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@andho Periodic and incremental are not the same thing. V8 does this in different ticks, older GC did this on the same tick, blocking.
Is it silly to use media queries to make my website look completely different (not just layout) on different devices?
@phenomnomnominal: I think its pretty legit
I wouldn't say it is
Sweet, doing it
create the best possible UXP for a specific device, doesn't matter how it looks (imo)
* { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } <- awful, or awesome?
of course, having that said, working for a company complicates thing in terms of visualization :p
Personal website, no issues there :)
I'm uncertain about the universal selector in general, I kinda try to avoid it at all costs
the goal is awesome, the way is aweful
@phenomnomnominal I like it but wouldn't use it
@phenomnomnominal Awful
Mainly because it'd just confuse future developers
Paul Irish recommends it :P
I think it's awful too haha
Fair enough
Hi guys
@AmaanCheval In theory that could be as simple as blah.onload = function(){blah.abort()}
Alright, I wont worry about the memory thing.
@Incognito Haha, how would that make sense?
@AmaanCheval I could also use a promise and be really hip about it.
How can i create a loaded event? And how can i call a function when i know everything is correctly loaded?
in this page unikmedia.ca/visalus/athletes i made a timer to call the function who enable all the images effects
sometimes, the timer is not long enough
And off I vanish, into the mist of the internet. pooooffffff
@MikeBoutin Like window.onload ?
not window.onload
@MikeBoutin window.onload?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Stop ninja'ing me!
@AmaanCheval You're getting slow
cause all isn't loaded when i call the function
I'm working, so it'd be bad if I wasn't slow in here
@MikeBoutin How are you loading things?
all must be fully loaded
it's just the document
who load things
but i need to call a function when all images are correctly placed
Your images should be loaded when the event is fired. Your error must lied somewhere else
What happens if you use window.onload?
my script check all images (who are in position:relative) and save their coordinate to make them absolute after
And what goes wrong?
@sharkbait We can help you but we won't, you already got an answer for your question, you're writing code you don't seem to understand
5 messages moved to recycle bin
haha funny
Uhmm... it seems like onbeforeundload changed a bit in a way that.. final XHR request even when set to syncronous won't have any time to actually send their data, is that correct ?
thank you for your help............................
I was wondering why my "safe" requests within that handler get all canceled instantly all the sudden
@jAndy I'm not sure I understand
@jAndy You mean a last request before the page is actually closed? No
well, afaik a couple of month ago, when you fired a XHR request within an onbeforeunload event, it got executed, at least for the while the page unloaded
@AmaanCheval all the images are at coord 0,0
I'm pretty sure some browsers also "allowed" a 2 seconds timeframe or someting
for sync requests
@jAndy Yeah, AFAIK, the spec doesn't say anything about it. Browsers decide
I also tried a beacon-GET-request, using new Image().src = 'blah to send data within onbeforeunload
seems like the very first thing firefox does, is to stop any ongoing request
@MikeBoutin Want my diagnosis?
Was just a rhetorical question. I'm going to tell you anyway ...
You're doing it wrong.
You're welcome
Ok, what the hell is that?
Something from Dragon Ball Z
Mine is better
@AmaanCheval Oh, again something I hate. :D
@rlemon you should write a program that adds these automatically, like mustachify, maybe even fork whatever they're doing
@OctavianDamiean @Abhishek got me to photoshop (gimp) a scouter on his face, so I spent the time cutting up and re-positioning a scouter to fit a human face. Now i'm adding it to everyone
@Darkyen ^
My name is abhishek my friends call me darkyen -_- ,literally ripped off from ROBOCOP
@rlemon aint my friend .. hes my family (XD)
Btw no hard feelings My name is abhishek :P
Wait, your real life friends actually call you like that?
some does (x
most of internet does
My friends in real life call me Awesome.
@AmaanCheval most of internet do (source)
they just shorten it to "dark" (y)
@OctavianDamiean growing up my nick name was "beans" to some of my older friends it still is
BOO! some do*
@phenomnomnominal My friend in real life call me Awesome. (source)
@phenomnomnominal @phenomnomnominal My no-one in real life call me Awesome. (source) (source)
@rlemon Some of my real life friends (as if I had so many) call me main. :P
indexes and lengths are mean :/
I don't have strange nicknames :P
Not mainerror just main but derived from that nickname.
@AmaanCheval just a stranger realname :D
Robert -> Robbie -> Raw-Beans -> Beans -> if you remember this was the early 90's - Beans Bomb Jr. -> Jr.
@Darkyen Hahaha, fair enough
jr didn't last long
I'm starting to get really stoked with my website
wanna make mine?
heh my youth nick name really was Doc Oc :P
Nah, still got so fucking much to do on mine.
mine really was beans
I wish it was because I was like super gassy or something. but no. just friends with weak rhyming abilities.
I have a three.js camera set up so the x and y planes (in the 3D space) match up with the x and y coordinates in the 2D CSS space, so mapping shit onto one another is totes sweet.
however as soon as like grade 7/8 hit I was just "lemon" to all
now it seems if any nick name, "lemon" will be all I will ever get.
@rlemon Mota -> Damaru -> Darkyen -> Darky -<
"but it's not a nick name it is my name!"
"Too bad kid! you're SOL"
@Darkyen if I called someone "Darky" here I would get my ass kicked and possibly charged.
@phenomnomnominal Can we see it? :D
@rlemon Hahaha
and then there are special names :P
Pogo , Alvin , Kaju , Abhii ... boy .... i dont even remember em all
@AmaanCheval almost!
I can't help it but every time I read @AmaanCheval name I think of Chevalier. :D
You just got an awesome name.
Thank you
best nick name we ever gave one of our friends was a guy whose last name started with a 'P', and we used to call him P-Bitch (we were a nice bunch) and he was a compulsive gambler (and a bad gambler) so his nick name became p-"no money", or p-badbet
might only be funny to us because we know him
but I laugh every time I think of p-nomoney
!!/google p money
@GNi33 Just proving the irrationality of such reasoning
them: "how do I disable IE"
me: "Control Panel -> Add / Remove Programs -> Turn Windows Features..."
them: "ok, then click BLAH BLARG?"
me: "Yea, that should about do it"
them: "ok cool sweet thanks"
.... 10 minutes later phone rings
me: "Hey more problems?"
them: "yea, how do I install another browser now?"
me: "you can't see this but i'm giving you the big O underscore small o face right now"
@KendallFrey you need a scouter
yes, assimilate him
lol not even close to the same show
posted on March 18, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} NEW VIDEO DAYYYY! Featuring my hair before it was shorn. We're

anyone able to check/improve a function :/ jsfiddle.net/fcUaX
@NickSlash that is supposed to do what?
@rlemon getR, obviously.
function getR() {
  return 'R';
// shortened that up for you
hello, how do I pronounce your name
So this guy has a variable named up_down with a value of -1 which he uses to animate something on the canvas. What the heck? up_down?
up = -1, down = 1
As opposed to left_right and in_out?
I dont like the name, but direction_modifier maybe?
@rlemon (Dude, you're in)
like "Eh, Mine", or "a mine".
@rlemon Yeah, I mean up with a value of true or something would be okay. up_down with -1?!
@AmaanCheval is he using it like a modifier?
object.vy += velocity * up_down
I'm developping with Extj4, I have a question:
can I add listeners when item is dragged from a dataview or a grid!
Just a condition
He's probably using it as the sign for dy
getR().toLowerCase() + ' lemon;
No, he isn't!
That's what I assumed
Then yes he's an idiot
It's only used in the if
yea, moron
@AmaanCheval, it's probably the least bad magic number i've seen though
Can I add listeners when item is dragged from a dataview or a grid!
(function(d) { return (function(z){ return (function(y){ return (function(x){return x;})("R").toLowerCase()+[y].concat([z].concat([d].concat(["o"].concat(["n"])))).join("");})("L".toLowerCase()); })("e");})("m")
I've always wondered why superheroes don't turn evil.
WHOA! ArmA 3 looks awesome!
It's also nice that in the related videos, I get Crockford talks.
@Zirak YouTube changed it so it doesn't show only "related videos" now, it shows related ones and ones similar to those that you've watched before or liked
...so Crockford isn't related to Superman?
It also shows videos based on your preferences.
Just spent more than 1 second trying to work out what 9/10 is as a percentage - think it's time for sleep.
I left this chat open all weekend
@canon How many messages? :D
@phenomnomnominal time is it there now
hey I cannot ask question due to restrictions. Can I ask questions here?
@sanalism "Restrictions"? You've been banned from asking on the main site?
@phenomnomnominal lol 7:11 am monday here now and im at work
@SomeKittens yes
@sanalism It sounds like your time would be better spent improving your rep on main.
@SomeKittens I am trying but since two month I couldnt
Linux 3.9-rc3 guys!
Nothing all too interesting in there though.
@AmaanCheval 2^31-1
Hahaha nice
There are some small Btrfs fixes.
The object-oriented model makes it easy to build up programs by accretion. What this often means, in practice, is that it provides a structured way to write spaghetti code. [Paul Graham]
heh, awesome
pg is the man
@SomeKittens Say I have a .txt file, that formats its self like
"asdasd","asdasd","asdasd","asdasd" could I slice that on , and organize it into a better view?
You can
But preferably, you'll just have JSON
Cause one of the programs I work with at work exports its info to a *.txt file with hundreds of lines that are almost impossible to read cause it's just so messy and not lined up
What might that do?
I thought JSON had colons not commas
if there are no linebreaks it will parse it
colons are for separating keys from values
@Loktar \o
commas are for separating items (array values or object key-value pairs)
oh right right "asd":"asd","dsa":"dsa"
I'm assuming var KVP = fs.open()??
looks good
if fs.open() returns the file contents
In this case it would yeah
Question for the nodejs users... is there a more elegant way to debug your nodejs code than littering debugger; everywhere?
setting breakpoints?
this.console = {log:function(){debugger}} :-)
@canon A lot of IDEs support debugging,
@canon WebStorm for one
Q: List resources like css and javascript files of page in Firefox?

naxaIn Firefox, (on normal pages) there is "Page info" in the context menu. It lists images on ("embedded"?) the page along with their full URLs. But other "external" files are not listed. Can I view a list of other resources, all "page requisites" (as wget calls them), like css files and javascript...

@JanDvorak @BenjaminGruenbaum ty
I usually just have a debug 'profile' and log a lot in it, usually have a REPL embedded in my app (so easy to do!) and have plenty of tests
Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability. [Edsger W. Dijkstra]
My git terminal command is trying to push to port 2225 for some reason, anybody know how to set it back to 22?
The Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP for short) is a communications protocol for controlling, monitoring, and diagnosing coffee pots. It is specified in RFC 2324, published on 1 April 1998 as part of an April Fools prank. The wording of the protocol made it clear that it wasn't entirely serious; noting, for example, that "there is a strong, dark, rich requirement for a protocol designed espressoly [sic] for the brewing of coffee". Despite the joking nature of its origins, or perhaps because of it, the protocol has remained as a minor presence online. The editor Emacs inclu...
@phenomnomnominal yeah, I usually support that status code in servers for lulz
All JS errors on our touch site at work are logged as 418s haha
help.. I haz a question
I need the link for the most 'official' w3c specification for the beforeunload event plz
can't squeeze it out of google
Need your help
I'm using this code
var addressLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, long);
var BusinessName = '';
geocoder.geocode({'latLng': addressLatLng}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
if (results[1]) {

BusinessName = results[1].formatted_address;//data[i].jurisdiction_name;
} else {
alert("Geocoder failed due to: " + status);
however I'm getting BusinessName null
@Dhaval formatting please
Are there mod wars on SO ? This is not the first time I see posts like look like the tip of big problems
Q: Can diamond moderators or Stack Exchange employees get post banned?

Sha Wiz Dow ArdI will bring forth a likely case. Stack Exchange is hiring new employee, for example new Community Manager, who didn't have account on any site before. The employee start new account and get a shiny diamond. So far everything is good. Now suppose that employee is participating here on Meta by an...

@AmaanCheval: thanks, more than I found
it seems like there is no official spec for beforeunload ?!
does that make any sense
@dystroy Answer: No. Moderators made entirely of diamond would not be able to type on the keyboard, much less get post banned. Have a nice day.
var addressLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, long);
var BusinessName = '';
geocoder.geocode({'latLng': addressLatLng}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
if (results[1]) {
BusinessName = results[1].formatted_address;//data[i].jurisdiction_name;
} else {
alert("Geocoder failed due to: " + status);
@JanDvorak Is this ok?
@jAndy Yeah, it's hard finding it anywhere. I found this link from the MDN page
@dystroy lol?
@Dhaval still not formatted. Edit => select all => CTRL+K
@jandy I didn't even see it listed in the w3c event spec -at all
@JanDvorak Thanks :)
Did it
@JanDvorak You don't need to select anything. Just Ctrl+K is enough
Hahaha, he formatted it and then unformatted it
@Dhaval geocoder is asynchronous. An empty string should be alerted.
I'm pretty shocked about it, if I see this correct, beforeunload didn't go into W3C spec from WhatWG so far, which makes it, pretty much, experimental and non-specced
How can I store that formatted address in variable?
@jAndy so it would seem
@jAndy Yeah, officially I think so. But it's been there for quite a while
yes.. thats why I'm shocked :p
@Dhaval you can store it, but you can't return it, because you don't have the value yet.
You're shocked because they didn't make a spec for it ? What would it be ? Time limited function with only local access ?
I'm making various variables
@dystroy: yes, its been for quite a while in all major browsers
and one of the variable will have to have formatted address
but if it didn't even pass whatwg..
that seems like 10 years ago
@jAndy But as it is, it's very bad. Allowing a browser to connect when the page is closing is horrible. In my opinion the only valid spec would be local access only, no access to other tab, and automatic death after 10 ms.
so I put my coordinates in this function
and now need to pass that formatted address in particular function
Can you give me hint how can I do that and why that variable is alerting null?
onbeforeunload is problematic, it's very limited and for a good reason (to prevent spam)
which makes it even more urgent to have a spec for that
I remember sending peopl to sites like piv.pivpiv.dk, try opening that in IE6, it spawns a million clones when you unload
@dystroy: I think so aswell, at present it seems like "most" browser still allow syncronized request to continue for about 1-2 seconds, before they get canceled
async get/post requests get killed immediately
@Dhaval It's alerting null because logically "results[1].formatted_address" is null
@Dhaval you can't use a variable before you know its value. The best you can do is to return a promise.
There is no other way that could be the case
I would be fine with a 10-20ms timeframe, should be enough to at least "send" data away
but anyway, it needs a spec
For now it's better to see a tab as something that can always vanish. If you want autosave, make it permanent save. It's like the network : don't assume it will be here the next second.
onBeforeUnload should be able to send an AJAX (but not to wait for a response)
@Neil I've alerted value of "results[1].formatted_address" and its alerting with the formatted address
@JanDvorak Again I'll need to use promises
I'm not sure whether my mistake or what but its been long process for me
@Dhaval That is odd
I've used the promises
@JanDvorak: yes, pretty much a GET-one-way request
that works with explcitily non-async requests
It shouldn't change, not even with an asynchronous activities
but without spec, it isn't worth a lick
not while you're running that function anyway
but I had to use deferred as well
@Dhaval promise = public half of deferred
That means promise is included in deferred
It's still a good idea to return deferred.promise(), not deferred directly.
Many noobs confuse JSON and js objects. For exemple John Resig called getJSON a function returning a plain javascript object.
@SOChatBot nice troll :-)
@Darkyen your facebook-friend Suja hates the english language, huh?
On the same note, he wrote a function named getHTML that returned a DOM tree :-)
@JanDvorak I wrote this one
Q: How reliable is beforeunload really

jAndyrecently, I had the urgent requirement to give my server a notice, that a specific page of my webapp is about to getting closed. "Easy peasy" I thought, beforeunload is available for quite a while. The HTML5 "thing" even refreshed the spec (that was what I thought...) about it, in the way that we...

who knows, maybe there is some insider around stackoverflow who might know
A question for @Zirak
Q: Textbased Hangman - JavaScript

user2182718I have a non-marked brainstorming exercise to do which is related to a further marked coursework which will be similar but more complex. The task for the non-marked text-based Hangman is basically to create a JavaScript Hangman game that uses any of the four random words: var words =["programmi...

Please don't comment with a link to the chat...
Is there any other way than that?
other way than what?
Than using promise
You could take a callback
Note that if the callee wants a promise, he can parse function(){deferred.resolve.apply(this, arguments)} as a callback :-)
that means again promise
only if the callee wants to
I love promises, though
they help improve syntax
Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight. [Bill Gates]
Someone got a nice blog post or Docs on javascript touch events?
Hey cannot someone help me with this html problem
its pretty simple
@Cygwinnian why you don't put your css on the css field?
how can i get the #outputarea and the #jsfield aligned?
I have a problem here
please help
@MikeBoutin This is actually a diff html file I just put into fiddle for help
What do you guys think about sails?
dudes wtff why image doesn't comes up? :O
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, they might be useful to propel our boats if the oil price go on soaring
The MVC thingie
@GNi33 Clever idea
totally cool
i like how the gravity points attract themselves and merge
really fun thing to play around with, especially with a high particle number
@GNi33 Pretty. Are you going to build a game around that ?
@GNi33 eventually it explodes :P
not my pen, but i was thinking about using some of the gravity-code to play around a bit with it, yeah
this._collapsing = false;
change to that from true for black hole
haha, nice
Yeah its metaballs
fun stuff
er wait no
you didnt like the one I thought
@GNi33 that is just fun !! :D
If we’d asked the customers what they wanted, they would have said “faster horses” — Henry Ford
Bah. Stupid form elements, not expanding to the full width of the container (even with display: block)
@BenjaminGruenbaum JS weekly is good... so that might be too
I'm subbed to jsweely for a while
Hi everyone. I wonder if there's some example of shop calc (with optional steps) which is built with help of angularjs?
inb4: idk how exactly thing i'm searching for named, thus asking here.
@Ivan0x32 What design issue are you struggling with (Assuming you're making your own and wanted a reference)?
I just don't know where to start with it, its a bit complex for my head right now. Just want to see complete working thing and try to reimplement my calc with it.
Mine built with jquery, i manualy do all the ajax requests (have a bunch of scripts that return json arrays with data) and insert data (with help of jquery) into corresponding containers.
@RyanKinal yep, the width on auto is determined by the size attribute rather than the normal box-model on form-inputs... kinda sucks
always had to use some stupid wrapper and width: 100%, which isn't a very elegant solution :/
@GNi33 It makes responsive forms harder than they ought to be
Also, completely removes the benefits of separation of container and content
@GNi33 Wow, nice!
it works fine if you haven't got any padding on your inputs
thus i started to always wrap my inputs inside of a div
the input hasn't got any styling, all the styles apply to the container, makes them more managable
and the placeholder sucks on a lot of browsers too
applyable css-rules differ a lot
safari (at least some months ago) wouldn't let you set any line-height or padding on them
which made it necessary to have top and bottom - padding in the input-field to center them
@BenjaminGruenbaum hey, looks cool. I like those newsletters, i'm pretty much subscribed to all of them (css weekly, html5 weekly, js weekly and webdesign weekly iirc)
Well, I'm currently working with a fixed layout. So I guess I'll just scratch the percentage widths.

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