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media-queries are deprecated since 1998
@GNi33 which I guess in turn uses some JS functions
@Zirak Nope, just an asshole.
haha, I love the SG1 S10 episode where at the end of said episode, Teal'c goes to watch a show and then they talk about vaginas all the time and he goes all double-facepalm :D
Also, he's a really useful guy with C# :P I think I even voted for him
@XCritics haha, no, i'm just talking crap right now ;)
Good I almost flipped the shit out
i enjoy working with the bootstrap or zurb - grid-system too, really good use of media-queries
Sick chin-stache
So... is it just [javascript] that is a cesspool of awful, lazy questions, or does this happen elsewhere as well?
yeah, that doesn't really work on my pic
@Zirak look above. moustache is broken :O
@Shmiddty yeah, it's sad. but the jquery-tag takes the crown
i guess you have the same thing on the php-tag
@GNi33 That's a bauce goatee you've got there.
no mustache D:
@GNi33 That would make sense, wouldn't it?
hey, the js - room is posting a picture of a really handsome guy, cool
I so want to grow this moustache i.sstatic.net/giDuR.jpg?g&s=512
@GNi33 Yea, and that guy is eating pink ice-cream!
@Shmiddty the amount of plain stupid and "give me teh codez, i not try anything, copy pasted something" - questions is just exhausting
@OctavianDamiean yeah, like a bauce!
Look at the Game Library table to the right.
Is Javascript the Definitive Guide, the same thing as Javascript the Definitive Guide: Activate your webpages?
The top game. :D
@OctavianDamiean hahaha, wtf? :D
cya everyone!
@GNi33 Bound TeamSpeak to Hello Kitty Cutie World. :P
@GNi33 And you know it's bad when someone posts the answer and the OP still doesn't get it.
@XCritics yeah, it is, maybe it's a specific edition...
@GNi33 I hope I bought the right one, cause I bought the 'Activate your webpages' cause the other one isn't available in my country on Amazon x.x
@david Invalid command /activate!
hm... i can't be sure, but it looks like the 6th edition
I just want them for when I'm at work doing shit all
yuno javascript ninja?
i haven't read any javascript books
me neither
@david The Good Parts is worth a read though
but if I were going to, I'd get the one about how javascript is for badass ninjas
i don't know if it is anymore :S
shhhh don't ruin it for me
i'm reading a book on node right now
@XCritics that book is good
^ is good too
and maybe one about js patterns and Maintainable JavaScript by ncz after that
I'm liking Angular, and how lazy it lets me be
i have a secret javascript code that helps me make maintainable javascript
i put it at the top of any wabsite while i'm working on it
undefined = true;?
I like wabsites, they're like websites only cooler.
Function.prototype.call = undefined
You know what's great about selling out to the man and working on intranet sites? I only have to test against one browser. Downside: the browser is IE
^ I develop some intranet, I only test against chrome XD
We're moving to chrome, supposedly. So that'll go through in a couple years.
let some guy hack your intranet and blame the sucky browser -> immediate switch
How could anyone hack your intranet -_- ?
backdoor the gibson, obviously
gotta check those trash files man
Close to 14 hours now ...
@BenjaminGruenbaum depends on the intranet, but people were able to do much crazier things than getting into an intranet already
@OctavianDamiean at work?
pal, call it a day
@OctavianDamiean Just leave, they'll never notice
Can't, have to finish this page.
anyone know what this means? Syntax error, unrecognized expression: input[@type="text"], textarea im using a plugin
@OctavianDamiean I'll be at this point in April for sure :(
To be fair, I fell asleep for 20 minutes ...
@Connor Looks like a CSS selector, we'd need more context to help you.
huge project with a really unrealistic time-schedule coming up, I'll be head-dev for the frontend... that will be fun....
@GNi33 Sounds just like my position.
@Shmiddty this is it i think - $('input[@type="text"], textarea').keyup(update).mousedown(update).mousemove(update).mouseup(update);
@OctavianDamiean stuff like that is challenging and actually fun, but with a tight time-schedule like that, it gets exhausting and frustrating too quickly
It does.
Especially if the designer was a moron.
I...... I was the designer
@Connor I don't believe the @ should be there.
@XCritics You moron.
well, we have a really talented and good design-team, so I guess I'm good on that part
took some time to show them certain things that just aren't possible or practicable, but now that works great
@Shmiddty if i remove it i get tons of errors, i have been trying for days when i click a button i want to wrap <code></code> around the text selection but it seems impossible
What you mean you guys don't design/develop the front end as well as the backend?
@GNi33 Lucky you. Those guys though I'd be able to finish an entire PSD per day.
anyone help please
It is not a simple website though, it is an internal management and statistics interface with tons of charts, tables boxes, shitty designs.
Nothing is consistent.
just use libraries
I'll use Bootstrap (at least the grid and some of the UI-ideas) and the smacss-approach for this one, i learned a lot in some past projects
@Shmiddty I'll use D3.js for the charts.
@OctavianDamiean ah, that sucks, if you can't really reuse stuff
The problem is that each box is unique and needs to be created from scratch ...
@GNi33 Exactly.
does anyone here play path of exile?
i'm so addicted ><
I was a melee wizard with firestorm for the first 15 levels
ran my first maps last night :o
never heard of it
i went summoner... everyone hates me :(
Templar with all magic and tank lol no melee
what spells xcritic?
my 'alt' is a shadow that i want to turn into an energy shield tank with all cold damage
Fireball, Firestorm, and a lot of defensive aoe
dammit, i wanted to get to 1.4k today, but now i'm too lazy. Back to node
@OctavianDamiean and you, go home! :D
It's funny how the error rate sky-rockets past 12 hours.
I'm at home.
oh, do you always work from home?
No, every now and then.
This week I'll work from home.
how's that like compared to the office?
In what way?
I worked from home for about a year. Really easy to get distracted
Yea, that's true.
And I was horrible at tracking my hours.
is your work-routine different? motivation and all?
yeah i did it for about half a year. it's easy to get distracted but i kinda feel more motivated at home
it's also nice because you can set up your working environment however you like
i'd love to work from home... just so I could be at home, i'm 2 hours away from my hometown during the week, but I actually am very bound to it
It really depends. You can get distracted quite easily.
my team also had daily standups which helped a lot
heh. I worked on the couch with my laptop hooked up to my projector. 110 inches of visual studio
110inches... at 1080p? :P
Get a 5K projector, then I'm interested
I'm practicing for a possible job I'd like to apply for some time in the future. ;)
yeah just let me sell a kidney real quick
@OctavianDamiean being?
i'm waiting for LED projectors to get nice and bright before i buy one
Can someone help me please, im trying to wrap <code> tags around the selection in a textarea on click of a button, ive been trying for 2 days with absolutely no luck
yeah, mine has a slight problem with burn-in if I'm using it as a monitor for too long
@GNi33 A job at Canonical.
That's what I'm aiming for.
hehe, I could've sworn it would be something related to Ubuntu :)
Oh it is. :D
Canonical is the company behind Ubuntu. :D
yeah, i guess my sentence came out wrong
once you're working there can you make that sidebar thing not suck?
canonical was actually my first guess :)
Let's all go for a fieldtrip to Googleplex, @Zirak can be our chaperon
anyone please?
@XCritics I could have gone for a position at Google last year. I declined.
@OctavianDamiean you should have pee'd down their slide, and then declined.
We have a slide at my work
You mean I should have pulled off a Lemon?
@phenomnomnominal @OctavianDamiean you should have poo'd down their slide, and then declined. (source)
@phenomnomnominal apparently a wishing tree that you can climb too
Oh my god, this feels so dramatic. Last episode of SG1, I'm though again.
I want a new Mythbusters episode, hasn't been one in forever
Maybe they blew themselves up?
That might very well be haha
Or another Day9's Day Off, those are also fun to watch
Cannot wait for the next Spartacus
Blargh, no ...
Quietly hoping they go 'fuck history' and make the ending fictionalised
Spartacus is good, only watched the first season, that's the one where the guy has cancer right?
The actor did yep, he died
Is the new actor any good?
Havn't seen rLemon around for ages Lol
@XCritics (Not @MuhammadRaja) He's very good
when did I said that Lol
@phenomnomnominal so rLemon isn't very good :|
@MuhammadRaja He's in here every day ...
@darkyen... me larvely xx
hey is anyone in here up on Ebay SEO.... need help with summat lol
@OctavianDamiean he wasnt here few days back
Yayyyy Kirsty;s here :D !
i am lol!
@KirstyHarris i was making sexy things
ooosh... @Darkyen that is rather sexy
god this guys SEO on Ebay is naff.. i inserted extra meta description in header and alsorts... nothing ... :S
I can't believe it, this is the last unique box! After this box there's two more which are almost similar to another box.
alright proud new chrome book owner
@BenjaminGruenbaum I didnt get the pixel man those are pricey
I got the $199 acer one
you can put ubuntu on it as well and dual boot
@Loktar link?
i want one of those microsoft surface things >< and i hate myself because i want it
@Loktar I endorse that. Do it.
@OctavianDamiean definitely going to :) will force me to get more comfortable with it
@OctavianDamiean That's about the only thing you can do with a chromebook :-)
@Loktar whats the point of having a chrome book ?
@Loktar awesome! tell us what it's like if you got it :)
@Loktar did you see the System76 books?
I did get it :)
@Loktar yawn
@XCritics I accidently closed the tab one sec
you have the link handy?
first thoughts?
its different
everytime i see a google product getting sold with all their api's i wonder how much they are coming into your life
i mean.. its just chrome
and how much they can get out of u :P
@Darkyen for $200 im cool with it :P
not money -_-
personal info (XD)
nice @XCritics!
@Loktar check the Bonobo Extreme :P Things a beast
damn yeah
@XCritics System76 is pretty cool. They are an Ubuntu only hardware manufacturer.
thats pretty awesome
I wasnt even in the market for a laptop at all though
I just wanted to try a chrome book, and $200 isnt bad to just try
@Darkyen I welcome them into my life. Afaik they are very open about what data they use and how. It's nothing new either. Facebook et al all do it too but are sneakier about it and their data collection doesn't seem to serve me as well as googles does. At least Google collects some of my data to help me, albeit trying to make money at the same time.
@OctavianDamiean yeah I really like their stuff, never bought but when I go to buy a new laptop, it will be one of those
Tested some of their devices back in 2011 at UDS-O.
@Loktar Looks kinda bulky
@OctavianDamiean solid stuff or what?
yeah the samsung one is "nicer"
if you think you can hide any of your personal information now-a-days you're nutty. (unless you are Zirak... which still... how the hell did he do it?!)
@rlemon I often get a smirk on my face when i find people hating governments tracking them ... but love to give there whole info to facebook
but the acer one is better in everything else I guess
btw Ubuntu ... i am shruddered.
@XCritics Yup.
@Darkyen exactly. there is no privacy.. so why bother caring
^Laptops need to be this thick. Never over 1.5kg, and run decent processors
@david they're not called surface any more. @KirstyHarris what does "naff" mean?
That's a Series 9.
!!/timer start potty
@rlemon Registered timer potty
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh no it isn't. I mean it isn't a Series 9 as I thought.
@rlemon i dont like to give away my stuff to say amazon
@Shmiddty really? what are they called?
@Shmiddty sorry naff = shit
@Darkyen and facebook gives it to who? the highest bidder thats right. and they tell who? no one thats right again!
@OctavianDamiean It's my laptop, UX31A, got it really cheap. Intel employees got it free when the third gen core processors came out, so I bought it second hand but new :)
@rlemon and google uses it to ... make personalized ads to you :P
yes they all do
This mah babe.
i doubt google even cares of user delight.

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