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@Raynos It's not suspicious.
I was about to ask a question and then the answer suddenly came to me.
<--- hates classic asp.
guys any idea, which is the best site to create and download icons
RT @diveintomark: Safari.next will support MathML; WOFF; CSS3 auto-hyphenation, vertical text, text emphasis. http://is.gd/D0kHSi Plus a ...
Hey, does anyone know how I can post into a textarea box?
via javascript?
document.getElementById("someTextArea").value = "some value";
Wouldn't I need to use the selector?
In this case, it's body
selector for what?
for the textarea box, like the name of the actual box
@AndrewAlexander Select it however you want...It's value attribute holds, surprisingly, its value, and can be treated like a real string.
yes @Zirak is right, you can select it however you want
if your form and textarea both have names, then you can do
document.myform.mytextarea.value = "some value"
Sorry if I am sounding ignorant, my knowledge of Javascript still isn't great - trying to use it via some module in Python.
and do these examples use jquery?
from @louis_remi: The HTML5 <progress> element just landed in Firefox Aurora http://goo.gl/aT69W
most or all O'Reilly JavaScript & HTML5 related e-books are 50% off thru June 14th: code HALFD http://oreilly.com/store/dd-HALFD.csp
RT @devongovett: RT @viticci: Safari 5.1 Developer Preview Released http://t.co/Y42HDwc
No. Care to give sample html, so we can actually help with the query itself?
let me get to it
By the way @AndrewAlexander, there's nothing wrong with asking your question here, but you're likely to get an answer just as fast (or even faster) by asking on the site instead of in the chatroom
Plus, it's easier to post code
And if you post a link to the question in the chat you get the best of both worlds
here is my code: br.runjs("_jQuery('#body').html('Text goes here')") in Python, let me find you the html
and we get reps
Since this isn't really the correct way to show it, consider pasting your html to jsfiddle.net or possibly pastie.org
I find people don't answer my questions :/
This is the line for the html, it's just a line
<textarea class="form-textarea resizable textarea-processed" id="edit-body" name="body" rows="20" cols="60"></textarea>
so pasting it isn't that big of a deal right?
The DOM api is pretty straightforward:
see your id there?
if you have one of those, that's the most reliable way to get an element
`document.getElementById('edit-body').value = 'moop'`
* Select the document (root node)
* Get an element with the specified id
* Set its `value` to moop
Haha good stuff @Zirak, you type too quick
So goes for stuff like getElementsByTagName or document.body.
Hrm, I will try it
k, just realized I need to work. So bye.
Sorry for bothering you Zirak!
it worked!
you guys are freaking amazing!
be sure to be succinct with your question and people will answer
do as much work for the answerers by pinpointing your problem
Why do people use jQuery if it's easy enough to use Javascript like that?
because that's a very simple scenario
The problem with many of my questions is I don't understand everything exactly - I've been dealing with Javascript lately and I haven't really read much on it yet - I'm just trying to make a programatic browser in Python.
I have a book I'm reading, but I decided to go on a date with a cute girl this past weekend instead, ha.
Hrm, so it is basically a simplification process for more complex functions?
Proposed charter & chairs (Eric Rescorla, Brad Hill) for potential Web Application Security (WebAppSec) Working Group http://goo.gl/Npvjk
Umm, in a way :)
you'll find that there are two problems with native javascript
one is that getElementById is easy, or maybe getElementsByTagName too
but anything more complex is hard
the other problem is browser support, which varies enormously
so jQuery solves both those problems
I'll have to look into it more as I am teaching myself some Javascript
I want to get a functional understanding of Javascript, but I'm mostly wanting it to understand the basics for web scraping
from what environment?
from a server?
or a browser plugin?
a browser created in Python
or via python
Creating it to do simple, programatic macros
for coworkers
a browser created in python? you'd be using some other rendering and js engine though?
Yes, it's programmed via webkit, and I believe it uses JS 1.54?
is what I am using
ah that looks interesting
Yes, it's very useful. I tried all sorts of Python modules to web scrape and they just couldn't handle JS
well, web scrape and interact programmatically.
I gave up trying to scrape the first site I tried, it's just too damn hard. Trying to talk to the developer and see if he can figure it out
Any idea how to unclick this checkbox? <input type="checkbox" class="form-checkbox" checked="checked" value="1" id="edit-field-is-bzpro-post-value" name="field_is_bzpro_post[value]">
(sorry if I am asking to omany questions, I can stop if you want!)
again, use the id to get the element, then use .checked = false
BlueGriffon 1.1 released (WYSIWYG HTML editor) + new "CSS Pro Editor" add-on http://goo.gl/tLGxT from @glazou
So like this: document.getElementById('edit-field-is-bzpro-post-value').checked = false
Excellent, lets see if it works
AHA it does!
this may solve a HUGE issue I've been having
if it does, I will link you to the question, let you answer it and get all the credit!
See, this one doesn't work, I use the same form, I believe. This is the html: <input type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:ResultGrid.checkUncheckAll('AdvSearchView_SRView__resultGrid'­, this);" name="AdvSearchView$SRView$_resultGrid$ctl01$chk" id="AdvSearchView_SRView__resultGrid_ctl01_chk">
and here is my code: br.runjs("document.getElementById('AdvSearchView_SRView__resultGrid_ctl01_chk').c­hecked = true")
Naomi Black - WebVTT: Timed text for HTML5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tua3DdacgOo#t=10m47s
@AndrewAlexander are there errors?
How do you mean?
Like in the Javascript in the page, my module, or my code?
JS error
Let me debug and check
Run Javascript code: document.getElementById('AdvSearchView_SRView__resultGrid_ctl01_chk').checked = true
Javascript console (undefined:1): TypeError: Result of expression 'document.getElementById('AdvSearchView_SRView__resultGrid_ctl01_chk')' [null] is not an object.
Javascript console (undefined:1): TypeError: Result of expression 'document.getElementById('AdvSearchView_SRView__resultGrid_ctl01_chk')' [null] is not an object.
that means it can't find that element
either there's a typo, or you're running the code before the page has loaded
hrm, I have something telling it to wait for the page to load
but you see the code up there, there's no way that there is a typo
I'm not sure then. There is nothing wrong with the code you have shown.
Hmm, sorry, you're going to have to debug it some more
Try creating a page with just the input and the id - I'm sure the code will work
ha, basically that's the only thing Ican get from anyone who knows even the slightest bit of Javascript. "Yea, something is wrong on this page, that's about all I can tell" :P
You are up to a debugging problem, and true debugging can only be done with the full code and in the true environment - I'm afraid that's not possible and not many would be willing to do that for you
Oh yes, understood
So it's up to you to narrow the problem as much as possible - as I suggested, creating a test page to show that, at the most basic level, the code does work
yes that makes sense
Then add on more and more of your original code until it breaks
Well, the javascript on the page - none of it is mine
This is all another company's
I am trying to interact with it programatically.
^ awesome! ^
4 hours later…
guys can some one ple help me with this
Q: sending data back from datatables to codeigniter

swordfishI am having a datatable displayed using jquery datatable from a codeigniter controller. What i wanna know is how do i send values from within the datatable back to a controller and use those values to retrieve new records from DB and then load them on again into the page. My current code is $(f...

hi guys
hi can any one pls help me
2 hours later…
Q: jQuery if attribute contains a certain value

KevinHaving a total mind blank here. Hoping you can help. How would I alter this argument to be when the attribute 'href does not start with #overlay'... if(this.getTrigger().attr("href")){ // stuff in here } Thanks you wonderful people. Kevin

^ omg, I've seen it all
jQuery's is() chosen to perform the most basic of string comparison methods.
@AndyE Bobince's classic comes to mind: doxdesk.com/img/updates/20091116-so-large.gif :))
@AndyE Wow, someone was ignorant enough to choose a crappy jQuery function call over real JavaScript? I'm shocked.
@galambalazs: yeah, that image is right at the top of my bookmarks :-)
That image gets points for using goatse.
@Zirak I don't usually have a major problem with it if it's just a small performance hit and the jQuery code is particularly concise in comparison. In this case, though is() is just a ridiculous choice to make.
@AndyE That reminds me of something: stackoverflow.com/questions/6061575/…
@AndyE jQuery is the best. You know it.
@Zirak This physically hurts. :)
Post answer that's a link to MDC. 30 seconds later, 5 upvotes
@Raynos: yeah, some people just don't get the spirit of SO
It's like theres some kind of favourism.
I bet if I linked to W3Schools I would have had 5 downvotes :D
Yeah. MDC are decent docs, mostly. I would down vote an answer that is just a link (because it's not really an answer).
You would down vote one of mine :( I am sad. I edited to actually contain some meat.
A: Where is the JavaScript regular expression object test method documented?

Raynos.test Regular expressions objects also have a method called .exec. For future reference a search like "RegExp test mdc" will find you the documentation. Alternatively if you are brave you can search through the ES5 spec but that's a dry read.

@Raynos That's a bit sad
@Raynos: I came across an answer of my own that was mostly just a link to another site the other day. It was from a long time ago, though - I would write a better answer now.
@Raynos: you're excused because the OP was actually asking for a link to documentation.
hey guys
pls take a look at this
Q: sending data back from datatables to codeigniter

swordfishI am having a datatable displayed using jquery datatable from a codeigniter controller. What i wanna know is how do i send values from within the datatable back to a controller and use those values to retrieve new records from DB and then load them on again into the page. My current code is $(f...

Somebody, use EXTJS ?
hello all
Hi @Neal
lol.. stackoverflow.com/questions/6265574/… its funny how almost every answer is like, hey cant get a popup working how you want?? Use jQuery!!
@MylesGray you need to get going again on rep, I finally made it passed you
@Loktar oh noes!
gotta get my finger out
work is killing me at the moment
im flooded with stuff
good work though man :)
ah that sucks, its pretty lax again here lately so I was able to answer some questions
well done sir, annihilating table use for layout I trust?
haha havent seen many of them, when I do I alert you
I'd rather be busy than lazing about though ;)
your the table destroyer
yeah me too for sure
good stuff, must get that divsftw.com site built
bought the domain but done nothign with it
oh yeah definitely man when you get time
it's gonna kick ass, may make it on github so peeps can contribute :)
id contribute for sure
let me know when/if you do it
will do for sure man! :)
i have visions but for the moment with work and doing up my car they're on hold
Oreilly 50% off sales ftw
nice @onteria ty for posting
i paid £30 for the definitive guide 6th ed not long ago :/
we are spoiled and have the safari books online sub
although im the only one out of 3 who use it..
nice one!
still... good stuff :)
im off for luch
ciao guys
I have the 3rd edition, which works nicely along side the ECMA 262 PDF
see ya
Bought it a long time ago
wow nice I might get the html5 books actually
This thought shouldn't have crossed my mind, but for a split second, I thought "Man, I wish I wasn't saving money for Virginia Beach this weekend, so I could buy some JavaScript books."
Then I recognized my momentary insanity.
Three books purchased. I'm weak. :-)
If by 'weak', you mean 'smart'
Now if you'll excuse me I'll be afk for a bit to cash my check from O'Reilly's marketing department
I already have a huge backlog. By the time I use/read these books, there may be new editions out.
Hello all! Anyone have a moment to help me with a JS RegExp question?
It's possible.
Here is the code snippet i'm working on
I have a list of Calendar Events which i'm sorting through
and based upon what a user types in I would like to grab the Calendar Event and do something with it
So if a user types in 'mem' I would like it to find the event Memorial Day
You don't need the enclosing slashes when you're feeding a string to new RegExp
If they type in Fathers Day I would l like the script to ignore the single quote in the Event Title Father's Day
Simpler to copy the event title and remove the single quote before comparison than to try to ignore the single quote in your regex.
ah that works
good idea
You know, a lot of the ECMA standard would be far more readable if they just showed some damn code
@onteria_ Holy crap, I might finally have Closure: The definitive guide! Zirak.turnHappy();
@onteria_ I think Crockford had the idea of writing the ECMA spec in JavaScript (or pseudo-javascript, where you can't really do that (like Object.freeze))
My favorite piece of fun code: +"3"
If you don't understand operators it gets really fun :P
It's fun seeing people go berserk over parseInt('08')
> +"08"
I've always used the number constructor instead of parseInt
ie. Number("3940") or Number(true)
I think parseFloat beats everything, performance-wise.
Trying to write this js guide feels weird, since I have to explain new in the operators section, but not in full detail until the section on objects
@onteria_ "new - Call a constructor, and pass along a unique this value"?
@Zirak Yeah but "what's a constructor? What's this?"
To be explained in section 2.5?
Yeah basically ;)
I pretty much word it short and concise, then go into more detail later
I think your best bet is to write it simply, and append a "Will be explained in detail further."
time to head out for a bit
@Neal I expect a higher quality answer from you.
That's all
@onteria the garden exists for a reason
It's fun when you start typing a question and then answer it yourself.
@RyanKinal because you have to explain what's wrong, it's called rubber duck debugging
Rubber duck debugging, Rubber Ducking, or the Rubber Duckie Test is an informal term used in software engineering to refer to a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to an apocryphal story in which an unnamed expert programmer would keep a rubber duck by his desk at all times, and debug his code by forcing himself to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. The process is to meticulously explain code to an inanimate object, such as a rubber duck. It is expected that when the programmer comes across a piece of code that is incorrect, they will realize this Similar terms *Cardbo...
I just got "Programming HTML5 Applications"
we'll see how it works out
same here.
gggrrrr, ES5 spec's algorithm is frustrating. So many steps can be made better...
Gratuitous use of jquery:
> Let A be a new array created as if by the expression new Array(len) where Array is the standard builtin constructor with that name and len is the value of len
Hi all, when someone has no formal graphic design skills, but knows how to use graphics software like Photoshop, what resources are out there that can help improve technical design to layout more grabbing web pages?
What are "grabbing web pages"?
Maybe he means more captivating to users.
Either way, we really talk about JavaScript here, not UI.
or UX.
something that looks nice
do you know the feeling after you created something.. "this could really be useful, yay dang! -or- wow, thats probably the overkill of the year"
Layouts can be captivating?
@jAndy And then you realize "this is a completely retarded idea why would anyone use it I just wasted 4 weeks"?
Sure, there's a whole science on it called User Experience, there's even an SE site for it, so you know it's legit.
I know layouts can not suck, and maybe even be nice, but captivating? Sorry, didn't play Guild Wars for the scenery.
I don't hope it's a retarded idea by I'm not sure if it's worth the efforts :)
@jAndy If you learned something from it and had fun, it's already worth it
I had enough of all those css3 animation librarys or plugins, where you need to know the exact specifications of how to pass in css prop/values. So I wrote a generic solution which creates the prop on a virtual node, reads the css-string and uses that as template for animating
pretty beta so far, but the idea is to have complete cross browser compatible css animator
Nice one
so far it works quite nice, but I haven't tested all those mobile browsers yet :p
Why, oh why, does everyone and their brother think they know how to make a better captcha system?
also, pretty funny what different browsers make out of the css values. For instance, mozillas css-string for "-moz-transform: scale(1.2, 0.8) rotate(20deg) skew(19deg, 18deg)" is something like "matrix(0.124929, 0.55343, 0.99212, 0.255112)"
whereas webKit just leaves the string alone also when it's live on a node
@Incognito I had a kickass idea once, actually...instead of images, text made out of random characters, with a random degree of obfuscation
So Z is like a large-2d array made out of ASCII letters, and once you append all the characters together with space, randomly select a spot and fill it with another ASCII letter
hey can anybody tell me about how to upload file using XHR(Xml http request Object)
@Allex Can you first honestly tell me that you searched SO before asking?
@Zirak means ?
Search SO
@Zirak What is SO ?
@Zirak NO
@Zirak I want to do it using Microsoft.XMLHTTP in VBS file
You already have 3 problems then. Also, this is JavaScript, not VBScript
@Zirak how can you say 3 problems ?
3)VBS file
2 is fine without 1
@Zirak But it should also workin in IE
Now you have 4 :)
@Zirak How can you say 4... I fyou can help just do it with XHR but it should work in all browser thats it
As said before, search SO. There's already an answer to your problem. Oh, and it's not VBS
@Zirak Means you dont know answer. and you are just wasting my time...
Correct and incorrect. Answer is already there. If you want VBS help, go to the VBS room; if you want js help, answer, as said, is already there.
@Zirak ok thanks i'll try to find answer on SO or on any other sites
So, CSS 2.1 is a REC. Time to start using it now it's finished? totally not mocking those waiting for 2022 to use HTML5
Q: sending data back from datatables to codeigniter

swordfishI am having a datatable displayed using jquery datatable from a codeigniter controller. What i wanna know is how do i send values from within the datatable back to a controller and use those values to retrieve new records from DB and then load them on again into the page. My current code is $(f...

guys can some on e help witgh the above
@Zirak How would you rephrase that bit from the spec without losing any semantic meaning, introducing undefined meaning in doing so?
I was laughing about the last bit, actually: len is the value of len
Rest was fine
hey guys
im stuck at this thing
Q: sending data back from datatables to codeigniter

swordfishI am having a datatable displayed using jquery datatable from a codeigniter controller. What i wanna know is how do i send values from within the datatable back to a controller and use those values to retrieve new records from DB and then load them on again into the page. My current code is $(f...

can some one help me on this
@swordfish We saw it the first time you sent it. If we can help, we will
@Zirak are u the mod of this room
No, but does that make a difference? Logic is logic
no u talk too much for some one who s not a mod
may be u shud read the blog article by ryan for ppl like u
@swordfish Someone will answer it when they are able to, this site is for the most part run by volunteers who decide what they want to devote their time to - Love, a mod of this room
uhu, ok, I'll keep that in mind
@onteria i know very well about SO and respect it but ive been wathcing this room for quiet a while now and @zirak s response falls into the second category of ppl as mentioned in the blog article of life of radar, tats the only reason i asked
@swordfish Which blog article "for ppl like u" are you referring to?
and i said that only to @Zirak
Watching a user named PHP enter this room is kind of amusing
@swordfish Because, obviously, I shouted at you "RTFM". I sincerely apologize.
@onteria here
not me but u did to the other guy
@swordfish Because, obviously, I shouted at him "RTFM" instead of "the answer is already in the site and you didn't provide something new", which turned out to be correct. I sincerely apologize once again.
Meh, defending myself is useless. Forget it.
@swordfish ...
@Zirak you are a bit of an ass :)
@RyanKinal knows I'm an ass. The rest of you guys are too irregular.
I can verify. @Raynos is an ass ;-)
@Raynos I can verify. @Zirak is an ass
A: Working in a lab over the summer and need book suggestions on learning html web programming.

chrislegendw3schools has a lot of basic tutorials on the most common web technologies. I would suggest starting there for introductions. A lot of these technologies are so dependent on one another that you can't really just learn a single technology without coming into contact with others. That said, you s...

He links W3Schools then says "doesnt deserve a downvote"
Is it really that bad etiquette to punish w3schools users?
Q: Discouraging w3schools as a resource

phwdI want to know how to deal with this. According to w3fools We feel, though, that W3Schools is harming the community with inaccurate information. Like any other authoritative educational resource, W3Schools should both hold itself to, and be held to, the highest standards. . . ...

@Raynos No. w3schools is either just wrong or doesn't do anything to teach anything really important.
@Raynos I agree w/you that MDN >>> w3crap but it's still a valid resource for the basics
That isn't a good answer in this instance, though. W3Schools isn't entirely useless, but I wouldn't use it as a guide to how to begin a programming language. Lots of the techniques are outdated, suboptimal or misleading.
@madhu no. Spam is not welcome here
1 message moved to bin
:825038 Your spelling made baby jesus cry
@lonesomeday agreed w/that
@Raynos it may decrease ur pain.so that.sorry .if u want u can enable for this room
@Raynos, do you know any good starter's resource on PCRE?

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