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@user1867842, definitely
That is a great example. Is it allowed to look up all the Jquery functions. For example can a pro read this at his job ? Or does a pro programmer have to memorize this and isn't allowed to look this up on the internet while working . > api.jquery.com
@user1867842, of course you can look it up, granted, if you use it enough you will become used to it, but no one would ever expect you to memorise every function call in the library. And if they do, fuck working for them.
@designer what if you access the page directly, instead of through AJAX?
oh! so what time is it there?
@user1867842 who's the pro police that said I can't use a reference?
How come in the php room someone said that it isn't allowed to use the Manuals . Like Php Functions references ........@phenomnomnominal
@user1867842, because they're a moron
Because I will never be able to program without a function reference
@KirstyHarris 00:05
Nobody is perfect how can someone memorize all of that API
shit thats late
I feel so depressed
meh, not too bad
id be dead by that time ha
@user1867842 have you ever considered trying model building as a new hobby?
I haven't, but I don't think there's any memorizing...
I want to work as a professional programmer, I will spend day and night remembering houndres of functions and parameters if that is what it takes@andrewjackson
@user1867842, it's not about that
why not be a professional model builder, and make quality props for TV commercials?
it's about building exciting things
@phenomnomnominal it's about the music
thats what gives you value
No I want to be a programmer
well u can do more than me haha!
@andrewjackson, yes that too :P
@user1867842, then program!
I can't program without a reference . What is the use to "program".@phenomnomnominal
what makes you a "senior javascript coder" is being fluent in the language
Using the reference is PART of programming!
@user1867842 can you speak and write English without a reference?
No it's not@phenomnomnominal
there's two parts, that I can think of, to a language...
semantics and structure
@andrewjackson if i access directly i always get the right result
you're asking about semantics, when that should come naturally, as you learn about structure
it really looks like the json gets fired before the server can handle a result, and then its null
@user1867842, how long have you been programming?
23 mins ago, by andrewjackson
@designer you're probably sending an AJAX request on top of another one, before it completes, and it's causing some issue
I'm not a programmer. I want to be . @phenomnomnominal
So you're telling me how to do my job then?
@andrewjackson interesting, but then the Twitter Bootstrap does, i am only providing the typeahead with a source
You think you just wake up one day and know how to program without learning anything?
You think programming is a static thing that never changes?
No . Someone told me it isn't allowed to use the Function reference @phenomnomnominal
@user1867842 in some kind of exam maybe
Well, I am telling you that they are so fucking wrong that they will never be successful EVER
That, or they we're messing with you
What kind of questions are on the exam ?@designer
Engineers look up books before doing the math for the house structure
There isn't an exam to become a programmer!
@user1867842 I dont know, depending on the uni - and course...
@designer When the ajax request starts, set a variable to true, then set it to false on $.ajax.complete(). next, make only send an ajax request if that variable is false
@andrewjackson, he should definitely become a model builder.
@user1867842 how old are you?
@andrewjackson i am not exactly sure where i can put any variable in before the json already fires a request to the url?
$.getJSON(URL, {q: query}, function(data){});
20 but I still live with my parents and am graduating this year since I dropped out my senior year and didn't go back to school since last year @andrewjackson
var busy = false;
if (!busy) {
	busy = true;
@andrewjackson What'd you mean?
and then set busy = false, in success ?
Now I am getting online courses through a school online . I should be doing some of my classes right now, but I am to busy trying to learn all of the references. But I am graduating for sure, I am in my second semester of high school@andrewjackson
And my gpa is at a 3.8@andrewjackson
@andrewjackson it still does the exact same scenario
@designer did you ever consider doing console.log(jXHR)?
correct text === "Make me bounce" ? :-P
Since we have to click to make it bounce ;-P
no offense, but you really don't know how to debug
gives me the same as data, already tried.. every time i get []
and round that i get the data, which is correct .. i just dont want the empty ones, but not sure why i get them
@designer well, I guess it's your jQuery
I can't really be any help with you just explaining it
@andrewjackson pastebin.com/9Q33EWpZ
This is how i put my json get together with Twitter Bootstrap typeahead
see anything im doing wrong there?
review your query and "{$cookie->id_lang}" vars
They are correct, happens even if i put static info
watch the network tab in developer console, and make sure the url is right with all of the right query values
click the ajax request, and see what the response is
that's all I can say for you...
it's up to you to use the debug tools availabe to you
I've basically been walking you though how to debug
really, once you've mastered how to debug, do you ever really need help?
@andrewjackson Thank you for trying. They all give me 200, XHR and everything looks fine
They dont fail
can you tell me which autocomplete you would use if you had to chose one?
my own
they're really not that hard to make
does anyone knw how to make a slideshow like that in wordpress
@AmaanCheval Dude, this notebook is so bauce ...
Massively badass.
facebook brought me here !
@Yoosuf thats probably a nivo slider of some sort with jquery... can you hard code?
@OctavianDamiean!! Much Love <3
yes somewat
@andrewjackson using jqueryui.com/autocomplete/#remote and now it works perfectly fine
@jAndy Much Love <3
@AmaanCheval Muchos Love haha!
seems like a lovely day :p
could you pls give me the name of that silder or any themes which hve it already
Is she going crazy or something? :p
drunken of luv
@Yoosuf there are plug ins for people who are not code orientated, but they are restrictive, i would suggest learning how to hardcode the nivo slider.. its an awesome slider
www.milknhny.co.uk that is my website and that has a nivo slider in it in a sidebar
@AmaanCheval im spreading the love today.. .. im in a good mood,... plus creating power mains connectors is doing my tree in today.. and i got an oscilloscope module to write with a thousand and one accessories.. i need a distraction
@KirstyHarris You all tame and trusting today? Fine, let me exploit that real quick. :D
haha! :p i am quite tame arent i!... shit... bring back the old bitch...
I dont see it in your website Kirsty, are you referring to the main slider on top
Well I actually i need it to move in a circular motion like n the inage
yes @Yoosuf as in the slider at the top under the menu
1 in front and the rest behind it like that
theres actually two styles, i have a nivo at the top and a jquery carousel at the bottom
i have a perchant for bruno mars new song atm... its beautiful
this one
yes @Yoosuf
that is a Nivo Slider with jquery and just images
if you have not a great deal of confidence hard coding i would suggest maybe a free plugin like captain slider or something, but you are quite restricted to the size and also the ability to have custom DIVS with headers etc over the top as these are all coded within the actual sidebar freehand
Are you a girl hacker @KirstyHarris
a girl hacker? ha... erm not really, i dont hack ha, i just see how stuffs done
are you learning javascript to ?@KirstyHarris
@user1867842 at this moment in time yes,
this is me pissing about codepen.io/rusticblonde/pen/wbICF
@andrewjackson !!!! i changed to $.ajax instead and everything works....
just wanna tell you
does jquery mobile is for mobile website or mobile app
can i really make a mobile website easyly in jquery mobile
a mobile website? as in a responsive design?
or functionality?
what exactly you trying to do? if its a jquery question then im not entirely sure, but if you are talking about front end then you can build the design with bootstrap and media queries, but back end it depends on what you wish to do i guess
Sorry I was actually confused with mobile app and mobile website
What kind of mobile app ?
So when did you start developing websites and stuff @KirstyHarris
@user1867842 ive been doing them as random projects for years, since my first homestead design at 13. Im self taught so im always still learning, i dont know much heavy hardcode, i just know how to do random things, if i see something i like, i work out how to do it :)
What is a homestead design ? And what do you mean by hardcore programming ?@KirstyHarris
well im talking about back end stuff, like mysql etc. I dont know much apart from a little php from Wordpress, HTML and CSS. Ive just started to learn js and jquery
homestead was like a drag and drop builder, i dont think its even around anymore ha!
you could import images and text and put them where you want so to speak
it was free when i was a kid
Oh how old are you now ? @KirstyHarris
im 27 :) this is going back when i was about 13 ha!
@KirstyHarris backend of mysql
well u know the stuff behind websites like deep stuff, i aint a scoobie about that
whats a scoobie @KirstyHarris
ffs @KirstyHarris don't you sleep? ._.
sorry, englishism AGAIN... aint a scoobie = aint a clue
btw, Good morning pals.
@AndréSilva same goes ha!... im at work, its 9.17am :D
@KirstyHarris Me too.. but it is 07:17am here ._.
currently doing modules on power entry connectors.... fun times
modules on power entry connectors ???????
Where do work at ? @KirstyHarris
i work for an electronics company, module is what our customers see on our websites. I create parts for people to buy :)
Do you get to program anything ?@KirstyHarris
no, thats my sideline :)
Can you read binary ?@KirstyHarris
Do you use bread boards and stuff ?@KirstyHarris
i dont use them, we sell them, but my electronics knowledge is more test and measurement based, chemicals and adhesives side, as i deal with those products
@KirstyHarris Where do you live? Where were you in the night of 9th december? What is your bank account? How many times have you been in prison?
._. Lots of questions. How do you feel being interviewed lol
thanks for speaking my thoughts lol
we have a psychic in the room ;)
They are just questions ...@KirstyHarris
I wouldn't call myself a psychic.. more like a dickhead or something..
i know, just alot of them :)
@AndréSilva i am actually laughing in the office, not good just randomly like ha!
Why did I say something funny ? Or are you laughing that I am asking so many questions ?@KirstyHarris
i am laughing at @AndréSilva @user1867842
more like a psycho
is that overused? lol
I guess I'm gonna get dirty with canvas :P
haha Andre Silva is a psycho
aww your not sweet
I didn't say it andrewjacks said it @KirstyHarris
@user1867842 haha Andre Silvia is a psycho?
37 secs ago, by Kirsty Harris
@user1867842 @user
u did reply to this?
hey @AmaanCheval
What's up?
hows tricks? u having a good day?
Yeah, pretty good so far
What is that @AmaanCheval
sorry hows tricks = hows things....
I should really watch my englishisms ha!
I'm winning so far while competing with my friend in beating notpron.org levels
Seriously, it's not pron :p
what is that ha!.. sounds confusing!
oh goodness! its like a football virtual game
Oh, no
Not that
afk, lunch
Damn I was going to ask for help :(
What is your question ?@AndréSilva
I'm back.
WebSockets yet
In javascript ????????@AndréSilva
Of course ._.
@AndréSilva WebSockets are awesome, go for it.
I am going for it
But this script isn't working.
It never opens the connection
It just closes with a code of 1006
Want to see the code ?
@OctavianDamiean Please tell me you want to see the code D:
I never wanted anything so badly as seeing your code.
Hell yeah. Check this tasty code.
Gimme your code, do it.
        var xmlhttp;
        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
          xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        } else {
          xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
          if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {

        xmlhttp.open("POST", "/ws-auth", true);

        xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
Yeah I do a xhr to get the ws link :(
that looks like ajax@AndréSilva
@user1867842 xhr
@AndréSilva That's correct.
ajax = xhr multi-browser
@OctavianDamiean CloseEvent {reason: "", code: 1006, wasClean: false, clipboardData: undefined, cancelBubble: false…}
@OctavianDamiean could i ask your help please codepen.io/rusticblonde/pen/wbICF... ive attempted this code but think ive missed something
Tried at home using Chrome and still nothing.
@AndréSilva Did you already checkout Zirak's source code?
You seem to miss something.
as in i think ive slightly made an error... but im confused where
You have to append some parameter to the WS URL.
I don't have it bookmarked here. Do you have the link from github ?
@KirstyHarris I'll get to you in a second.
It bounces @KirstyHarris
ok thanks hun
@user1867842 its not that im refering to.. i want the Div to fade in on mouseOut of the h1
@KirstyHarris Set a inner div and a fixed size for h1
Put the inner div as display:none
ok and not visibility?
And use the $('#id').fadeIn();
No, I'm almost sure that almost every effect from jquery is using display style
so you cant do it on a fade out of just a h1 tag, you have to do it on a div?
fade in even
@KirstyHarris You can use any element
@KirstyHarris <div class="balls"><center>sfs</center></div>
center? Really?
I'm just saying so you can have a fixed size h1 and mouseout attached to it
And make the div fadeIn or out
well thats what ive tried to do.. @OctavianDamiean i got bored with the naming convention
What naming convention?
Man.. I want to make this bot work but my freaking coworker won't shut the hell up.
exactly ha!
$("h1").mouseOut(function() {
That's nothing to do with naming convention. Don't use tags to describe the look or position of your content.
That's what CSS is there for.
@KirstyHarris I'm sorry, my balls are already visible.
Does anybody know how to make 3D porns ?
Take some 3D models and use your imagination.
can you explain the math for bouncing boobs ?@OctavianDamiean
im still confused as to why its not working thou
@OctavianDamiean :D
@user1867842 Depends on the elasticity of flesh, fat, silicone and so on.
because ive asked for the .balls to become visibible on mouseout... so im lost 0_o
@KirstyHarris Because it is already visible.. and when your mouse is out, it says to put the element visible..
They are silicone @OctavianDamiean
@AndréSilva but its not visible as i have the css visibility:hidden;
.balls {margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: 1px solid #000; width: 300px; font: 16px Fjalla One; visibility: hidden;}
Instead of visibility use display:none
ok, i will try that
and remove .css('visibility:visible');
Put .fadeIn();
nope. no worky
@user1867842 It's a simple physics example of kinetic/potential energy transformation with elasticity.
Give me the link ._.
Yes I understand . But what are the physics math ? Is it just a matrix translation from a y axis ? How to get them to bounce up and down ?@OctavianDamiean
Ah.. there is no mouseOut --'
How long have you been working on that ? @KirstyHarris
$("h1").mouseOut(function() {
Why not just use css and :hover
mouseOut is wrong
mouseout is right
Capital O, fucking shit up.
ha! i did put cap o lol.. one mo
@user1867842 Well for the computer it'll be a matrix translation in the end but the parameters for the matrix translation are subject to the physics calculation.
@OctavianDamiean The only difference I see is the fkey :(
hmmm now bounce aint working... fuck ha!
@AndréSilva I've linked you to the exact line you should take a look at.
I want to make a 3d porno

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