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@Abhishek hahahh ...lol...and it get worse when the start fighting
:P , please stop this talk , a bull has fallen like 2 feet away from me in a bull fight [ each other ]
dont remind me of that horrible instance
what am I going to do if I just bought a car with automatic distance and park control coming to india then ?!
The cows have the same mindset in India. They spit out the cud just like the men on the roads.
take it out before u start driving it
It's surprising how talking crap about India fascinates me.
but atleast we dont have people taking guns out and shooting the hell out of each other , yet! [ Americans ;D ]
I guess a brilliant idea is to ride on a white cow through the traffic then.. should act like a reflector shield in india right
@jAndy it wont be worthy
Anyone here worked with SVGs much?
thats my vehicle in india
this js objects are driving me absolutely mad, arrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh
@jAndy a Motorbike is better
@Abhishek Hahaha
but no one respects motorbikes :p
Cows can be really useful for drug dealing. You can send them to the other end of the country and no one gives a crap about them.
It isn't all that bad in Mumbai
There's waaaaay too many bikes in Pune and Gujarat
@jAndy try fast one like him
nah its a black one.. no respect for black cows either
white cows are special :-)
@jAndy u will be still able to stay alive on one
@ColorfulTrauma owners can see deleted messages
and almost everybody is owner :p
thankfully we dont have this ^ :P
@jAndy but its have more cc its 1200cc
@FlorianMargaine: You owned me dude.
that's actually the best idea ever. running a red light? F YOU, THIS IS A HOLY COW!
Smashing into a car? F YOU, HOLY COW IS ALLOWED TO DO THAT!
@NullPointer: You call that a bhains.
A buffalo.
@GNi33: exactly
I'M ON A HOLY COW DAMNIT - is the no1 privilege then
@jAndy that white ?
its a brown fake wannabe
I'm an Indian.
Did you say that to the cow?
I just built a simple SVG that has some CSS hover states within it. They work fine when only the SVG is loaded in a browser, but if the SVG is used as a div background or img src, then the hover isn't recognized. Any ideas?
of course not, I would never insult a cow
@ColorfulTrauma yo bhai bhains are crazier :P esp when they are in group and they go nuts :P
also you can watch them fighting on street ,road ...please take care of them
@Abhishek: How about the saands?
Anyone here an XKCD addict?
@ColorfulTrauma saands are avoidable
they are 2 - 4 in group
buffalos are 30 - 50
stempede is what you guys call it :P , we just call it meh bhains pagala gai
“Stampede” is an understatement.
@robjb Don't make it a background - problem solved
If you know tautology then you have some cool knowledge of tautology.
@Loktar driving down the road I just picked up Traffic_Cop wireless network
LOL wtf
@Neil: Yeah, I just read the same comic.
A: What should I use for a package name if I don't have a domain?

Florian Margainecom.ross Really, who cares? It's probably not important if you don't know what to choose. Or you wouldn't ask.

@Neil The problem is that the SVG isn't fully functional from within HTML content, so how is that a solution? (Notice that I stated it doesn't work as an image source, either.)
such a long answer to write
Open Abhishek's link and you have another tautology example.
@robjb I don't see why you're fighting its normal usage
Give it absolute positioning and it'll behave like background
Change the z-index if you need to
But it should still work
@All the Indians: Do you watch that guy named Imam Siddique?
@Loktar ^
lol thats awesome
better slow down I guess eh?
Lol I guess. Hehehe
Would have been better if it were Undercover_Cops
haha yeah that would HAVE been amazing
random question: why do people say "would of been" ?
bad english?
Why do people say anyways?
instead of "would've" or "would have" ? is that some dialect or just... ?
just bad grammar.
okay :)
@Neil Because I didn't realize the normal usage of an external SVG was through the embed tag ;)
Thanks for steering me in the correct direction
hehe, nice one -> iainmullan.com/johnny-cash
i want firefox stable and aurora to run on different profiles :/
man.. is it just me or has the number of "vampiric questions" increased like a lot over the past month ? I do understand that some questions require long descriptions and source codes, but hey.. every second question I open is like "TL;DR -> close"
oh, that's actually possible :O
hi, I use this js code parent.document.getElementById('bl').rows='22,*'; to resize a frame (not iframe). It works, but if I use my mouse to resize the frame and then execute the code the frame doesnt resize to 22, Do anyone know if there is an alternative code to resize frame that doesnt have this kind of bug (IE8 and Chrome, it seems FF are not affected)?
@jAndy: Just comment: “The vampire you're asking about got exposed to the sun and is now dead.”
@robjb Experience tells me that almost everything has been attempted at one time or another and if what I'm doing is painful and difficult, it is likely someone already attempted it and failed, never to have published said findings in google
@Neil Yea, seems that's the case here. I'm thinking I'll have to do this with canvas, as absolute positioning is complicating things
@robjb I wish there had been more support for svg, but internet explorer's support for svg hasn't dealt a serious blow to anyone using svg seriously in web design
Canvas seems to be the way of things now
canvas is full of win.
@Loktar In fact too full.. you can't clear it off
@Loktar css + canvas = uber win super uber win of it
Canvas is bitmap based though, correct?
Yeah I Agree
@robjb yeah
btw loktar did u still got your chance to play with the cssRenderingContext ?
yet ?
I chose SVG because I wanted to cleanly stretch the image :[
@robjb Thats whats its made for
but ! you can write scripts on canvas to attain the same
Man, this is a pita
@robjb use Raphael JS
and forget the pain but its like vasoline with painkillers it will just ease the pain not remove it , you might experience the pain later [10x multiplied]
For SVG :P
so its official, my computer hates me
Screw it I'm just going to use PNGs and CSS
(And forget about scaling it)
@robjb use css powered scaling
and media queries or multiple images getting transferred per view scope
it shouldnt matter then
or you can also use inline svg images with the <svg> tag use illustrator or inkscape to make em and use em like pngs
Bootstrap 2.2.2 Coming Soon - twitter.com/mdo/status/275414344248983552
Wait a friken minute
we can use bootstrap
aww fuck!
@FlorianMargaine: typeofnan.com/udp.png
my newest shiny shirt !
@FlorianMargaine what markdown-blog engine have you been using? jekyll?
I just did my first js object, weeeeeeeeeee
Yay! Objects!
@jAndy lol
meaning not the first but the first useful one :P
any1 wants to see it and give me recommendations?
First off, the factory pattern doesn't use new. You're kind of mixing up the pseudo-classical pattern an the factory pattern.
oh, then what's the name of that patterns that let me create objects?
@GNi33 Yes
His blog is hosted by Github
@AngeloMoreira There are several
@Ryan Kinal so what i'm doing to duplicate objects has a name?
sry to be a pain in the but :D
Not a pain in the butt... trying to learn. Which we very much appreciate around here.
@AngeloMoreira Creating examples. Will link momentarily :-)
Q: Javascript included but alert() function not working

laggingreflexI've included the javascript by wp_enqueue_script('slider', plugins_url( 'slider.js', __FILE__ ) ); with just a simple $(document).ready(function () { alert("alert"); }); It shows up in the browser but doesn't prompt me with "alert". PS: Forgot to mention I've also included the jquery...

@AmaanCheval have you used it? any good?
i want to build a quick-and-dirty snipplet and knowledge-base - page for my team at work
figured github + some markdown - stuff with built-in tagging would be quite okay for this
What does the Chinese (Mandarin?) symbol translate to on the chair in this picture: fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/…
@GNi33 Haven't used it, but it seems good if you want to static content
you found a good link there ;)
@AngeloMoreira ... sort of... I'm not sure about some of the concepts in there.
Here's some really basic stuff
@RyanKinal oh god, my head hurts, I cannot see how is this different to what I have done, don't worry Ryan I will have a read 2morrow since in 30 mins im going thats prob why I cannot figure it out right now, do u have any more comments about my code? things to improve or stufy?
@AngeloMoreira So, in general, when using a factory, you don't use new. You just call the factory function, and it returns an object.
is there any way to show hidden characters in sublime2 ?
And when using the psuedo-classical pattern, you don't return an object from the constructor function... you just use this.
talking about carriage return and such
i get a parse-error in one of my less files and i can't figure out what's causing it
@AngeloMoreira And I just realized my example was wrong. The pseudo-classical example is now updated.
@RyanKinal oh, so should I ignore the link u sent me?
meaning, is that no longer valid?
the pseudo-classic stuff obviously
@RyanKinal I updated the example: jsfiddle.net/sUaH4/4 now it works as factory pattern since is does not use the new any more right?
/join #Transylvania
@canon team?
@Loktar fightcodegame.com :)
@GNi33 hah awesome
I used to play a game called Winrob, was the same thing
so cool, and it works over github
you create a gist where the code for the robot is stored
PressPlay Video.... wtf?
did anyone else get that room invitation?
@AngeloMoreira Yep!
@GNi33 thats awesome
Chuck               = Object.create( Infinity.constructor );
Chuck.canDoACountTo = Infinity.toExponential( 2 );
Q: Should I implement BackBone.js into my ASP.NET WebForms applications?

Walter StaboszBackground I'm trying to improve my group's current web app development pattern. Our current pattern is something we came up with while trying to rich web apps on top of ASP.NET WebForms (none of us knew ASP.NET MVC). This is the current pattern: ! Our application is using the WinForms Framew...

A: jquery ajax success returning undefined

NealFor the upteenth time. ajax is asynchronous. Use a callback function.

arrrg do we have a canonical question for ajax is asynchronous?
anyone know a good log analyzer for linux? or is awstat my best bet?
@hanleyhansen vim :-P
i need graphical statistics!
@GNi33 yeah, jekyll is pretty nice
it's ruby, right?
I just have to push some files onto the repo and the blog is automatically regenerated
yeah, but I haven't seen any ruby :)
i'd like to use it on some node-process
but i'm not sure about that yet
just something dirty to make quick updates to a snipplet - collection with tagging-support
there are some static site generators in node.js too
the advantage of jekyll is that I don't have to worry about rebuilding -- github does it whenever I push
A: JavaScript style.display="none" or jQuery .hide() is more efficient?

NealYes. Yes it is. Vanilla JS is always more efficient.

People should just have a look at the jquery source code and see that it doesn't use black magic
accessing properties vs. a function call + accessing properties.... well, well...
@GNi33 does it work in chrome for you?
the robot battles
Im getting an error, in ff it works fine though
as far as i can see
didn't dig in too far though
still at work you know ;)
ah i just tried to watch some battles
sisters are such a pain :-/ , when they need something u are helpless
hm, let me have a look
At @Abhishek's sister?
A: JavaScript style.display="none" or jQuery .hide() is more efficient?

Florian Margainea = 2; vs a(2); function a(nb) { lot; of = cross; browser(); return handling(nb); } In your opinion, what do you think is going to be the fastest?

@RyanKinal nah he doesnt wanna look at her (XD)
@RyanKinal :P
@Loktar weird, seems to just stop after a few seconds
trust me (x , what she wnts she gets it ... any way she will tear u apart , kill u but will get her demand fullfilled
@GNi33 ok so its not just me, good
ah no
maybe the guy just cancelled the fight
another works just fine
Im using Version 24.0.1312.27 beta-m
it doesnt even get to the battles in chrome
but FF does
Dis is just insane!
I cant believe i was merging 5 songs that i would never listen ever x_x for past 1 and half hour , and urgh well i learnt audacity atleast #sisterTasks #wastageOfTime #iLoveCamelCase
should it not be $(this).id — Dominic Green 4 mins ago
A: cannot use $(this) in $.each function inside jquery ui sortable event

AdilYou are pass string i.e. ".newProjectTask" instead of elements having class newProjectTask to each function. To see whats happening what going on check this demo Change $.each(".newProjectTask", function() { To $.each($(".newProjectTask"), function() {

You are pass string i.e. ".newProjectTask" instead of elements having class newProjectTask to each function.
@Neal poor lady javascript :'(
Ha... nice ninja edit. but still, use this.idNeal 17 secs ago
Ninja edit failed , you missed the closing parenthesis for ) — Abhishek 21 secs ago
:D :D
@Abhishek HA
Ninja edit failed , you missed the closing parenthesis for console.log , Bad ninja go back to your training ground and practise with ninjato [ jQuery ] more! May the kai [ javascript ] enlighten your spirit in the proving grounds of the web! – Abhishek 2 mins ago edit

Ninja delete and going home – Dominic Green 52 secs ago
@Abhishek lol i saw haha
I feel the urge of gaining so reps
i wanna see my deleted beauty :'(
@Neal dont be racist
jk jk
@Abhishek eh?
how is that racist?
1 min ago, by Abhishek
jk jk
joking !
ahhh haaa.... @Abhishek ...
@Neal um ?
ninjas everywhere man :P
i see who reviewd my edit :P
Well ur edit was wrong hence it was rejected.
where was it wrong ?
you typoed dt yourself :P i was just explaining its css , exaclty what florian put as answer
@Abhishek yes, but that was not my answer. No need for an explanation. it is just MAGICAL
@Neal btw congrats you have just got yourself a help vampire!
YES for 10 years people have been writing ugly callback code until you came along and came up with a solution...n o
@Abhishek yea. im ignoring him lol
@Esailija Does that yield mean the UI will be blocked ?
@copy sup
it works like await in C#
oh god
That's pretty awesome
yeah it's already possible in node with node-fibers
@Esailija so the JS engine will await or just the single function executuing ?
it doesn't happen at global level, you pass a function to the library and then yield from there
I don't care for node. Still nice if it appears in the major browsers
the library then resumes execution of your function when the yielded promise is fulfilled
@copy are you familiar with yield in python? it's exactly the same
Yes, I am. But python doesn't have asynchronity. I just knew that you can make infinite lists with that, not how it works excactly
now that sounds great !
but the point is that I am annoyed by this guy thinking people have for years been writing all these callbacks for nothing when he had a solution all along
oh yes yield will completely end our hunger fall callbacks
though i kinda now like writing callbacks [unless its completely a wastage to write em which is very rare case but which arises a lot when u are trying to do things in console which is actually crazy ]
well you still have to pass a function to create a fiber
and your whole code doesn't become synchronous-like, just the function you passed
how about
yield EventLoop();
a function that does 1 tick in a game ?
          yield Loop();
spawn( function() {

    while( true ) {
        yield nextTick();

but that seems pointless
anyways i am working on that Mp3Encoder/Decoder back again finalizing it :-) .. but its completely running on server so no fruit for JS
the point is that you have bunch of application logic with several I/O operations involved, with callbacks you just get callback pyramid of doom
and it's very hard to read the actual intent and logic
because the callbacks take so much noise
true , like when you are chaining database queries in node.js
wohoo i understood something !
You should have a callback flow framework for that reason
@SomeKittens say what ?
@Abhishek he means libraries like github.com/caolan/async
but you can put your entire request in a fiber and be sync from begin to end
@Esailija meh it'd just use my noisy tree then that it looks ugly
Yeah, that.
is there something like await or fiber in C++ ?
@Abhishek yes, I googled this one for example stackoverflow.com/q/1285714/995876
i was meaning as a part of the language , not libs
well I don't know much about c++, all I can do is google for you
@copy I suppose it's possible in regular javascript as well, by using yield: label as pseudo keyword and then decompiling and evaling a function all the time
I didn't really explore that
magic( function() {

    yield: $.ajax( ... )

    yield: sleep(2000)

then decompiling it and replacing yield with return and everytime you call it, remove lines before it
Anyone got experience with developing javascript Win 8 apps? Need a little help/
please, e.keyCode == 13 would detect enter key press, how would you detect a press on shift and enter (both)
e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 13
ah simply, thx
Hey. Noob question: Using Regex does anyone know how I would match the number after the comma in this string "blah[2,123]blah" ?
press F12
@JoeyMorani Are you trying to reverse the earlier question?
then type "blah[2,123]blah".match(/,(\d+)/)[1]
Lmao. @KendallFrey I am.
But in JS?
lol here goes
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
    if (e.shiftKey) {
    } else {
           $.post('/post', {'message': $(this).val().substring(0, $('#in').val().length-1)});
full sreen javascript , awesome but ...
I'm trying to simplify
combined with mouse lock === doom
actually it's a textarea
@jAndy Those are all mine!
want to submit without the \n if we press enter
and to line return if we press shift + enter
@JoeyMorani Here's what I came up with:
str.replace(/\[([^\],]+),(\d+)]/g, function (s) { var m = /\[([^\],]+),(\d+)]/g.exec(s); var ret = ""; var count = parseInt(m[2]); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { ret += "[" + m[1] + "]"; } return ret; })
Much uglier than the C# version :P
Ah wow, that's awesome. Thanks! :)
All I can say is : oy... — Neal 10 secs ago
I'll try it out
I didn't put as much effort into it. I'm sure it can be optimized/prettified in some way.
It works perfect. :D
Thanks @KendallFrey !
Regex is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
@Esailija Yeah, but that's way to hacky for my coding style and probably gets rejected by Closure Compiler
Q: Dividing an array

ShazI need to divide an array in blocks of 6 items max, however I can't find a better way to store the last block. This is my current code and it works. Is there a way to avoid using the if after the .each ? var tabsData = [], tabCtr = 1, lpcCtr = 1; $.each(PAGE_DATA.tableData, function(i,...

@copy it would be the hackiest thing in js history :D but very fascinating
I need to learn it. :P
Bookmarked ;)
Hey JavaScript guys :)
Q: What does $('#foo a'); do?

Afshin MehrabaniAs a example of jQuery code (https://coderwall.com/p/7uchvg), I read that the expression $('#foo a'); behaves like this: Find every a in the page and then filter a inside #foo. And it does not look efficient. Is that correct? And if yes, how should we do that in a better way?


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