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Hahahaha, this guy is so strange
@FlorianMargaine I linked to or today in a question
What's worse than biting on an apple and finding a worm? The holocaust
that crap happened across the street from my office on Friday
I posted a link to Textbook Trades this morning and now some jerk from my school is trying to tell everyone we'll steal their personal data. sigh Drama is the last thing I'd expect from a startup...
What's worse than one bee sting? Two bee stings.
What's worse than two bee stings? The Holocaust.
What's worse than the Holocaust? Three bee stings.
What's worswe than three bee stings? Two Holocausts
@SomeKittens lmao, troll him
> Phil Sennett: Everyone should be catious about who they're surrending information to!
Randall Koutnik: Absolutely. You can check out our privacy policy (http://textbooktrad.es/privacy) to see exactly what we do with your data (and how to remove it!)
No, because then one Holocaust would be worse than two bee stings.
@BenjaminGruenbaum this is implied by K2. What we don't know is whether two holocausts are worse than five bee stings.
Fun how he said that on Facebook, where you can't delete their account.
@SomeKittens then what have I done, if not deleted my account?
@JanDvorak All the data is still on their servers.
I'm pretty sure a decent EMP bomb would do.
Unless their servers are spread across the globe. Then the bomb would need to be pretty big.
Yeah. Worldwide EMP would be a problem.
let's go see if the sql room is as empty as it always is
The last message was posted 4 hours ago.
I've heard the sun is going to EMP our satellites soon
Wait, nice sunny day? Sorry,
fml ... it's snowing like ... daaamn! It's just crazy!
@GNi33 Same for you?
@OctavianDamiean so call me maybe?
Yea, I just screamed for it ... didn't I?
Q: Get text in CSS3 column?

Matt CurtisI'm using CSS3's columns support in a project, because so far I've found it much more robust and dependable than most JavaScript solutions out there. Question: Is it possible to get the text that is in a specific column, in any way?

Why not jQuery? – Dream Eater 25 mins ago
I can't tell any more if people are serious
@OctavianDamiean no, it did on friday, right now it's actually pretty warm outside
It's crazy cold here but no snow, consider yourself lucky
Lucky!? ARGHHAHAKFDKdslkjfasd öjklgasljködasfgjhlasdgf klj
!!/rot13 ARGHHAHAKFDKdslkjfasd öjklgasljködasfgjhlasdgf klj
@JanDvorak Command rot13 does not exist.
@zirak I have a feature request for you
@SomeKittens i've had enough snow
on the other hand, i actually don't mind it that much as long as it stays away from the streets
warm > Cold + snow > just cold
Within a few minutes!
Damn auto-focus focusing on the fly screen ...
There's your problem. Close the window!
The window is closed. :D
close the blinds too
If we are going to talk about weather chatbot needs a function added :P
The snow is still there though. :(
in our IRC channel our bot has the command !w (!w zipcode on first run)
it saves your zip
and lets you know what the temp/current conditions are
Guy in our class just asked "What is Flash?"
!fc, gives you the forcast
Dude, that's a pretty awesome idea.
!!> google weather api
@canon "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"
!!/google weather
I don't know the syntax!
If you've added a location to your SO profile it'll get it from there, if not it will ask you for one. :)
Love it.
!!/google "google weather api"
@canon Invalid command //google "google weather api"
!!/google weather 68123
My friend scrapes his from weatherunderground I believe
but google would be better for people outside the US
!!/google weather 33309
wat! Their Weather API returns XML!?
go to google @cannon and type that
itll actually show the current temp/conditions
if you haven't before I mean
Dude, Landscape is pretty damn awesome.
@OctavianDamiean what do you mean?
expertsexchange is better than StackOverflow
you say
I have an idea: would it be a good idea to shun $(document).ready for event handling and just delegate everything to the document?
Q: Review jQuery Tooltip Plugin

user1032531I am kind of new in developing jQuery plugins. I created one who's purpose is to display a tooltip popup with the data obtained via ajax. I am sure there are better ones out there, but my objective is to learn how to correctly build a plugin, not find the best one available. I would appreciate ...

It's coming
@dievardump They don't return emails :P A friend asked for a dev kit a while ago and didn't get one
like actually coming?
He did test it by with a French dev.
anyone know if you can launch a node script from inside the interactive shell? trying to run a script but not close the shell after its finished.
@NickSlash require() it
awesome, thanks
posted on March 18, 2013

In 2011 I spent a lot of energy on my Linkbait posts, where I gathered interesting links to mobile stories and put them on my site once per week or two weeks. In 2012 I quit this feature because it cost me too much time. Now, however, there is the new Links section of Mobilism, where Krijn, Stephen and I do essentially the same. Even better for me is the fact that Krijn does the actual publis

idk if I like that @dievardump
According to the review: There is not much things implemented
the mouse just offers so much precision..
I mean the control overall, its cool
And you get tired really quickly
but reminds me of the wii, or the ps3 move
just sucks we havent figured out something better than the mouse yet
@Loktar You don't need precision for consuming
But according to what he says, this is very precise. Like very very precise.
But it consumes a looooot of processor
It's not useful for programming (arguably, neither is the mouse) but it looks nice if you want the touch experience on your pc
@Loktar there is
top comment is damn right, this will only work if you can use the device with your arms stabilized on a table or something
otherwise.. have fun working for 30 minutes+ :p
the thing you put all your hand is
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah im not sold on touch either
@jAndy yes that's totally correct
mainly because your hands get in the way of the screen
except if you are up
but then again.. imagine.. all the nerds will have HUGE musceled arms in the future
with a bigger view of the tool
every popeye you'll see is a nerd
Well, better than Douche
It could be used if you need 3D or 6DOF (or more) input
(yes, in Canada, people with big arms are usually Douche)
^ the futaaa
once the tech progresses further anyway
right now its a bit slow
@Loktar lol are they kidding ? you can actually buy and use that thing already ??
@jAndy its been out for years
for like 2 or 3 years now
theres another called the Nuerosky
So I understand lexical scope (apparently not) but when var self = this; is inside the interval, I get an error object has no method 'emit' but when I move it outside the interval, it works, at the very top I have var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
I one day saw a tool, it's like a mouse but you put your entire hand in
@Loktar did you ever try it ?
I'm curious what you really can do with such things
kind of. I hacked one from a board game
There is also the gloves to control
but it was pretty meh
the Emotiv has a shitload more sensors, and seems way better
the drawback is it requires wet sensors
the neurosky only has one sensor, and can only measure 4 diff waves
I just can't imagine how it works
reads electronic signals in your head
it would be bad if I use such a device at work... think about porn... and redtube.com is opening
@XCritics the value of "this" depends on context, it's the function's caller in a function invocation, just like the anonymous one you have in the setInterval
well thats the thing its not crazy precise
for example to type you look at letters on the screen all blinking at diff frequencies
it takes a few seconds for it to determine what letter you are focusing on
and then types that letter
the emotiv one however can also detect facial motion
so you can control things by blinking, smiling, etc
@Loktar I played that game, in SF
@dievardump same :P
I found it on clearance for 9.99
then I got the arduino and hooked it to my PC
sounds more like a good tool for barrier-free UI, so for handicaped ppl
@jAndy yeah definitely
however for those they will actually shave your head.. even drill a hole in
because everything between the sensors dampens the signal
lol Ive looked into these things so damn much.. I just cant bring myself to purchase the emotiv yet...
Q: Three-stage jquery Hide/Show toggle for items in a list

Jared SteffenI'm new to this forum, so please let me know if there are any problems with the way I'm asking my question. I did check to see if this has been asked before, and as far as I can tell, it has not. I'm planning to create a gallery consisting of an unordered list. Inside of each <li> will be ...

the day will come where every synapse gets its electrode counterpart
and then.......
... my computer?
Once its mixed with Augmented reality it will be amazing
Im so pumped for google glass
Im getting them as soon as they are released to the public. Paying the 1500 I dont give a single eff.
@Loktar price?
$1500 usd supposidly
^ for google glass
and the emotiv?
I think its $299
thats the iMac 2029
google glass will be 1500? you serious?
Sooooo expensive
yeah $299 for emotiv.
yep ok
I will look like such an elitist hipster with google glass
Someone will punch me in the face and steal them.
but the cool thing is it will be streaming to the police
and Ill be like HELL YEAH google glass ftw bitch!
StackOverflow started forcing you to post codes in answers that link to jsfiddle, this is aweosme! (Noticed on stackoverflow.com/questions/15483569/… )
i doubt the police even knows what a stream is, unless it's to lock you up for piracy
> OK glass, video-call the police now.
"OMFG call police now!! HALP"
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's been doing for quite a while
> Sorry I did not understand you
by the time they've answered, the thief has probably put them on and it's your face on the camera
sorry there's been a misunderstanding officers
what you're about to witness is me sucker punching a thief and recovering my project glass treasure
sir please don't, it's an offense blah bla
@JanDvorak Oh I didn't know, that's great
> OK glass, delete my calendar until the year 2033.
fsck the law officer i paid fifteen hundred for that
call the police ? google will implement a full defense mode
@BenjaminGruenbaum great
to be honest, if i had the connections and the resources i'd buy a google glass on launch
Im going to
I have an internet connection and the resources
Going to be a business writeoff
@jAndy that will probably be the $1500M version

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