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shut up. you're making my pinned tab light up
jeez I was jk...
I just looked at the code for the bot... there are actually some jokes I've never seen it say
1 hour later…
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
536k 165 2795 4210
1 hour later…
I ate too much sweets. I think I might go into a sugar coma
'too many'. If you're going to kill yourself, at least use good grammar.
what other kind of popups does Bootstrap have besides dropdown?
oh I see tooltips
hey trolls and trolleys
Any sql guys alive?
depends on how complex the sql is
@Dave know anything about views?
that's what I said
Like "create view"?

CREATE VIEW view_name AS
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
i only know a tiny bit i've never actually used view before
hmm, ok
in Teenage Programmers Chatroom, 15 mins ago, by rad
its not a simple, straight forward view, I need to calculate yearly salary in the view, I am wondering how to do that.. I have written part of it..
why does the teenager room keep dropping sql links in JS room thats been happening last 2 days ive noticed
I always drop links to other places
Can anyone help me with a Java question?
:( sorry @rlemon et all
had a snowday from work and was out most of the day doing stuff
@AmaanCheval lol I didn't get in any more trouble for the rocket thing, lol and nice mustache additions to my FB pic :P @GNi33
2 hours later…
does anyone know, for Bootstrap tabs, is it possible to use classes for the tab panels, rather than ids? I just want to be able to show/hide more than one panel for a single tab button.
I guess I'll use the custom events
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

Rohit// somedev1 - 6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Login screen // somedev2 - 5/22/07 Temporary my ass

@Zirak what is a reasonable number for "number of cats"? Choose 1, 2, 3 or 5
Or 7, 11, 13, or 17.
Q: Java Project for my Degree

user1988039 Hi everyone, I am a Second year student of B.C.A.(Bachelor of Computer Applications). Next year I need to develop one project to get a degree. I want to be a software developer so I want to build a Desktop Application .Language in which I want to make my career is Java. When I consul...

^^^^fun time
@copy Number of cats for what? killing? 10.
For having when I move in with him.
eating. I'd say one should be enough, but that's singular
And not a prime.
have you ever looked at a cat an wonder if it'd taste like chicken?
You missed the and.
I give up
That's alright. I'm going to sleep and dream about my perfect life with @copy and our 17 cats.
How do you make a plumber cry? Kill his family
!!/urban bbc
What is a fast way to turn a string 20121221 into 2012-12-21 without doing date.slice(0,4)+"-"+date.slice(4,6)...?
var dateStr = "20121221";
@andrewjackson That doesn't seem like a fast way to me.
what? why not??
@andrewjackson Lots of typing
var d = "20121221"
,     y = d[0]+d[1]+d[2]+d[3]
,     m = d[4]+d[5]
,     w = d[6]+d[7];
I'm jk. what's wrong with slice?
hey :P
Anybody knows a software to draft a specification ?
The magic words which'll open many doors are "Push" and "Pull"
@Darkyen sup?
@JanDvorak a one that makes it look beautiful ?
@andrewjackson nm just drafting something
@Darkyen OpenOffice Writer or TeX?
@JanDvorak Gonna use TeX
I find TeX hard to use ( school experience )
easier than html
but you're likely to have more practice in HTML than TeX
depends on people
I'm pretty sure that Donald Knuth has more practice in TeX
Plz, I'm in a misson for two days, and I'm blocked here:
@copy oh, so your name is Fabian
in Bochum?
I really hate it when people don't
Optimization is king
@techno javascript != java
hey dudes
how do i include js file if window size > 1000px ?
i'm using php/js/html
What is "window size"?
Height or width?
You should comment all your code
1 hour later…
@JanDvorak I only helped that guy because you pointed out he was an active user in Academia :)
I only noticed he was active in Academia because he had 101 rep :-)
I think I finally understood what he meant (just permutate the array)
A: how to order set of objects based on array of integers

Benjamin GruenbaumYour Variable class should implement the Comparable interface, When it does you should implement the compareTo method. After that you can sort it by calling the Collection.sort method. If you want to sort by a permutation if your indexes that's just a matter of creating a new ArrayList and map...

I didn't vote for any answer because I don't know what he's asking. I think your interpretation is correct but I haven't been confirmed the interpretation.
I didn't ask for your upvote just your opinion :)
OP has just changed his question. He added "descending".
hi,anybody having idea on dhtmlx components
What are these?
it is a UI
Never heard of them
try asking anyways
<h2><strong>Total: <t> 56 </h2>
i want to have space between total and 56....how to do that?
Never heard of <t>
tab i mean...itried not working
@PeterJennings just put a space there ' '
You should use <span> to identify your element and CSS to style it. Throw out <strong> completely.
still not working...
@PeterJennings read a CSS tutorial
"and CSS to style it" - have you done it? Show your attempt
<td height="46" width="39" align="center" bgcolor="#FAC14E"><h2><strong>Total: <?= number_format($ villages_fund); ?></strong></h2></td>
Is this for an email?
i want to have space between total and number
this is in a form..php
@JanDvorak Sounds like a bad suggestion. <strong> is perfectly fine, unlike <b> it has proper semantics
@ThiefMaster it's still presentational markup
i tried div tag..its coming next line
Anyways, <td> is probably non-semantic here.
that's because <div> is display:block by default
do you want me try <span>
<span> is an inline element with no default style
it can be used to target CSS
!!/google cascading style sheets tutorial
The first one seems decent (it advocates external styles (great thing), haven't looked further).
@AmaanCheval wow, i'm so excited about Asylum right now
wrote them a mail yesterday, asking if they are planning to make the game moddable, like Amnesia's Custom Stories
didn't expect to get a response that quick
"Hello Lukas!

Thank you so much for your kind email. We love to support the community :)

As a matter of fact, you will be able to create your own stories with Asylum. When the game is complete, we will release an SDK which will give you access to the resources we ship with the game. Of course, you will be able to add your own artwork if required.

The Interactive Teaser is a good example of what we're trying to do, as you can basically change everything! This update explains it better: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/agustincordes/asylum-kickstart-the-horror/posts/401138
I'm going to retract my suggestion to never use strong. I'm still sure the h2 is non-semantic there.
Indeed, HTMLDog does endorse <strong>.
@GNi33 :D
Dynamic typing brings 70% more happiness units
What is the metric?
I give you 2 happies
<strong> still screams to me "presentational" for some reason
Ain't nothing wrong with strong
Could be a font tag
font is bad
however using the correct semantic tag is a must
I don't know the issue. I'm just jumping in
and I know font is bad. I was teasing
Haters be hatin'
I always use font
They do
Q: JavaScript...what to unit test

SBelI would like to hear other people's opinion on what to unit test in JavaScript. I've been thinking about it and experimenting and let me present what seems to me the right thing. First of all, in order to be able to unit test your production code you need to divide the productin code into three l...

what? Font tag is just stupid
I've never encountered a case where strong is semantic. I believe that a pair of spans is semantic in case of key-value lists
@Jan, in an article. Highlighting a word with strong meaning that is not a title.
@rlemon noted. I haven't encountered that case yet :-)
@JanDvorak a <dl> sounds better for such a case
@rlemon Joking
@ThiefMaster Even if the key should never have more than one value? Will consider, though.
Thanks for the suggestion
i think having multiple <dd> for a single <dt> is valid
It is valid spec-wise, but it's not valid semantically in the situation I mention
... and tables are just bloated
... and confusing when not displayed as such
jQuery is a better language than javascript
posted on February 23, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} SMBC Theater fans! A word from James. We're looking for a few good g

Hey I need help, anyone here knows python?
@ThiefMaster thanks, I'm learning and I need an idea for a 4-5 hour project to code for fun
I learn best through practice, some exercise
web or non-web?
@ThiefMaster non-web I guess
Still waiting :P
Regular expression to NFA
@FlorianMargaine Yeah
A: How to prevent SQL injection in PHP?

Yoong KimWhy are you all reinventing the wheel? A simple way to develop is to use some stable and reliable framework such as Joomla, Drupal or ZendFramework. The choice will rely on your needs and only you can select the appropriate one. If you are just starting to use PHP, maybe it's more difficult to ch...

because joomla is totally secure!
@ThiefMaster Just use rails. It's secure. For real.
So I want to create a custom text area with styling and stuff like the google docs editor or something, but I don't want to use a library like ace. Any suggestions?
use something that already exists or you'll waste lots of time rewriting it - and it'll probably be worse than the existing libraries.
@ThiefMaster But I want something simple, not an editor or anything, just a custom text area with some little quirks I add.
what kind of quirks?
@ThiefMaster I dunno maybe making some words bold or something.
that's far from "little"
it means you can't use a textarea
@ThiefMaster Yes, so a <div>.
I think a contenteditable div is the most common way to do it
Hi bestie
But then you need to take care of all the trouble contenteditable brings. People pasting stuff from websites or MS word for example. That'll put HTML in your div which you might not wait
@ThiefMaster Yeah, exactly.
I want just a custom text area that jquery can listen to/modify and add <spans> and stuff.
@BadgerGirl Hi
well as i said, you are most likely better off if you use something existing
@ThiefMaster So it's really that hard?
I found this thing on a forum while googling: jsfiddle.net/4XJkY
Highlight any of the text and hit bold and it adds a <b>
Kinda weird how it works though.
It's not a high-quality code. Inline code handlers, for starters.
brs for spacing
Well it's just a demo.
Or is that a sign
it does show the power of contenteditable, though.
(that is, in Chrome at least)
The code could be worse, though.
There was an interesting article about it in html5rocks
ok ill check
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's originally where I first saw it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I couldn't find it on html5rocks
oddly I can't find it there either :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum Was it a blog post?
I'm not really sure now, I think it was an impress.js slideshow
Oh, that's probably why it isn't searchable : /
I'm trying to put together a little contenteditable test right now.
Hrm... I can't seem to get the div to accept html tags as html.
Got it.
What's sad about 4 black people driving off a cliff? They were my friends
Following @antijokeapple I can see.
Q: Elegant function to "increase" a JavaScript string - for example, turning "aac" into "aad"

DokkatI'm writing a function to increase a string so, for example, "aac" becomes "aad" and "aaz" becomes "aba". The result is horribly inelegant, I can't get it simple enough and I feel I'm missing something. How to improve that code? function inc_str(str){ var str = str.split("").map(function(a){...

Why don't you let your compiler fix that?
It's redundant, also, why are you putting your { in the following line like C#?
Why are you using windoze? Why are you using tabs? Why are you religious?
It's confusing because with 'return' it wouldn't work
I don't use it for objects
You really think having the 3 extra lines with the else make it more readable?
buttonImage: 'images/img1.png',
buttonImageOnly: true,
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
showOn: 'both',
beforeShowDay: NotBeforeToday
).datepicker("setDate", new Date());
how can i set tomorrow by this code
@rahularyansharma Use fixed font.
@DJDavid98 ?
@DJDavid98 Nice Avatar. I love MLP.
when writing code
in chat always
use the fixed font
                buttonImage: 'images/img1.png',
                buttonImageOnly: true,
                changeMonth: true,
                changeYear: true,
                showOn: 'both',
                beforeShowDay: NotBeforeToday
            ).datepicker("setDate", new Date());
thanks @DJDavid98
Dat indention
@BenjaminGruenbaum one could argue to write the if-else without brackets, but everything else is insane
	buttonImage: 'images/img1.png',
	buttonImageOnly: true,
	changeMonth: true,
	changeYear: true,
	showOn: 'both',
	beforeShowDay: NotBeforeToday
}).datepicker("setDate", new Date());
@BadgerGirl Note that he is 8 years younger than you :-(
@copy I don't see why use 'else' there, you return something, why wrap it in another else{ }? What benefit does it give you?
@copy And may I ask, why exactly is that a problem?
@copy Well if my boyfriend watched MLP with me, I wouldn't have to comment on his avatar.
@DJDavid98 It's not
@copy Then it's not worth noting IMO.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I only use that if it's a catch-all case
	buttonImage: 'images/img1.png',
	buttonImageOnly: true,
	changeMonth: true,
	changeYear: true,
	showOn: 'both',
	beforeShowDay: NotBeforeToday
}).datepicker("setDate", new Date());
how to set tomorrow in this code ?
!!/google getting the date for tomorrow javascript
@rahularyansharma ^ There
@copy I usually don't like being explicit if I am able not to be and not sacrifice readability. It's very common to omit an 'else' in recursive algorithms.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I like being explicit
Maybe else return is fine if it's on the same line like
   return some
else return something
Like in most books
@copy LOL the OP turned it into a horrible one liner with ternary operator, I hope you're happy now.
I made this Q&A thing, I'm open feedback:
Q: Javascript function to write out seconds in string format like this

DJDavid98I would like a function that can return strings like this: It takes one input, which is a number or a string, representing the time value in seconds. If the input is 10 (or under 60), return just the number with an "s" at the end: "10s". If the input is 60, 120, 180 etc., return only the numbe...

@BenjaminGruenbaum HOLY
And he named his functions after my variables, but I choose the wrong name for one of them
lol, priceless
Well, may god have mercy on his soul
ternary operators can make code smaller at times, I don't see why everybody hates them.
@DJDavid98 99% of times they make code less readable. This is one such case
You shouldn't want to make your code smaller unless you're participating at codegolf
//They can turn this:
if (number > 10){
    final = 'over';
else {
    final = 'under';
//to this:
final = (number > 10 ? 'over' : 'under');
Using them inside each other is something I would understand the hate on.
That's okay
return (last(str) == "z") ? inc_str(head(str)) + "a" : head(str) + inc_char(last(str));
I just google ternary operator. Never realized that's what that was called...
@twiz Me neither up until this point xD
@copy That's not that much unreadable
@DJDavid98 Yeah, but why make it smaller? Is your editor slow?
@copy Nah, but it means less traffic
No it doesn't
Plus in JS, if you just minify your code when you're done...
Closure compiler can handle it
Code should be made as readable as possible, while me and @copy disagree on the redundant else we agree on that.
That's what I mean. I say always choose optimal readability over concisness
Readable code is a lot more important than shorter code
It's not conciseness it's wiseassness
Making your code smaller does not make it more concise.
@DJDavid98 Because they come at the expense of each other often
@DJDavid98 Because that is rarely possible...
Moreover, readable code is usually more important than performant code.
Most of the time, especially in client-side javascript, performance is not an issue but maintenance is.
I don't feel like arguing about this right now xD
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's really one of the things many people don't understand
@BenjaminGruenbaum especially in client-side JS
since you're not screwing over the server
@copy I'm yet to meet anyone who has held a programming job for at least a few months who disagrees. (Well, maybe some embedded programmers)
oohhh ha I didn't even read that you said the same hting
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see it all the time. For example, people who think you should "cache" the length of an array in a variable, because property access is slow
Ok, I clearly need more caffeine and less thinking at the moment...
I mean, it doesn't decrease readability, but it's soooooo useless
It's very common for new programmers to prefer short code. When my students frown upon long code, or tell me how cool their shorter is I explain how the development process works. Also I show them longer and shorter versions of the same code and ask them which they understand.
@BenjaminGruenbaum <embed type="person/programmer" height="195cm" weight="67kg">...</embed> - Ba dumm tish
I've heard 'concise' used in that context also quite a few times. Students seem to think shorter code is more 'concise'. If I may quote John von Neumann : "There’s no sense in being precise when you don’t even know what you’re talking about"
Neumann János FTW
@DJDavid98 Mostly new embedded developers, always with their binary operations in their C code and pointer arithmetic, making code they don't understand themselves after a month
@BenjaminGruenbaum If they're unable to understand their own code, I suggest them to start over.
@DJDavid98 But it's so performant
That's fine, this isn't meant to be human readable as it is the base of an AI programming system I'm developing. Less tokens = better and I must avoid varaibles. — Dokkat 47 secs ago
I will just leave it at that
less characters != less tokens
avoiding variables, but, WHY?
memory consumption. Man, those relays are expensive.
@copy caching the length of an array in a variable was mentioned in the new jQuery learning center learn.jquery.com/performance/cache-loop-length
now is that right or wrong?
It helps performance
It's not horribly wrong, but it will never change performance in any noticable way
I see nothing wrong, that's one way of doing it.
I'll dig up a jsperf
@JanDvorak You do that
Like it's worth it...
the benefit is very small for plain arrays
Students also frown upon using 'too many variables', they always tell me I can refactor this:

var isValidMethodForUser = method==="GET" || method==="POST";
   //do stuff

Into something like this:
if(method==="GET" || method==="POST"){
    // do stuff
They don't see how they just end up with a line above that if saying "Checks that the method is valid, that is it is get or post). (This is obviously an oversimplified example)
I almost always prefer #1 if said variable is used more than once.
It's also okay to declare a variable that is only used once. There is no problem with that
Even if it's used once I'd rather do it the first way if the logic is complicated
@BenjaminGruenbaum If it is complicated, then I agree. Otherwise, I prefer the second.
I never said it's not okay, I still agree that it's a good idea to split large expressions
unless you're golfing, ofc
I'm still looking for feedback on my first Q&A type thing, is there anything I can improve?
Generally, I create variables whenever I think it's not trivial logic, the compiler takes care of it for me
I'd love to hear anyone who had 'faster way for array iteration' ever solve a problem for in practice
@DJDavid98 The question should be shorter and the answer should explain the approach
I believe that caching the length is often useful in Java since length() is a (potentially large) function call (that is, in those rare cases where an iterator cannot be used).
jsperf.com/caching-array-length/146 Now the loop isn't empty, apperantly now caching isn't faster
It's... slower with caching? How's that possible?
It's a micro-benchmark, it represents nothing
In practice, I'm yet to hear of a single instance caching length helps
@BenjaminGruenbaum First, the question has to explain every aspect of the function, I can't really make it shorter without cutting off some explanation. Second, from what way? The logic explanation isn't enough?
What about expensive getters? Not that you'll find these in Javascript.
@JanDvorak Sure you can find these, just use Object.defineProperty(object, 'propName', { get: function() {} })
@IvoWetzel yup, but they're not often used.
You shouldn't use expensive getters in any language
@JanDvorak Because IE
you should cache any expensive getters
In c# you see them abused from time to time (getters)
Which sucks.. JS databinding frameworks would be much nicer if accessors worked everywhere
@BenjaminGruenbaum Depends, you can still gain performance by changing the iteration in a 2 dimensional array, since this hugely affects the RAM cache lines.
!!s/iteration/iteration order/
@JanDvorak @BenjaminGruenbaum Depends, you can still gain performance by changing the iteration order in a 2 dimensional array, since this hugely affects the RAM cache lines. (source)
@IvoWetzel Let me rephrase, in javascript
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm sure that cache lines still affect Javascript
They probably do, but I've never seen it cause a performance issue before
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, still the same issue. If I got a giant array with arrays in it and it's stored like [row[col...], row[col...], row[col...]] and I'm writing 2 for loops which do it the wrong way around (e.g. index col first then row) my cache lines are gone and so is the performance
@IvoWetzel can you prepare a javascript perf demonstrating that? I'd love to see a concrete example
@IvoWetzel I understand the problem and dealt with it in other languages, I just never ran into, or heard about any problem it ever posed in a javascript program.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Only ever comes up if you're doing number crunching (image processing might be one example here, so yes, canvas stuff might actually be affected by it)
there was a rather nice question on SO demonstrating the results of utilizing the cache lines correctly, but I don't think I'll be able to find it quickly
@IvoWetzel I think you're missing my point, I'm not saying such optimizations are not important, I'm saying that they're less important than readable code 99.9% of time
@IvoWetzel can you explain these results? jsperf.com/cache-lines
Gotta love ReSharper, on the more inefficient snippet I get a 'Reverse order of iteration' refactoring suggestion :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Now that is awesome
@IvoWetzel your results are impressive (1:2), but mine are equally impressive in the opposite direction
@JanDvorak ? can't see those then I'm only seeing the red one being faster in the jsperf listing.
The red one is for column-order
The only difference is the order of indexes
Everything else wouldn't even make sense. The ram is accessed in slots of 64 bytes by the ram controller, these "lines" are then cached, so if you are reading sequentially it will obviously be a lot faster than if you're jumping between lines.
(maybe more or less then 64 bytes, depending on the controller though)
I'm getting the opposite results from my perf
Especially since JS converts those arrays to native arrays (just blocks of sequential memory)
@JanDvorak Link ?
The one I gave you, jsperf.com/cache-lines
@JanDvorak copy-pasta mistake
@copy you're right, will fix
Gotta love this turned from a discussion about why micro optimizations are a lot less important than readable code to a discussion about micro optimizations :)
k, fixed
Although, I have to admit looping a 2 dimensional way the wrong way seems very odd any way
... and much slower
wow, now my results are even more conclusive in favor of sequential reads
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well if you don't know any better or you just screw it up once and never touch the code again. But yeah, I wouldn't even consider this a optimization if you screwed up the order, it's a bug imo
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