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@Shea You're like my cats then ...
I had these eu.audio-technica.com/en/products/… and they recently broke
I got these just the other day uk.akg.com/akg-product-detail_uk/q-701.html , I'm really enjoying them. Need a new amp
@OctavianDamiean only when I'm in the "coding zone", and I don't even notice I do it
I guess it helps me focus
welp, I can drive for 15 minutes tomorrow and get the SBS A60 (which seems to get an averagely positive reviews)
offers @Shea some catnip
thanks, but I'm trying to quit. lol
grr...I'll also need to upgrade most of my system around the end of the year as well.
@Zirak For what game?
GPU at the very least, a motherboard upgrade will be awesome too.
@OctavianDamiean Just enjoyment of life. My GPU (GTX 430) is starting to lag out to the point where my CPU is taking over sometimes, and my motherboard was a horrible choice.
Sorry, not GTX, GT
I'm waiting for Haswell for an upgrade. My system is decently fast (I7 2600K Oc'd) but the motherboard only has one PCIE slot and connecting three monitors is really a pain using the integrated graphics and the dedicated graphics card
I've got a GeForce GTX 560 Ti
oh, thanks for reminding me, and another screen. I miss dual-screening so bad.
I will maybe upgrade my motherboard.
You have a single screen :O That's painful
Defiantly get a second screen, it's so helpful
The "I miss" part tells you that I'm in complete agreement
zup guys
Hey, do the canvas text api is really usefull?
usefull lol
cause i read the HTML5 canvas O'Reilly book
but the text api is kind of boring
Javascript isn't a real language
@SOChatBot True
my fishies has babies
gf got upset when we left for work there were 8, when we came home there were 2.
she didn't know livebearing fish ate their young.
Just like humans
Anyway, congrats
hehe thanks, I had to spend an hour and a half trying to get the remaining two out of the tank and set up a little tank of their own for them
hope they make it
they will
So super noob question, How would I generate a random number with no float, that is 1 or 0
they are guppies. the rabbits of fish
@XCritics Math.random() | 0;
@XCritics Have you heard of Math.round ?
I couldn't remember if it had a second param or not :/
would be nice to see an improved version in ES6
which is funny to me because I would think they would allow some precision to be defined.
Hey guys. Why is the character (opening quote) displayed as “ when I view the MD (Markdown) file in the browser (directly)?
" is the opening quote character, not “
@BenjaminGruenbaum The English opening quote is “
if Math.random doesn't currently accept any params, then it shouldn't cause any problems to add some optional params.
Not in ASCII it's not
Encoding, how fun
is dangerous shit
it's actually unicode character @ŠimeVidas
@ŠimeVidas Doesn't make it any more ASCII
@Shea Like what?
(to actually answer your question it's because your file is UTF8 but doesn't have that set in the headers)
like, if it were to accept a range
I edit my MD files in WebStorm. Aren't they then saved in UTF-8?
Why would ASCII be relevant?
@ŠimeVidas Either your browser doesn't know it's UTF8 or you aren't saving it as UTF-8
@david Yea, that's probably it.
they are utf8. but whatever is viewing them thinks they're somethign else
Let me check...
Well, live demo is here: daily.w3viewer.com/md/data.md
@ŠimeVidas I get “ in live demo and not “
@jAndy I will assimilate tomorrow - don't have the files with me atm to do so now
yea i'm not seeing anything strange. Chrome stable latests + win7
I'm seeing the issue. Can you check what headers your browser is sending rlemon?
fine for me ^^^
specifically Accept-Charset:ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3
@rlemon I also get that
I'm running chrome on osx. It seems to be defaulting to ISO-8859-1 instead of utf-8
@ŠimeVidas what browser / os?
@rlemon I'm seeing the issue in both Firefox and Chrome, Windows 7
fabian ~% curl -I daily.w3viewer.com/md/data.md
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 23:37:41 GMT
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 22:11:55 GMT
ETag: "12e2-4d83a46d660c0"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 4834
Content-Type: text/plain
No charset
@ŠimeVidas canary?
So it's up to the browser to decide...
@rlemon Nope.
I'm in chrome/windows 8 and it works
It's a server-side bug
@ŠimeVidas that looks like IE to me ;) and testing in IE9 confirm this behavior
look at theme
totes IE9
@rlemon and that will be either 0 or 1
@rlemon The screenshot? That's FF.
@rlemon or do I need to .floor it
nvm .round i see
@XCritics Flooring will convert to 0
I just wanted you to see what I saw to make me like.... waitaminute.
pretty damn close
@XCritics Math.random()<0.5?0:1
@david :/
@rlemon >_>
ternary == winning at life
ternary = winning ? never : never;
Surprisingly, they're equally as fast
you sonofabitch.
(Well, up to 6%)
JavaScript is dumb.
Who cares which one's faster...using round is cleaner.
why would you write a language where the ugliest shit possible is the fastest.
I mean, shit I love the language, but that kinda stuff just makes me cringe
I don't see how that's a problem with javascript
You should never care about things that run 34 million times per second
I find round to be much less clean >_>
@rlemon That's always almost the case
It's a very localized example, so of course they'll have relatively the same speed...if they didn't, it'd mean one approach is vastly slow
If you have a loop that runs so long, you're fucked anyway
s/% 2/& 1
I think addition might be faster that multiplication
yeah probably
is fastest by far
just by a hair
...who gives a shit
yeah surprisingly close
we do zirak... we do.
(Math.random()*2)|0 is only 1% slower than var a = 1;//chosen randomally
yeah the jit is probably destroying our test >_>

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