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!!/choose sleep stay_awake
@Abhishek stay_awake
1 hour later…
Q: What is wrong with my JavaScript code?

BrianI am trying to better organize my JavaScript by namespacing, although in the process of refactoring and reorganizing my code I seem to have have made some mistakes. (function ($) { var TTB = { // Display browser dimensions browserDimensions: function () { var slide_width = $('#...

3 hours later…
posted on December 28, 2012

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} COMBICS!

Q: How can you cancel a hyperlink click?

David YoungI am building an offline-capable HTML 5 web app for subway users. Often, mobile networks are so slow on the subway that page requests take a minute or more to get a response. I would like to offer users the option of switching to offline mode if loading a page takes more than 10 seconds. I hav...

1 hour later…
@FlorianMargaine parseInt(temp_key/arrKeys.length,10); != +(temp_key/arrKeys.length)
i am using parseInt to crudely round off the number , though math.floor should be the same
2 hours later…
@ThiefMaster what do you use for proxying your shoutcast server s?
just crude proxying or a redirect :?
Is there anyway I can increase fixed quota of localstorage in browser?
I want to save 2 GB of data in localStorage
@DeepakKaithwas why the hell you wanna store a 2gb string ?
and NOT
use FileSystem API ?
let me put this another way
I want to save large data locally.
Morning JS lovers
@DeepakKaithwas use filesystemapi
is this work on all browsers?
not yet but its a spec
Hi everybody, anyone knows why NaN === NaN returns false?!
@Abhishek filesystemapi works only for chrome
you should NOT store 2 GB files on client , btw... unless its a game
and yes its chrome only , yet*
they strongly disagress to the amount of data u can store with fs api , also yells about its security things and blah blah blah
@DeepakKaithwas wht the hell you wanna store in 2GB ?
@Abhishek thanks great help
@Derek I thought NaN is equal to nothing, not even itself. This is by definition. isNaN(NaN) returns true.
4. If Type(x) is Number, then
    b. If y is NaN, return false.
I'm trying to asynchronously send data from damain1.com to daomain2.com
using xss..
var i = document.createElement('img');
once data.php echos the data to be sent, how do I extract it from i.src..?
You don't
How do I send data without using AJAX
@Abhishek self-written python daemon; based on pyev (async libevent-based io for python)
You can certainly send arbitrary GET requests, but you can't receive data.
@NeilMartin: Create a form and submit it
Otherwise there wouldn't be any point of xhr and same-origin limitations
@ThiefMaster: lol. Thanks for the advice. But its not "synchronous"
If you have control over domain 2, look into CORS. Otherwise, no.
No way xss can send back?
Use a hidden iframe as a target if you want it asynchronous. But as zirak said, you cannot access the returned data
See my previous 3 sentences
I'll check on CORS. But here's it clearly. Domain1 contains js Domain2 has the php
I've no control on Domain1
Only control I have is Domain2
something like a third party js script
@Zirak saw that. It means there's no way I can get data back using xss..:/
Xss... look up this acronym on Wikipedia, please.
@Abhishek I wasn't even here. Hah!
protip: Don't try and do functional-programming when your head hurts. It'll make things much, much worse.
initializr.com <- Damn good!
@phenomnomnominal o/
iirc you once wanted to hide links from being visible :3
@Abhishek great link
for using it should i view source and then use it or ....?
you can just download it
and start building project on the top of it ;D
Yeah but the customization part - doesnt affect the demo.
only affect download components.
@RoyiNamir Guess why it's called a demo, not "use this online instead of downloading"
IMO - a good demo shows it all online.
however , can you please provide when should i need to use the bootstrap ?
I'm just kidding. I agree. Haven't really looked at it, though, so I can't help
Oh, no, I think it's fine there
The demo is only a link to posts of his that implement those
@RoyiNamir When you need a quick website that looks good
@AmaanCheval I don't understand. responsive vs bootstrap. can you explain the difference ?
according to your answer , the responsive is not for "need a quick website that looks good"
Bootstrap is just a template that will let you write HTML and make it look good automagically
and responsive won't ?
Responsive is so that it accommodates all your elements depending on the real estate available
It may stylize things
But that's not the main point of having a responsive website
"Responsive" is a design term, bootstrap is a library
oh thanks Zirak.
what so special about this library ?
all i need is jquery.
do you mean CSS stuff etc ?
I dunno, never used it, don't care much
"all I need is jquery" sigh
you sigh I don't.
when I don't know something, I ask.
And that's relevant how?
the sigh part
I sighed because of the statement "all I need is jquery"...how does that lead to what you followed with?
@AmaanCheval ...me
@AmaanCheval Probably appropriate. I wouldn't go anywhere near IE without protection.
knock knock
who's there?
It's me, I hate you.
Well that wasn't very funny.
Oh it was. :)
What's orange and green and sounds like a parrot?
Nope, a carrot.
A dead baby stuffed in a pumpkin
That was predictable.
The baby didn't seem to think so
Shalom all
So, a rabbi and a dead baby walk into a bar...
You'd have thought one of them would have seen it
Sounds interesting, walking dead babies. Resident Evil Infants?
What's the difference between a dead baby and Tom Hanks?
@Zirak none apparently
@Abhishek Tom Hanks isn't dead ...
...it was supposed to be a good joke :(
Tom Hanks is quite a good joke.
I must admit it's wearing a little thin though.
That's not fair, he isn't a bad actor unlike Mel Gibson ...
@DaveRandom You don't like my new pants?
You said at the store they looked good
@Zirak What is pink and red all over?
So are you just lying to me now about the essentials? About what we hold dear? About pants?
a baby in a blender
I dont like dead baby jokes...
why did I do that?
@Neal meh how about baby in a grinder with some added jalepeno for flavour :3
@Neal Zirak's mind tricks. Don't worry you'll get used to it.
@OctavianDamiean I was actually thinking of Mel Gibson. Kind of doesn't work so well when you make jokes about the wrong person.
okay i am satanic :$
@Neal What's the worst part of killing a baby with a chainsaw?
Cleaning the blood stains off your clown costume
@Zirak freaking out new-comers in this room ever since .
What's do you get a dead baby girl for her birthday?
A dead pony
@Zirak What do you feel when shooting a baby?
@Zirak I'm not as much of a pants-lover as you. I didn't think it mattered, I forgot some people actually wear their clothes.
The recoil.
@DaveRandom It's not about that. It is. But it isn't. Aren't I important enough by now? Don't I mean something?
It's Georgette, isn't it!?
@Zirak Sure you mean something.
The Zirak are a tribal confederation of Durrani Pashtuns, found in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Tribes * Alikozai * Popalzai * Achakzai * Barakzai
No! Because I was blinded...by your half brother...who's pregnant
From ME! In a coma!
Why did you leave the toaster plugged in, Dave!? WHY!?
I can't see how that's relevant. His pregnancy was a side-effect of your blinding. He's just as upset about it as you, now he's going to have to perform satanic rituals just to keep the child from eating the rest of the family.
Is there a quarter brother?
There are quarter backs, why not brothers?
@Zirak I wanted a Poptart. Alright? There, I admitted. Are you happy now? No. Of course you aren't. Because all you do is take take take. Why can't I get off for a change? You promised!
Maybe if you talked to me once in a while...
Even since Cuba we've been drifting apart
Like two continents. Drifting apart.
Why couldn't you just let that girl go? She didn't really see anything and I'm sure the chicken would have thawed eventually.
Look I'm not discussing this now.
We'll talk about it at dinner.
That was pretty good
You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.
a little late to the party
My wife hates me, she tells me every day. Or at least she would if I took the gag out. And she existed.
You stay out of it Jorge...you stay away from mi familia!
Oder Kohl sind Jungen!
The randomness is so unpredictable.
for very small values of predictable
@Zirak Never direct link funnyjunk
Except when you want to
It's disturbing how you inferred it's funnyjunk from the cdn.
@Zirak Click the image, smartass
I have, it leads to the image
Goes to funnyjunk.com for me
Same here.
And there isn't an image oneboxed
You shouldn't click the link though, he's trying to steal our identity.
Probably because we didn't visit the page where it's hosted
We have a single collective identity now? I don't remember being assimilated...
Good...dance my puppet...dance...
Shameless gloat:
Horn-tooting: I'm the only person ever to get the #HTML5 and #Canvas gold badges on StackOverflow! http://stackoverflow.com/badges/2554/html5 http://stackoverflow.com/badges/2197/canvas
hehe, congrats
hey. I want to ask questions but i am banned automatically by the system of stackoverflow. What can i do to activate my account?
Oh for fuck sake ... y u so slow interwebs!?
@gipsydipsydoo I'm 99% sure it's on the faq
@SimonSarris I read that a couple of times as "Shameless goat"
yes there is. But it only says do beneficial things for us. What are they?
@DaveRandom I didn't... but I choose to now. ;)
@gipsydipsydoo Answer questions
A: What can I do when getting "Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account"?

ArjanWhy am I getting this message? As stated in the about links on every page, the Stack Exchange web sites are question and answer sites, not help forums. This implies that all posts are expected to have some value for later visitors too. To enforce that, and to prevent help vampires making the ans...

Screw you Zirak ...
(is the bot still running?)
!!/stat 1352563
@Zirak gipsy dipsy doo has 37 reputation, earned 2 rep today, asked 19 questions, gave 3 answers, for a q:a ratio of 19:3.
@Zirak thanks. i will try.
@OctavianDamiean My sincerest apologies to you, sir and/or madam
@OctavianDamiean Command stats does not exist. Did you mean: stat
@gipsydipsydoo Enjoy
@OctavianDamiean Octavian Damiean has 14822 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 404 answers, for a q:a ratio of 5:404.
!!/stat "Octavian Damiean" extended
@Zirak [Octavian Damiean](http://stackoverflow.com/users/418183/octavian-damiean) has 14822 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 404 answers, for a q:a ratio of 5:404.
avg. rep/post: 36.23. Badges: 10g 38s 64b
!!/stat "Simon Sarris" extended
what is this trickery
@SimonSarris [Simon Sarris](http://stackoverflow.com/users/154112/simon-sarris) has 20740 reputation, earned 30 rep today, asked 9 questions, gave 653 answers, for a q:a ratio of 9:653.
avg. rep/post: 31.32. Badges: 3g 24s 49b
!!/tell SimonSarris help stat
@SimonSarris stat: Gives useless stats on a user. /stat usrid|usrname [extended]
Wow, I suck at documenting
I love the word "useless", especially considering you just used it for something
sonofa! You've got 30 rep today!
The command isn't useless, the stats are useless
@OctavianDamiean your answers do not exist?
@FlorianMargaine Nope, they've been munched.
!!/define munched
@FlorianMargaine munched: Norwegian artist whose works include etchings, lithographs, and paintings, such as The Scream and Frieze of Life. (source)
useless bot.
Yea right, very good definition.

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