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I want an rfid door knob that just looks like a normal POS knob...
they should be selling it somewhere
@Zirak (@FlorianMargaine): well, I'm just a little nervous about the fact you're thinking about me while showering..
3 hours later…
Hey does anyone know how to sort a tables contents when someone clicks a column heading?
you can get a plugin if you'd like
tablesorter.com/docs <-- To sort tables
i like that plugin for table sorting
it has a really simple and clean look
Eh... I want to know how to do it myself.
go find a tutorial then, its really just sorting an array into alphabetical order then building a table
if you can sort an array, and you can build a table from an array, then you just combine the two.
oh and you need to bind your sort command to the header of the table onclick
but don't write it yourself. Thats what nubs, trolls and masochists do.
writing it yourself is a good way to learn
using a library is a good way to learn to use libraries.
creating something yourself helps you understand a concept. Once you understand the concept, use a library.
I want it to be a click sort on the table headings
I was going to try to find a tutorial to do it myself, but after a few tries, my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome kicked in.
I wish there was something I could do about my CFS, but in general. The feeling of not wanting to do something is overwhelming at times
Thanks. I'll bookmark it for when my CFS wears off.
See people used to call me lazy, but then I found out its a medical condition called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
> Chronic fatigue syndrome refers to severe, continued tiredness that is not relieved by rest and is not directly caused by other medical conditions.
wow that has got to suck.
Yes, I get some bursts of energy, but I feel like laying around and doing nothing all day.
how does caffeine affect you?
> symptoms of CFS last for 6 months or more
I've had CFS all my life though since my early teenage years
caffeine makes me feel wired, but not much else. Still don't feel like doing anything
It usually kicks in when someone asks me to do something
Strange thing is that it doesn't kick in when I want to do something, only when I don't want to do it.
No, we don't know
anyone with titanium knowledge here?
my problem is related to jqury back button. If i load a page inside a DIV in the same page using AJAX it maintain back button support very well but when i want to load a new page it looses the back button support. In my application i want to display some page inside DIV and some page should be loaded completely (i.e. if click login link it should load login page instead of displaying it inside a DIV using AJAX). an example will be appriciated.
i have this json output from an ajax call : [{"id":"1","company_name":"Spix Clothing Co."},{"id":"2","company_name":"WebNiJose Co."}] , its a search call, i want each result to be in a list? how shall i do that?
i was able to console.log(result) it . .now my problem is how to iterate in each result
I got no clue
CFS just kicked in
@JoeySalacHipolito Maybe something like this
i'll have a look thanks @ShyamK
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It kicks in when I don't want to do something.
Q: How can i set fixed footer on blackberry application using Phongap framework?

arunkumarI am create blackberry mobile application on Phonegap framework, in that i dont know how to set a fixed footer part please suggest to fix the problem. Thanks, A

Quik Q How to hide div first then show in jQuery Toggle api.jquery.com/toggle
I'm out goodnight
hey all any there?
i am doing some performance testing on loops of different implementations like underscore, jquery, for etc
Congratulations :)
am getting for loop having better performance
do u know reasons i should use underscore.js or jquery for this
dude i was serious
Since I have no clue what "am getting for loop having better performance" means nor do I know underscore, then I think I would not be entitled to give you an answer based in facts
am getting 'for' loop having better performance--test in this url jsperf.com/native-underscore-and-jquery-loop-tests/7
so you wan't me to tell you what I get for an result?
for++ and ++for is the best on my end if thats the question you made
@AndersMetnik Sorry to be a grammar Nazi but its want and not wan't
Np shyam :) its a general mistake for me to put it in that word, don't know why. Must be some childhood thing sticking to me :-/
I usually do that when I think of won't and type want
Thanks for the correction though, the more time it gets corrected, the bigger chance of it sticking ;)
@jAndy ... I was thinking the same
Quirksmode is sponsored by IE?
A little ironic, isn't that?
Wow, how is source control software related to this question?! — Florian Margaine 8 secs ago
@AmaanCheval well, no, quirksmode did all the work to have people working correctly with IE! :p
any1 for help in jquery
His great-grandfather on his mother’s side was a founder of the Neutral Party, so he is genetically predetermined to be the perfect neutral party in any browser conflict.

His compatibility tables are reliably estimated to have saved the global web developer population about € 5 million on hair transplants in 2007 alone.

He feels like Caesar when he talks about himself in the third person, but he will not conquer Gaul. More importantly, he will not write his memoirs in Latin.
will I get some upvote for being the only correct answer?
A: preventDefault() not working as desired

Florian MargaineThe problem is with event.preventDefault(). The event you're passing is evt, not event. You have to use: evt.preventDefault(); event.preventDefault() works in Chrome because it mimics old IE behavior for backwards compatibility (just like it also has innerText). In old IE, the event object wa...

let's see.
Yes, you will
meh, cheater.
Quite silly of him to use evt and then call preventDefault on event
@FlorianMargaine :P
Okay, 2 upboats. I win :p
... upboats?
21k rep guy...
A: preventDefault() not working as desired

JamiecYou're mixing your functionality. if you return false from an onclick then the href wont be followed. If you attach a click event using jquery calling preventDefault() will stop the href being followed. So either do one or the other (personally the proper jQuery way without an onclick is my prefe...

so much wrong
Give him a downvote then
His answer isn't wrong
It's just...weird
Well if the answer will create more confusion then not, isn't it a bad answer then?
global variable
    con=confirm('Do you really want to remove this purchase?.');
con is leaked to global scope
@AndersMetnik His reason is wrong, but his code is valid
and if he uses jquery, he'd better use return false
@FlorianMargaine Why?
Q: Why does returning false stop propagation with jQuery while it doesn't with POJS?

Florian MargaineHere is a jsfiddle using POJS showing that return false; doesn't stop the event's propagation: http://jsfiddle.net/Ralt/Lz2Pw/ Here is another using jQuery showing that return false; does stop the event's propagation: http://jsfiddle.net/Ralt/D5Mtg/ Edit: The one explaining to me why jQuery doe...

jquery wants you to return false and not bother with preventDefault() and stuff
Obviously I can just test this if not, but does anyone know off hand whether DOMContentLoaded executes before or after inline code in <script> tags in the body?
undefined if there is asynchronous stuff :)
Damn it. Is there any way to inject code so that it executes in such a way that it has access to the DOM before the inline stuff executes? (I am trying to reverse engineer/hack something, not do it on my own site)
As such, it only needs to work in one place
just put inline code before the inline code?
No I have to do it client side so modifying the HTML source is out
what exactly do you want to do?
Try and get the chat easter eggs to work regardless of which site you are on.
@AmaanCheval it's deleted at least :D
If you view source on this page, you'll see a $(function() { load function in the body, which calls var chat = StartChat({ and in that object literal there is a key egg: "Cthulu", - all you need to do to get access to the other eggs is replace it with another name.
(obviously, a name that exists)
just do chat = StartChat({}) with the arguments you want
it will reinitialize the chat object with your arguments
That's the plan, but I have to block the initial call, because when the chat initialises it deletes the constructors for the eggs not in use. It's actually quite clever, and it's amazing how unreadable balpha has managed to make the code that does it.
@FlorianMargaine Great :D
I was hoping to intercept it with DOMContentLoaded and delete the script tag from the body, then call it with my own opts, but apparently this will not work.
oooh I see
you could cheat and add <script> /* before maybe
@FlorianMargaine But from what you say, I have no way to inject code that will run after the DOM becomes accessible but before the inline code executes :-(
hey..which is the best JS templating engines??
@CodeJack 42
@DaveRandom yeah... you can't get back the constructors for the eggs?
@FlorianMargaine Maybe actually, that's a good point, they are shoved in their own source file, I will try injecting a script tag with that src again...
wat all to check before choosing JS code template ...i am just seeing code style and performance..mine may involve lot of DOM manipulation
that's the two critierias, indeed
nice :)
I get errors, but that's the kind of stuff to look for yeah
also, look for templates integrating nicely with your tools
do u know anything of doU.js...??
if you're using the flatiron framework, use plates. If you use express, use jade or ejs, etc...
wat will u suggest wen it comes to jquery??..underscore or jquery or jade?
jquery templates are deprecated
so... w/e
399 answers...
Is there a badge for 400?
(Probably not)
I haven't answered questions on SO in quite a while
(Except for the occasional :P)
Fuuuuuuuu, I should study
@FlorianMargaine If I'm here too much, will you ban me?
Okay, no, don't do that
I'll just go
hm, soon 8k rep
Hmm, soon, 4.5k rep :p
A: How can I detect I'm inside an eval() call?

Amaan ChevalCheck for the arguments object. If it exists, you're in the function. If it doesn't it has been evaled. Note that you'll have to put the check for arguments in a try...catch block like this: var s = 'try {document.writeln(arguments ? "Function" : "Eval") } catch(e) { document.writeln("Eval!") }...

@AmaanCheval ^ the jsfiddle code isn't available, care to paste it in the answer?
@FlorianMargaine Updated
I don't know what my test function call was supposed to do
Oh, no, it makes sense
Kind of breaks the functionality of eval :P
@AmaanCheval alright, go back to studying now
Yes sir :(
@AmaanCheval omg my page in IE is destroy :-/
Thought box-shadow was supported in IE 9.0?
I know it says yes, still my page is "obfuscated" :/
you just suck
I'm giving up on webdesign soon. God i hate the browser engines, why can't they just all use the same
Ohh well lunch time
@FlorianMargaine hey can you help me in jquery. im hving small big problem
small big problem
too bad, I'm off for lunch
@FlorianMargaine :(
@FlorianMargaine whn will b back?
@user1049104 why don't you just ask your question in here, maybe others (probably not me) can help you
@AndersMetnik i asked but no one replied since morning
I see no question asked
my problem is related to jqury back button. If i load a page inside a DIV in the same page using AJAX it maintain back button support very well but when i want to load a new page it looses the back button support. In my application i want to display some page inside DIV and some page should be loaded completely (i.e. if click login link it should load login page instead of displaying it inside a DIV using AJAX).
@AndersMetnik u got it
Man that's horrible... So it's jquerymobile you are using and not only jquery. Correct?
I think for that kind of problem, you should make jsfiddle / create a SO question. Because I sure as H*LL doesn't understand what you are meaning, but as florian state earlier, I just suck
@AndersMetnik i am using only jquery and bbq plugin
Okay, now please stop the highlightning
Old and true ;)
Summaries are the best
I just realized that my textbook has them
So I can finish my entire portion in < 1hr
Haha ;)
Then you can tell me why my project is screwed in IE ?:D
What do you mean by it being "screwed"?
What doesn't work?
the whole layout has gone bananas :/
And i can't remember what i have done since yesterday that screwed it up :/
So problem with the CSS?
Oh, damn
That's my assumption
Always use version control for bigger projects
(Any kind. Even backup files)
It aint really a big project ;)
Guess i can redo it in the weekend :)
I'm on Ubuntu so I don't even have IE right now
Just check things that may be inconsistent on quirksmode.org
hi @amaan
No, I can't help you
Im on ubuntu as well, its called virtualbox ;)
I've never used jQuery
@AndersMetnik Installed it < a week back, so I haven't downloaded it yet
Ahh okay :)
Are you new to linux or? :)
Thats just nasty zirak :-/
@AndersMetnik Oh, no, been using it for over a year
Okay :) just reinstallation?
Assembled a new computer
Used it on an HDD for a while
Then fresh install on an SSD
@AndersMetnik why would you use ubuntu for servers ? It's like using marlboro mint for making a tea.
Would WINE be sufficient for testing IE?

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