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i will be impressed if u can make a nerd rap including the words "orange" and "sponge" some where
> Caps lock is if you're just yelling. Holding shift is for raging.
@Dave you would need to give me a subject, and a song to mimic the rhyme too
this is how I work
c++ and candy shop by 50 cent
ahh but see i'm drunk and i'd just bring up c++ room :P
how about... regex and area codes by ludacris*
Guys, what should be the difference between writing /test/ and /^test$/ ?
where you place your fingers on the keyboard...
"in different area codehs".match(/(h|o|e|s)/g); // I got "hoes", in "different area codehs" - thats right
the h was a stretch
u aint included the word sponge or orange
shit too late
1 sec
yea i'm bored with this
you win
Whoa that is one classy google docs iframe intro thingymagig. nimbusbase.com
HAHAH oh that was funny rlemon her face >O<
She continued to stare at it, what did she think would happen? It would grow back?
Hi, Everyone! I can't wrap my head around javascript closures
any hints?
I want 4 different numbers
I cant figure out how to do anything in Java, so I cant help you :D One of these guys can though, they are all pretty smart
I came here to ask how I can make it so when a page loads it opens the chat box of my site. Here is the App.JS the guy who made it said in order to do it I had to go there but I have no idea what to change. I tried to do onload but it didn't work. rlemon can you take a look at it maybe and give me an idea of what maybe i should do. genxtec.com/hosting/?page_id=485
Oh and this is what the end product is: genxtec.com/hosting
hi there
can anyone help me quickly?
whats the problem?
yeah i dont think that is the issue thanks though — Dan 15 hours ago
I am having a few issues with animation throught js and jquery
i am building a slide page
never used jquery so i cant help
works fine when click a button
i prefer css for animations
but when try and swipe causinf me isses
depends what animation hes doing brandon css is not as good js for options
was trying to add my original link to questiom
we talking canvas animation or no ?
Q: jquery .animate periodocially not running

DanI am having an issue where an animate function is not running periodically. so to start with i have a piece of code that listens for a swipe on an element var maxTime = 1000, // allow movement if < 1000 ms (1 sec) maxDistance = 50, // swipe movement of 50 pixels triggers the swi...

hm, i didn't know that O'Reilly had magazines too
so I am just trying to get an understanding here, your trying to make it so when they swipe the slide it moves just as it would with when they click it. Correct?
yes exactly
and the click works
and runs the slide function
in the attached code
but when using certain ipads it doesnt work all the time
Hello prodigies of javascript and jqueries. Can anyone answer this question? I'm having the same issue stackoverflow.com/questions/14995112/…
sometimes i can swipe once sometimes 10 times
sometimes fails on first go
could it be something in the swipe code?
the thing is how can it fail on swipe and not click
but the trigger runs each time
i am purplexed
Dan, I found some code
ok thanks..
its for wordpress but it is still jquery
you will be able to go in and pull out what you need from it
its, well, a torrent.......
from what you can see though is it the swipe code that has the error?
oh ok..
well, more then likely yes. My opinion is to get the swipe code from this plugin
i use it on wordpress
is there anyway to get it without a torrent
legal version is 12 bucks on codecanyon and is already formated to jquery
oh ok. will have a look on there
there ya go
its the link to it
its reliable and has over 11,000 purchases
ok thanks alot
good luck
would like to understand why my code doesnt work
but hey ho
Anyone wanna help me? How can I make it so when a page loads it opens the chat box of my site. Here is the App.JS the guy who made it said in order to do it I had to go there but I have no idea what to change. I tried to do onload but it didn't work. rlemon can you take a look at it maybe and give me an idea of what maybe i should do. genxtec.com/hosting/…
Oh and this is what the end product is: genxtec.com/hosting
Can anyone help me with a Java question?
They arent helping me so i assume no
I will give a crack at yours though, maybe we can help each other
any one know much about blurring an image whilst it moves
why do they claim it improves the performance =/ surely blurring the image adds to workload
Perceived performance
How can I know on the dom when an element has been attached via jQuery to attach text after it?
The <script> tag to include Javascript in HTML is suppose to be in the <head> tag of HTML right? I am wondering why have they mentioned it in the <body> tag in the Twitter Bootstrap tutorial here twitter.github.com/bootstrap/getting-started.html#examples !
@rad no
It can be anywhere
@rlemon you kicking?
hehe .. always
I see..
@jcolebrand thanks man!
@rlemon how can jQuery know when something is pushed onto the DOM?
what do you mean?
$(document).on('event',function _doTheDew(event){ /* do the needful */ });
So I want to fire on:
ahh, jQuery uses it's own event model
$('#someID').append( /* my lucky dom element here, whatever it is */ )
separate from the DOM event model.
Right, I figured it did.
I just want to know how to hack it and grab that append or whatever.
so I assume that is enough of an answer for you ;)
lol, no
How do I know when something is added to the dom tho?
Or do I need to refactor my process and try again?
let me test some stuff
tinker with jQuery.Event function
@phenomnomnominal you here?
i been testing performance and look what i managed
oh wait not that
ive doubled the FPS and some how went passed the 60FPS limit of chrome
not 100% sure how i did it
Huh, thats funny
it actually goes higher FPS when something is moving than when its static
I'm going to go out on a limb and say its a bug
perhaps but even my own fps counter is showing over 100
@rlemon I'm going to refactor this, I don't see an easy way to do what I want
@jcolebrand sorry I might be of more help less intoxicated
@Dave then in theory that's backwards. You're saying you have more CPU cycles at your disposal when something is moving?
Q: on append() do something

clarkkIs it possible to add some kind of an event/handler when an element is appended to the DOM...? .click(), .change(), .keyup() etc. alike... I need to get the height of an element as soon as it is appended and then set the height to another element

@rlemon lol, no worries
any one know where I can get a guide/info on good backbone practices? not sure If what I'm about to do it right
@jcolebrand yes but both my js function and chromes built in counter increase on movement
@phenomnomnominal wait, append is an event?
@Dave, you seem to be placing more importance on the numbers than the actual experience
@jcolebrand, no but you can override the function
@phenomnomnominal oh, no, I can't
I see what you mean, I just know that there's other things that may occur here.
my point is - the script must be looping faster when its doing more work but chrome is meant to have 60FPS limit on request animation frame yet mine surpasses it =/
That answer looks like what you want?
either its a bug or they have sinced changed the rules
unexpected behaviour === bug
Well, monkeypatching is a valid answer, yes
perhaps but a good bug :P
this chat room goes at 7fps
Your screen has a physical refresh limit
my monitor is 60Hz
so i know i cant see above that
Aka 60fps
doesn't mean its not refreshing faster than that
well the canvas anyway can be
So there's absolutely no point in wasting this much time on it...
Let me ask you a question: is your game finished?
disagree - if we ever want full 3D games in js canvas with webGL knowing how to push the fps is important
cos its still sub par really
Well yes, I agree with you there, but my question still holds.
im not working to finish a project im testing things
but u have to admit increase in fps on movement is a little -- weird
As the screen moves, or as an object on the screen moves?
object on canvas moves
Yeah that's very weird
do u know any good screen recorders that record portion of a screen ?
Not off the top of my head
!!/choose "write js" "get on bus for half an hour to buy shoes"
@phenomnomnominal write js,
@Dave CamStudio should
@phenomnomnominal write js
ill go look for it now
@Dave disagree disagree. Until you are actually stressing the game with something fully built you haven't got any valid measurement from what you just asked above.
You're just stress testing a tight loop condition that has no other effects to be concerned about.
^ yeah this
what :S ?
stress is irrelevant it should be an impossibility for fps to go up when u do extra maths
also to get 170fps when Ranimframe is limited to 60 is not making any sense any way
You have no way of knowing the optimisations they're doing
But yes, it does sound like a bug
yeh but no maths is more optimized than some maths correct.
not if they're avoiding drawing some parts of the canvas
alll the maths does is add to its x:y pixel location
so instead of +0 its +offset_x or offset_y
then there is no extra maths
well course there is... if offset is nothing it doesnt add it skips
although the compiler should optimise the + 0 automatically
unless chrome allocates more to the gpu when it needs to do more work on the cpu which allows more power =/
@Dave this is precisely what I expect is going on
When it's static there's hardly anything to do
that would make sense. but that is certainly new for chrome.
But once you start doing things then it has a reason to refresh the screen, do more work, so it actually allocates more power.
@Dave that they would idle down the threads if there were no work?
that they removed the 60fps limit would be new
A power optimization, in a browser built to have its on OS?
new as in last day cos yesterday i couldnt go above 60 no matter how i did
@jcolebrand u must be aware chrome always had a fps limit right even if it could go faster....
@Dave no I'm not aware. I haven't ever seen them prevent me from doing things.
try get > 60 FPS with request animation frame
any jquery master here?
According to that they won't try to go higher than 60fps
@rlemon u go offline?
He's probably playing with his fishies
is that a serious comment or u joking?
Does it matter?
Neither option changes anything
good point.......
It also only takes two extra characters to make you look like less of an idiot
He was helping me then he just went AFK
I am trying to find the best way to use javascript prototyping to DRY some code in a toy d3.js charting plugin I am working on
As you can imagine, the code to create the axis of a bar chart and a line chart are quite similar
he was planning to clean his fish tank
@Dave were u the one i helped earlier with the sliders?
im the FPS man
Any prototype gurus around?
have u met wp student @mwmeyer
you seem v.similiar
@Dave No
hes looking for a master your looking for a guru
I need an investor, any of you meet that criteria?? :D
He's* looking for a master,* you're* looking for a guru.
Seriously though, I actually need one
@BrandonGelfand I can invest as much as you're worth
good to know a grammar nazi is around at least
There's a difference between a grammar nazi and someone who can't stand AOLSpeak
i believe he just winding me up mw
@SomeKittens is that a serious offer?
Depends on how serious you are. Got a demo?
I need some quick help guys
thats not an investment then
you need a tutor
MySQL: I need to create a column in the table and it should have integers within the range of 1 to 9999 ONLY
int(4) isnt working
oh shit i thought this was a javascript room
no wonder rlemon ain't here
dont be a smart as*, I know some of you can do MySQL
The word you are looking for is ass.
i prefer not to use mysql_*
@BrandonGelfand Try asking in the PHP room, they love guys like you
I wasnt sure if we were allowed to cuss here
We sure as fuck are :)
yeah i am about to head over there
xD @phenomnomnominal
@Dave wtf is that?
click you will be amazed
ive always like the term "professional javascript"
@Dave sadly, it's an oxymoron
id buy a book that said "efficient javascript"
Secrets of the JS Ninja is a good read
@BrandonGelfand still waiting for that demo
In development, that and I don't share links to finnished produts without doing a background check on my investors. I like my products to be kept mine
how can one invest without a demo rofl
I never said it was done
if it was done u dont need investment
So what you're saying is that you want us to give you money for nothing?
Do if i need to purchaase licenses and servers
Unfortunately, all the power in the developer/investor relationship lies with the potential investors
employees to staff help center
investors are your boss ;)
That's why you need copyright, intellectual property law.
No one will steal your idea. The idea is < 1% of what it takes to make big bucks
plus if u wrote it you own copyright automatically
The rest is hard work and luck
Heck, I shared the whole sales pitch for my startup here.
no one's stolen it yet
I am not stupid, the second its done I am gonna get a patent and copyright
u dont apply for copyright
its copyright automatically
You're unlikely to get a patent on software (depending where you live)
Also, I don't think you'd need to have it done to patent it.
No it doesn't the US government wont know when i made, i i just made it etc
unless hes made a new language...
Blind leading the blind. @phenomnomnominal how are you doing this fine night?
I am gonna copyright it
brandon the moment you type a character on a blank page you own copyright of that script.
I'm doing good my friend, I'm in Sydney for the week, just blobbing out and doing nothing! How about you?
!!/tell BrandonGelfand google "Basic copyright law"
@phenomnomnominal On break, but working hard on our YCombinator application (speaking of investors)
Don't care, I will copyright it no matter what...
I will file one just like everyone else
!!/tell BrandonGelfand google "Software intellectual property law"
Oh god.....
he dont want advice he knows better than us :P
@BrandonGelfand is your project a new technology/programming language? if not i don't understand why you want a patent ?
@SomeKittens, nice, how's it going? I'm rebuilding my site!
@BrandonGelfand you don't understand. You automatically own the copyright to any creative work you make. You can apply for a trademark though...
Well, that's U.S. law anyway...
yeh trademark covers logos and business names etc
I have a lawyer to take care of my legalities, thats why I pay him. When the time comes I will talk to him.
so u pay him but u dont need him yet :S
i see investors running away already
Thanks for your guys' advice
I own a seperate company mate
@BrandonGelfand np
I needed him for that one, and I will need him again for this one
then u should know alot about copyright patents and trademarks already ;)
@phenomnomnominal Writing's not as much fun as coding... I wanna get back to the JavaScript. Currently on revision 4 of application
@twiz can my girlfriend call you?
@copy hahaha what?
@Dave never needed to deal with them before so no I don't, my last business was a catering company, I sold it and am starting this one.
@SomeKittens I hear you, I have some docs i should be writing, but meh, I'll do it later haha
@BrandonGelfand im sure you have heard of a patent office... but never a copyright office :P ?
They say an important part is getting in early so I'm making myself do the hard stuff first.
We tried to call @phenomnomnominal but it sent us to the voice mail.
but my @copy (:P) of Crysis should be arriving today, so probably a bit of a writeoff for the rest of the week!
as long as u can prove you made the work u have should your work get stolen thats evidence u own copyright. so just log the time and date of when you created your scripts.
@Dave dont be a smart ass, plz and ty
@BadgerGirl sorry! I'm in Sydney so my NZ sim card is out of my phone!
u will want to apply for trademarks but not copyright and i doubt patent also
@phenomnomnominal That's cool
@BadgerGirl what is it with you and calling people?
@SomeKittens what's your phone number?
Well considering its intelectual property I can and will apply for a patent
Is anyone else really fucking pumped for the PS4?
patent is not for intellectual property. it is for inventions that have never been done before.
and applications of things i dunno how to word it
@phenomnomnominal that's cool. Blink 182?
Thanks for the obvious Dave, I know what I am doing, and if I don't my lawyer sure as hell does
@BadgerGirl, yeh that's why I'm here! Saw them on Wednesday, and seeing them again on Sunday!
the obvious then why did you say you will patent intellectual property then lol if u knew the obvious you wouldn't do that.
@twiz can we call you? We really need to compensate for a bad call.
A patent is a type of intellectual property protection
GTG guys, I have work to be done, @Dave it was nice chatting
Sorry @Dave, but you're a bit wrong on this one.
@phenomnomnominal Thanks for explaining to him that
u cant patent an mp3 player if some one else has the idea is to protect you from application of tech used with the idea
so two people could not make an mp3 player the same way if one patented it
Yes but what I am doing hasnt been done so i can indeed patent
That doesn't stop it from being intellectual property
but the second person would not get the patent regardless of intellectual property or not.
Dave you a lawyer?
i dont need to be a lawyer to know how patents work i went to university.
if u have a brand new thing (though if your using MYSQL) i can't imagine what.
then go for it.
No, the patent is designed to protect the first person's intellectual property.
so your not a lawyer, then tell me why I would listen to you?
And never said I was using MySQL
u asked us a MYSQL question about 10 minutes ago.
that question was from a kid in teenage chat
This is boring, can you two just get over it.
no one was helping him so i posted it in here and in php room

Teenage Programmers Chatroom

A chat room for everybody! No age restriction, but be mature. ...
there ya go, scroll up a little
Talk to you all later
hmm it seems in my country a patent is only granted for inventions nothing else
Anyone here know a YC alum?
@BadgerGirl I don't know what that means, but (412) 281-3110
Oh, it's good that I didn't call you to the one I had.
Leave a message?
/me prank calls

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