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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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@Radu take your spam elsewhere
I pasted the contents of pastie.com
Oh. i thought you were advertising something
nah :P
1 message moved to bin
@cHao funny man gets abuse.
bin is actually pretty cool
i actually tried pastie.com :)
now i know it's pastie.org
How do I detect whether an object is a HTMLElement ?
ask it, nicely
@Raynos elem.constructor.toString() === HTMLElement.toString() if you want ONLY HTMLElements.
typeof usually pulls it off though, since browsers are really really good at this shit
@Raynos obj.nodeType && obj.nodeType === 1
1 being an element node, 3 being a text node, 7 a comment node, etc
...I see a starred post by @onteria on JS books... which (if any) would you guys recommend?
The Definitive Guide is a must, really
@Zirak okay, thanks. adds to gazillion-page document on things to buy and do
Cockford's videos are good, as usual. Rest of the book's I can't really recommend (programming books aren't my cup of tea)
yeah, i'd heard of "Javascript: the good parts"
I usually like meta-programming books, like Code Complete or Clean Code - they're good from the date they're published to the end of time.
I have yet to read any js books :(
@Zirak yeah, true. I should get some of those too.
list grows
wallet shrinks
@ThomasShields At least it's not imported Japanese reference books
@ThomasShields I just spent about $150 (USD) on a Japanese dictionary from AmazonJP
@ThomasShields the good parts, definitive guide 6th ed.
@onteria ...why?
@Raynos kk cool. thnx.
Other then that meh.
@Raynos just what i was thinking of getting
I'm happy with the 5th edition
ah gotta run. flips shades ciao.
I'd be tempted to say this is solid for html5 and css3
@ThomasShields Because it's one of the big three Japanese dictionaries considered to be an authoritative source. It's often used for citations in newspapers.
but Havnt read it
@Raynos I heard that Closure:The Definitive Guide is good
v6 vs. v5: ECMAScript 5, HTML5, jQuery
@Zirak thats for the google closure library
I say meh to those books
Doesn't make it not good
I might recommend resigs book
i enjoyed Dune
so i can recommend that book
I actually dislike Resig's code. He's a great developer, but he mostly writes really really fragile code
@david Dune ftw! Wheels of Time fan too?
ehhhhh i got up to like, book 12 or something, then never read the next one once it came out
maybe it wasn't 12... it was the one where like only a week passes during the whole book
and only one chapter on rand.
@david you know WoT author is dead right?
12 is the last book
Wow, you got up to 12? I ran out of money way before then
Curse you Terry Pratchett and your too-good Discworld! He wastin mah moneyz.
yeah i know he snuffed it
@Zirak his books have been ripped for being full of inaccuracies on c.l.j
every time i tried to read a terry pratchett novel i only got as far as seeing the cover
then i had to leave the room to throw up
What? Terry Pratchett is an awesome writer. Loved everything he wrote, which is a rare phenomena.
votes to close chatroom as subjective and argumentative
wait a second...
Hey anyone know of any alternatives to: rndnext.blogspot.com/2009/02/jquery-ajax-tooltip.html
Its an ajax tooltip activated on hover.
can someone please expain how the below function works and whether this is some javascript framework?
in jquery I have 2 spans within a div - I am clicking the first and want to style the second, Im trying this
am I close to the right solution?
function getSubCat(CatId, div)
div = 'search_subcat';
if(CatId == "" || CatId == "0"){

$.getJSON("ajax.php?req=subcats", {id: CatId}, function(j){
var options = '';
for (var i = 0; i < j.length; i++) {options += '<option value="' + j[i].id + '">' + j[i].v + '</option>';}
@user481913 pastie.org
I refuse to look at that until it's good looking like a 9 year old going to Sunday Church with his religious overly-obsessed parents
<script src='http://pastie.org/2040249.js'></script>
is that how that works...?
Just pastie.org/2040249 will suffice
ok thanks
Well, the code is pretty much self-documenting. I can read it line by line to you if it helps
waiting :)
well i don;t understand a thing :) not the div from html i suppose??
In a nutshell, when both parameters provided, it reads the response JSON data from ajax.php?req=subcats, builds a bunch of option tags from that response, and sticks them into an element with the id of div
hmm..... probably this piece of code can't log out the user then ... it must be aajax.php.... :)
how does this function exactly?

$.getJSON("ajax.php?req=subcats", {id: CatId}, function(j){
what's the # for?
what's function(j)?
is this Json?
the javascript framework?
ok thanks
The function is the callback function, runs after the data is received - j is the response text
hmm... ok seems to make sense now... :)
Has anyone used the touchstart event on the iPhone SDK simulator?
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