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and its incredibly awesome
for it supports a lot of languages by default
so it's like free google translate ?
its like a free nlp
allows you to forget pain of parsing a language
just focus on what you will do with its parse ;D
I see
the best is the stanford parser though
but its HUGE and SLOW
Apache is MODULAR and FAST
google translate is the best and fast
they give you api as well
@Esailija i really doubt google translate api will hold strong for stuff like wikipedia
you mean the quality of results?
and meaningfulness
Me and Amir [ localisation & I18N wikimedia oh nad also an amazingly knowlegible person ] had a long discussion regarding this
our brian is far better then google translate or anything that has ever existed
and will be for next few decades /// unless we get an einstien
for the simple fact that language is not binary
and cant be denoted as a descrete mathematical model
it will be variable
well yes of course a person will translate human language better
why ?
context awareness is top notch
that cannot be really done with computers, it will always be a hack
@Esailija well does a computer or a human understand javascript better?
well seeing as computer understands javascript perfectly in milliseconds, I'd say computer
@Esailija it can be but
actually, frankly, does a computer understand anything?
it will need redesigning our "hardware"
A computer doesn't understand anything
our brain works in real world system :P
it doesn't samples nothing
its far more complex then i can explain i think :P
@Abhishek yeah it cannot run on bits
it doesn't samples nothing <- what do you mean by that?
@Esailija it runs directly on patterns though :P
it needs to be something completely magical
you recognize my face faster then a facial recog algorithm
even when i have grown a beard and stuff
honestly, I'm not sure well some humans even understand their own language lol
@Abhishek agreed .... lol
just because brain processes patterns :P
and doesnt have to sample all "pixels" in face
you recognize your dog in a bunch of dogs
well if someone could truly understand how humans can recognize faces and then encode that in a program
better then any computer can ever :P
@Abhishek at a certain level ai can do ..
@Esailija they tried so hard and got so far but in the end ITS A FRIKEN COMPUTER!
Well, a brain is only a computer, so ever is a strong word
@NullPointer it can but with the approach now ... i dont think so
It's a computer than has been optimised by evolution to do some very specific things
For instance interpolation of the data that human eyes pick up
Computers are good for descrete things
or things that can be represented as descrete :P
yes ?
The human brain doesn't operate on continuous data though
@phenomnomnominal wrong it does
just re-think what you said
@phenomnomnominal except our "binary" system is vastly more complex than 1's and 0's
@Abhishek, no it doesn't
That's the reason movies work.
That's the reason we get confused by the direction of wheels
our eyes and ears sample data
i beg to differ
if our eyes would sample data
The brain is very good at interpolation, but it still samples
we would essentially see
some flickers
and more importantly
i think movies work because the framegap is "ignored" by our brain
Our brain constantly accepts continuous data, though limited while we sleep
However it doesn't "operate" on it
The point of movies is that the frame rate is slightly faster than the human eye can perceive
boy this room is so fucking variable
@phenomnomnominal the level of perceivence can be explained by two methods
one is that our brian samples
but with movies you just use the motion blur trick
other is our brain sees the flicker but ignores to process it because the other frame is already reporting new data
I have no clue what we're talking about, I'm just trolling semantics lol
otherwise you would need 100fps or it would look like shit
@Esailija ^
or we can say our eyes are not able to find the difference at that fast fram rate
that too
The stroboscopic effect is a visual phenomenon caused by aliasing that occurs when continuous motion is represented by a series of short or instantaneous samples. It occurs when the view of a moving object is represented by a series of short samples as distinct from a continuous view, and the moving object is in rotational or other cyclic motion at a rate close to the sampling rate. It also accounts for the "wagon-wheel effect", so-called because in video or film, spoked wheels on horse-drawn wagons sometimes appear to be turning backwards. A strobe fountain, a stream of water droplets ...
i really like the ignoring definition
@phenomnomnominal if thats so
@Abhishek what were those programmers thinking?
Go drive along side a car and watch it's rims
then you can pretty much run without coming in vision
you just can wave your hand real fast back and forth right now
we gotta test this
It's a real thing! I didn't just make it up hahaa
@phenomnomnominal lol
@Esailija lol
@Esailija you could stare into the sun
@andrewjackson you can masterbait real fast
and use a very high precision camera
now if @phenomnomnominal theory is right
you can miss yourself jizz
but if mine is you wont
of all the examples
wanna test ?
You're movement has to happen 'between the frame' that your eyes are seeing though haha
@Abhishek okay back, I see what you were talking about
@phenomnomnominal in about 500000 tries if he doesnt misses single moment
then my theory is right
@andrewjackson ready one two start!
facepalm lol
Haha I think you're completely missing the point
oops I haven't washed my hands yet
@phenomnomnominal lol
maybe ur theory is right
maybe mine is
@phenomnomnominal maybe both are wrong
and maybe both are right
Well that's the point of a theory right
why not publish your theory .. :P
Haha nah, pretty sure they're mutually exclusive
Dude, they are literally studying right now to determine whether the universe is continuous or not
@NullPointer i am a developer not a biologist
@Abhishek a developer can have blog too ...
@NullPointer if( developer.projects > 4 ) { blog.sleep(); }
@Abhishek yo...
i am working on a pseudo ai , a web - chat , a broadcasting solution and a house control for me
u think i can write a blog too ?
man i am a human!
and i dont have dual core brain
but my notebok has quad ;-D
@Abhishek but brain is faster than computer ...
@Abhishek that is cool ..
@NullPointer only for real world
not for descrete world :P
One day we will have them :P
Like i can flirt better then any AI can ever do .

And any basic computer can plot a graph better then a human would ever do
@phenomnomnominal i really like the idea of cyborgs
ever is such a strong word dude
yeah i figured that after
#define ever 10years
Haha fuck I love JavaScript
results[nWorkers].splice(results[nWorkers].indexOf(Math.max.apply(Math, results[nWorkers])), 1)
I have no idea what that code does
that's great about javascript
Finds and removes the maximum value from an array
Must be a better way
yeah like using a maxheap
probably not a 1 line solution though
yeah js doesn't provide any interesting data structures by default
just using arrays and objects for all the things
Any good libs for that?
@Esailija why would you need more by default
i mean the JS Array itself is so elegent
@phenomnomnominal I have written minheap/maxheap classes
but I can't guarantee bug freeness xD
Oh cool!
But if there isn't a good library i might write one!
lol, look at the last line
/* Whats the worst variable name you have ever used */ ?
I would NEVER use a variable name that didn't describe its function :D
it can only be used for seeing what the highest/lowest value is or remove and return it
it has no function, it was just there, I don't remember lol
what the hell is going on today stackoverflow.com/q/14252151/995876
I figure if you have 11k rep you can read basic documentation
It's worrying aye
@phenomnomnominal grrr ... link is not working in your comment
Should have been to this: readthefuckingmanual.com
@NullPointer u don't like chat with me?
@andrewjackson what ... why ?
idk, I just wanted to make fun of that Stack guy lol
if you didn't you don't now lol
Why is @AmaanCheval where are the girls are all the time? lol
Holy shit girls!
I think the bot ignored me lol
!!> (function() { var endDate = Date.now() + 10000; while (Date.now() < endDate) { } return "Hello there."})();
@phenomnomnominal "hello?"
!!> "test"
@phenomnomnominal "Hello there."
@phenomnomnominal Maximum execution time exceeded
@andrewjackson What?
Oh, you're talking about the room? @BadgerGirl asked me to talk because the guy was creepy :p
Anyone want to please rip this apart: http://pastebin.com/DnE2XE7z
It's CoffeeScript, so I apologise in advance
@AmaanCheval , @BadgerGirl why not flag message which are not appropriate ...
Morning chickas :)
@AmaanCheval that an Twatter
I didn't care.
@andrewjackson Twitter? O.o
I was just reading the archives to see rlemon getting trolled by Olli earlier lol
Third time in the day that I get that song.
When using Twitter Bootstrap typeahead and AJAX, it seems that the result div gets hidden with every key change
how can one avoid that?
@designer, Use the source, Luke
So instead of using $.getJSON as the source i should put it in the HTML data-source ?
or what?
You should look for a $('#resultsDivID').hide() or non jQuery equivalent and remove it :)
@phenomnomnominal cant see that they ever hide it in the source, only thing they hide is when no result:
if (!items.length) {
return this.shown ? this.hide() : this
do they remove all the items from it?
they might not remove it, height might just be 0
Nope when i see the effect it gets display:none
i think they reproduce it everytime, or they do when with ajax maybe
look for something along the lines of .css({display: "none"});
Nope they dont have
moral of the story, learn how to debug
But i can see it doesnt happen on their own website - so it looks like its when using ajax
do you know how to find out if the nodes are even still there?
then you know how to look at the css for those nodes, right?
@andrewjackson nodes are still there, they just hide and show the UL everytime something changes in the input
what events are you setting?
Q: Ajax call popolate Typeahead Bootstrap

user1645985What I'm trying to do is to get a json object via Ajax and popolate the Bootstrap Typeahead with just one kind of value. Here is my code: nameTypeHead: function () { var _self = this, searchInput = $('#nameTypeHead'), arr = []; function getArray() { ...

using same method as the answer in this question
with $.getJSON
that doesn't really tell me anything
look at your css, figure out what's not displaying
I mean, look at the runtime css
They hide the UL every time input keyup / down
we've established that
but it does not happen here as far as i can see: twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#typeahead
Will people be more likely to read my code if it's actual JavaScript? :P
you've already mentioned that aswell
let's avoid going in circles
actually, no, let's go in circles....
do you know how to debug in javascript?
I have a theory that it might be on the server side actually
what browser are you using?
You probably can't manipulate the DOM from the server...
open up chrome, open the developer tools, get it to a point were the nodes get hidden, then inspect them
@phenomnomnominal of course, but my theory is that there is a bad result before the real gets there
i just looked in the XHR through console and can see that there are a few bad results
didn't you say the nodes were there??
JS Version, since I would really like some feedback: pastebin.com/6Nd8ry7i
@andrewjackson i appreciate your help, but i think you get the wrong picture of me.. i am not a noob, i do know how to debug, and i might have given you wrong informations but the above mentioned suggestions would of course be what i have done already
And i am now at the conclusion that it could be because of bad results every now and then and therefore the script chose to hide before the real and good result get to the frontend through ajax
well I've been asking some pretty straight forward questions that you fail to answer
can you really blame me if I think you're a noob?
I guess not
I am using Prestashop as the engine, and i can see that the results sometimes are normal HTML and not json
not exactly sure why
but then the script would hide because the !items.length get fired
the thing is, developer tools should be able to tell you anything you need to know about the problem, that's what it's there for
and shortly after Prestashop gives me good result and its shown again
you could use network tab to check the response from ajax
im still not completely sure
Yep and i can see the XHR a few times give me non json back
but html
and all requests are 200 responses?
hmm now they are all correct, but same thing happens
let me see
@designer are there any || statements to that condition?
Oh i can see i get this true, false, true when logging !items.length
Can it be because the json event gets fired before completion?
if that's the case
I just tried to put in .completion() before
but didnt work, can try again though have made a few changes since then
should be on .success()
success okay
sorry that was what i did
but will try again
$.getJSON().success(data){} can data be like that on the success?
are you returning an associative from the server?
return $.getJSON(url, { parameters },success(data){})
like this right
that's not the issue
That's not even valid JS
console.log(data) in your success
getJSON( url [, data ] [, success(data, textStatus, jqXHR) ] )
yes but this would be the way of putting success right?
it needs to output an array ['item','item'] to use .length
@designer, is that from the docs?
i know its not the issue right now, just wanna know if that one is correct at least
@phenomnomnominal yes
so you need $.getJSON(url, { lookAtAll: "thisData" }, function (data, testStatus, jqXHR) { //doShitWithYourResult });
$.getJSON(url, { lookAtAll: "thisData" }, function (data, testStatus, jqXHR) { console.log(data); });
@designer you're probably sending an AJAX request on top of another one, before it completes, and it's causing some issue
unfortunately already the same method, and every second time i get false
its like: true, the result, false
every time
@designer, make a JS fiddle
wouldn't do any good with ajax, you're better off just sending a url to a working example of your problem
Loving the jQuery docs
Do senior javascript developers need to memorize entire Function libraries ? Like all the functions in XMLHttpRequest() ? Or is it allowed to use a reference for all the functions ?
@user1867842, You're more than likely going to be on the internet while you develop, it's kind of a given that you will look up the docs.
That said, it's important to know what a library can do
morning all! God Andrew have you gone bed yet lol
morning?? last time I saw you was 24 hours ago
was it! i swore i was talking to you before bed ha!
you in the UK andrew?
Is that professional ? Is that allowed in the working field ? @phenomnomnominal
@phenomnomnominal @andrewjackson I cant show you online, working localhost and not able to upload anywhere
But I guess it has to be backend problem

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