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@AmberRoxanna how DARE you? This is all just arm-chair displeasure... don't take our pics!
@OctavianDamiean sorry...
hi guys im dangerous and wat is this?
I'm not entirely convinvced about that.. being not a fake.. , are you !? but, please stop the moralizer
thats almost as bad
@david Not you're dangerous but pretending you are sub-13 on a site which says you have to be over 13. ;)
haha, the guy that got banned like 5 times for being 12
@david people have had to prove their age (not just what their profile says but actually prove it) because they "joked" about being underage
it's all index'd and it's US law that you be 13+
I remember reading on meta some dude joked about it and then actually had to prove it
Anybody know of a really good ajax demo?
That's relatively new?
Zirak has a gist iirc
@lawm You're looking at it
hahah, my cat didn't like the picture. She hissed at the screen! :D
@RyanKinal Let me rephrase that: Anybody know of a really good easy to understand ajax demo?
whoa thanks guys
haha, no wait
are you talking about the jQuery ajax - function or pure XHR-calls?
@GNi33 Just... ajaxy.. stuff.. like post requests and responses
Communicating with php in real time
s/php/a server/
@rlemon LOL How did I miss that Gist? Awesome! :D
@rlemon Thank you for that gist of pure joy
@lawm it's a funny gist but gets to the main points
covers a lot to get you going
@GNi33 does it have a demo?
I want a demo and then I can see how it works after
@GNi33 You watching Cop Stories?
but it's oooooold
@OctavianDamiean nope
@GNi33 is 2002 an acceptable date for this kind of thing guys?
It's really not that bad!
@lawm unless you want xhr2 then it's all the same
just ignore the ActiveX stuff
wonders why no one thought about linking him to MDN for that
ha ha ha
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url, false);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
  if( xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200 ) {
xhr.send(/* data */);
^ example here boss
poop mdn is too complicated.. brb going to w3schools..
@OctavianDamiean ;)
@lawm never
@lawm I'll find you and break your legs!
lolz just jking
Stay here!
but I did go there a few weeks ago
and I didn't find anything
@lawm wtf? this is actually an easily understandable walk-through on XHR
@GNi33 You have 1.2k karma.. I have like 12
someone flagged that?
w3schools is awesome @rlemon is from there
i.... i... i nearly have... 1.4..... ;_;
(just writing in case anyone is interested)
pinned that message in the trash can like it deserves as a great example of trash :P
@Loktar which one
your image you posted earlier
the jail bait one
they're flagging that chicks profile pics then
Lawm good point
@AmberRoxanna if you get me banned I will never forgive you.
@GNi33 sorry wrong numbers bro
@lawm i still don't get what difference that makes
SO rep === skill
that's how XHR is like, and the guide is pretty good
@BenjaminGruenbaum mm hmm
should be completely understandable for a beginner
rlemon listen to lawm
and, I'm the biggest noob in here, dammit! remember that
no one shall take my place
@GNi33 sorry I think you just met a bigger one
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm trying but he's not making any damn sense!
@BenjaminGruenbaum Orly?
brb looking at the source code on jibbering.com/2002/1/asyncget.html
@rlemon bluh blah w3schools bluh blah blah?
ah, time to go home
Best way to get better at javascript is to be the fastest gun in the west
@lawm don't look there
var xmlhttp,alerted
/*@cc_on @*/
/*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5)
// JScript gives us Conditional compilation, we can cope with old IE versions.
  try {
  xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
 } catch (e) {
  try {
    xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
  } catch (E) {
   alert("You must have Microsofts XML parsers available")
 alert("You must have JScript version 5 or above.")
@end @*/
if (!xmlhttp && !alerted) {
 // Non ECMAScript Ed. 3 will error here (IE<5 ok), nothing I can
that CMS won't finish the rendering-process for hours anyhow
makes me sick.
yeah, it's really old code, tries to support ancient stuff
Why do we have that much trolls these days?
@GNi33 I dunno why people give a f*ck about IE5 anymore
Lawn is obviously a big one
they don't
Not really good, but a big one
w3schools is by the w3c, they know what they're saying
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah totally
Benjamin is in troll-mode
alright, heading home, later guys
@GNi33 Isn't he almost 95% of the time?
I'm in pissed off mode, had this conversation irl about an hour ago
but ben, you haz rep - you be impressionable for noobies. even jokes have dangerous repercussions
"pissed of so I troll" mode
... w3schools is not by the w3c
2 'experts' were telling me how awesome w3schools is
"Yea well this guru on SO said w3schools was by the w3c and is 100% accurate"
@RyanKinal thanks for that clarifimication
^ you're just adding to the problem now
@BenjaminGruenbaum Mouhahaha
oh this again :P
I think any dev worth anything will move on from w3schools naturally
in swoops Loktar with a conflicting opinion! (nvm)
W3Schools is a web developer information website, with tutorials and references relating to web development topics such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL. The site derives its name from the abbreviation for the World Wide Web; W3 is a numeronym of WWW. W3Schools is not affiliated with the W3C. It is created and owned by Refsnes Data, a Norwegian family-owned software development and consulting company. Criticism [http://W3Fools.com/ W3Fools], a site launched in 2011, has criticised W3Schools, claiming the site contains inaccurate information that would mislead beginners and harm...
but tbh I don't have a problem with w3schools.
Lotkar runs w3schools, ask him anythins @lawm
@rlemon lol
> W3Schools is not affiliated with the W3C
Says you :-(
Sorry, there was blatant misinformation being passed around.
@BenjaminGruenbaum OK. @Loktar what's your favorite color?
you guys got your pedantic hats on?
Benjamin is not really a person he is a horse who can type. I wouldn't listen to him
I read an awesome xml tutorial there, and classic asp
w3fools.com is as bad as w3schools
they don't even keep their shit updated
most of the things pointed out by w3fools w3schools has fixed.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I learned about CSS alignment... it didn't work after a while.
@Loktar In what way?
Pigs or it didn't happen
dat moment when you realize you just deleted your putty
It would be like me bitching about people using playdough and claiming to be sculpters
wtf do I care?
@Loktar I might care if I were being payed to sculpt and these guys were stealing my business
I'm not weighing in on whether w3schools is good or not. I, personally, prefer MDN. But it is simply a fact that they are not affiliated with the w3c.
@rlemon be a better business man then.
Lotkar stop trollin
@Loktar it's easier to just discredit them
I'm already half on my way
if someone uses w3schools and makes more money than you, than you suck as a businessman.
@lawm Congratuations! \o/
@BenjaminGruenbaum Im not trolling we've had this discussion before
I don't use w3schools, but its pointless to just repeat "omg w3fools lawls, w3schools is teh suck!"
@RyanKinal Got code from here: jibbering.com/2002/1/asyncget.html , used my own custom txt file, and then yeah.
@Loktar you are trolling. why? I'm a troll master level 12 and before you joined the convo I cast a spell of troll lust on you. It was last the next 14 turns or until you can find the cloak of sensibility.
@lawm That code is a little gross. Just, you know, fyi.
@rlemon real trolls don't admit they're trolls. It's like ninjas never say they're ninjas
@RyanKinal eeewwwww.....
so if you disagree with an opinion you're trolling :P gotcha
Well doi it's from 2006
@lawm Just making sure you were aware
Feeling the need to take a responsible proactive approach to ensure the industry you work in is progressing for the better (Which does include foreboding bad teaching aids) is not pointless. It is the responsibility of every professional who cares about the industry he/she works in. (my 2 cents)
seriously though, there are tons of talentless shits making tons of money because they have better social/business sense than a good developers sense.
@Loktar YEP
@rlemon w3schools is not evil. Thats my point.
There's this as well now: wctutorials.com
@RyanKinal But can I still use it? I mean, I'm not going to be changing anything except the go() function
lol where is that from @phenomnomnominal 1998?
@phenomnomnominal No that's just some nooby wannabe w3schools shit
@lawm You can... but there are better ways to do it.
Yeah but the point still remains. Let's make a site with wc in it so people think it's legit
.. if I go to hondaforums.com I dont think its legit
@phenomnomnominal true
people are just dumb.
Back, bus sorry
I also wouldnt think learnphotoshop.com is directly from Adobe..
so its a pretty invalid point.
no but they are a bad teaching aid (because they are not 100% accurate and as a noob I don't know which to trust and which to not) and tbh their entire accreditation just seems scamish to me. They still don't call out that they are not affiliated with w3c in any way so again, they are in a sense "tricking" people into thinking they are something they are not. I like MDN because it's information is accurate. I dislike w3schools mostly because it becomes a guessing game to the novice programmer
@phenomnomnominal If someone is that stupid, do you really think it will mattter if they recieve reliable information? haha
@Loktar this was a reply to your last ping to me :P
Every day w3schools exists they make JavaScript just a little bit worse
hi everyone!
teaching bad practices, encouraging stupid shit
@BenjaminGruenbaum true...
@rlemon they are accurate enough... most of w3fools complaints is that they arent a level 300 course.
As a JavaScript enthusiast, that bugs me
when thats not the point of the site.
Its a quick reference for people who don't really care.
well w3fools is another issue.
A bad reference
encouraging bad practice
dont blind us with your logic! :P
Sorry I brought this whole w3schools thing up guys
Making the JavaScript developer public just a little bit dumber
@BenjaminGruenbaum and thats my next point, if you are a good dev you will move on from there.
I mean seriously what good js dev uses w3schools solely?
@Loktar Is it not our responsibility as a community to help people avoid it in the first place?
@Loktar Mee?
and what shit dev cares to go beyond it?
for people who are learning the language for the first time, taking one of their courses or otherwise they cannot be used period. even if only 10% of their information is wrong or bad I don't know what that 10% is because I'm trusting them to be accurate teaching aid.
@Loktar Also, I don't care if developers who use w3schools make more money than me, that's an invalid point.
people are honestly just butthurt that it ranks so high in results.
It's not about a better businessman, it's about being a better programmer
for a quick ref for you or I, sure - they are there and you can smell the BS
codeschool is really nice
@Loktar Yes, they actively make JavaScript general practices worse, and yes that does bother me
may i ask a question?
@AmberRoxanna codecademy.com
@deep don't ask to ask just ask
@deep How to craft a pickaxe?
@BenjaminGruenbaum well you better start trolling all of the random ass blogs out there too that people may find in a result
we don't hate w3schools because of jealousy. We hate them because they're bad.
^ that
@Loktar When I see a bad blog post, or a bad question on SO I do respond
@rlemon wish there was a program that takes you from beginner to job ready
I hate mdn out of jealousy
most of the stuff on w3schools has been fixed.
I care about actively progressing JavaScript development
@RyanKinal thanks
Look at w3fools. They keep a lot of it up there, yet cross it out
@rlemon Thats how I see it. If I google something stupid I forgot, and something like MDN doesn't pop up, I'll settle for w3schools over some stupid forum post from the 90's.
@AmberRoxanna what industry? web dev? web design? dba?
k, sigh @lawm basically, i asked a load of uestions like a month ago, now am questionbanned, but do you mind lloking ot this : deepschool.jaberwokkee.kodingen.com/~/proxytest.htm
@Loktar They should make it clear that they're not associated with w3c, they're 'certifying' developers
@rlemon web dev
@lawm It's untested. But should work, I think.
who even knows how many people run it, but the fact they actively tried to fix it says something
@BenjaminGruenbaum why?
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/blackandblue.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="switch.js">
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/blackandblue.css"title="default" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/alternate colors.css"title="plus" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/theme3.css"title="gothic" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/theme4.css"title="metal" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/theme5.css"title="peacock" />
if i make adobeissofuckingcool.com I dont have to say Im not associated with them.
thats the code for it
@AmberRoxanna in what regards. ASP.NET? front end design? back end development? content developer?
or photoshoptutorials.com
"make the next facebook"
@rlemon front and back end
@deep wtf is that
@Loktar Make photoshop.com
you think most new devs know wtf W3 even is?
@AmberRoxanna and .NET or other?
@Loktar they pretend to represent the standard
> Oh shit is this really THE w3! I am just learning javascript I need to stay within the spec!!
how do they pretend lol? By putting w3 in the name?
It was good marketing on their part
@deep I had the immediate instinct to close the window in fear that there was a virus about to download
@Loktar well... you're mocking.. but this is my mindset on learning anything - proper or bust.
probably why they rank so high
first implementation is always atrocious .
@rlemon i'm talking about backbone, node and jquery
Hey is deep a troll?
i am working on a sort of browser, try it now, put in a url, hit go and it will go there, but i want it to go back and foward, and eventually act as a proxy, if you look at the back() funcktion, a second @lawm,
If it were called webschools.com and ranked just as high people would still hate it
@BenjaminGruenbaum actually, I think W3C pretends to represent the standard....
@AmberRoxanna well there we go! so you just want to learn Javascript. you're library buzz soup is not needed. if you learn the language it will all make sense
And, No, lawm
@BenjaminGruenbaum whats the difference between that and Comptia certs?
But i can be :P
Besides comptia is taken seriously
@rlemon yes
@lawm "Vampire"
@deep pushState?
pushwhat now?
@Loktar I don't know what Comptia certs are
whats pushState?
@AmberRoxanna got parents who will order you stuff online?
A+, network+, security+, ect.
@rlemon yes
@deep I'm just wondering what a browser is doing on the internet.
good book though
@rlemon thanks i'll take a note of it
@rlemon I'm quite sure you're still feeding a troll.
@AmaanCheval eh. nothing else to do
If not, @AmberRoxanna, where you from? :P
The point is, w3schools are actively making the people using the language I love just a little bit dumber every day. They're causing the language to stagnate by perpetuating malpractice.
got sick of bugging Loktar
its because of a vow " unblock facebook in school and il get you the fittest girl i know"
i couldnt resist
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol whatever
I read the definitive guide 6th ed before the good parts.... :( I thought I was doing myself a favour
Im sure you go home and cry each night :roll:
so fucking dramatic
Not dramatic one bity
lol its not that bad you talk about them like they are killing puppies each day
sorry :P
I wonder if someone could develop a bookmarklet that blocks SO chat messages that match a regex?
!!/google javascript pushstate
like a puppy is sacrificed to the shitty js god
@RyanKinal perfect, you're here! You probably saw my ping...I rewrote my script using your pattern after all.
> Everytime you use a w3schools code snippet a puppy is slain!
@rlemon i never thought of that :O
@lawm is that a regex?
@m59 I saw that!
I ended up with something like this at one part (simpler example)
var object1 = {
    nest : {
        one : function() { console.log('one'); },
        two : function() { console.log('two'); }

var object2 = Object.create(object1);

object2.nest = Object.create(object1.nest); //this seems silly
object2.nest.one = function() { alert('one'); };
object2.nest.two = function() { alert('changed'); };

var test = Object.create(object2); //object1 will console log, object2 will alert
@JanDvorak ha ha ha someone recognized what it was!
Seems odd.
lol seriously though, look at w3fools and then look at the fixes, its honestly not that bad now. I still wouldn't use it because MDN kicks so much ass.
@AmberRoxanna it's a really good book! I just finished it
does pushstate have ()?
@JanDvorak It probably summons some greek god or something.
Okay, I don't know wtf is going on, but the chat is super laggy for me right now
@AmberRoxanna also if you want something to start on now. chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/conversation/… start with the second then third video (they are my favs)
@RyanKinal someone is using w3schools snippets probably
but the links and the vids here were carefully picked to teach you some of the better things about the language
it slows the internet down now, its that bad
@deep Why do you use kodingen? Isn't there koding now?
Shouldn't have opened @deep's page
@RyanKinal ya totally
@Loktar you know sword fights never end well. You think it's fun and games but in reality it's just two dudes slapping dicks.
out of spite I think Im going to get w3schools certified
@RyanKinal why? @lawm, my friend hosts it
any thoughts on that code, @RyanKinal ?
Ill be the w3schools master.
@deep Uh huh. Does your friend like w3schools... a lot?
window.history.back(); can that appliy to iframe if i .get them?
@rlemon lol
@m59 Looks reasonable
yeah idk @BenjaminGruenbaum so he may think Im really mad idk
@Loktar lol so you'll be a "troll master" - well fuck you I already claimed that roll!
@lawm, yes, thats why he is close to inferitle.
Who the fuck pinned wctutorials.com!
w3schools certificates actually have negative effect on reputation. It's a confession, not pride.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Im not angry or anything noticed you stopped talking, anyway I like arguing these things tis fun.
Restarting Chrome... because lag
@deep What I found in my nooby days making a browser is that everything that happens in the iframe goes in the browser history.
@phenomnomnominal what you talkin bout boss?
@JanDvorak lol yeah I mean admitting you've gone is embarasing (not being sarcastic)
did we scare away the girls?
@lawm that sad little gasp of joy :P
@rlemon Stop messing with my mind!
Work time!
@Loktar I'm not angry, my dog was making the face he makes when he's about to poop in the house
So I had to take him out
ah ok :P
@RyanKinal I think it is w3schools' falt.. for existing for arguments causing the chat messages to happen every .0001th of a second
I am not angry: I'm going for a smoke, Not that anyone would think I was angry. I just like to share because it makes me feel included.
>> long long time_ago
@rlemon Im so pissed at you
@BenjaminGruenbaum if you put that in one messages I would have starred it.
not really.
@RyanKinal It seems more natural for it to take care of the nested thing when I inherited to begin with...to me. I nested it to begin with because it made a nice container for complex sets of functions. I'd like to keep doing that without having a ridiculous amount of objects to keep inheriting from to change one property..
@deep soo...
@lawm same
@lawm Oh wow, sure thing! lemme write it again in one message so you can star it
honestly w3schools should make themselves a wiki
I wonder how many people actually maintain the site
@Loktar They should have years ago
Ive heard it was one dude
@Loktar John Resig :P
honestly w3schools should make themselves non-existent
haha that would be funny
@deep Did you copy thems codes from w3schools?
that would be pretty damn crazy actually if it were him
That's break so many links
@JanDvorak that regex would be handy right now..
he works for Kahn Academy which is pretty damn awesome
@lawm no
@Loktar no shit really?
heh one funny thing is, the new dev who works here is a w3schools "partner"
he brags about it
@deep how'd you get it?
it makes me cringe.
@Loktar encourage him
**obtain it?
That's one of the funnest things to do
the code? i WROTE it.
Every time he mentions w3schools tout his horn
lol I cant man
thats my point too... crappy devs will never move on
multiline comments """?
and I dont think they care to
@deep OK calling the trolling police right about now.
crappy devs are the people who are writing most of the web
I know :?
and making most of the money
I wonder how much w3schools makes
// multi
// line
/* comment */
@BenjaminGruenbaum One php.net beta page at a time.
@OctavianDamiean When you polarize a subject
@Loktar Making more money != better dev
css-tricks.com/styling-texty-inputs-only <- chris coyer mentioned DBZ!
Although generally good developers make more money
""" is which language???
@Loktar I wasted all my money buying every certification they offered, 10 times.
@deep python probably
@deep I dunno english?
""" comment after start of function or class """
| this is a comment |
It's also generally a multi-line python comment
@Zirak lol
they are pricey.. $95
@JanDvorak I wonder if it actually works s one
didn't they used to be free?
pfft, as if anything that's free is good
You would take them, and snail mail the results, and theyd send a cert
@Loktar If they were charging people for ubuntu downloads, would that not piss you off?
@lawm it does
@JanDvorak Whoa that actually works!
Obviously the pricier something is the better
wow you guys type way too much
@BenjaminGruenbaum YES
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah because thats against the licensing terms :P
@lawm sure it does; didn't test in IE, though. You might need to keep a space after the backslash.
but I dont get pissed off when people sell books about JS I can find in random blogs
@JanDvorak ok. Officially. Using. That. Now. (if I ever make a code comment in my life)
@Loktar :single-tear: yousonofa
how do you do enters?
@Loktar But they're completely wrong. What if I made a site telling you RedHat linux 7 is the best linux, make you believe I'm the offical "Linux" authority, and sell you CDs for 95$
WTF is http://\/\/\/?
Why don't owners have to power to kickban...
 // this is a comment //
Thats where you're mistaken though.. they arent claiming to be the authority, they just aren't denying it
@Loktar but but but "they are not that bad"
@JanDvorak ha ha ha ha
lemme try one.
@lawm http:// may start a comment
@JanDvorak cheer
@Loktar They're "certifying" people officially
dats a comment :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah they are making them w3schools certified... I could make a zombiegames cert
hang on..
@Jan-StefanJanetzky They are not funny at all. Who would play with those people?
idk man, I went through w3fools list of things
and like I said they have fixed almost all of it
@deep Please format your code! (Control+K)
1 message moved to Trash can
Im not saying they are being 100% ethical.
I thought i did!
They should have a disclaimer
@dievardump hm?
The rulz, they su**kkkk
@BenjaminGruenbaum Maybe he did, and it was just poorly indented to begin with?
@deep You need to hit the fixed font button that appears when you type a multiline comment

var history = new Array();
history[0] = "www.kefw.org"

var c = source.value;
var frame = document.getElementById("browser");
var myFunction = function()

var hist = history.toString()

var back = function()
//var num = history.length(-1);
//var goto = history[num-1].toString()


returns an error "cannot call method back of undefined" WTF?
any (world)map nerds awake?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.+'|=|`+. .+'|=|`+. .+'|=|`+.=|`+. .+'|=|`+.=|`+. .+'|=|`+. .+'|=|`+. .+'|=|`+.=|`+.
| | `+.| | | | | | | `+ | `+ | | | `+ | `+ | | | `+.| | | `+ | |.+' | | `+.|
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |=|`. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `.| | | | | | |
| | . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | . | | | | | |
| | .+'| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | .+'| | | | | | |
@skripted its only 7
Yep. Just poortly indended to begin with.
:( I give up
whoops that didn't turn out right
@lawm CTRL+K
what is a (world)map?
@Zirak What were you trying?
@JanDvorak But I DID THAT!
@JanDvorak That is ctrl-k'd
lol now I am really thinking about taking these certs
Horrifying, no?
Just in case anyone has a recommendation about this structure...I'll post again. I'd really, really appreciate it.. jsfiddle.net/daRDY
the html5 one
zirak was trying to save us from the wall i think
@RyanKinal yeah, it's just not small enough
@Zirak What about making the bot room owner, then adding a better api for the bot to move messages to trash can
that would be a troll ass resume
@Loktar this is my beef with their certs. They doll them up to be all legit and "helpful in your career" however in my experience (like you mentioned) any experienced dev knows it's shit and knows someone suckered into it is likely shit
fuck I'm giving up on reading the old messages. they never happened. there done.
@lawm Nah, it's just not indented. At all.
@rlemon yeah I agree with that. I guess I just don't hate them for it, I envy them
@rlemon They are preying on the weak.
I wish I was making that type of $$ :P
 ____  ____  _      _      _____ _      _____
/   _\/  _ \/ \__/|/ \__/|/  __// \  /|/__ __\
|  /  | / \|| |\/||| |\/|||  \  | |\ ||  / \
|  \__| \_/|| |  ||| |  |||  /_ | | \||  | |
\____/\____/\_/  \|\_/  \|\____\\_/  \|  \_/
@dievardump so what? they worked :D // besides, i've made the rules you saw there.
@Loktar You envy them for being douch-bags?
I envy their business savvy-ness
someone accidently starred my message :D
@Loktar I'd rather not be reach and keep my integrity
@Loktar I wish I was making that kinda money - but I also wish I was making the same money as bank robbers. I wouldn't do something unethical to get it, and I will outwardly hate anyone or any business that does.
its not like they are stealing money from old ladies
and then unstarred it :(
they are offering certs, which cause people to study
Preying on the uninformed or weak is still unethical.
and learn as a by product
@lawm i starred it and was bloked!!
there are hundreds of certs out there.
@deep oh.
ok bye guys!
@Loktar and I hate them all! <- does this mutual hate for all now please you.
I'm being fair.
MDN or bust.
@rlemon yes. Because I agree
@Loktar They're douchbags, they're not doing anything illegal, but if I can help it - I'd rather they'd not make more money.
almost all certs are shit
3/4 years of dedicated school cannot compare to a single exam cert.

with that said, school is somewhat overrated as well.
@deep Paste that code one more time, I dare you, I double dare you
too late
being 10k on SO seems like a good certificate :-)
@rlemon Agreed.
lol christ, were trying to talk
can you do spoiler text in this chat?
i have to go soon i just wanna sort it out soory guys :(
and this big block of code keeps popping up
@deep Post it as a question in SO
make a fiddle then sheesh.
Imm blocked :(
@rlemon I know that is lame actually
@deep Use any number of paste services. Like JSBin. Or JSFiddle. Or gist. Or ubuntu paste. Or pastie.
I could go on.
and the fact that there are whole businesses around it
@deep there is a wonderfull feature within this chat wich blocks chat users permanently to me :D
guys this is important... can you do spoiler markup in chat?
@Loktar Just because they're business savvy doesn't mean I should like them
@deep for flooding, i guess?
like boot camps for certs, etc
@Jan-StefanJanetzky Probably boring to play with you.
Just because they're making money it doesn't mean they're good people, or contribute to the development of the web
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, thats fine to dislike them. I guess overall I don't really care all too much to dislike them. I don't see them as being that bad.
In the past I've used results from google
> If you are going to post code, please learn how to properly format it. The chat formatting is pretty simple and a quick visit to our FAQ should clear some things up for you. Be Warned! Unformatted code will likely be binned.
@deep ^ from the rules
that server was always at around 5 - 10 players and famous back in that time. (player limit was 16)
and it had around 100k unique visitors

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