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And congratz to the guy.
He did what he had to.
I always wonder how these things even happen
He said "there is a problem, fix it", he got "Screw you" as an answer, he then demonstrate that it was not the answer to give him.
His account is still active on GitHub, they corrected one GitHub bug and will maybe review the RoR behavior on this thing.
And his name will be famous in the Rail community for some weeks.
"I'm the guy who hacked GitHub"
yeah though it's an old issue
Oh yes, 03-2012
Is there a less redundant way of doing this.foo.bind(this)?
Building new PC. Intel vs. AMD, opinions?
whoop, nevermind. Just saw Intel's price point.
Comparable processor, Intel's $100 more.
3 hours later…
@SomeKittens Note that in terms of performance, these comparable processors aren't always comparable
Have a look at some performance charts or something before picking. Some AMD ones come kind of close, so pick one of those if you go with AMD
1 hour later…
Man when did JS become a graveyard
1 hour later…
hi all
i am using mobile jquery.i need to call my webservice using ajax for mobile app. please help me
i searched on google.there are lot of solution.but my webservice should return response with callback
please help me.i can't change webservice response
Hi Guys. Good morning
little help over here please
@AkbarAli ask out loud
@Kandha your webservice "should" or "does"?
@Kandha i think you're referring to JSONP call here
i have opened a window using window.open
now i need run a function on closing that window
currently what i am doing is var test = window.open(URL);
now how can i check window.close??
@Abhishek ??
@phenomnomnominal ^ u see ?
hey guys, If you go to google.com, and then zoom in until you see a horizontal scroll bar, try scrolling to the right and you will notice that the you see what you see when the page is normal. this happens though the page is centrally aligned, how to do this.?
@Abhishek, can u help?
I have no idea what you are babling about Anuj
@AndersMetnik, go to youtube
Just explain what it is you need
zoom in more than 100%, you will see the scroll bar at the bottom
scrollbars sucks
now scroll to the right and you will see that though the page is zoomed, you see only the main page, and not the blank right and left area that you see when the page is normal at 100% of zoom
If you want to achieve scrollbars, then set a fixed width
Now i get it.. You mean responsive design
maybe, I dunno the technical term, but maybe yeah
Like that it will look different on tablet, phones, and desktop computers
I use twitter boostrap, so I pretty much get it for free ;)
I don;t think that's what I am saying
I don't want it to change style to devices, but just what there is on youtube
youtube just stays the same ?
fixed width and margin left and right auto? or responsive?
fixed width
the width is fixed, and there is a margin:0px auto; so that it remains in the middle of the page and not on the left side
I will make a fiddle
don't do 0px
it doesn't matter
just margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;
that is margin: auto
Then you have top and bottom as margin auto as well ?
if u specify 0px only then, right
@AndersMetnik margin: top-bottom left-right; so margin: 0 auto; means 0 for top and bottom, auto for right and left... right?
@ShyamK, @AndersMetnik, this is it jsfiddle.net/Anuj/BLDGr
if u take the code on your computer and run it locally, you might get what I mean
@ShyamK Ahh that might be right :)
the pink div holds the blue one, however when I zoom in, it just zooms in the whole webpage,
I know I didn't do t properly, but whats the best way to do it. Plus, I do want the red nav bar to be synchronous with the blue div, i.e they must act as one, when we zoom in and out.
jsfiddle.net/BLDGr/1 here it synced... you had a minwidth 500 on navbar which made them unsynced
@AndersMetnik, it ain't. Try zooming in at 400% on chrome, the red one and the blue one get separated then
Did you run the one I posted?
Yours wasn't synced, mine was.
yeah I ran urs.
It's synced here
at 400%?
yeah, it is
guys why is $.data(this, 'thing') faster/better than $(this).data('thing')? (in jQuery)
@AndersMetnik, It is synced perfectly. Thank you. and can you please tell me what's the proper way to fix that black div on top of the web page?
@mmmshuddup it's not
@FlorianMargaine hey, how are you? and hmmm.. according to this it is: stackoverflow.com/a/3230788/486233
according to $(this) haha
@AnujKaithwas No comprede
@AndersMetnik no comprendo* :P
what's comprede?
@mmmshuddup ah... yeah, because you're creating a jquery object when you're doing $(this) while you're using the existing one when doing $.data()
@AnujKaithwas comprende is Spanish for comprehend/understand. but it's used for usted, el, or ella (like you/he/she/it understand(s))
but it's not the kind that matters much
so @AndersMetnik, didn't you comprende what I said? :)
@AnujKaithwas I did not understand you
"fix that black div on top" to do what ? it works fine ?
I said just remove the min-width 500 is what screws it up in yours
usted comprende, tu comprendes, el comprende, ella comprende, ellos comprenden, yo comprendo :P
just fix it on the top of the page, for navigation.
@AndersMetnik that's your lesson for today :)
"just fix it" is not something I understand
@FlorianMargaine oh ok yeah that makes sense I guess.. although I guess I assumed using $.data() also created a new jQuery object. apparently I was wrong
@mmmshuddup Thanks, I'm not taking spanish though but i Sincerely thank you
@mmmshuddup you're calling the data method on the $ object in the second case
@AndersMetnik well maybe you ought to, you'd have a free tutor :) haha
it stays on the top, forever, even If I scroll down the page, it stays there.
like position:fixed
position : fixed;
var a = {};
a.m = function() {};

a.m(); // is what you're doing in the second case
@mmmshuddup ^
@FlorianMargaine hmm that's a strange analogue
yeah so, position: fixed, top:0px, left:0px, right:0px, is that it?
@AnujKaithwas I havnt tried this combination, try it?
yup, it is in my fiddle
@FlorianMargaine oh wait that whole example is what I'm doing in the second case?
gimme the updated one
it was already there , w8
@mmmshuddup no... $ is a and data is m
the methods already exists. they're provided by jQuery
oh hmmm
you're just calling it
@AndersMetnik, here it is, jsfiddle.net/Anuj/BLDGr/2
I mean I know that $.something is the same as jQuery.something.. it's like the jQuery object itself already exists so why not use it? does that sound right?
You still wan't it with the
min-width: 500px;
oh sorry, no i don't. I forgot to change it.
@mmmshuddup yeah, while a().data() is calling a method returning an object (thus creating a new object) and calling the method on that
@FlorianMargaine gotcha. so does using $(this) have to do a lookup too? like for example when using $('#elem').fadeOut(function() { $(this).something(); }` calling $('#elem') does a lookup, but does using $(this) do another lookup?
@AnujKaithwas here jsfiddle.net/BLDGr/3
@mmmshuddup $(something) calls the method $ with something as argument. This method returns an object on which the data method is available
yes, it does another lookup, but not the same :)
oh ok I get it. it's a different kind of lookup
the first one does a DOM search basically. which is different
$('#elem') does a queryselectorall or something alike. wraps the DOM elements in a jquery object and returns that
@FlorianMargaine you knwo I've been using jQuery for years now and I've always wondered this stuff but never bothered to ask or look all of them up (I did for some of them)
$(this) gets this (which is the current dom object), wraps it in a jquery object and returns that
gotcha yeah
it's quite simple once you know how javascript works actually :-)
impressionnant! :)
well I know how JavaScript works for the most part. just not all the innards of jQuery, you know?
i have a question
can anybody tell me why the following code works as it does
the answer is no
var arr = ['a','b','c']; arr.splice('junktext', 1);
any more questions? haha
splice seems to coerce the first index to 0, if it is not a digit
that is rude of splice
yeah, there's no consistency I tell you
arr.splice(true, 1) will remove the first item because true coerces to 1
similarly arr.splice(false, 1) will remove the first item because true coerces to 0
*correction arr.splice(true, 1) will remove the second item
@AndersMetnik, thank you so much :D
@AnujKaithwas Another time please do what we discuss and then ask again if it makes errors... We talked about position:fixed and removing width. You did neither...
i did it on my pc, and not on fiddle.
@mmmshuddup you don't know javascript enough if you wondered why $(this).data() is more expensive than $.data() :p
@AnujKaithwas Okay fair
@FlorianMargaine yes and no. because for all I know, jQuery does a $(this) anyway when calling $.data(this).
@FlorianMargaine Well maybe he knows enough javascript just not enough jQuery? :P
i m sorry if i offended you, but i don't do my work on fiddle, i instead use thimble
offended naah
fiddle is overrated anyway. I only use it to demonstrate stuff, never for development
it's too much work to use the console and stuff when using jsfiddle. otherwise I probalby would use it more haha
Nahh but if you have a problem, and you are getting help, you are imo. obligated to keep it up2date according to what you are working on so, the helper, doesn't do stuff in vain.
@AnujKaithwas all u need to do is %
use that as a unit
if u havent already found it
Any Kohana people in here?
I need help with external validation
and how to validate in controller with true false to a public function
@Abhishek, %?
like 70% width?
yeah that should do :P
width:100% on html and body
and then hide scrollbars :P
but i wont recommend that
its just for the effect
@designer So not javascript?
@AndersMetnik ehm awkward... haha sorry, too stressed
is there a standalone datasource component like kendo.data.DataSource?
Q: Admin Panel like Custom Framework

bhuvinI want to Create a Framework , like Admin panel , which can rule almost all the aspects of what is shown on the frontend. For an eg (Most basic one): If suppose the links which are to be shown in a Navigation area is passed from the server, with the order and the url , etc. The whole aim is to ...

Dafuk raynos ?
@AndersMetnik not having to think about implementing all these features myself or having to work around the missing features in a hacky way
Dec 18 '11 at 20:31, by Rebecca Chernoff
Please do not abuse flags.
she actually did spoke in here! (once)
speak ;)
Why do so many people use expressJS together with socket.io ? So far the only difference I saw in examples was that they "listen" to an express app instead of directly socket.io.
Am I missing out on something great?
@OliverSchöning express js is used for http routing isn't it?
I'm not sure, but I think so yes, you setup an http server with it?
yeah, it's like a small mvc, but not really
so its just a framework? No magic that I am missing?
It's more like your router component of your MVCR framework.
Well that settles it. It's way beyond my rookie knowledge :)
Basically in the JavaScript world you don't actually have a real Model View Controller pattern since your view is actually also your controller, mostly.
Take Backbone.js as an example, that's a Model View Collections Router framework, which makes sense for the web.
@OctavianDamiean MVVM?
MVVM is something else
it relies on bindings between the model and the view
:6526651 the example in express.js is really simple, it allows you to create an http web app, main functionality being routing '/auth/login' to a function you specify using express app

    app.post('/auth/login', function(req, resp) {
        // authenticate the user
@FlorianMargaine which Backbone.js enables
@OctavianDamiean In JavaScript world, there can be a real Model View Controller
@andho Of course it can you can also mimic classes in JavaScript, question is if it makes sense.
@OctavianDamiean it does more than having MVC on web servers, like ZF, Symfony, Spring
and i you really think about it, Backbone Router has the Controller part covered
@andho Oh?
Routers act on URLs, you are not required to trigger an URL change when you click a button or something and that's where the router becomes useless.
okay, tell me another MVC framework, where a Router, does not map a URL to a specified function, just like in Backbone
non javascript included
@andho But when do I need that? Right now I just have a little test server for a game. And people connect to it, and socket.io sends messages according to their actions. I know nothing about these things, that probably does not help to see the good use
@OctavianDamiean Router doesn't have to listen to the History api
I don't know how that argument helps in any way to be honest.
A router is not meant to be your controller.
@OliverSchöning if you app is full javascript and get's all it's data from sockets, you don't need it, but you can easily serve static content using express connected to socket.io
ok :) I think I do without for now until I grasp some of the concepts you guys are talking about right now
Of course there's other frameworks which stay closer to the real MCV pattern than Backbone.js, I just picked Backbone because their design makes sense for the web.
@OctavianDamiean you negated the argument: Backbone Router, routes url's to different functions, essentially covering the Controller part, by saying that when you click a button you don't have to trigger a URL
@OctavianDamiean but, views doesn't cover that either
@andho Mate, what!?
and if i have to put the logic for that button click, i would have it in the router, if it really is something that effects the whole app
@andho Alright, which is the controller part in Backbone that listens for a button click in a view in your opinion?
I haven't had experience with desktop GUI MVC's so I dunno at what level the Controller on those programs work.
Have you actually ever read the documentation for Backbone's Router object?
@OctavianDamiean I'm not saying the Router has to listen to that button click, but there is not reason it cannot. But let's stop here and not continue, if you or I cannot give a sample of a real Controller, not from psuedo MVC's that has been used on the web
yeah I have
Then you clearly didn't understand it.
@OctavianDamiean we are talking about HTML apps here. Logically, your view changes when the URL changes
How's that changing matters?
@OctavianDamiean one-to-one mapping between routes and controllers
hi, i've a string which contains href="displayrefmat.aspx?nopaid=xxx" , i want to replace double quote to single quote, can you see jsfiddle.net/UdNBu/2 , thanks
@OctavianDamiean look man, I understand your point about Router as a Controller breaks down at button click argument
@OctavianDamiean But MVC in a full JavaScript app does make sense.
Classical MVC where C stands for a standalone controller just doesn't.
@OctavianDamiean can you give an example of that
@OctavianDamiean what about javascript mvc's implementation?
Your view serves perfectly as a controller.
same argument can be used on Desktop MVCs, or better yet, you can write everything in a single function
@OctavianDamiean there is a reason M, V and C is separated, and I think it applies in a full JS app too
I will have to be back in about 30 mins, cya
Well, you know before discussing this any further I'd suggest we agree that you have another perspective on whether a controller makes sense than I have.
I think that a controller (be it in a web app or a classical desktop app) is not needed, you think it is. Simple as that. You can use a classical MVC framework, I use Backbone's MVCR framework. :)
The point of any of those frameworks is to give your project structure, which is what really counts, be it with a dedicated controller or not.
anyone ever used inuit.css? github.com/csswizardry/inuit.css
hello all btw
> inuit.css is a powerful little framework designed for serious developers.
well... you know those punchlines
they need to be everywhere ;)
@OctavianDamiean I could agree with that
@OctavianDamiean is MVCR = Model View Controller Resource?
@andho Model View Collections Router.
Backbone doesn't fit into any existing MV* family category, it is a thing of its own.
@OctavianDamiean okay
@OctavianDamiean what what does resource represent
@andho > Model View Collections Router
Feck it.
Since when is that broken?
There's no resource.
what's broken?
> this ?
just works on line start
Block comments as a reply.
@OctavianDamiean > does it work like this?
nope, somehow you can reply without the @ in front of it, but i don't remember how
posted on December 04, 2012

Yesterday we saw that in Q3 the Android browser has a 24% market share according to StatCounter. On the other hand, Tomi Ahonen reports Android’s Q3 sales market share was 71% and its installed base share 48%. Even allowing for fuzzy data and margins of error, that’s a huge difference. What’s the cause? Operators (carriers) are heavily weighting the scales in favour of Andro

I am having this really simple line of code document.getElementById('test').focus(), I also have a button that is able to delete the element with that id. However, if I do I get an error in the console: SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'focus'....Is that something I can ignore?
That happens after I click the button to delete the element
Hi,Anyone using Highchart ? Has anyone tried plotting 3D bar using highchart charting library
Q: Looking for an open source JavaScript table sort function with multiple column sorting and filters

WikisI have an HTML table that I'd like to add sorting to. I've already used sorttable but I've found that, with our current installation, the default sorting works in Firefox and Chrome but not Internet Explorer. So I'm looking for a new tool. I'm working my way through this list of 33 sorters but I...

@Andy Well, you could in theory ignore warnings and notices but not errors.
m looking for a light weight code editor for my website and i don't wanna to use api i need it in local can any one know ???
By now you could hide one's name and location information and I could tell you whether he's Indian or not. There are exceptions of course.
hello , i need one help how to controll the iframe and window scrollbar in javascript anybody help to me,,,,
ram, you're in for a treat
ram is Indian. That was without looking at his profile.
i faced two days that problem sp please help,,
@OctavianDamiean spot on! :D
That was an easy one though. one help
I need window size width,height 100%; for all the screen resolution the iframe min-height:500px; lessthan 500px height scrollbar need otherwise show the scrollbar, but not set fixed height, .... but i tried min-height iframe 500px its work 1024*768 screen size but large screen not working .... so what procedure...
So are there any chicks around? :)
Nope. Sorry, yes.
oh really? :)
do you lift? :)
"Open-Source can get you some mad babes!"
@OctavianDamiean can u help to me .
hey guys, can we pass argument on click event on pageload $('.newcheck').click(function(){
i need to pass argument onpageload to first click function.
@Sibu Please format your code or I'll have to nom-nom your message.
The best thing is.. people always mix unformatted code and normal text in the same chat message
Otherwise I'd probably have written a userscript that gives me a "jsbeautify this" button next to all messages that contain something looking like code
$('.newcheck').click(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
there you go :P
@Esailija thanks for format
Thanks @Esailija aka. jsbeautifier.
$(".newcheck").trigger("click", [1, 2, 3]);
$('.newcheck').click(function(e, one, two, three) {
@Esailija once again thanks for format and answer it worked :-) you saved my day
@GNi33 If you don't want Bootstrap but still want structure and stuff you can checkout Zurb's Foundation.
You could also just take out the few components from boostrap that you want...
> The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.
It's really not bad.
Well, yea, you know how that is you need some punch line. :)
punch line doesn't need to lie though
You first have to prove it's a lie or not. ;)
Which is the most advance then Florian ?
usually, any "best thing" punch line is a lie
That's also true.
usually being the most important word :)
They can't know what I need it for so they can't also know if it is the best solution for my need. :)
However, it is a very nice toolkit/framework.
But if you calculate it by how many features it has towards responsive design....
Q: Code Review - Simple Javascript Drawing Game

user667667i have developed, with the help of some tuts, this simple javascript collaborative drawing game and am seeking some advice on ways i can improve this or general criticism. I was wondering if there was anyway i could make it more object oriented or more features that could make it better. Apologie...

!!/mdn Array shift
YES! GitHub Flavored Markdown for Node.js. (I know it's old but still ...)
@OctavianDamiean I'd totally use that in docgenerator if I had the motivation
That's what I'm gonna do for this project.
I mean I'm gonna integrate it into my documentation build process.
@OctavianDamiean ivo used marked iirc for his thingy
@OctavianDamiean you know about this right? :> npmjs.org/package/docgenerator
Just googled it. :D
I'd have the markdown parser plug-able via configuration options or something.
it uses markdown_py though
it has some option to generate the table of contents for example. this is a feature I can't go without to generate a doc :|
Q: javascript convert double quotes into single quote in a string

MLSI have a string which contains mix of single and double quotes. You can see here. First, If i try to make the jquery object of that string, i get break up of href and it's page link. both parts behave like attributes of tag with an additional double quote attached with page's link part. like cons...

A: javascript convert double quotes into single quote in a string

Bilal lillacheck this: it is fiddle file. This [jsfiddle] http://jsfiddle.net/UdNBu/2/ To clear you see this linke [javascript string] [jsfiddle]: http://jsfiddle.net/UdNBu/2/ [javascript string]: http://www.quirksmode.org/js/strings.html

hi florian margaine , i could not understand this answer. the link of jsfiddle he mentioned is same which i provided. secondly i read article but that didn't help me
Haha, I just wrote a function called objectify. Feminist programmers may not be happy.
Shit ... I need to find some DDR-2 PC2-3200 ECC Registered memory ...
workstation ... y u so old?
Tsk tsk
Damn ... gotta run.
Day three... I'm still alive.. coffee here stinks..
Gas here is cheap
That's the US for you.
And I'm at an agri confrence so everyone talks with a heavy accent
Lots of plaid shirts
Please don't post a picture.
@FlorianMargaine ummm
jsfiddle.net/ezwrA < When resizing result window width, child divs eventually overflow the container div (when the middle child hits its min-width.) Desired behavior is for left and right child to continue shrinking to 0px. It seems to be treating the width: 33%; as a min-width -- any ideas?
@OctavianDamiean 100$ for 4 GB... have fun!
little recap of dotjs -> in german netural.com/news/unter-mannern-die-dotjs-in-paris
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