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Static typing will prevent most bugs

So I posted a fs thing earlier and @plodder said not to use throw because it's worse than eval, yet every example I've seen so far on the internet, they use a throw for the err argument on fs?
hahaha,     if (err) {
        throw err;
yeah, you should probably have a function that handles errors slightly better
ah ok, just wondering why if it's such bad practice it's all over the place
Something like?

if (err) {
    (function() {
         console.log('Failure ' + err);
and now I'll go read that I didn't want to stop typing hah
@StanCromlish Hi!
@* the girl just got hacked
by some idiot noob
so put her on ubuntu :P
@Darkyen LOL details man details
@XCritics You can just do if(err) { console.error('Failure ' + err); } (no need for anon function.)
beh i found her on the radio station my gf owns
som1 threatened to destroy her web and shit
Just cause?

@SomeKittens As a rule of thumb when are anon functions ok and bad? Is it cause the program crashes there so there is no reason for a non-blocking function?
No, it's because (function() { console.log('Failure ' + err); }); won't do anything
why are there so many capitalized starred Zirak messages
You're only declaring the function, with no reference to it to call it later
why does he cry so often
Oh did I forget the ();?
and (function() { console.log('Failure ' + err); })(); is exactly the same as console.log('Failure ' + err); except the former is more expensive
The issue comes when you throw an Error in an asynchronous callback
Oh.. But, the former is non-blocking and the other is blocking yeah?
a try-catch won't be able to handle that
@jAndy crying lets all of the sad out. lol
blocking vs non-blocking has nothing to do with named vs anonymous (sorry)
Oh really? Damn it just when I thought I had a clue :P
blocking means it is executing stuff, so it's blocking other things from happening
I thought Anonymous functions served as non-blocking
hmm got node-inspector running. quite complicated. :D
If you have an anonymous function that reads 100 gig from disc, how could that be non-blocking?
Yeah I thought anon functions let code pass by while it does its thing, or does anything non-blocking need a callback
Hi guys, give a hand jsfiddle.net/8tEpH
the save button dont execute the code inside the success funcion on "guardar" ajax call
mmm callbacks
@XCritics I think you need to go back and go over some stuff
@phenomnomnominal Yeah I'm gonna re-read nodebeginner :/
@XCritics just cause she made sure everyone knows how much of a prick he was
$(".guardar").live('click', function ()

I thought it had to be
$(".guardar").on('click', function()
and then she was the reason why we fired him
@phenomnomnominal is it as painful to watch me help as it is brandon haha
room topic changed to JavaScript: ECMAScript and life around. Read the room's rules and we'll like you: rlemon.github.com/so-chat-javascript-rules [borg] [ecmascript-5] [javascript] [moustache]
@XCritics Im get an error doing that
why some guys have green glasses btw?
@XCritics it's close
Maybe it's .click(function() { . });
@phenomnomnominal hahaha
@JuanFernandoz I just tagged it.. borg
It's a scouter
@jAndy resistance is futile?
yes we will add other languages syntactically and technology distinctiveness to our own
@XCritics nope. I tried everything Im ask in every site (stack, jquery chat, forum) nobody knows the answer.
@JuanFernandoz, i'm just going to tidy shit up
@phenomnomnominal ?
@JuanFernandoz your code is horrific so I can't try to find out whats wrong for you
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you there?
@phenomnomnominal ok.
Phenom can u tell me how long this takes to load? genxtec.com/208-2
@JuanFernandoz, sorry dude, there's just too much shit going on.
Tidy your code up a bit i.e. indentation etc, and then come back
@phenomnomnominal how long did it take?
6 seconds
from 14 to 6
K ty, I am gonna keep tweaking :D
Is vim really faster?
@phenomnomnominal wat
@BadgerGirl, too many B names!
Ruby is short for rubbish
ttyl time to go home
@phenomnomnominal a little better jsfiddle.net/8tEpH/7
@JuanFernandoz, now the html
a little better jsfiddle.net/8tEpH/8
Now the click handler is working, you need to urlencode the data you send to the php page though
the save function dont work
In my localhost the ajax function works but not this line $("#four_" + ID).html(four_val);
$("#five_" + ID).html(five_val);
No it doesn't because the data you are sending to the php page is a) gobbledegook as far as the page is concerned, and b) the link wont work from jsfiddle
forget about the ajax call (believe it works on my side) the real problem is the code into the sucess function
for some reason that specific code don't work if a put an alert the alert works for example
Hi is there any who have used the google map 45 degree?
If a change the code inside success for other like show a div don't works. For some reason anything to do wirh show div's dont work
Im gonna start to search alternatives to jquery
@SomeKittens Hi!
@JuanFernandoz, I'm watching it work
@phenomnomnominal the "save" button?
If you put a debugger; statement in the success function, what happens
yes I tried that before and I get the #four_" + ID and the four_val but for some reason the line into sucess dont execute.
When I click on save it suposse that appears make this $("#four_" + ID).html(four_val); I mean: instead the textarea
but with the textarea value (the text entered before)
anyway if I put an undefinide word inside the success function the $("#four_" + ID).html(four_val); works
so, I don't really know why works with an undefinide word. Im searching everywhere but my decision is simple left the code with the error and maybe someday Im able do found the issue or change to another thing (not jquery).
The only good reason to use ctrl-C ctrl-V while programing is that your keyboard misses some greek letters
@StanCromlish What brings you here?
To learn more JS
Awesome! How can we help you?
I'm building a web app using Node.js and Mongo that will eventually have a mobile app attached to it. And I'm just trying to find out best practices when it comes to authentication.
I'm trying to learn how not be a code vampire. :-)
@StanCromlish Good goal
Passport is probably your best bet.
with node-inspector, is it possible to get console.log()s to show in the debug window?
@SomeKittens, I'm using Passport and it's working great. I've been learning the node-express MVC and that seems to have been a good place to start. I love EJS.
@StanCromlish I use the same stack, except for Jade over EJS. I started with EJS but got tired of typing end tags.
@SomeKittens, I'm still relatively new, and like the syntax of EJS. Maybe one day I will get tired of typing end tags as well. I will try Jade on my next project.
I thought it'd be hard to learn, but it's insanely easy. There's also more in-depth stuff, but you don't need to know it to get the basics.
@NickSlash, does the standard node output in the console not give you what you're looking for?
when debugging i dont get any output in the console
command prompt*
The hardest part for me was learning the modeling process for Mongoose and MongoDB
Do you have console.log() in your code so that it outputs to the command prompt console?
i do yes, but they dont appear if i debug it with node-inspector
@StanCromlish I skipped right over Mongoose, too complicated. I want to code, not learn APIs!
@SomeKittens, I had to have a DB with my project and Mongo fits the bill. I felt like I needed to learn the API in order to speed my project along.
@NickSlash, do they appear in the command prompt console?
Mongo's great, Mongoose just adds too many steps. That's why I built Mongo Helper
i fixed the bug
nevermind :D
Ok @NickSlash. What changed?
I'll have to check out your helper, @SomeKittens.
i fixed a bug, guess it wasnt actually getting to them
Comments welcome. I've got a few things to mess with (adding findOne functionality).
now i just need to work out why my callback is being called for every record :/
findOne is definitely functionality I'm using. The app that I'm working on requires findOne and multiple queries that render to the same page.
@NickSlash, that does seem to help...Been there myself.
herp.. my recordset appears to double every load too
@StanCromlish Currently I just use find and take the first result.
@SomeKittens, Didn't think about that.
I think one of my professors has realized just how stupid the class he's teaching is and is adjusting the difficulty of the homework to compensate.
anyone know of any modules for handling recordsets (not sure if thats the right name). ive got a tab delimited file and i want to be able to read records out (with something like next and previous) and also append new ones. a record is just a value and not key/value. ive been trying to make my attempt work for a while now :(
@SomeKittens, that doesn't exactly seem fair.
As in "Wow, this class is dumb, so I'm going to give you really easy assignments to ease your suffering"
That's not all bad.
Yeah, our CS prof is awesome like that. He's well aware of how (not) enjoyable his classes are.
Just curious... what is "stupid" and "dumb" about the classes?
I'm calling it a night
peace Stan.
@brandon.l The book is terrible. There's whole section on why you should have an Incident Response Plan to respond to an Incident.
Class discussions are great, but most of the lectures are just definitions
@SomeKittens sounds boring... I had a drafting/design instructor that would read straight from the book for all of his lectures... completely pointless.
Yeah. The real problem is that the class is Information Security. Half the class is CS geeks, I'm even Security+ certified, and the other half are Criminal Justice majors who still use Internet Explorer.
So we can't get into anything remotely technical without losing the CJ guys, and anything delving into law loses the CS people.
The cheapest, fastest, and most reliable components are those that aren’t there. [Gordon Bell]
Q: Smoothing a shot power curve

Vaughan HiltsI'm making a game with shot powers (user presses and holds and launches an object) Distance from the cursor was working for testing but obviously a distance of 1 and 2 pixels is double. I scaled this by 4 to make the difference itself less drastic but they're double of each other. Is there a c...

This chat really goes quiet, at least it's alive when I'm at work!
Yeah, it's a problem for us night hackers who need help.
Any AngularJS users here?
Haha well it's the opposite for me!
I go to work and this place dies
And then it's all active at nights!
@phenomnomnominal GET TO WORK YOU LAZY FOOL!
Not at work or uni today!
Bumming around working on my new website
Do tell?
Just doing a third recode of the same design. I now have a three.js camera set with an aspect ratio of 16:9 with an offset so the x/y coordinates match up exactly with the coordinates for css stuff, so it's really easy to do overlays etc.
What's your website about?
Also set up a heroku app to handle the oauth stuff for getting my twitter feed
@XCritics just all the dumb shit I made at uni/continue to make/want to make
CE or CS or?
BEng MMSE / MSc CG :)
!!/google BEng MMSE MSc CG
@phenomnomnominal So can you just think of an idea and write it, or do you still resort to docs
Bachelor of Engineering in Multimedia Systems and Masters of Science in Computer Graphics
@XCritics, depends. If it's something new I have to look it up obviously
Like i was playing with the device orientation api the other day, which is new to me
@phenomnomnominal CG like, Transformers style or just photoshop :)?
Transformers Style
I've worked at Weta Digital in the past
(They didn't do transformers, but stuff like it)
@phenomnomnominal did you ever watch the youtube video on how much cgi went into making ( i can't remember the name but it has iron man and hulk and captain america)
The Avengers?
Weta Digital did that
Watch that it's insane, they basically CGI re-built new york
They were working on it when I was there
well, watch that it's mind blowing haha
@XCritics That's basically Phenom's day job.
@phenomnomnominal how come it says Produced by Industrial Light & Magic?
Avengers was so big they used multiple production houses
Oh ok
I just wanna be good at JS cause it's so powerful it seems, and here you are fuckin jack of all trades, fuck you
jk :P
It's kinda crazy, the assets are so big and the security so tight, that when they need to exchange them, say ILM need the Iron Man model or something, they put them on a harddrive and ship it to America fron NZ :P
@XCritics, well no reason you couldn't do that stuff in JS
Ship it are you serious, armed guard escort the whole way? lol
The codey stuff isn't too hard, rendering is an intensely complicated process, but its conceptual stuff that is really hard. Lots of problem solving.
Pretty much!
And honestly, you work on such a small part of it, it's such a team effort
But yeah, I hope I can get a job back there when I'm finished my masters
Was it just kind of a placement for schooling?
It was an internship over summer
How much does it pay?
If you don't mind me asking ;)
Well, by the time you're working a minimum 50 hour week, it's pretty good
I can't remember exactly sorry
It's alright, as a Mechanic working where I work, I get $38 an hour, and 7 12 hour day paycheques straight, if I come in on overtime (day off) it's double time so I get $76 an hour for 12 hours, but it's not even worth it I hate it
But they don't offer CS or CE courses where I live, and I can't afford to leave to go to school
Doing the actual rendering is good, because it means you have an impact on every frame
How much longer you have left of school? And how many year course is it
@XCritics, well you'd be used to the workload at least. NZ is a weird country in terms of money, salaries are quite low, cost of living is quite high.
I just finished my BEng last year, and I'm doing a one year Masters
@XCritics I got paid $10/hr to code. GROSSLY underpaid. Avg salary for a newly-graduated CS major is $60,200
2nd percentile. I'm still miffed about it.
They're trying to rope me into a PhD, but we will see. That would be 2-3 more years on top of the 4 years i've done + this year.
Ok I swear to fuck I'm not kidding when I say this, a trailer, single-wide (not like a hitch and stuff just a house with no basement on some blocks of wood) AVERAGES, $500,000 here, with a minimum 15% down payment
Where's "here"?
Fort McMurray Alberta
And what's the average income?
second let me google
With an average household income of $177,000 – the highest in the country – Fort McMurray is awash in cash. But the town, and the Municipality of Wood Buffalo it sits in, have struggled to tread water amid the deluge of new arrivals. Planning for the future has been tough. Asked what’s wrong with Fort McMurray’s downtown today, Toronto real estate executive Ron Taylor says simply: “There is none.”
But everything here is so expensive, just because the average household income is high, doesn't mean everything is normal price, $140 to fill up my 2010 Dodge Ram 1500 from empty
NZ median income is roughly NZ$30000 a year
But things are probably a lot cheaper there?
but that's in pretend dollars.
Not really
I pay $2.20 a litre of petrol
NZ$1 buys me US$0.82309
On that link look at the difference of average income from male to female lol
and scrolldown to the house hold expenses x.x
That's pretty intense.
Yeah it blows, hence why I cannot afford to go to leave to go to school and pay for my payments here while being unemployed
Is there no loan system?
Here it is all trades that they offer, Millwright, Heavy Duty Mechanic, Electrician, stuff like that
@XCritics You don't need school to make it as a coder, just skill
I know, it just looks good on paper
@phenomnomnominal Loans are bad...
@SomeKittens, student loans are interest free here
@phenomnomnominal As they should be. Here they're a huge business preying on students.
When you have a $600k mortgage, a $60k truck loan, and other bills, another loan will just hurt that much more

Just to give you an idea of what a 'House' is on average here
Tell me that doesn't disgust you
Oh and on top of that, it's winter 7 months of the year, with -40 average
@phenomnomnominal what is Defer parsing of JavaScript?
@BrandonGelfand, it means you should put your JS files at the bottom of the HTML page
Parsing JS blocks the screen from displaying the content, which makes it seem slower to load
so how do i fix it?
@BrandonGelfand Move the <script> tags to the bottom of your HTML
put your <script src='blahskdajsdf'></script> tags after the closing of the </body> tag
My answer was better :P
Is that some sort of funny joke @phenomnomnominal or do i really put thaT?
It was an example...
javascript  <----------------------------------


javascript  <----------------------------------
What does putting them just after the </body> tag achieve, instead of just before?
@SomeKittens, more semantic :P
@phenomnomnominal Oh fine. Not refactoring just for that.
Also, inline css
how come when ever i try to fix it my sight just gets slower?
CAuse you don't know what you're doing?
It means dont have <div id="bah" style="position: absolute"></div>, use a CSS file
It also gets a bunch of errors too for the png files
What do the errors say?
site load time goes from 4 seconds to 5.4 and it is due to footer images not loading and other images
cause it is errors
Damn, the only pants I have that aren't in the wash are my girlfriends track pants...
Why are they not loading?
What does the error say?
there isnt an error message, it just says on google page tester tht it is taking a long time to load
and shows red bar next to image names
i fixed it, but i dont understabd why it happened when its supposed to make it load faster
style.css one
when I removed import and put in the text it was importing i started having slower load, and red bars meaning something wrong next to images
gtg, dinner, b back 15 min
Its saying you could optimise stuff
Compress images
Make a sprite sheet
Cache stuff
It's fairly clear with what you should do, so just do it
For my Google spoof site for school, I'd like to put a camera inside the search field, like Google does for "search with image". How can I do that? Is the only way relative positioning and superposition?
(I realize this isn't "CSS and HTML", but I don't see a CSS room. ^^')
@Loktar you got daughters right ?
@Loktar please try and tell if that really works :p
@jAndy LOL.
Gotta be really awful to have to think of using the vacuum cleaner.
seems quite like a perfect device for that :p
and by the way, you pretty much have to use an absolute positioned image or div-element with the proper background set to accomplish the camera thing
since <input> nodes can't have child-elements
Mmmh... Thanks.
Annoying that Google's code is so weird. There isn,t even an image in the HTML or CSS. xD
well, something like


should do it, with the right css setup
@phenomnomnominal Damn, the only pants I have that aren't in the wash are my girlfriends track pants...

Pics please
this should become the new firefox logo
You don't want to see me in them
Spawn and kill new processes, execute commands and pipe their outputs.

Define 'pipe'
@jAndy Smart !
!!/google unix pipe
@phenomnomnominal what would I do for this? genxtec.com/wp-content/themes/cloudhost-child/style.css
to get rid of @import
wht would I put instead?
replace the url with http://genxtec.com/wp-content/themes/cloudhost-parent/style.css
it will still be using import though right?
I am trying to avoid it...
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://genxtec.com/wp-content/themes/cloudhost-parent/style.css"> instead of <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://genxtec.com/wp-content/themes/cloudhost-child/style.css">
google page speed says not to do it
That way instead of loading a file that just says load another file, you can go straight to the file you actually want
oh ok
thats really cool
@phenomnomnominal If I wanted to timestamp things that are output to console, instead of

Could I
accept my whole sites css just went cur put....
@phenomnomnominal my whole site just went all side ways, doesnt look like css exists anymore...
I did wht u said....
Theme Name: CloudHost Child
Theme URI: themefuse.com/demo/wp/cloudhost
Description: Child theme for the CloudHost. Child themes are the recommended way of making modifications to a theme. <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes">Reade More</a>
Author: ThemeFuse
Author URI: themefuse.com
Template: cloudhost-parent

@import url("../cloudhost-parent/style.css");
Apologies, I just can't be fucked helping right now.
All good, I'm going to bed anyways
@SomeKittens for the above code
@SomeKittens gl
how to make it so it doesnt use import?
@BrandonGelfand, somewhere in your code you will have had something like this: <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://genxtec.com/wp-content/themes/cloudhost-child/style.css">
Replace that with <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://genxtec.com/wp-content/themes/cloudhost-parent/style.css">
oh huh..
ummmm, ok
got it
if you did that and it broke, either you're doing it wrong, or wp is stupid
i just went into the file and added the text, didnt add it to the other code
I f'ed up lol
!!s/, or /, /
@SomeKittens if you did that and it broke, either you're doing it wrong,wp is stupid [\(source\)](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/8319123#8319123)
@SomeKittens /,/
@SomeKittens if you did that and it broke, either you're doing it wrong, wp is stupid [\(source\)](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/8319123#8319123)
@SomeKittens /, /
@phenomnomnominal time in NZ?
Crazy, 21:48 here
Monday here
Livin in the future?
Sunday here
It's not really crazy, it's kinda how the world works
Crazy has soooooooooo many definitions, but if you want to get literal, yes, it is not crazy :P
@SomeKittens thanks for the help again today, I'm out now later dude
@phenomnomnominal you as well
@XCritics No problem
I'll be back again tomorrow once I get back to shitty work!
Does any1 know if DFP third party ads / creatives display thru iframes.. or no?
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "Why the long face?" The horse, incapable of understanding English, shits on the floor and leaves
^I must be tired. I laughed.
@phenomnomnominal hows the load time? I got it to a little under 4 secs genxtec.com/208-2
Is this slow? : genxtec.com/208-2
#frmSearch input {
	float: left;
	width: 570px;
	line-height: 27px;
	height: 27px;
	font-size: 16px;
	border: 1px solid #D9D9D9;
#frmSearch button {
	width: 74px;
	text-align: center;
	height: 27px;
	vertical-align: super;
From the above code, what could be the reason that the heights of my <input /> and <button> to be different?
(Everything is in box-sizing: border-box)
Never mind, found the reason
Now my new problem is, uhm...
* {
box-sizing: border-box;

#frmSearch div img {
box-sizing: content-box !important;
^This does not give the correct property to the image.
Even with !important.
@Ariane padding
@Shea Yeah I found that too. Now if you know what the problem is with my !important that doesn't even override the initial rule...
if you're using Chrome, you can right click on an element, inspect it, and view it's default CSS, set by the browser. you can even view it's computed style sheet, on each element, to see what the differences are.
you shouldn't need !important
Yeah, Firefox does that too
so use it :P
Oh I'm so silly
If I don't set -moz-box-sizing too, I'm not going to see anything, of course.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction. — Albert Einstein
is there any way to open a popup using window.open when browsers popup setting is blocked?
@vika I know popups can be opened that way, since I get some despite my blocker. How, however, I don't know
anybody worked with yahoo api?
Does someone know how (or if) I can alter a colour's single property? Like, +10 green, or -10% luminosity?
(In CSS)
Anyone in here know Jquery?
In general, yes, people know it.
@Ariane In CSS no, in JS, yes but modifying colours is slightly trickier than that.
@phenom Sigh, it sucks. What's the point in implementing something strange like HSL if you can't modify the S or L alone? :c
You should be able to find code to convert between the two pretty easy
Yeah, I get it, but it breaks the purpose if it's not in the CSS.
Hey, I completely forgot... >.<" How do I make the link in my button take its full height?
Aha! inline-block!
Peggy had many valentine cards while I only had one. Peggy is a whore

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