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Q: Is there a way to use a command line tool to view the JavaScript interpreted source of a web page?

digitalaguaIs there a command line tool that allows you to get the text of the JavaScript interpreted source of a web page similar to how you can see the interpreted code in FireBug on FireFox? I would like to use CURL or similar tool to request a web page. The catch is I would like to view how the code ha...

man...when I was just learning English, I listened to news over the radio, and whenever they were talking about some serial killer, I got confused. "what does that mean...cereal killer?"
@Zirak english isn't your first?
ssshhh, don't tell it
@Zirak Probably someone who really really hates breakfast because he was traumatized in his childhood after someone spilled milk all over him...
@Zirak you speak it very fluently... I couldn't even tell
oh wait
your kidding
> Parsons, WV
but you're also...
> 92
One of these is obviously made up, the other one is most likely... a lie.
Been reading and writing in English for the majority of my life now. So I write well, but I speak English (as in, talk) like a broken fish.
oh so you're not kidding?
I think Parsons, WV was the first option in the countries menu. Or I selected one at random.
West Virginia isn't a country
Don't tell them that
Also, I apologize in advance. It's already an hour past my bedtime, so I may not make too much sense.
Whats the song of the black girl walking over the sidewalk till the song ends, also comes in view the legles guy on the skateboard
i came here couse else no one to ask lol
1 hour later…
how reliable is instanceof Array for checks?
@Dave What do you mean by that?
What are you trying to do?
well it works for the first check - second check it error'd
but its checking the same thing
@Dave Seems to work fine here
im making fiddle now two seconds
I assume it's because map[Datax] is undefined.
so shouldn't instanceof map[Datax] array == false?
its bit like doing if(!array[0]){}
!!/mdn instanceof
@Dave fiddle that for me too so I can give you an example of what you're doing.
My bad. I was thinking of typeof
If you're checking for undefined, you should use typeof
!!/tell dave mdn typeof
does undefined apply to a key not found in an existing array?
@Dave Look, you're saying that if(!array[0]){} works fine, assuming array is a defined array. But try if(!array[0][0]){}. You'll see the same error occurs.
cos if so couldn't i just do if(!map[Datax]){ map[Datax] = new Array(); } ?
@Dave I don't know what you mean
Are you replying to me or @SomeKittens
well map is declared as array so im checking if key exists and the key is going to hold an array
@Dave Okay... but run through what you have on the fiddle you sent me.
i added comments here jsfiddle.net/bH6aG/5
unless my brackets are wrong
ah i got it!
(!(map[Datax] instanceof Array))
extra bracket seems to fix it
hmm that works also then
im going to guess typeof is the correct way
Yeah. Less confusion and ()
ok thanks :)
1 hour later…
posted on December 29, 2012

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Whee!

1 hour later…
Q: Unity - Code is fine in the editor, has error on android

ProtoJazzRight. Im running into some weird issue with android unity. I have this bit of code if(die.GetComponent(DieScript).sideUp ==6 ||die.GetComponent(DieScript).sideUp ==2 || die.GetComponent(DieScript).sideUp ==4) { parSys.startSpeed = -5; if (other.attachedRigidbody) { var dire...

2 hours later…
Holy crap. WTF? Nobody in the JS room but like 3 guys in the "Mantis" room? I mean that show was totally awesome but that's just wrong.
@ErikReppen I'm here
Oh okay. I was just looking for an excuse to call Mantis an awesome TV show mostly.
^it wasn't
Been reading the final version of the 5 years in making JavaScript Ninja book by John Resig/Bear Bibault. Surprisingly polished. I thought there'd be more panic/not-caring-anymore.
Make that 4 years.
Q: Jquery, javascript, window.onhashchange and jquery .on like delegate like function to attach handler

Joey Salac HipolitoI am currently confused on how do I do things right, the problem in short is binding an event to a jquery loaded content. You might think, just use, $('#parent').on('event', 'child', func) But that is not the case. Here are the technologies I used : jquery mustache.js -> templating library wi...

i rephrased the whole question, hehe stackoverflow.com/q/14078787/1328014
@JoeySalacHipolito Do you understand event bubbling and how event delegation works?
uhm i think i do understand the event delegation
i think i can ask here, what i wanted to happen?
i'm gonna review my code first..
:D thanks for helping, gotta ask later again
uhhmm, quick question should I just listen to clicks whenever for navigation? instead of depending on hashes? and use hash for history instead?
I have no idea what hashchange is used for in mustache.js. I'm assuming it's triggered whenever the part after '#' in the URL changes.
I personally think it's kind of a bad choice to use that for anything other than the original functionality which is simply to scroll to specific <a> tags on a page.
hehehe, i see, i'll rewrite my code then, hehehe
Hey any one here can help me with my problem?
Here is my problem: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14075485/how-to-pass-multiple-values-to-insert-statement-from-dynamic-number-of-html-text
3 hours later…
@Dievardump what was the font-awesome replacement that you showed me
Q: what tools should i use for quality assurance and testing for front end javascript?

kimsiaI am using jquery and HTML 5 techniques (like File API, HistoryAPI) extensively in a project I am working on. I was wondering what tools I can use for quality assurance my javascript and front end code unit testing my javascript and front end code Let me share some background info. If so...

guys, any1 here who can help me??
with a short JS
i'm all new to learning JS
<div class="hi">
<img src="han_board.png" style="padding-bottom:20px;" />
<script type="text/javascript" >
$(".hi img").mouseover(function(){
$("#hi").css("-webkit-transform"," scale(0.8) rotate(5deg)");
$("#hi").css("-webkit-transform-origin","50% 50%");
$("#hi").css("-moz-transform"," scale(0.8) rotate(5deg)");
$("#hi").css("-moz-transform-origin"," 50% 50%");
$("#hi").css("-o-transform:"," scale(0.8) rotate(5deg)");
$("#hi").css("-o-transform-origin"," 50% 50%");
this ain't working
basically i' trying to do something on the div's mouseover
> Please format your code. Hit Ctrl+K
can u tell me why it's not working
Make a JSFiddle
a min. pls
Gosh, I'm famous. Got semi-viable spam to my mail email address.
@Zirak Did you trim your mustache?
help me run this
how do i do it??
From: [some random email] Frutos Carrión María Concepción
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 10:39:49 +0000
Subject: email address :[...]

 I have a secured business proposal for you. email address :([...]<mailto:[...]>)
"Frutos" is a grand name
@SamyS.Rathore there jsfiddle.net/rEaxE/1
@AmaanCheval nah... keep his indentation
Hahaha, that made me shudder
At least it wasn't all on one line
what did i do wrong O.o
thanxx a lot to both of you
(1)You didn't include jquery
(2)The selector you passed was not a string
(3)You had extra `}` and `)` hanging out there
My advice is to pick up a javascript tutorial
yeah, m pretty much new to this
for now, how can i include jquery in my actual project
!!/google include jQuery
1 min ago, by Zirak
My advice is to pick up a javascript tutorial
picks up javascript tutorial
knocks it out of the nerd's hands
@SamyS.Rathore Please don't. Before using jquery, at least learn the basics of javascript
drops it
runs, never to enjoy javascript again
i'll do that
thanxx guys
you think your code is ugly?
Rest peacefully. There's worse out there.
Q: Why wont this loop? Getting - TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null

UllerUllerI am still learning JavaScript, so any use full advice is always welcome. I am making a lottery simulator, Its all working well but..... When I click the function to run, the random numbers are generated and comparisons made, however when I try to loop the function I get - TypeError: document.get...

Oh that's not bad code.
man, I feel like playing OOT. Anybody know a decent n64 emulator?
Linux, I don't mind compiling.
Ocarina of time
This looks decent enough
Guys I am playing mw3 for last 6 months but I am stilll n00b. Why/
@RakeshJuyal MW3?
@RakeshJuyal cuz u suck
@RakeshJuyal Some people are born mediocre. You just have to live with it.
@FlorianMargaine I agree.
@AmaanCheval CoD: Modern Warfare 3
!!/google MW3
!!/urban mw3
@Zirak There are guys who started after me and now they are PRO :(
@Zirak MW3 more like MW2.5 but still looks better than Black Ops.
@RakeshJuyal Have you considered a career in meat-tanking?
I don't even know what is meat tanking.
Basically, you just try and lure every bullet to you, killing yourself so better players can live longer
Hey @FlorianMargaine I guess you suggested me to use reveal.js for presentation. I must say "Thanks" . It is indeed good.
Is this a bug in android phones?
Q: How to unlock the android phone after "too many patterns attempted"?

Rakesh Juyal Possible Duplicate: Cannot unlock tablet as have no internet connection? Just now my android phone ( HTC Desire S ) got locked ( apparently my nephew tried the unlock pattern hell lot of time :( ). Now it is asking for userID and password. This is not the first time it happened. But ea...

You're welcome. Tried remoteprez with it?
You're welcome. Tried remoteprez with it?
Actually I tried hakim.se/projects/rvl-io for that.
That doesn't do the same
1 hour later…
@FlorianMargaine Can't do it with a regex in javascript
Well, you technically can, but the solution will be pretty horrid
and in perl?
You can do it in perl
Now that I think about it...
Nah, pure regex? Not likely
"technically can"
how? I don't really see
Well, you can do the match in a loop (drop the global) and in each iteration, slice the string upto the second word
But separation to n-grams is easy enough without regexps
ah yeah, got it
The ' ' + match[1] was to make sure it grabs from the second word, otherwise things like "mary had had a little lamb" would always satisfy the while loop (it'd grab the first had indefinitely)
Instead of the slicing actually, you can alter the lastIndex
yeah other people used a similar solution
oh btw
any better way for this? .map(function(e) { return e[0]; });
I tried .map(Array.prototype.shift.bind(this)), but not really working
I think I have to store the returned array somewhere to be able to reference it in the bind
One sec
A: Moving index in JavaScript regex matching

Florian MargaineSorry to tell you, but a regex engine can't handle this by itself. A way that you could like could be this one: var s = "Mary had a little lamb"; // Break on each word and loop s.match(/\w+/g).map(function(w) { // Get the word, a space and another word return s.match(new RegExp(w + '\...

see the end? it seems fugly, there should be a better way...
shift is destructive, it doesn't return a value
Actually...wait what
I'm stupid. Waaat?
Hi! Is this OK way to do HTML5 full screen: jsfiddle.net/qXtkH
yeah, shift returns the 1st element :p
I don't care about it being destructive.
I'm a bit surprised .map( Array.prototype.shift.call ) doesn't work
I'm not
you have to bind the this value to the array to shift
Sorry, I'm stupid today
!!> [ [0], [1], [2] ].map( Array.prototype.shift.call.bind(Array.prototype.shift) )
@Zirak [0,1,2]
There ya go
Hey , people
why is javascript a graveyard todyay?
Because Saturday?
ah i see
I've got a function that takes another function (optional) as it's last parameter. Is this the proper way to check if a function was passed?
if(typeof func !== 'undefined') { func(); }
typeof func === 'function' may be better
Alright, that makes it clearer (and less prone to error). But the overall structure's ok?
Yeah, seems good
If I want to call something, I usually do if (func && func.call)
What's the advantage of that?
Check if it exists and whether it has a call property, indicative of functions.
...so it's the same thing as Amaan suggested, just less readable
You can say that, yes. I have a disdain for typeof.
Why is that Zirak?
Feels too weird; I don't care if its type is "function", I care if it can be called. Duck-typing.
ah, i get you
i didn't realise its saturday :-(
huh, I just re-implemented a simple markov chain in a few languages...and I have to say, the Ruby one is the nicest-looking one
Not visually, but the code just looks cleaner
Agh! Someone's complementing Ruby! Kill it with fire!
I had to wrap everything in a class because it was being bitchy, but besides that, Ruby actually gave no special trouble (a half-lie, since the block/callback/proc/"whatever the fuck they call it" was being all annoying)
Q: Adding a button with innerHTML property

IsaiasI'm trying to add html code inside a <span id="options"></span> so I'm trying to use this: function editTextArea(element) { var options = document.getElementById("options"); options.innerHTML = options.innerHTML + "Cols: <input type='text' id='colsTextArea' maxlength='3' /&g...

^ Seriously ? thats the dumbest question ever!
and the first comment makes me shrudder.
Q: How does JavaScript fare as a game scripting language?

CubicI'm currently looking into scripting languages that might be usable for games. JavaScript appears to be a good choice to me - from what I can tell, it has a small core, very large community, great variety of tools and libraries, CoffeeScript to replace some of JavaScripts quirks with quirks I pre...

GameDev exists to siphon terrible questions from SO.
huh. I conducted a test, see what happens when you google some basic js problem...
!!/google javascript random array item
...And all the results are SO? Surprised?
See the top result
oh. Ohhhh.....
It has 22 upvotes!
thats hillarious
A: Get random item from array with jQuery

AlnitakJust to be different: var item = items[4]; // chosen by fair dice roll, guaranteed to be random (See http://xkcd.com/221/, for the uninitiated. See here for my real answer)

It'll be difficult writing books on the philosophers of the 21st century
"As we can see from omegapronz447's thesis..."
The first one is narrow-minded and amusing
It's cute how they say you're nothing without people around to be impressed by you
My brother started learning Python (his first language) over break. Here's his first program. I'm so proud.
@SomeKittens \o/ hes good!
Is this good way for doing HTML5 full screen: jsfiddle.net/qXtkH
@SomeKittens He needs to use raw_input() instead of input()
@Olli Grab the correct methods once, before the handler, and call them instead of doing that detection every time
@Zirak is it faster that way?
It's surely less blegh
Ugly, disgusting, the lot
@FlorianMargaine moving it from facebook .... yeah i agree
!!/urban blegh
@Nile blegh An expression of discontent or frustration.
@SO ChatBot thank you.
I think he means blech
!!/ tell Zirak urban blech
@Nile Command zirak does not exist.
!!/tell Zirak urban blech
@Zirak blech an expression such as disgusting, yucky, horrid, gross...usually in taste.
Must of been the space
Very well
oh god
I'm at my step mother home for the week end
the internet connection is terrible
@Florian have you tested it
Bow down Cinderella, Hensel & Gretel. There's an even viler step-mama in down.
not sure why Hensel & Gretel are mentioned here though.
Their step-mom wanted to let them starve to death
Grimm's fairy tales are fairly evil.
1285ms of ping
in upgoing bandwidth
Package delivery by snails?
I guess that's it.
@Zirak The "Once upon a time" TV show makes them even more evil. I love it!
It's interesting how in the end of Hensel & Gretel, the woman was just proclaimed dead. And that last paragraph? waat?
It's also "feministic"; Gretel, from being completely reliant on her brother and blindly following him, ends up rescuing them both and making choices on her own.
!! /tell Zirak urban bar
@Zirak BAR Slang name for a 2mg. XANAX tablet. Derived from its long bar-like shape.
!!/ tell Zirak urban bar
@Zirak Command zirak does not exist.
@Zirak Are you debugging?
ah, I see
k, fixed, will commit in a sec

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