@monners REmove all events from all the element within a div. So the events (mouseup, click, mousedown, mouseover etc..) instead of listing them all out. Is there a universal way to remove all events from a div.Ive read the documentation on it.
You could loop through each jquery set (i.e., every div, every a, etc), although that might not be much less code unless you've got a LOT of .on() events...
@monners would I not have to specify the event? Thats what I was asking for. If what you wrote there, turns off all events for the div then thats exactly what im looking for.
Given a floating point x (x<100), return e^x and ln(x). The first 6 decimal places of the number have to be right, but any others after do not have to be correct.
You cannot have any "magic" constants explicitly stated (e.x. a=1.35914 since 1.35914*2 ~= e), but you can calculate them. Only us...
Actually I'd only use new Array if you intend to create an array containing n undefined elements (there is actually a good use-case for it: repeating a string n times, that can be done by joining an n+1-element array with the string as the separator)
ugh it bugs when users have a super low accept rate and you try to leave comments telling them to fix it and they just completely ignore you!
@ThiefMaster mods should be given the power to temporarily disable the "Ask a Question" button if a user's accept rate falls below like 40% or something.
ok well at least for those users with an accept rate below 10 % having more than 10 questions or something. You wouldn't get nearly as many flags as you would for 40% and it wouldn't encourage users to accept answers that aren't good just to avoid the penalty
You'd think that such a device would be handy. But 80% of my math curriculum flatly denies that such a device exists and forces me to do it manually instead.
@mmmshuddup Calculus is like a grain of rice caught in the back of your mouth. Only it's loaded with pathogens, causes intense pain, and the State mandates that you pay as much attention to it as possible.
@mmmshuddup Just teach yourself. There're a ton of good books out there (god only knows why the schools insist on using the ones written in ancient Hebrew)
@mmmshuddup Why not? I taught myself html, css, js, jquery, php, etc. Surely calc ain't harder than programming, especially when you do it at your own pace
@monners I'm actually not interested in math at all. I loved it in high school, but I loathe it now that I've been dragged through the calc mud by a horrifically bad teacher.
I'd be a lot more interested if someone could show me practical uses.