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gah yeah I suck so bad with c#, I've worked with it off and on over the years
It's really not that bad.
Don't you do c# at work?
Easier than Java if you ask me
nah, I just am
@FlorianMargaine yeah I do
but its pretty rare tbh
I used to pretty frequently, now we just get small projects so about 95% of my work is JS now
ok, grooveshark.... when you're uploading a song please cut out the 6 minutes of dead air between the track and the 'hidden track'
god remember when tapes came with hidden tracks at the end
then CD's tried it but you wondered why your last song was 16 minutes long.
yeah such a dumb idea imo
find out a year later "wtf I had an extra song this whole time?!"
If you still have cassettes and you do not know about 'hidden tracks'.... put on the last song on the cassette (listed) and just let it play. 1/10 tapes came with a 'hidden' song
Offspring was huge on them. Same with OLP and Barenaked ladies (fuck yea -- 90's tunes rocked!)
man sucks being back at work
we got a new dev I get to meet today.. yay
wonder if he knows anything at all..
Oh dear. New dev is ominous
I dont get to be apart of the interview process at all..
so the first meeting after they are hired is always fun
"so what have you done on the web?" Them : "Umm what do you mean? The internet?"
last girl was fired back in august after maybe 4 weeks here
she didnt have a clue :?
Aaaand the new developer is Jon skeet
@Loktar I'll work remote from Canada.
And I promise not to sell your american secrets
do you have a clue? Yeah. I do.
@rlemon lol
@FlorianMargaine haha that would be cool
I would go sit by him
try to sponge off some knowledge :P
And see him answer on SO
no desk. Loktar just sits cross legged on the floor beside his chair while he works looking up at him with awe and admiration.
if I could work with a dev who was moderatly good id be pretty happy honestly. Im not trying to come off like a jerk.. its just that where I work in the gov skilled devs are VERY lacking :?
@FlorianMargaine no, write a small program to secretly log him out and you in right before the answer is submitted.
Free Rep for life.
LOL that would be hilarious
@rlemon Hijack submit button Loktar now has 786k rep
after only 3 hours
^ someone made a board game for ludum dare lol
// write as a userscript to run on every page... then install it to someones browser.
[].forEach.call(document.forms, function(form) {
    form.onsubmit = function(e) { console.log('u mad bro?'); e.preventDefault(); return false; };
I had an idea for a really annoying userscript a while back
It'd simulate lagging
Wouldn't let them scroll, and then seconds later it'd scroll too much
No, not while(1){} :p
function lag(n/*seconds of lag*/) {
    var now = new Date().getTime();
    while( (new Date().getTime()) - now < n*1000 ) {}
function run() {
    setTimeout(run, Math.random()*10000);
not tested, in theory should work.
Lock the browser for a random amount of time in random intervals.
Might end up going to the "Aw, snap" page on a lot of desktops
Especially if it runs as a userscript, i.e. on every page
damn, it's been a while since I tried to write malicious js.
ok... I gotta test this script.
if I crash hard you know why
I once wrote a keylogger Chrome extension
Didn't end up using it
But it was fun to write
works like a charm
seriously that would be the best prank ever
and it didn't invoke the 'oh snap' page
there we go, lets start a collection
whats that forms.js one do? prevent form entering?
Rlemon start using self executed functions ffs
oh thats evil
everything but forms work, that would fuck with me so bad lmao
that won't work everywhere though
we'd need some catch all ajax...
Not sure that's possible.
function r() {
    return Math.floor(Math.random()*100) + 'px';
[].forEach.call(document.links, function(link) {
    link.addEventListener('mouseover', function() { this.style.margin = [r(),r(),r(),r()].join(' '); });
run this then mouse around the page ;)
Do ajax requests fire some dom event?
on update they do
but @FlorianMargaine if you follow progressive enhancements the form should still have an action and the ajax should run on submit event
then e.preventDefault();
I over-write all of that with mine anyways
Except if the request is submitted on buttons or div. Like many.
still submits the form
Dievardump can't use it ^^
no, there's no form
well that is bad design.
I don't care to handle peoples shitty code
the form is a lie
What can't I use?
yeah, but many people including me do it on some projects.: p
die I can't use cross code on phone. What is it?
@rlemon Am in Montral now
@FlorianMargaine many people commit crimes and do bad things... doesn't mean I have to support them or what they do :P
@FlorianMargaine A game.
@dievardump not good enough.
need to be in Ontario
You have a malicious script, do it till the end: p
function r() {
    return Math.floor(Math.random()*100) + 'px';
[].forEach.call(document.links, function(link) {
    link.addEventListener('mouseover', function() { this.style.margin = [r(),r(),r(),r()].join(' '); });
this one is fun! seriously... run it
worked out much better than I expected it to
Can't right now
ohh yea, phone :P
read it, you'll understand what it does.
i remember an extension that replaces your page with an image of the phone
I did the first time you posted it: p
Hahaha, that's pretty cool, @rlemon
with an image of the page you're on*
Pretty much the same thing as the site about Mitt Romney's explanation on how he planned on cutting taxes
damn, I'm trying to do that now but there is no clipboard or screenshot api :P
And btw replace document.links with document.all :p
@FlorianMargaine the idea is to be subtle. :P only links don't work. and only some
Look into chrome web store
dynamic content is not handled (I don't delegate)
@FlorianMargaine there is some but there not easy to use
there was one easy...
The logo was a trollface
and you may use html2canvas or something :p
@rlemon I do hesitate to go to Ottawa
Because I like this city
And I have 3 months to kill before going back to France
Dievardump je suis dans le train de Paris a Grenoble :p playing mahjong...
What were you doing in Paris?
@AmaanCheval 420, 5318008, help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, learn, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, happynewyear, tell2, convert, nudge, undo, timer, stat, beautify, hang, todo, google, spec, 3point14, camel, echo
Going to the client. Carrefour HQ :p
not done
@SomeKittens I AM A ROBOT
Hey guys..i have a css problem which i think can be resolved jia jquery..can i intrest someone with the challenge?
Q: How to execute JavaScript on "Insert Media" with wpalchemy

Zach LShort version: How can I trigger JS after the WordPress media upload dialog closes? (or similar) Long Explanation I'm using the WPalchemy media uploader within a custom post type to upload multiple images, which I then use jQuery Ui's drag-drop to position them within a grid for the front-end....

I hate it when I know what page I'm looking for but can't describe it in Google terms...
function r(l)   {return Math.floor(Math.random() * l) + 'px';}
function e(m)   {m.addEventListener('mousemove', o, false);}
function o(n)   {'A'===n.target.tagName&&(n.target.style.margin=[r(100), r(100), r(100), r(100)].join(' '));}

new one.... pretty fun
function names and arguments (ltr top down) spell rlemon
Hahaha, nice
i have a player on my page and a running stats scroller at the bottom..and i am trying to put that div inside the jQuery player...take look at the 2'nd portion of the question - > stackoverflow.com/questions/14140423/…
function r() {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
[].forEach.call(document.all, function(item) {
    setInterval(function() {
        item.style.color = 'rgb(' + [r(),r(),r()].join(',') + ')';
        item.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(' + [r(),r(),r()].join(',') + ')';
seizure inducing...
@TonalDev I, what?
I got seizure inducing ;) lemmy find it
Too many Simon's
@ Simon Sarris as i explained above..i'm trying to attach that scroller to my player with css but i cant for some reason..and i want to attach it to the player itself
interesting, i know :)
i tried locating that div inside the player div but then the stats dissapear
(not safe for epilepsy)
I'm bored
Can you show me what I missed for two months?
The world didn't end and we have 2013.
Nodejs is still famous or not?
@SimonSarris Any luck? :)
@OctavianDamiean Well, I didn't miss that. Am still here.
@rlemon, talk to me.
I missed your writing
function r() {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);

function lemon() {
    with(this.style) {
        color = ['rgb(', [r(), r(), r()].join(','), ')'].join('');
        backgroundColor = ['rgb(', [r(), r(), r()].join(','), ')'].join('');

function rocks() {
    Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.all, function(item) {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, Math.random() * 100 + 100);
    setTimeout(rocks, Math.random() * 500 + 100);
$('input').attr('readonly', function(){alert('The Input is Readonly');})
lol wut?
A: Why jQuery has no :readonly selector?

VIDesignzThis works to check if the input is read only.. Working Fiddle JQuery if ($('input').attr('readonly') == 'readonly') { alert('The Input is Readonly'); } or $('input').attr('readonly', function(){alert('The Input is Readonly');}) HTML <input type='text' readonly='readonly' value=...

I think I had an aneurysm reading that
@Event_Horizon I can help
function r() {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);

function lemon() {
    with(this.style) {
        color = ['rgb(', [r(), r(), r()].join(','), ')'].join('');
        backgroundColor = ['rgb(', [r(), r(), r()].join(','), ')'].join('');

function rocks() {
    Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.all, function(item) {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, Math.random() * 100 + 100);
    setTimeout(rocks, Math.random() * 500 + 100);
^ run this
yea... I used with(){}
deal with it
Oh, I love this one! I'd made something similar when I was starting out
lol @rlemon
haha @rlemon thats badass
@dievardump lots of love.
but I need to also get my daily troll on
you know how it goes.
i know work from home for sourcetone.com
@SomeKittens i now work from home for sourcetone.com (source)
Guys...... My masterpiece...
I honestly think this one takes the cake.
(function() { var s = document.createElement('style'); s.textContent='.trololol:hover{-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);'; document.head.appendChild(s); document.body.classList.add('trololol'); }());
Trying to actually function while my last script is running sucks.
Holy shit, it has 399 users
@rlemon: check your rep history :p
<naomi> what is the option for write controllers in coffee
<naomi> is that something i do with jquery ?
dafuq did i just read? (from the expressjs irc channel)
@rlemon lol
This is cool!
My Flip Page extension didn't let people scroll normally
posted on January 03, 2013

Whoa, now this is a cool idea.  The Emscripten guys are back at it again compiling LLVM itself to JavaScript to run in the browser.  Now you can compile and run LLVM IR assembly directly in the browser using LLVM.js. Emscripten, for those that don’t know is an LLVM bytecode to JavaScript compiler.  LLVM is a compiler backend for many languages like C and C++ via the Clang compiler, Objec

Is it correct that all methods and properties of the ServerRequest object is documented here? nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_serverrequest
It does not have any other methods/properites?
"cannot supply flags when constructing one regexp from another" fuckin the hell
@rlemon ok I went way overbard gist.github.com/4445057
WAAY overboard :P
but it looks cool imo
I def could clean it up a bit too, like move the match portion into its own section ect.
but yeah helped me waste a bit of time today ty!
ugh and wtf pasting from notepad++ is so effed
makes my stuff look effing crazy spaced.
What questions do you wished you asked at the job interview?
For what its worth (I may have told you this already, but I don't remember), I fixed the lack of the commas between the objects in my json file (a total of 2 missing commas, if I have that right) and your solution does not work. Again, my path and ids have been double, even triple, checked, and everything is as it should be there. I have tried putting your code in a document.ready jQuery function, outside of said function, and even in a jQuery(function ($) function (just to see), still to no avail. No script errors show. This is why I haven't accepted your answer. — VoidKing 1 hour ago
@rlemon ^
not annon anymore and the text is the opposite color
lol its damn nutty
@rlemon yes but it's almost 2 months you did not gve me any love. You can get rid of your daily troll for one day :p
I really need updates about what happened during the last 2 months
@Loktar using rgba doesn't work?
I didnt try actually
The French ISP "Free" just released an update to their boxes, which disables all advertising on the Web
They are just going too far.
What happened to Codepen?
^ added it as a bookmarklet
what do you mean @dievardump
codepen is working fine for me
It changed a lot
@Loktar ahhh wth. I did it to this page
yeah its a bit slow on my blog page
ahhhh F5 refresh. muuuch better ^_^
@Neal When the 60's attack!
@SomeKittens ha!
@dievardump WTF?! Adblockers are fine but they should never be installed/enabled by default..
@Loktar the snow on your page even changes colors lmao
lol yeah
the flags on this should work properly right? r1=new RegExp(/\!t/,'gi');
@Loktar lol
Why do I never think of blogging this shit
Here are the rest of them. Flippy is fun
lol yeah it is
"hsl(h,s,l)" works in css?
h(int), s(perc), l(perc).
I'm dumb ignore my regexp
@rlemon (In the manner of a frat party) BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG!
Well I'm working on one right now I'll blog about (Back off Loktar!)
I barely blog tbh. I really need to redo my whole blog
I hate it now
hey @rlemon will you look at my code and tell me where I fucked up with setTimeout?
@Event_Horizon after you replace it once the regex fails.
never matches again.
it should once you type !t in though
or am I wrong?
but it is only run once
@Loktar blog more!
should I put the regex in the function
nothing tells it to run that code when you keydown
Yeah I need to, might make getting a job easier as well.
no, thats why I put it on a timer/settimeout
Oh thats a good new years resolution
blog at least once a week
and Am back :D
@Event_Horizon ok look here
see how it's never matching that regex again
the timer is running
console.log(r1.test(htmlString)); // false after first run always.
@Loktar Simply having a up-to-date blog says a lot to an employer
but I got the job... why do I need to impress :P
street cred?
@rlemon :D, Long time where you been :P
lord knows I need the street cred.
passion! :P
sorry if I seem daft atm, taking calls and coding scrambles your brains
@TimeToShine on holidays.
so ... playing Civ 5
ooh, canary crashed on SO chat
buggy bird
@rlemon I played it for 5 minutes only and then deleted it, too complicated, I prefer Age of Empires -_-
^ buggy bird
@TimeToShine yea, if you've never played a civ game before they are a bit overwhelming at first. but totally worth it
@rlemon how would you fix that?
!!/google civ5 wine
@rlemon I played COD Black ops 2 , Far Cry 3 ,
I started a game of Civ5 yesterday, started as Japan, got attacked by the greeks with like 10 soldiers before my first settler
I wooped their asses though
payed for walls (had 1000 gold at that point)
Yes you are.
@Event_Horizon well.. why you are trying to manipulate the innerHTML of a textarea is beyond me.
textareas are inputs. they have a 'value' (string)
var notes = document.getElementById("notes");
notes.onkeyup = replaceTime;

function replaceTime() {
    var content = notes.value,
        replacement = month + "/" + day + "/" + year + " " + hours + ":" + minutes + " - ";
        notes.value = content.replace(/\!t/gi, replacement);
and if you're replacing user input why are you doing this on a time loop? wait for the user to input something then check it.
I only used innerHTML because I was unsure if that or value was correct
Google broken?
!!/google textarea innerHTML or value
no I just didn't think that would break anything tbh
lol wow. didn't expect such an exact question but there you go!
no because the innerHTML is like eval. you are letting the JS engine parse your string and generate it's own HTML from it.
jesus christ please close this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/14144895/…
you pretty much give up all control when you do stuff like that
ah, ok I get why its shit now, no one had explained it to me like that before....
I do try not to use it unless I'm coding things for quick use though
well sometimes you cannot avoid it.
but generally speaking DOM Element creation methods are more robust and faster... albeit more verbose and a PITA to use some times
the real reason I use it ever is to develop tools for work that I go back through and redo with DOM creation when I get time
personal tools
element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str)); // ugh.... f u.
yeah its a little much sometimes comparatively
yea well... thats the difference quality makes
yeah, I understand why I should use it, I just don't have the time sometimes when I'm on the phone with a client every 2 seconds :P
thanks for the help @rlemon
I forgot to post that :P heheh
I got it working I appreciate the help man
now I can make shortcuts for notes I make at work and they will auto fill MUAHAHAHA
@Loktar or Simon would likely know
what math function strips out everything but valid numbers?
I need 'abd(123' -> 123
parseInt and Number both return NaN
like am I just totally brain farting right now ???
shouldn't this be simple
!!/google remove all invalid numbers javascript -regex -regexp
yea I googled it and everyone is using regex
I suppose I will have to use string functions
> If it encounters a character other than a sign (+ or -), numeral (0-9), a decimal point, or an exponent, it returns the value up to that point and ignores that character and all succeeding characters. Leading and trailing spaces are allowed.
Seems to be the standard
function rgb(str) {
	var parts = str.split(',').map(function(part) { return part.replace(/^[0-9]/g,''); });;
	parts.map(function(part) { return parseInt(part); });
hopefully this works :P
convert "rgb(123,123,123)" to the array of r,g,b then to h,s,v (other code not shown)
I have a simple question, I want to add a "light box" to a page in wordpress. I found some jquery that does it very nicely. where would be the best place to put this code?
in the browser
function rgb(str) {
	var parts = str.split(',').map(function(part) { return part.replace(/\D/g,''); });
	return parts.map(function(part) { return parseInt(part); });
woot... works.
[255, 255, 255]
jesus I can clean that up.
function rgb(str) {
	return str.split(',').map(function(part) { return parseInt(part.replace(/\D/g,'')); });
there we go (oops forgot radix)
T(and every other time I try to make a text box in HTML)IL that textarea is a separate HTML tag. WHY?!?!
I need a script that smacks me every time I write <input type="textarea" />
what are you supposed to do instead? thats what I do
<textarea></textarea> and <button></button> are by themselves because they are not required to be in a form tag. Input tags are.
validation services will bitch at you otherwise.
wow, my random knowledge on this subject is finally paying off!

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