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well, but the runtime needs to do that now, or not?
Absolutely not, not in vanilla js
it doesn't care what the object is, until you try to use it like something it can't behave like
if i write an API spec that says foo(/* function */ callback) in the docs and you start passing POST'ed data to it without checking, then you deserve to get a stacktrace from this very second till you are unable to touch a keyboard again
@phenomnomnominal hm, seems like i really need to read up on that
so, basically, JIT-compilers wouldn't benefit from strong typing at all?
I mean the fact that you can do stuff like this:
Array.prototype.forEach.call("hello", function (e) { console.log(e) })
Well, I have to assume they would, but the compiler would have to be expecting TypeScript, not JS
yeah, of course
@phenomnomnominal beat me to it :P
And hopefully the day never comes that IE starts expecting TypeScript (touch wood)
Though I wouldn't put it past them...
IE reads TypeScript, Chrome parses Dart... please, no
Nah... They would have to call it TS# and then they have to pay fines again ;)
@OctavianDamiean, you're drunk :)
@dievardump moot point is moot; knowledge of margins or not, it still doesn't solve the problem
@OctavianDamiean o/
@GNi33 hahaha! :D time for a new library: vanilla-js.com
@bPratik haha, we had so much fun with this page in here
was it Simon Sarris that completely fell for it?
@GNi33 hahaha! gawds i missed that!! i did in in my team at work!
@GNi33 Yeah, I think so XD
What a deceptive name ...
"Why would someone call his library vanilla-js? that's just stupid!"
after some time we pointed him to the download - button
@GNi33 a 0kb download!
Hmm. Guys stupid question... anyone use tower.js or any other RoR imitation for node?
yeah, that was his eye-opener :D
Zepto is shit.
Zepto is okay
Anyone knows about Property Descriptors ? HALP !
We use it on our mobile site, it does the trick and is so much more lightweight that jQuery
!!/google jquery 2 beta vs zepto
Alright then, jQuery and Zepto are shit ;)
@Bracketworks Like in what way?
Compatibility; why would I want to use Zepto and fallback to jQuery?
@Bracketworks Uhh, you wouldn't?
Here, use this spoon, and if it doesn't work because it's a piece of shit, here's another spoon.
You wouldnt'...
Don't blame the tool...
@Bracketworks Well, because jQuery still supports more legacy browsers than Zepto.
@phenomnomnominal but you are now adding a dependence on a library that may never be able to keep up with the one it's trying to shadow!
unless it gets half of the web converted!
The point isn't to shadow it
That's not a goal of Zepto
it's to provide most of the functionality, for most devices, with as similar an API as possible
Well, the Zepto docs provide specific instructions on supporting a jQuery fallback; one of the first doc sections.
@Bracketworks Yea, what's your point?
I'm failing to see the benefit of Zepto.
If you're only targeting mobile devices and don't have to worry about old IE, and are coding with the fact that you use Zepto in mind, it's one 8th the size
@Bracketworks Then read the entire documentation.
@phenomnomnominal the horrible buzzword right now is responsive
@phenomnomnominal but you are talking of that benefit for first time visitors only... AND there is a chance that a CDN version of jquery already exists...
so is there a REAL benefit in the 1/8th size?
which would imply you do not make a specific mobile version of your site, but instead you load all the crap into your mobile :P
@plodder It's only a horrible buzzword because managers start to use it without knowing anything about it. The technique is awesome.
If you don't care about first time visitors then you're doing it wrong
@plodder, what is your problem with responsive design?
@bPratik Yea there is, Zepto was developed for mobile devices, jQuery wasn't.
@plodder, our site is specifically designed for mobile devices, but not all mobile devices are the same.
You have to be able to handle someone using an iPad, down to someone using a basic touch phone
@plodder So, you're basically saying that it would be better to go the UA sniffing way?
@phenomnomnominal i dont have a problem with it, im just pointing out that on a responsive site that should work on all devices, you still have to develop code that works on IE and iPhones
Because if that's what you're saying then I'm afraid you've lost all your coolness points.
Zepto would be a good stand-in for a few mobile devices I can think of off hand, certain range of BBs had very poor support for Javascript, consequently JQ took 8 (?) seconds to parse.
@Bracketworks It's not about the JS support on mobile devices (not only), it has a touch handling API which jQuery doesn't have.
@OctavianDamiean no i hate UA sniffing (and not just for the sake of my coolness points)
@OctavianDamiean I'll read the docs more thoroughly.
Awesome ... I fucked up my Nexus 7 ...
There was a wind gust and I dropped it ... now it is completely broken ...
What a fantastic way to begin a Friday ...
@OctavianDamiean get a S4
@OctavianDamiean I have a $25 nokia and i use the android emulator if i dont feel cool enough
How are they marketing it?
Q: Convert JSON string to Key / Value Arrays

loxxyConvert JSON (key/value pairs) to a native arrays of keys & values, in your language. var X = '{"a":"a","b":"b","c":"c","d":"d","e":"e","f":"f9","g":"g2","h":"h1"}'; The value array could be an array of strings or integers. So we need two functions keys & vals, returning native array...

I could puke so fucking hard right now ... 200€ blown into the wind ... literally.
@phenomnomnominal syphallus infected vagina?
oh shit... should have read the text on the cup! :(
I don't want to put one of those near my ear.
@OctavianDamiean What are you talking about?
Oh, your Nexus 7. Shit
@AmaanCheval I'm talking about a fucking wind gust that made me drop my Nexus 7.
Now the display is basically like hundreds of little displays ...
@phenomnomnominal but just to get back to your live example... how do you route someone to the touch. or m. site?
@OctavianDamiean ah... so your resolution just dropped... well if you right click on the desktop... wait... sorry wrong platform! :D
We do UA sniffing, but that's for legacy reasons
@bPratik Imma drop a goddamn anvil on your head!
Fun fact: Most people here don't know the word "anvil"
@OctavianDamiean oops... just checked your rep... sorry sir! :D @AmaanCheval ask me... i just had it on my head!
@bPratik Hahaha, how does his rep matter?
@phenomnomnominal so do you agree with me that having a library that supports everything but IE is only useful for a limited number of cases
linux guys
@AmaanCheval higher rep of an active js chatter == higher respect... no?
Fair enough
I don't think I'd consider mobile specific websites that limited
I'm zipping a folder like zip -r -9 ../some/path.zip ../some/path is there a way for the zip file to have the path folder only in it? right now, it has the ../some/path folder
especially if you want to make everything responsive without making your html5 output look like C code IFDEF blocks
@plodder, that's mental, have you never heard of media queries?
@bPratik Zirak and copy have less rep than most of us, yet they're amongst the best dev in there
@FlorianMargaine Zirak isn't that low on rep
Darkyen, dievardump, and copy are, I think
@FlorianMargaine ok... clearing things... I was just apologising to @OctavianDamiean with a wink as he was already in distress with his nexus... and then @AmaanCheval needed some justification :)
And phenomnomnominal
I'm going run outside and piss into the wind ... just to show it how much I hate it right now ...
@OctavianDamiean Hahaha enjoy
@phenomnomnominal You can use media queries for switching between jquery and zepto?
@OctavianDamiean don't forget to face the right way... or we'll have a repeat of @rlemon's poop-ona'-mofo-slide!!
Zepto vs jQuery isn't really what I would call responsive design
Not at all ...
Not even remotely.
@bPratik I know, I'm just messing with you
@AmaanCheval Yea, and I have A LOT of respect for copy. Actually, I'm a bit afraid of him. I think he's one of the really smart ones that are just silent.
@phenomnomnominal is not what im saying... i try to say that on one hand we try to make stuff more uniform and on the other hand we consider using 2 different sets of libraries, which is the opposite direction
@OctavianDamiean Yeah, I think so too. But most of you guys seem pretty smart because I don't know much about anything :P
You can't just say "NO i refuse to give my customers a better experience because I don't want to use two different libraries"
You say "Until there is a better solution, this is what we have to do to give the best experience possible, on all devices that we support"
@phenomnomnominal i agree.
and agree
So the point is moot. There isn't a better solution yet.
How you handle the issue doesn't really matter.
practically you're right and i completely agree with you
has anybody seen a css only magic line ?
if no i am making one 3:-)
Magic line?
!!/forget Ninjad
google magic line naviation
@phenomnomnominal Command ninjad learned
@phenomnomnominal you ust have to spend more time on facebook then coding or have to be a teen in India who talks ... you will learn how to ninja so fast (x.
jk jk
@phenomnomnominal Command ninjad forgotten.
!!/learn Ninjad "HOLY SHIT, HOW YOU SO FAST!!!???"
@phenomnomnominal Command ninjad learned
@Darkyen Command Ninjad already exists
!!/Ninjad @phenomnomnominal
@Darkyen Hahaha, you really do sound like you're 13 sometimes XD
!!/google magic line navigation
I'm off ... need to find a way to get rid of my anger without hurting someone ...
@AmaanCheval i know
@OctavianDamiean Got a punching bag?
@Darkyen CSS only, huh? Nice!
its easy :P
@Darkyen Hahaha
It's not just typing though. It's read/come up with response/then type it time
  transition:left 400ms;
a.active[selector] ~ .magic{

a[selector]:hover ~ .magic{
there is your css only magicline
... oh i am a css warlord :P
you should be humbler :)
!!/choose "refactor some more", "go to bed"
@phenomnomnominal refactor some more,
@SOChatBot, but its almost 1am and I am le tired.
@FlorianMargaine Module humbility not found
@phenomnomnominal Do it, slaveboy.
please share ./frenchmen/humblity on git so i can import it
@Darkyen Haha, humility, man
Someone write a shim for humility
@phenomnomnominal there
on the internet, i you buy a domain name for a well know product (eg : nutella) that do not exists : will domain provider ask for somethign (proof you are that company) or they just dont care ?
  window.humility = window.humility || (function(){
    with( brain.inspirations ) {
     delete rlemon;
     delete abhishek;
     delete zirak;
Darkyen.addEventListener('dosomethingawesome', function () {
@tigrou, you'll probably be breaching their trademarks/copyright
how u like mine ?
It's shit, you used with :P
@phenomnomnominal its shim :D
I love the syntax highlighting we get here. Thanks, @phenomnomnominal
@phenomnomnominal : breaching their trademarks/copyright => you mean the company who owns the name (nutella) or the one who provide domains ?
@tigrou The company's
@tigrou nutella
They'll take you to court if they give a shit and you'll have to just give it to them
@AmaanCheval Yeah! Yay syntax highlighting!
@AmaanCheval next time I'm bored I'm gonna do emoticons hahaha
@phenomnomnominal : and pay me ?
@phenomnomnominal Hahaha nice
@AmaanCheval since u are a beta tester aswell :P // bt havent tested yet
@tigrou, for breaching their copyright? Doubt it dingo
do u support my new idea of COMPLETELY AD FREE tapeer
what if i use that domain for something else ( not making profit because of the name)
@Darkyen Yeah, if you think you can make money in other ways, sure!
@tigrou Copyright laws don't care why you break them
@tigrou, dude, I'm not a lawyer, but there's no way they're going to be happy about you making money/getting noticed by using their name
@Darkyen, I think I asked already but what does Tapeer mean?
@phenomnomnominal It's an animal
Just makes me think of these:
!!/google tapir
Oh are they the same thing?
That's what it's based on
@phenomnomnominal tapeer has many meanings
tapeer.net - the peer network ,
tapir mis written aswell
@Darkyen misspelled tapir and stuck with tapeer :P
The Awesome (non) Porn Entertainment (non) Educative (and) Rediculous Network
What market are you aiming for (in terms of language)
TAPEER ^ lol
@phenomnomnominal teens and those who likes no ads and privacy
ok lets say it differently (just an example) : my (personal) name is dubeldo. i create a website called www.dubeldo.com (blog with pics, family and such). but no luck (what i didnt know) there is a company called dubelldo somewhere in usa that exists and want that domain too (after mine was created) what will happened ?
@tigrou, well if it's your name it might make it tricky, but if they have been granted copyright over a name, you'll have to fight them for it
Which will be expensive
Microsoft vs. MikeRoweSoft was a legal dispute between Microsoft and a Canadian Belmont high school student named Mike Rowe over the domain name "MikeRoweSoft.com". The case received international press attention following Microsoft's perceived heavy-handed approach to a 12th grade student's part-time web design business and the subsequent support that Rowe received from the online community. A settlement was eventually reached, with Rowe granting ownership of the domain to Microsoft in exchange for Microsoft products and training. Background The domain name MikeRoweSoft.com was initiall...
Now i am starting to think... is this not a JS (and vaguely related shit) chat? @tigrou are you trying to register the domain using an ajax call or something ;)
@bPratik : thanks !
@bPratik, we aim for a roughly 1:1000 JS:Non-JS ratio
What's sad about 4 black people driving off a cliff? They were my friends
G'night fellow travellers!
Hi one and all
please look at this question
Does anyone actually use compoundjs or towerjs for production sites?
Q: Aggregates group values are not coming in sequence in kendoGrid

Devunipalli$(document).ready(function () { var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({ dataSource: { type: "GET", transport: { read:{ url: "some ...

@shankar.parsanamoni :)
can you able to help regarding above question
How the hell is that even possible? The prices for a used Nexus 7 haven't dropped at all ever since I bought mine!
@shankar.parsanamoni I dont know kendoGrid, sorry :(
@OctavianDamiean Aww. What now?
Now? Nothing. I'll have to live without my tablet ...
Just when Ubuntu Touch development starts.
Life sucks.
OOP is to writing a program, what going through airport security is to flying. — Richard Mansfield
Just dismantled it and removed the display and I got my hopes up that I can find a replacement display but of course the replacement display costs 110€ excluding shipping costs ...
Oh, hey, is @Neal finally a room owner? When did that happen?
@OctavianDamiean Yeah, that's what I was going to suggest, but the display is the most expensive part on a touch screen tablet
Also the only displays I can find are from China so the shipping cost is going to be quite high I reckon ...
@OctavianDamiean How did the display break ?
There are like 20 room owners here. $10 from each and you have a shiny new Nexus 7!
@dystroy Octavian got bullied by the wind
@dystroy A fucking wind gust ...
!!/google fucking wind gust
The last link is strange...
Haha, how does it redirect to define?!
Question: For a tile-based game, can you guys think of any better way to store tile-data in a better way than simply having arrays containing which element goes where?
Looks like chatbot does too much replacement : "?" or "=" -> %xx
@AmaanCheval Usually you have two parts
@GNi33 Is it windy in Linz?
@dystroy 2 parts?
the caracts of the tiles, if any, in a big array in which you can find your cell with an index built from x and y
and the moving objects, each one having x and y
So one big array.
Yeah, but basically just that, right? Having arrays with the array's index representing x and y
I've done it that way before, but I was just wondering if there was a better approach
wonders if he can sue god because of the wind
If you can reduce your data to a few bits per tile (like 256 types of tiles), then you have other funny tricks. I encode the map in a png in one of my applications
@dystroy Haha, nice!
That'd be pretty cool
The good points of the trick : compression, use as preview of the map at low resolution
In a game I made, I choose the colors of the pixels to look like the tiles
So at low resolution, I just display the png, and when I zoom the js code replace the pixels with tiles
Interesting results, I'm guessing?
(it's open source)
Very good in my opinion
Link me!
I'll see if I have a link that works without having to create an account.
It's the map system of braldahim.com
The best point is that the map was so compact I can store one per player : it lets each player can see all the tiles he had yet seen (as they were at the time).
Q: Methods to get the screen resolution before a web page is getting loaded

user1966260I want to know the different methods to recognize the screen resolution. Like Desktop Resolutions Tablet Resolutions Mobile Phones etc;

@dystroy Didn't get you
I'll make a few screenshots, stay connected
WordPress is bread & butter for any decent website
(those are the screenshots)
Hahaha bra
The source of the ihm is here : github.com/Canop/braldop
("bra" is short for "braldahim" which is long for...)
That's pretty cool
The png encoding, merging, and so on server-side are made in go. Client-side it's full javascript.
@dystroy The icon looks alright to me the way it is now
@AmaanCheval well... comment in the github issue thread !
Yeah, doing that now

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