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Though honestly focusing on career and asking girls out throughout my normal routine has been going well, not putting all your time and energy into them helps you not be depressed about them (IE what I call the "high school" mentality)
And you gotta remember, loneliness != worthlessness/uninteresting/etc
captain feelgood away!
@Event_Horizon That's from Reddit, isn't it?
Q: shader-based particle systems

WillI have a classic particle system where each particle is represented by a quad and, each time step, I move each particle. My target is webGL which means I don't have instancing, attribute divisors nor gl_VertexId; so basically I'm doing a lot of computation in Javascript and then uploading a big ...

@AmaanCheval No, but I probably read something similar and projected it without realizing it
Also its exactly how I'm handling my shits right now
@IvoWetzel From "The Chronicles of Nerd"
Being relaxed about girls, serious about the job, working well
Point is, I'm not a career person, I actually still make a lot of money as I'm very talented, and I'm not even at full performance due to the depression, but meh. I never had anybody who loved me so... yeah... dunno, my life just feels completely empty.
aahh, I remember the first time I asked a girl out. It was December the 20th. And it was pretty awful.
Also, I was extremely poor for most of my life, so I don't care about the money too much
it just accumulates, that's what it does
Not this december the 20th actually, but thanks.
She came out of the closet a few minutes later.
@IvoWetzel You don't need a girlfriend to fulfill your life
@Zirak As my goal in life is to found a family and raise kids, I actually do.
@IvoWetzel aww man
And "I never had anybody who loved me"? Unless you're a gigantic dick, that's probably not true. And even if you're a gigantic dick that's probably not true.
i hope you find someone soon man :-)
anyone care to help me with little problem? :)
@IvoWetzel Why is that your goal? Because you don't have it? Why do you need a goal in life?
@Zirak beware that humour might make him ragequit
No humour, I'm being serious.
@Zirak Hard to believe.
do you have no feelings , and even if you dont have in this room there can be people who do!
you just chat or help people?
My goal in life is to have a good life, if family and kids come into that then so be it, if they don't, oh well.
@IceD we are trying to help ivo atm
What? I think he's making a mistake. So I want to understand whether I'm wrong or he's wrong.
@Event_Horizon +1
@Zirak I never had a happy family, it all fell apart really early in my life. I haven't seen my father in 13 years, have hardly any contact to my sister / mother. In general, I didn't have much of a "normal childhood". So in part it's because I want to get some of that time back with my own kids, and in part it is simply to do better than my parents did.
@Ivo you are on a hard road man
you will put to much preasure on your kids
In case those aren't good reasons, well then I don't know. But that's the primary reason I haven gotten rid of my own life yet.
just take it easy and relax and be there for your family :D
@IvoWetzel Man .....
I live for my dream, maybe I'll fail. But at least I'll have tried.
now anyone care to help me? :)
@IvoWetzel But why is that your goal? I understand your desire, it makes sense. But setting that as your goal will be shattering - no matter if you fulfill it or not.
@IceD ask out :D
somebody might just help you
ok i am doing imacros scripting
and use javascript
so i am stuc with image loading popout
what the heck is iMacros ?
I'm sorry to break it to you, but life doesn't really have a meaning. We just live and then die. The shit that happens in the middle passes and nobody will care. And I was miserable for a very, very long time. And then I realized that being miserable sucks.
is there some kind of document.getElementbyId thing that can do that
You gotta be able to be happy with yourself first to be happy ever, because if you focus on anything but you (like a girl) what happens after you spend 7 years married with that woman, playing in a band with her, buying her horses, paying her way, and then she cheats with a guy you gave a place to stay for a night, because she was unhappy with the way her life was even though you gave her what she wanted besides going out to bars alone all the time.
So I set my semi-goal to "don't be miserable".
Otherwise you end up in that situation like my dad, crying and drinking for months....
@Abhishek wiki.imacros.net/
it's plugin for firefox
sorry not my cup of tea
You gotta be able to be happy with yourself man...or life is gonna suck most of the time.
yeah but it can simply run javascript command :)
@Event_Horizon well said :-)
hey i fight with my family ... almost daily :P , am still happy and alive !
is there some kind of document function that can run it
* Terms and conditions applied to my last statement.
Well you are around yourself all the time, if you can't handle being alone with yourself, how could someone else even if they aren't full time?
or how can I found such a function in Page Source code :)
Now, because of your prospect, you probably don't see your opportunities. The friendzone is a myth made by the internet - any awesome girl will gladly unfriendzone you if you're up to the task. And not just that, but when did you recently meet new people? Is the "I can't get a gf" empirical or based on musings?
@IvoWetzel i know it hurts to be alone , but being dipressed will just make you frustrated a lot of men had awesome life , dont be sad man
there still years in life left
And even if you don't find a girlfriend, or if you do and she doesn't want a family, so what?
@IvoWetzel can I give you an advice?
you will find someone who will love you ! but till you find her / him .. enjoy life!
And now he hasn't spoken in a few minutes, so I'll just wait.
^ Camping
Its also easier to find those who love you if you learn to enjoy life and like yourself.
@Event_Horizon i thought we were camping , no ?
was finishing my thought @Abhishek
ah ;3
if u see all three of us we said the same thing , in terribly different ways
Christ Ivo, you gotta be desperate if you're coming to the Javascript chatroom for advice! :-)
He wasn't asking for advice, it was me being pushy
@xtal touche
sweaty neckbeards whose only girl is their code or right hand sitting in JS chat talking about love
@xtal He didn't ask for any advice
@xtal read transcript .. this chatroom is t times kinda like a family :P
Ah, programmers, so literal!

if( you.desires.indexOf("trolling") > -1){
@Abhishek Read the smiley.
@xtal are you willing to help me? :)
@IceD I want to be polite, but my spider-sense says no.
so is this JavaScript chat room or something else?
JS chat with a side of life advices
@IceD this is JS-Core + Life advices + Zirak
I didn't ask for your advices I asked for help!
@IceD well nobody here has ever used iMacros
so kinda hard to to advice
well someone can simply answer my question
@IceD Dude, it's a chat room, it's not necessarily a technical help center.
@Zirak o
@IceD A better way to get help is to ask your actual question instead of asking people if they'll help you
@Zirak yes but like I sadi JS function is runned in it
man you are awesome
@AmaanCheval I DID ask a question
someone's in love
it's nice if you read what I wrote
I did, yeah
But xtal joined after you asked
I just want to know how can I run a function
function name(){}
that will open popout for image loading from hard drive
yeah but is such a function on page?
What do you mean?
how can I find it and execute it?
@IceD for security reasons you cannot access file-system from a browser
@AmaanCheval I mean iMacros let's me execute javascript command
you will need privilages for that
so in iMacros i run js file
for example
@IceD That isn't relevant
Open an image loading from hard drive?
will click the button with ID submit when I play it in iMAcros
Do you want to cache images manually?
like this
Or do you want to open images that are stored locally?
if you are creating an Addon ^
else you can't do it unless and untill user explicitely defines which files to use
I think he's creating a script for an addon
So he may be able to
@AmaanCheval is correct
Oh. You want to select an image?
i can do that with iMacros
Yeah, highly doubt you can
but to open window for image selection
that I cant
What was that, @Abhishek?
i just realized somethhing
@IceD does iMacros lets u access DOM ?
if so
I don't get if he wants to just show the selection box
Or if he wants to actually select an image after the selection box is opened
@AmaanCheval I want to open the pop out window for image selection
since iMacros doesn't do it properly
I remember using iMacros to cheat in school
but javascript can do it
Is he talking about a file picker?
we had to "work" on a website, i.e. spend some hours on it
@OctavianDamiean Yeah, think so
just used iMacros so that it did stuff for hours
in PHP, May 11 at 19:39, by gosto
i thought i can find answer here quickly , but its the opposite , only advices
var ip = document.createElement('input');
ip.type = "file";
ip.accepts = "image/*";
but thats if you can use DOM :P
my favorite quote from chat
Does .click work here? I can't get it to work in a fiddle
@Abhishek Also, missing quote on createElement
Of course you do that without his mistake.
.focus() probably
@Nile focus didn't worked :-(
@Abhishek nope this will not work
@Abhishek You need to append it first
@Nile i know :P
Still won't work
but with .click(); it works amazingly without append
(for those who can read it, it's fun)
@Abhishek Yeah?
@AmaanCheval for me it does
Firefox 17
it displays a bar for popups
@FlorianMargaine > This content is currently unavailable
now that iOS and Android are covered
and that both suck
@Nile ^
@Nile "for those who can read it", i.e. for those friends with @Loktar on fb
Oh okay
@Abhishek I get that too, but allowing changes nothing
hey my present :P
let's hop onto more clojure!
any one know where to find good documentation to implement javascript for touchscreen devices?
@AmaanCheval for me it opens it (x_x) no wait
i did it twice
@Loktar dude... I'd love you to be my relative
haha whys that?
you'd be like the easiest one to get presents for
lol yeah
@Dave Elaborate
@FlorianMargaine hahahahha
@Dave google.com
go to toys rus -> get some stupid stuff -> see you happy for months
yeh google found nothing of use for me
infact it took me to SO lol
@FlorianMargaine lol
now, let's rewrite reddit in clojure.
@Dave oh really ?
hah wait its not stupid :P
@AmaanCheval well event listeners for example for touchscreen
transformers are awesome man
yeah I know, but you get the idea :D
!!/google "Multitouch javascript"
@Dave 'touchstart'
transformers are stupid dude
!!/tell Dave mdn Touch events
these are universal or iphone specific ?
@Dave Universal
@FlorianMargaine they are NOT
it's for 12 y.o. kids! the movie is for 16-20 because of Megan Fox
whatever transformers are badass
@Dave universal dude
its not apple site its mdn!
dude, transformers are from the 80's
the new transformers is meh
I know, dude
I grew up with transformers
dude, I mean, dude
i know but i was expecting apple to be like IE having its own retarded methods
that's the thing!
you grew up with them, DUDE
now you're grown up! :P
Dude, where's my car?
transformers are real
ive seen many people with fb profiles with cars as their default picture
The Big Lebowski <- awesome movie
deffinately transformer
When I was a little kid I wanted to have Optimus Prime, now I want to have Megan Fox.
^ my other 2
love them man
if her acting is anything to go by shes probably poor in bed
@Loktar that said, I appreciate people like you :p
@Dave Fuck her acting. :D
@Loktar yeap still a kid
yeah, I'm a sucker for stuff from my childhood
^ Opposite of adults :P
@Loktar dude u are mini[chris coyer] for canvas
@Loktar I assume you own the Transformers game?
@OctavianDamiean yeah both
god xD
blocked in my country lameee
@Abhishek idk man, I think mr. doob is like the chris coyier of canvas
@Loktar hes more of web-gl imho imho :P
im like 10% of Chris Coyer :P
but yeah a 3.js based snow would be super-leet :P
anyways i should better focus on finding a way to skip jQuery UI
jqueryui.com/slider <- any replacements for that ? [ dont say html5 input ]
html5 input
input doesnt have that fill feature that i need , and <progress> just feels so wrong :P
youtube.com/… jesus is real
@FlorianMargaine ?
google it ;)
@FlorianMargaine i love you!
I was about to say "you're gonna love me"
of course it is
you guys didn't know about it? ~~
I hate you now
I didn't -.-
me neither -_-
46 secs ago, by Florian Margaine
j/k :P
dudes... IRONY!
for my forgiveness ^

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