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MS's P3P is broken
They make good stuff out of it.
it is not secure at all
@David19801 That's the dumbest thing I've heard all day
it is out dated
MS claims it is and that we just are not using it properly
Everyone likes hating Google because they're a big target, but they're one of the best in terms of protecting your privacy
^ that
NO! theyre bad at privacy...how do they show ads?
the guy said they use your history to show ads
lol you are a moron
I literally shed 2 tears when I read that he is using IE. LITERALLY.
so if you use chrome you have to delete it all the time
go play in traffic
i have no visitors on my website...so i cannot.
Source does matter. We regularly downvote answers that mention w3schools in a way that is not strictly negative.
Google needs to make money - so they target ads - big deal. EVERYONE DOES INCLUDING BING
Would you rather have irrelevant ads?
Like I just said, I want google to steal my information.
they are not stealing anything - you agree to let them use it
you guys hate w3schools? why?
They're bad
wrong information
its good
I'm wording it that way for literary effect :)
they show bad code and bad practises
@m59 \o I always feel weird as the only person who says "I"m ok with them knowing basic facts about me if they then build a better product for me"
so it has a few mistakes...it is still the best resource
and the information is clear
lol. Come on man. I'd rather Google be showing me newegg ads rather than the definite generic alternative - erectile dysfunction pills.
better than 100000000 tutorials that are too complicated
They didn't teach you not to use inline styles...
or to not use IE, ever.
@David19801 here is what this entire conversation can boil down too: you are inexperienced and have your "noob" resources and ideas. We are all experienced and have been in your shoes before - not knowing what is good or bad so just taking what the media shoves at you. But I would heed you to listen to us - we all do this professionally and are successful in this venture - we all also seem to know quite a bit more about the subject matter than you.
i still think inline is good...otherwise it would not have been invented
it must have had a use...
Dude, I'm a super noob, and you're definitely a noob.
Erectile dysfunction pills is just the fancy brand. Viagra is the generic brand.
Just because it exists doesn't make it good - Child Pornography as an example.
@KendallFrey LOL
Inline styles were used because addEventListener didn't exist yet
@David19801 So if something's been invented, therefore it's good? That's a terrible argument
not good, but there was a reason it was invented
The reason it was invented was because someone was a moron
"Wooden shoes === good" -David19801
@David19801 do you still plow with a pair of oxen?
well wooden shoes might be good for some uses
there are edge cases for everything
Atomic bombs are invented. Therefore they are good. QED.
no wonder he's not waking up.
doesn't mean use it for everything!
@JanDvorak LOLOLOL
eval and innerHTML have their limited uses - but they are not a "use-all"
@David19801 is actually Noob1992
what is innerHTML?
could I use that instead?
All n00bs:
The new Stack Overflow 'About' page is live. http://stackoverflow.com/about Share it with a n00b!
!!/tell david mdn innerhtml
!!/tell jan dvorak thanks
@David19801 Command dvorak does not exist.
i cant see that
i dont have flash
Try enabling HTML5 video
i have that on
sometimes youtube goes to flash sometimes html5
i dont know why...
Uninstall IE

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 '12 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 '12 at 13:40 by rlemon

^ watch / read
get off IE as a primary browser for development - it is not productive - Chrome or FF would be best as they are better suited for development.
wrap your head around the concept that you might be looking at the wrong resources
they are popular, but ultimately not good for learning proper practices and techniques.
hes saying contructor and thing...too complicated but Ill try it
thanks again guys
the #1 thing you can do for yourself as a developer is realize that you're going to be wrong 80% of the time.
not me. 79.99999999999%
I like Floating point numbers
posted on February 22, 2013 by Randall Koutnik

There's no doubt about it, JavaScript is as close to a universal language as one can get, at least in terms of developers with passing knowledge about it.  Regardless of server-side language preference, virtually all web developers know some level of JavaScript.  Unfortunately, most only have a very basic level of JS ability, instead using jQuery or the like[LINK]. The truth is, it's

Woah, that was fast.
Guess the new data center was good for something
We need a new data center for jsfiddle
I should make a chrome extension to have js fiddling offline
with a "share" button for jsfiddle, codepen, tinkerbin, jsbin, etc.
or gist.
@SomeKittens ....
> Unfortunately, most only have a very basic level of JS ability, instead using jQuery or the like[LINK].
are you missing an edit
> Others think that bad programmers will give Node a reputation for being incredibly difficult (even though it's pretty simple) as they try to build a Node app and fail. They'll spread the word that Node is a harsh language and "totally unradical" (or whatever dialect they use).
Holy cow, yes
bah, I tried and I failed. but I don't think i'm a bad programmer
I'm a dick, but not a bad programmer
Fixed that, sorry
I tried and succeeded. Come on, wimps.
@rlemon Where'd you fail at?
if Kendall can do it, then WTF rlemon.
@SomeKittens hehe getting Hello World
to be fair - I think I borked build on my server
...really? C'mon, it's right there on nodejs.org
less node.js programming - more node.js build.
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties python g++ make
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
beautiful words
I'd have a public example, but my VPS host is a dick and doesn't even set up SSH properly.
@SomeKittens I would love if I knew someone in the area who could site down with me for a few hours and a few beers and just walk me through it .
@SomeKittens hehe CentOS
the Yum package for node.js (at the time) wasn't playing nice
never did try the chris-lea ppa
Question again! in javascript, how do I get access to links inside a ul?
so I have: <ul><li><a href=.....><a href=....>
I would use document.getElementsByTagName('a') but I want just inside the ul...
not all a on the page..
@rlemon I'd do it for a few beers, but sadly, can't come to Canada
<ul id="foo"><li><a href=.....><a href=....>

what if it has no id...
add one
can i use tagname ul?
you can, but ID retrieval is much faster and easier
@rlemon Unfortunately, I'm underage.
k thanks!
Does that disqualify me?
@KendallFrey when you turn 18?
we can go to quebec
I am 18.
If you can identify the UL just by it being an UL... I wouln't rely on that...
Quebec LMAO
My gosh. This site is loading 32 css files and 19 js, 2 of which are mooTools and 3 are jQuery. sclivedemo.com/index.php/palmform-easy-joomla-form-builder/…
wait, do i need to do document.getElementByTagName('ul').document.getElementByTagName('li').document.g‌​etElementByTagName('a') or can I skip the li part?
no dude don't do that!
what did I just say
add a fucking id
get it by that
i cant! it might break my code...
no it wont!
not unless your code is beyond stupid
but will it still work?
i meant eh above thing i wrote
first, you don't understand DOM core methods
no it won't work
i see...
Syntax errors and you are treating collections like single objects
also document is the context
why are you trying to chain into it
because you did that
so i copied but without the id part
for getElementById
I needed a context.
then that returned Element is my context for grabbing the 'a's
is it possible to do without ul having an id?
he thinks it will break his code
The children of uls must be lis
but he won't try to see if it will
Then fix your code.
document.getElementByTagName('ul').document.getElementByTagName('a')? so i can miss out the li part?
Troll alert!
@David19801 still wrong
learn the language basics.
it takes weeks to learn...i just need this one thing
and stop arguing with us, we're telling you the proper way to do it
and it takes about 8 hours to learn if you watch those vids and read the articles I linked you
im not arguing! im just asking for help...
and we told you how to do it
try it
im watching the youthbe video you gave now
you told a way where i have to change my other code
You said you couldn't watch youtube
it took long to make it work so i dont want to change that
you are adding a damn ID
it's not going to break shit
thats the video he linked me
seriously.. you have your answer - I refuse to help you any further with this.
so there is no other way?
"it took long to make it work so i dont want to change that" Turning a learning experience into a failed project.
there is but it is stupid
thats ok, i can try it
until you test the code we suggest and learn that it does or does not work I can be of no more help to you
I will not advocate bad code - and I will not provide it if I can help it.
but it does exist?
lets make this easier: no it does not
the way we showed you is the only way
i see...
k thanks guy i will try it
The only way that could break your code is if the UL already had an ID or you gave it an ID value that was already used other places.
that is the ONLY way that would cause issues.
so you see, if you are careful and provide a unique ID it will break nothing
if it already has an ID - then use said ID to reference it
ok there are three ul
and you want the links in all three?
so im wondering can i do document.getElementByCLASS('foo').getElementsByTagName('a');
well now the conditions have changed.
thats what i was trying to say
but you didn't say that
but i can just do a class right?
its what i meant
ok i found getelementbyclassname...
so will document.getElementByClassName('foo').getElementsByTagName('a'); work?
var links = [],
    uls = document.getElementsByTagName('ul');
Array.prototype.forEach.call(uls, function(ul) {
    var _links = Array.prototype.slice.call(ul.getElementsByTagName('a'), 0);
really? all that?
@David19801 all getby's besides ID return nodeLists
so you need to iterate over them
@David19801 Give me one good reason why you wouldn't want an id.
or i could give everything a unique id and do the other thing for each of them...
@David19801 that would be stupid
and MUCH more code
but easier to understand
@rlemon nodeList or HTMLCollection depending on browsers
@rlemon better stick to for(;;) over foreach.call, isn't it?
@JanDvorak for compatibility - yes. but I don't offer <IE10 support in my teachings
browser support they can deal with on their own
I'm not concerned about compatibility. I am concerned about readability.
can i just loop over something?
perfectly readable to me
for(;;) is shorter; I like that
[].forEach.call is less IMO - but more in others.
subjective for this
@JanDvorak but then you need to duplicate the objects and cache the lens and shit
forEach IMO is more concise
@JanDvorak var x is also shorter than var count. Which is more readable?
for(var i=0;i<...;i++){document.getElementByClassName('foo')[i].getElementsByTagName('a'‌​);}
I think it's important to remember that for(;;) and forEach are different things
for( var i = 0, l = collection.length; i < l; i++ ) {
[].forEach.call(collection, function(i) {
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes but we are talking in this use case.
@rlemon in the specific case of treating your array like an array I agree. Generally forEach does something very specific, it goes through each element in a collection and applies something to it. The for loop above is a lot more explicit which in my opinion is bad
forEach makes more sense, I should not care about the inner working of the collection I'm working with, I just want to go through each of the items
yea. so if you were collecting links from unordered lists and caching them in a array - forEach IMO would be easier to understand.
is this right? - getelementsbyclassname will return an array? and then i can for loop on that like i did with the getelementsbyid?
I didn't test it but this is the correct syntax? : Array.prototype.slice.call(ul.getElementsByTagName('a'), 0);
@David19801 NodeList || HTMLCollection
and you don't need the second argument
not an array, but array like.
@FlorianMargaine 0 is assumed?
slice.call will always return a real array?
for(;;) makes me think harder, explicit iteration is archaic. I don't see why I'd do that in javascript if I have the ability to use forEach. I can always just shim it
ok this is too complicated for me now...I give up...thanks lemon and everyone.
no I'm asking
if I omit it will 0 be assumed
> If end is omitted, slice extracts to the end of the sequence.
default value
so, no, you're right
0 is needed
JavaScript should have optional parameters, and named parameters
doesn't ES6 start to get into this?
@BenjaminGruenbaum func({param1:value1, param10:value10})
I know you can simulate them (by passing objects, or setting defaults by checking arguments).
I just think it's really nice
and default parameters, maybe?
@FlorianMargaine by optional parameters I meant default parameters, yeah
param = param || default; // is ugly
I like the jQuery approach of a hashmap as an argument.
private object[] Foo(string arg1, int arg2, object arg3) {
  return new object[] { arg1, arg2, arg3 };
// inexplicably ES7 will just be c#
stupid void - how did you get in there.
ES6 has ...rest syntax for variable number of arguments
//Use anonymous classes and dynamic :P
private dynamic  Foo(string arg1, int arg2, object arg3) {
  return new { arg1=arg1, arg2=arg2, arg3=arg3 };
(don't really use dynamic, anonymous objects are awesome though)
you can omit private too
can anyone with Backbone experience help me understand what listenTo does?
@alme1304 last I used backbone.js listenTo didn't exist yet :) It just tells an object to listen to an event on another object
@alme1304 read this:
Q: Backbone 0.9.9: Difference between ListenTo and on

kyogronI am trying to learn the new changes they did in Backbone 0.9.9. Currently I got problems to understand the difference between ListenTo and on: listenTo var View = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: "div", intialize: function() { this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);...

I'm so torn - I see the issues with the current Event Model so I understand why libs use their own. but as a concept I dislike re-inventing the event model.
@BenjaminGruenbaum that is what I thought and I read that but for some reason I get a method does not have listenTo error
it's like - do I use a horrible event model as provided - or do I recreate my own and go against my principals... which are flawed in this case.
i guess is not so much listenTo's fault but what I'm giving it

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