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@phenomnomnominal What do you mean?
hi-def monitor. horrible for reading.... super awesome for gaming and video.... I'm so torn.
too much work to switch from gpu to internal card to chat... but reading this text is painful as well... "too crisp" it's almost blurry to me.
For video/gaming why don't you just plug into a hd tv/monitor
that is my monitor.
24" hi-def tv.
as in you have nothing else? haha
my only monitor (besides some shitty 17")
Not a laptop I guess
nope. Desktop
laptop stays at work.
only thing I would use my laptop for that I cannot use my tablet / phone for at home would be to work on work coding.
so, it'll stay at work :P
probably not a bad plan
@phenomnomnominal jsfiddle.net/52d5t - it's kinda shitty, but it does apply to both the image and the border.
Basically I only ever really use it when I travel. I hate the feel of a compact keyboard.
and touchpads can go fuck themselves.
sorrry forgot to save the fiddle
I despise touchpads....
I like a slim keyboard... but a full sized keyboard none the less.
and my mouse cannot be too small or else my hand cramps.
I everybody
I've had some good experiences with touchpads (Dell Studio 15) and some bad ones (Vostro 17)
I rlemon, Hi Everybody!
i have a weird z-index problem in safari
i have a bathroom sink that has two taps on it. I have never been on safari
it work on chrome but in safari it sucks
@twiz Ooh, interesting.
Very very interesting.
Yea I'd never thought of it until he mentioned it
could be really annoying...
at least its easy to fix I guess
Can someone help me on this?
@twiz I'm guessing by use of a wrapper?
Or are you more clever than I? ;-)
@RyanKinal I don't find it worthwhile to think beyond "just use a wrapper" haha
interesting.... inset box shadow not work on images?
Guess not
Can't say I've ever tried it, though
@twiz yeah, me either.
single element is the future yo
brogram with the best of dem and tweet about your epic awesomeness dude.
Less markup is the best markup
I keep my functions < 120 chars just so I can tweet them bro.
Shit... my rent's late again.
Who wants some shitty pictures of the new shit in my fish tank??
Wait... nevermind... that's Phish.
@RyanKinal I did the same thing today. Email money transfered myself from one bank to another because I forgot to make the transfer before the holidays... today my land lord called me and told me my cheque bounced.... turns out hitting 'accept' is an important step when email money transferring.... oops.
I just dropped the cash off at his place.. but still.. way to be me.
Here's my process for paying rent:
1) Remember it's rent day
2) Two days later, remember rent's not paid yet
3) if (Math.rand() > 0.5) payRent() else goto 2
The trouble is I'll be in Vegas tomorrow. So I should pay my rent tonight.
payRent = function() { writeActualPaperCheck(cost + daysLate * 3); }
didn't realize how dirty the tank was until I tried to take pics through the glass :P
Q: Weird z-index with rotate-y in safari but not in chrome and firefox

Mike BoutinI got this problem and i did a lot of try to get it worked... Look at my http://jsfiddle.net/9LjB6/ I... change position relative to absolute change the z-index to be 1000, 1000000, etc... tried to change it with jquery tried to put it inline in the tag but it didn't work. My action when mouse...

Thank you for your help and advices
Ooh! Sounds fun! --> click --> 2001-2003 --> Er... 19 inch? --> ROFL
Anyway... off to the store for a bit. Back later.
This is in the general direction of porn... hardware.localhost.nl/pictures/2001-2003/Miscellaneous/…
I think I'm funny... my gf doesn't... some random people on the internet fulfill my need to acceptance. I love you guys.
hahaha she asks you to install antivirus software. You give her a condom...
yea... I can see that being true
actually she thinks i'm hilarious. which is why I'm never letting her get away. One day i'll find out she really faked all those laughgasms and probably be really depressed and start drinking.... but until that day I'll be a happy man with a skip in my step and a purdy lady on my arm.... and she'll be laughing at all my ill timed jokes.
Here is a link to some images I just took of my fishtank.
Sorry for the bad quality (pics were done using my Galaxy Nexus through the tank glass which is pretty dirty at the moment.... I need to get on that)
What you are seeing is some assorted snails, peppermint shrimp, Hawaiian Feather Dusters, some random worm inverts (the red fans), and about $500 worth of "live rock"
meaning if you look close the thing is actually spewing with life... my cam doesn't capture it at fine enough detail.
That is the bigger tank I own. ~55 gal (actually like 52 or something strange due to the bevel)
Well... I see a lot of rocks and something orange... ha
First image is actually a worm in a tube he created out of calcium.
Click on the next button.
that worm is in the very bottom left in the last pic. (the rock that is cut off)
oohhh theres more
again, I need to first sponge the inside of the tank to get rid of the thin layer of algea and the patches of it.
over the holidays I got lazy.
and the snails don't get it 100% clean unfortunately.
yea I'd say theres a few green spots on that glass... haha
That tank so far has about ~$1500 worth of 'stuff' in it.
so you spent $500 so your rocks could be alive? haha
no I spent $500 on 'live rock'
haha I have no clue what that is, but I was hoping it mean your rocks are alive
basically dead coral that is now host to a crap tonne of marine 'life' (pods, plankton, worms, etc)
and lava rock because it is porous and acts as home for the same life after about a year (the redish rocks) .
remind me never to buy a sealife... haha
yes... one sealife
it's an expensive hobby
but after about ~1 year of work it becomes a 'no work' kinda hobby
self contained eco system that I just monitor and 'tweak' here and there.
it's fun to watch the entire thing evolve before your eyes.
marine life does evolve rather quickly... and things you never put in there all of a sudden appear after a few months (plants and animals)
meh... I already live in a self contained eco system... haha
not like real evolution... but it looks so :P
we all have our hobbies :P Salt Water aquariums is mine :P
been doing it for about ~7 years now.
damn... well I guess $1500 over 7 years isn't bad
no that is over the past year of setting up that tank :P
still like $500 - $1000 to go
but then the hobby is just 'growth' for the next five to ten years (depending on the life you put in it)
a small (2*2 inches) piece of coral can cost anywhere from $20 to $200 bucks.
so if you grow it there can be a return as well.
ha I'm surprised people aren't ripping that stuff out of the ocean like crazy
The oldest tank I have running has my green spotted puffer fish in it. he (Tony is his name actually) is about 6 and a half years old.
@twiz it's hard to find and you have to know a lot about which ones to rip out. some are not so safe.
and the ones that are safe and the people who do know are ripping them out like crazy :P then breeding in captivity and making $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
shit I payed $40 for those two Feather Dusters (together)... some places sell them for as much as $40 a piece.
live rock is $9-12 a lb.
you need a lb per gallon (at least)
lights were ~250, canister filter was $200, power head was $90.... it adds up fast.
fresh water fish is a cheaper hobby. but more care and less interesting life.
I have a cat. Cheap, entertaining, and furry.
sounds like a good hobby if I ever decide to be not lazy and cheap...
@SomeKittens and even more fun to put in an aquarium
We have trouble enough getting him into a cat carrier
I want to declaw a cat and then force it to swim until it gets used to it
Hey guys..is this the place to get help for jQuery?
then train it to catch fish
@TonalDev I suppose
Thanx...well..i kinda have an issue if you could take a look at it -> stackoverflow.com/questions/14130542/…
I cant tell for sure if i am doing this correctly..i am fairly new to jQuery
@SomeKittens I also have two of these. Named "Rocky" (girl) and "Bullwinkle" (boy "winky" for short)
@TonalDev which line is the error on
var player = new (function(){
should be
var player = (function() {
first thing I see
@rlemon No strays currently?
winky was.
well that error is gone now since i inserted jplayer.min.js to the page...now i dont see errors, but i cant hear anything either
lol well including the plugin might help :P
the acctual page for the code in question is www.tranceil.fm/player2
yeah hahaha i kinda missed that
no offense. :P now lets work on the no sound.
:) its cool..thank you for your help
no worries.
I don't know if the code I suggested change is actually "wrong" from a parser stand point. But you can drop the 'new' keyword.
!!/google IIFE
read the first link.
well removing 'new' creates all kind of error sreaming at the page
if your there..you can see
really? lol
nvm, put it back I guess. (edge cases? I didn't read all of the code :P)
the question is....am i binding jplayer correctly to he play pause elements
    $(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
        mp3: server
does setMedia need to wait for a callback event?
mp3: server
which gets feed from
var servers = ["http://ru.ah.fm:443/;stream/1", "http://no.ah.fm:443/;stream/1", "http://fr2.ah.fm:443/;stream/1"];
var server = servers[Math.floor(Math.random() * servers.length)];
where is this element?
apologies if i'm not wrapping this in code i have no idea how
no, where is the element on the page with the ID jquery_jplayer_1
selector is a DOM element.
where is the element you are selecting in your HTML. I don't see it in the inspector === none of the code is run.
@RyanKinal, @twiz, yeah it's a bit shit
shame on me
one sec
i didnt add this also
<div id="jquery_jplayer_1" class="jp-jplayer"></div>
probably important ;)
now its playing..but its not binded to the keys
its just autoplay
are the keys hard coded or generated by js?
ohh "keyboard keys"
Windows Explorer is not responded.
the visuals on the pause (space) work
but it doesn't pause the media playback.
!!/tell rlemon google Occams Razor
@phenomnomnominal Could not process input. Error: Unexpected end of input: Expected ' on column 28
yup..there are 2 seperate js files i believe all the keys are in the code i posted
here is the source for both:
because in the lib you specify ID selectors.
but you're only ever clicking "play" because you don't toggle the ID for "pause"
see, still "play"
best guess. tbh I'm just stabbing at the first things I see.
so if I'm way off base, appologies.
its cool..i just dont know where to call the play, pause events in the jplayer code
ready: function(event) {
$(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
mp3: server
swfPath: "js/",
wmode: "window",
solution: "flash,html",
supplied: "mp3",
preload: "none",
cssSelectorAncestor: "",
cssSelector: {
play: "#play",
pause: "#pause"

$("#jquery_jplayer_1").bind($.jPlayer.event.pause, function(event) {
$(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
mp3: server
!!/tell TonalDev format
@TonalDev Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
ohhhh Ctrl+K..thats what i was looking for
!!/ listCommands
@phenomnomnominal Command list does not exist.
@phenomnomnominal 420, 5318008, help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, learn, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, happynewyear, tell2, convert, nudge, undo, timer, stat, beautify, hang, todo, google, spec, 3point14, camel, echo
!!/ 3point14
@phenomnomnominal 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 ...
A: Handling occasional undefined errors nicely in express

phenomnomnominalHave you tried this from the docs - Express Error handling? Error-handling middleware are defined just like regular middleware, however must be defined with an arity of 4, that is the signature (err, req, res, next): app.use(function(err, req, res, next) { console.error(err.stack); res...

Wow, don't think I ever would have guessed get would do that haha
!!/ help get
@phenomnomnominal get: No info is available
!!> throw new Error('Fuck off and die');
@phenomnomnominal "Error: Fuck off and die"
A: what is full path coverage testing in java?

SomeKittensFull path coverage is when every possible route through your code is executed during the testing (in different iterations. It doesn't all have to be during one test). In the case of the code above, it would require four different values of i to trigger: First if, not second Second if, not fir...

!!/tell phenomnomnominal tell2 "Error: Die."
@phenomnomnominal 0
was it the quotes?
!!/tell phenomnomnominal tell2 Error: Die.
@phenomnomnominal 0
!!/tell2 hello
@Nile 0
managed to bind it to play
but not pause
!!> (function() { function ErrorKiller() { this.die() }; ErrorKiller.prototype.die = function () { throw new Error('Fuck off and die'); }; new ErrorKiller() })()
@phenomnomnominal "Error: Fuck off and die"
!!> (function(){ document.querySelector("textarea").value = "Test"; document.querySelector("button").click(); }());
@Nile "ReferenceError: document is not defined"
!!/give me a lick
@Nile Command give does not exist. Did you mean: live
!!> (function(){ window.document.querySelector("textarea").value = "Test"; window.document.querySelector("button").click(); }());
@Nile "ReferenceError: window is not defined"
Is margin always based of width when defined as a %age?
!!> this
@Nile "undefined"
!!> self.close();
oh okay
@phenomnomnominal "undefined"
!!> self.close();
@phenomnomnominal "undefined"
!!> alert(self);
@phenomnomnominal "ReferenceError: alert is not defined"
!!> console.log(self);
@phenomnomnominal [object ErrorEvent]
!!> self
@Nile [object ErrorEvent]
!!> try { console.log(self.global) } catch (e) { console.log(e.message) }
@phenomnomnominal [object ErrorEvent]
!!> (function(){ var ret = ""; for(var a in self) { ret += a + ", "; } return ret }());
@Nile "global, whitey, onmessage, MessageEvent, self, postMessage, webkitPostMessage, close, importScripts, setTimeout, clearTimeout, setInterval, clearInterval, addEventListener, removeEventListener, dispatchEvent, openDatabase, openDatabaseSync, webkitRequestFileSystem, webkitRequestFileSystemSync, webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL, webkitResolveLocalFileSystemSyncURL, TEMPORARY, PERSISTENT, "
Hello, and happy new year guys
A little help please, stackoverflow.com/questions/14131983/… - it should be easy for you ^^
@phenomnomnominal [object ErrorEvent]
!!> self.openDatabase(true)
@phenomnomnominal "global, whitey, onmessage, MessageEvent, self, postMessage, webkitPostMessage, close, importScripts, setTimeout, clearTimeout, setInterval, clearInterval, addEventListener, removeEventListener, dispatchEvent, openDatabase, openDatabaseSync, webkitRequestFileSystem, webkitRequestFileSystemSync, webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL, webkitResolveLocalFileSystemSyncURL, TEMPORARY, PERSISTENT, "
@SpecialK. use clearInterval
@phenomnomnominal "SyntaxError: Unexpected token return"
@phenomnomnominal "SyntaxError: Unexpected token ;"
But if you want to do it the way you're currently doing it, just take away var from var interval = 99999999999999;
@SpecialK. Also fix this: if(html.lenght > 0) { should be .length
@phenomnomnominal "function openDatabase() { [native code] }"
@phenomnomnominal "TypeError: Not enough arguments"
@Nile, thank you, let me check
!!> self.openDatabase(null, null, null)
@phenomnomnominal "TypeError: Not enough arguments"
@phenomnomnominal "TypeError: Not enough arguments"
!!/ google self.openDatabase webworker
@Nile thank you, I have fixed using clearInterval
@Nile "string:global, string:whitey, string:onmessage, string:MessageEvent, string:self, string:postMessage, string:webkitPostMessage, string:close, string:importScripts, string:setTimeout, string:clearTimeout, string:setInterval, string:clearInterval, string:addEventListener, string:removeEventListener, string:dispatchEvent, string:openDatabase, string:openDatabaseSync, string:webkitRequestFileSystem, (snip)
@phenomnomnominal it's a string
@Nile "undefined:global, undefined:whitey, undefined:onmessage, undefined:MessageEvent, undefined:self, undefined:postMessage, undefined:webkitPostMessage, undefined:close, undefined:importScripts, undefined:setTimeout, undefined:clearTimeout, undefined:setInterval, undefined:clearInterval, undefined:addEventListener, undefined:removeEventListener, undefined:dispatchEvent, undefined:openDatabase, undefi (snip)
@Nile, which bit in particular?
@phenomnomnominal never mind I'm wrong
!!> self.global.self === self
@phenomnomnominal true
!!> self.global.whitey
@phenomnomnominal {"Array":1,"Boolean":1,"Date":1,"decodeURI":1,"decodeURIComponent":1,"encodeURI"‌​:1,"encodeURIComponent":1,"Error":1,"eval":1,"EvalError":1,"Function":1,"global":‌​1,"Infinity":1,"isFinite":1,"isNaN":1,"JSON":1,"Math":1,"NaN":1,"Number":1,"Objec‌​t":1,"onmessage":1,"parseFloat":1,"parseInt":1,"postMessage":1,"RangeError":1,"Re‌​ferenceError":1,"RegExp":1,"self":1,"String":1,"SyntaxError":1,"TypeError":1, (snip)
!!> for (key in self.whitey) { if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(self.whitey, key)) { console.log(self.whitey[key]) } }
@phenomnomnominal "SyntaxError: Unexpected token {"
@phenomnomnominal "ReferenceError: key is not defined"
!!> for (var key in self.whitey) { if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(self.whitey, key)) { console.log(self.whitey[key]) } }
@Nile "undefined" Logged: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
!!> for (var key in self.whitey) { if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(self.whitey, key)) { console.log(key) } }
whats the logged stuff for
@phenomnomnominal "undefined" Logged: "Array","Boolean","Date","decodeURI","decodeURIComponent","encodeURI","encodeUR‌​IComponent","Error","eval","EvalError","Function","global","Infinity","isFinite","‌​isNaN","JSON","Math","NaN","Number","Object","onmessage","parseFloat","parseInt","‌​postMessage","RangeError","ReferenceError","RegExp","self","String","SyntaxError"‌​,"TypeError","undefined","URIError","whitey","DOMException","Event","Message (snip)
oh, logged for console. okay.
@phenomnomnominal what are you looking for?
Nothing in particular haha
1 hour later…
Is it possible to draw things to a canvas before it's appended on the document?
tested: yes.
That's handy to know
is there a selector for all the <h*> tags?
@phenomnomnominal what do you mean?
so if I want to apply a style to <h1> <h2> <h3>... tags
 h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { ... } // :-P
@phenomnomnominal yeah... css
You could use querySelectorAll
Haha I know, I'm just being REALLY lazy
!!/mdn querySelectorAll
I just want to do h* { ... }
@phenomnomnominal use that link ^
@Nile, does it prevent me from having to type out h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6?
:P Then not interested :)
But seeing as you just did it, it shouldn't be a problem...?
Haha, no it just looks so ugly
you could use a loop... that'd look uglier.
Yeah, I think I might make a submission to the CSS people :D
Or at least create a fork of LESS or SASS or something
They probably do it already
Hi, what does ~ do in javascript?
@warl0ck bitwise not
!!> (63).toString(2)
@phenomnomnominal -64
@Nile thx
@phenomnomnominal "SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL"
@phenomnomnominal "-1000000"
@phenomnomnominal "111111"
That's interesting
Silly JS not having binary
posted on January 03, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Hey neat! SMBC Theater got a mention on USA Today.

Since when is SMBC in feeds? And why is it showing us the Google Analytics script?
im working with backbone and MVC for the first time and am having some trouble deciding where to put the onclick listeners for my page.. what i ended up doing was creating a method in the view called listeners and calling it from render to initialize the listeners.. is this a acceptable way of doing it?
Hello all, no such things as a dumb question right? I'm a javascript newbie but just wondering, do javascript documents like "global.js" which I am including in my script require a document type declaration like in html? and if no, why not?
DOCTYPE Javascript ??
@BenJones No, they don't, because the HTML page should be told what type of script it is in the <script> tag
@phenomnomnominal right, that makes sense. and so every php begins with <?php but without a <script> tag... I guess it's a special case.
Well, a PHP page isn't a script
a PHP page generates HTML, and may include <scripts>
@phenomnomnominal PHP doesn't generate HTML.
For the purposes of this conversation, at a level that is easy enough for someone who will already be drowning under the sheer volume of stuff there is to learn when you are new, it does...
No it doesn't.
That's like saying a person only talks.
Where did I say "ONLY"?
Saying a person talks, is perfectly valid
In other words: PHP : generating HTML :: people : talking
So we agree that generating HTML is a thing that PHP does?
@phenomnomnominal it's understood differently in different contexts. when you're explaining something like PHP, saying it generates HTML implies exclusive usage.
PHP can output HTML, that's true.
But if someone asks you what a dog is, you don't tell them "A dog barks"

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