does anyone know, for Bootstrap tabs, is it possible to use classes for the tab panels, rather than ids? I just want to be able to show/hide more than one panel for a single tab button.
Hi everyone,
I am a Second year student of B.C.A.(Bachelor of Computer Applications). Next year I need to develop one project to get a degree. I want to be a software developer so I want to build a Desktop Application .Language in which I want to make my career is Java. When I consul...
Plz, I'm in a misson for two days, and I'm blocked here:
Your Variable class should implement the Comparable interface,
When it does you should implement the compareTo method.
After that you can sort it by calling the Collection.sort method.
If you want to sort by a permutation if your indexes that's just a matter of creating a new ArrayList and map...
I didn't vote for any answer because I don't know what he's asking. I think your interpretation is correct but I haven't been confirmed the interpretation.
@AmaanCheval wow, i'm so excited about Asylum right now
wrote them a mail yesterday, asking if they are planning to make the game moddable, like Amnesia's Custom Stories
didn't expect to get a response that quick
"Hello Lukas!
Thank you so much for your kind email. We love to support the community :)
As a matter of fact, you will be able to create your own stories with Asylum. When the game is complete, we will release an SDK which will give you access to the resources we ship with the game. Of course, you will be able to add your own artwork if required.
The Interactive Teaser is a good example of what we're trying to do, as you can basically change everything! This update explains it better:
I would like to hear other people's opinion on what to unit test in JavaScript. I've been thinking about it and experimenting and let me present what seems to me the right thing. First of all, in order to be able to unit test your production code you need to divide the productin code into three l...
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} SMBC Theater fans! A word from James. We're looking for a few good g…
Why are you all reinventing the wheel? A simple way to develop is to use some stable and reliable framework such as Joomla, Drupal or ZendFramework. The choice will rely on your needs and only you can select the appropriate one. If you are just starting to use PHP, maybe it's more difficult to ch...
So I want to create a custom text area with styling and stuff like the google docs editor or something, but I don't want to use a library like ace. Any suggestions?
But then you need to take care of all the trouble contenteditable brings. People pasting stuff from websites or MS word for example. That'll put HTML in your div which you might not wait
I'm writing a function to increase a string so, for example, "aac" becomes "aad" and "aaz" becomes "aba". The result is horribly inelegant, I can't get it simple enough and I feel I'm missing something. How to improve that code?
function inc_str(str){
var str = str.split("").map(function(a){...
@copy I usually don't like being explicit if I am able not to be and not sacrifice readability. It's very common to omit an 'else' in recursive algorithms.
I would like a function that can return strings like this:
It takes one input, which is a number or a string, representing the time value in seconds.
If the input is 10 (or under 60), return just the number with an "s" at the end: "10s".
If the input is 60, 120, 180 etc., return only the numbe...
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see it all the time. For example, people who think you should "cache" the length of an array in a variable, because property access is slow
It's very common for new programmers to prefer short code. When my students frown upon long code, or tell me how cool their shorter is I explain how the development process works. Also I show them longer and shorter versions of the same code and ask them which they understand.
I've heard 'concise' used in that context also quite a few times. Students seem to think shorter code is more 'concise'. If I may quote John von Neumann : "There’s no sense in being precise when you don’t even know what you’re talking about"
@DJDavid98 Mostly new embedded developers, always with their binary operations in their C code and pointer arithmetic, making code they don't understand themselves after a month
That's fine, this isn't meant to be human readable as it is the base of an AI programming system I'm developing. Less tokens = better and I must avoid varaibles. — Dokkat47 secs ago
Students also frown upon using 'too many variables', they always tell me I can refactor this:
var isValidMethodForUser = method==="GET" || method==="POST";
//do stuff
Into something like this:
if(method==="GET" || method==="POST"){
// do stuff
They don't see how they just end up with a line above that if saying "Checks that the method is valid, that is it is get or post). (This is obviously an oversimplified example)
I believe that caching the length is often useful in Java since length() is a (potentially large) function call (that is, in those rare cases where an iterator cannot be used).
@BenjaminGruenbaum First, the question has to explain every aspect of the function, I can't really make it shorter without cutting off some explanation. Second, from what way? The logic explanation isn't enough?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Depends, you can still gain performance by changing the iteration in a 2 dimensional array, since this hugely affects the RAM cache lines.
@JanDvorak @BenjaminGruenbaum Depends, you can still gain performance by changing the iteration order in a 2 dimensional array, since this hugely affects the RAM cache lines. (source)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, still the same issue. If I got a giant array with arrays in it and it's stored like [row[col...], row[col...], row[col...]] and I'm writing 2 for loops which do it the wrong way around (e.g. index col first then row) my cache lines are gone and so is the performance
@IvoWetzel I understand the problem and dealt with it in other languages, I just never ran into, or heard about any problem it ever posed in a javascript program.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Only ever comes up if you're doing number crunching (image processing might be one example here, so yes, canvas stuff might actually be affected by it)
there was a rather nice question on SO demonstrating the results of utilizing the cache lines correctly, but I don't think I'll be able to find it quickly
@IvoWetzel I think you're missing my point, I'm not saying such optimizations are not important, I'm saying that they're less important than readable code 99.9% of time
Everything else wouldn't even make sense. The ram is accessed in slots of 64 bytes by the ram controller, these "lines" are then cached, so if you are reading sequentially it will obviously be a lot faster than if you're jumping between lines.
(maybe more or less then 64 bytes, depending on the controller though)
Gotta love this turned from a discussion about why micro optimizations are a lot less important than readable code to a discussion about micro optimizations :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well if you don't know any better or you just screw it up once and never touch the code again. But yeah, I wouldn't even consider this a optimization if you screwed up the order, it's a bug imo