that had the same mindset a couple of years ago. Didn't work out so well.
Especially when you carpet bomb an entire country for a small collection of extremist. Killing the innocent is a specialty of the human race.
I've been telling him this entire time
genocide is never an answer
^the answer, just with NK instead of FL
but chatroom genocide is an answer!
can we kill Nexxpresso?
room owner vote?
@Nexxpresso That's gonna do the trick obviously. Why not ten-fold it?
Q: get jquery string from json string

bharat desaii had write below code but alert is object. i did not find value from string , how i can get value using parseJSON? give the solution. var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(t); alert("obj :" + obj.months);

!!/karma killNexxpresso
@rlemon killNexxpresso has 2 karma
if he hits 5 I kill him
@Nexxpresso Nexxpresso has 18 karma
!!do we kill Nexpresso?
@Zirak Yes, absolutely
oww shit bot has spoken
bot has spoken
fucking blizzard outside WTF?!
Who's that now?
it's goddamn april!
You getting the same patterns as us?
woohoo, it's "let's see how many crappy answers we can get" time again...
Q: Display array elements with delay

user2240469I have an array s=[John; Alex; Mark] , I wanna to show the elements of this array one by one by 3 second delay. for (var i=0; i<=3; i++) { SetTimeout(function(){x.innerHTML=s[i]},2000) } It seems very simple problem, but I can't figure out.

Good Morning!
!!Is there a non-violent way to stop lil kim=
@Nexxpresso Yes!
fuck you bot
!!Do you know how?
@OctavianDamiean Doubtfully
@Alnitak Wants 3 second delay.. calls SetTimeout with 2000...
!!is there a valid way to wipe SO users?
@GottZ No
Despite being a binary creature devoid of emotions, the bot is a humanitarian
@Alnitak Tell him that innerHTML is not a good way to set text
> It doesn’t make sense to have to switch to a different technology to build a widget.
Is it just me or is this sentence odd?
Hi @all
I have a date format in string like "YYYYMMDD"
How to convert this in to a date?
@OctavianDamiean I think it's one of those those sentences where words are repeated and you tend to ignore it.
@Mr_Green ^
I brain always stop working at date functions :(
@GottZ really can't understand that
@Alnitak Are you OK with my vote and comment on the question you linked to ?
@Mr_Green No separators?
if date.parse doesnt like it everything is lost
And you're sure the input will be a valid date?
@Mr_Green thats an arrow pointing to my last message..
@GottZ He doesn't need a library for that...
Technically, you don't need a library for anything.
now my condition is that I can't include any more libraries
why not? i love to load websites with 100 libs (jk)
@SomeKittens Only one. vanilla.js
@Zirak sup?
@OctavianDamiean No. Vapor.js.
I have a complete framework extjs. which is of 22mb
@FlorianMargaine In the end, they take the same amount of time to download
someone just called me from Montreal.
atleast anyone give any idea
@dievardump ???
@Mr_Green momentjs is 5.5 kb
@Neil Yeah. I'd challenge anyone to include a script to download it.
5.5kb for a date parsing lib is a bit much..
When are you ever going to need to parse that many different formats?
var parts = input.match(/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/);
//check for input validity here
var date = new Date(parts[1], parts[2] - 1, parts[3]);
a date parsing lib is actually very useful if you're going to work with dates
this is the kind of thing that's hard to get right, like parsing email with regex
i only got one for formatting dates
@FlorianMargaine If you're writing the server, you can control the formatting
Are we really going to argue about which zero line joke library is best?
@Zirak cool :)
@Neil Ofc. I mean when you parse user-entered dates
@FlorianMargaine Haven't heard from her yet. My charming allure must've scared her off.
@Zirak Oh my.
very simple, but I couln't have figure it out.
@FlorianMargaine don't get me started on that again...
@FlorianMargaine The only real application that I can think of is being able to offer internationalization in many different languages and consequently accept many different date inputs
@Neil would not matter if he already uses a 22mb lib
@Alnitak :D
@Zirak you forgot your string anchors
@GottZ Yeah, that's true
@Mr_Green The month is decremented as months are 0 based (despite everything else being 1 based)
@Alnitak A quick mockup. He should of course better suit it for his needs
ok thanks
dahell.. the chat accepted my changed name now! horray!
I never understood why months are 0 based
@dystroy yeah, comment is fine. FWIW I think the "recursive setTimeout" is a far better solution than a closure for this class of problem.
is there some paper on why?
@Alnitak the clear answer here is this:
var x = document.getElementById('x'),
    s = ['John', 'Mark', 'Alex'].reverse(),
    i = s.length;

(function loop() {
    while (x.hasChildNodes()) {
    i && (setTimeout(loop, 3000));
full of so much fun
lemon man you got a clue why months are 0 based?
This is an interesting question. However, it is way too vague to correctly answer it. AFAIK, StackOverflow is for specific problems with specific solutions; it is your job to do the research on the subject. — Florian Margaine 12 secs ago
because dates are stupid
@rlemon lol :)
I did have a good answer to this actually
figured out this already ..
@Nexxpresso probably because POSIX "mktime" did it that way. I don't know why, though.
!!> Array(16).join({} - {}) + " Batman!"
@OctavianDamiean "NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN Batman!"
@Nexxpresso That's why ^
@rlemon If you ensure the element is empty in the beginning, then you don't have to empty anything: Just replace the data of the text node
something along the lines of months are like an array of names, whereas days are the representation of the date within the month.
I got work to do...
Drupal + Solr...
@Zirak I never assume
or, I always assume.. I can't remember
@rlemon sounds logic
@rlemon When did I say "assume"? He's overriding the html in every iteration anyway
Q: Zero-based month numbering

Robert LSome popular programming languages use month numbering which is off by 1 -- JavaScript comes to mind, as does Java, and if memory serves, C is another. I have some questions: If you are going to be ignoring the month numbering used by laypeople, then why not for the sake of consistency also ign...

rlemon is the analogy based on the fact both have no father ?
@Zirak I don't like innerHTML
@rlemon ...that was to point out that he's emptying the element so the assumption is correct
Why not .textContent
@rlemon try to develop a dynamic website for the playstation portable
Welp, this has now become my favorite chatroom.
Calling it a day ... I'm almost sleeping already.
Night, @Oct
var x = document.getElementById('x'),
    s = ['John', 'Mark', 'Alex'];

(function loop() {
    s.length > 0 && (x.innerHTML = s.shift(), setTimeout(loop, 3000));
damn i'm good.
But destroying arrays is slow and mostly unwanted
That wasn't the point of it. I wanted to show that it was unnecessary to empty the element at every turn, when we just wanted to override the only existing text node.
@rlemon yeah, I often write that code with a shift but figured it would be above the OP's level
and of course it also modifies s
I answered, called out that your solution was better for a number of reasons. I feel mine takes enough different approaches to maybe be useful for other reasons
@rlemon have a +1
@OctavianDamiean via failblog - i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7165669888/hF9485D05
@GottZ that moment.js is cool BTW. Thanks.

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