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If there's no why it'd be better, there's no reason to change it- is there?
Other than standards of practice, or "for fun"
Holy cow, 16 hits on my post! Thanks guys!
a cow still is spherically symmetric !
@Zirak so you define a unit by using another unit? :)
even a holy one
@FlorianMargaine Sure
Why not?
If we can define i as being sqrt(-1), why not units?
define second then if you want to be able to define meter
it's going to end up in a circular reference...
I already told you I don't know how to define a second.
that's just defining how it's calculated, not what it is
Florian Margaine that's what we have Category and Set categories in mathematics for :)
to handle circular references :)
But we're relying on the fact that time exists, therefore the notion of a second exists, so we can use a fact of nature to show something.
In a purely 3-dimensional world, that definition will be void
what about this.. a second is defined by the state-offset from all particles in universe before and after a certain moment
yeah, so you're defining meter by how it's calculated? I can define second by saying it's the time for the earth to do x% of its rotation
That's plausible
Actually, after discovery of speed of light as constant, we can define second pretty precisely :)
then you can define meters and seconds related to constant speed of light.
But not constant
yeah, for example
time is only measurable with state-shifts
at least for us
@Zirak speed of light is constant, so take this as your base
constant in vacum.
If the Earth consistently rotated around the sun at the same length of time, then yes, you could.
if you're in room which entirely yellow, youself are yellow and (actually every subatomic particle is yellow) there is no time
because you can't figure a before or after
"I don't know how to figure it out" !== "it doesn't exist"
no it virtually doesn't exist in that mind experiment
as I said, every particle is yellow
there is no time
something being yellow (resonating only in some EM value) doesn't mean that you can't detect movement
you can use Weak/Strong nuclear force detectors for example :)
Kelvin is very easily defined. 0 Kelvin is the temperature in which particles don't have any energy. (oh noes! I defined it by relying on the energy unit!)
nah you don't get the idea behind this example :p
time is always linked to matter
in quatuum vacuum there is also no time
But units are fun.
is there a proof of that conjecture :)?
google for 'relativisitc quatum field theory" :p r something like that
don't be that sure how its called in english
quantum field theory?
there is a problem with physics arguments
now I want to read 10 page paper :)
I lost interest in science because of internet, so yeah
the internet is science!
Science is the internet!
a form of science, and interesting form
quantum fields.. which basically is what planck described (or tried to) with his math, is the smalles scale in this universe. Since a field is always described by a function which is defined over a specific region of time and space, this is the prove for that concept
physics? Kinda interesting, but I hate discussing it, beceause unless you fully understand it, it's not interesting
that's pretty much the best explanation I can offer in english :P beyond that, we need to talk german or math O_o
let's talk german!
I won't understand a single word, but it'll be fun.
@Vivix Wha?
Yeah, strange isn't it?
Very interested in psychology and sociology and zoologi though
@Vivix Though not all at once.
Discussions and arguments, that and eh-- it just--slid out of my interest field
I like Philosophy too
Discussions are horrible
@FlorianMargaine what specs u have on server ?
the service is simple ^^ link based file sharing :D :3
actually the core finding there is, that after planck, einstein and the whole standard theory of physics, you can't decouple time and space which creates an interesting question.. can time always be described with space(units) and space with time(units)
Not super huge on philosophy history, but I like thinking. I became very interested in animal psychology- but hard to find good reading material
uhh, me for nobel !?
problem solution part of philosophy is very fun
I haven't actually taken any courses on any of this, so all I'm relying on is things I've read online
(And half of Yale's Intro to Psych course videos)
@AmaanCheval ...said every jQuery'er ever.
I haven't gone any schooling either, but I am considering it. All my schooling has been in art and performance
((does anyone mind if I take off some 1-star messages?))
@SomeKittens It's fair enough. Can't blame them for jumping to jQuery. It's that they aren't willing to listen
@Zirak Nope
the good thing is, when I feel dumb and clueless I just startup a javascript interpreter and load jQuery.. and ahhh it feels so good because all the sudden I don't have to care about anything anymore :o)
@Vivix How old are you?
Is there a limit on number of websockets a user can have with server ?
@jAndy Who needs solutions when you have jquery?
@Zirak: it IS the ultimate solution !
jQuery.solveMyProblem(); //the beauty...
@Abhishek: good question, I'm just working my way through the (current...) specs myself but I didn't find a "defined"(lol) max number of connections
@Abhishek: I guess its just limited by the number of sockets your OS can handle
:D Efor(x = -1 ; x < 0; x--){ console.log("ha"); }
that means parallel transfer of data :D awwwwwwww yes!
Nurse, he's out of bed again
Oh my~~
much better version now ^^
I have a css related question: I have a comment count for my posts on the side of the post and the post could be as long as the content for the post, is it possible to position the comment count element to be on the side at the bottom of each post
see what I am talking about here http://benlevywebdesign.com/wordpress/
if you can imagine it, you can do it. Except scrollbars. Yet.
jQuery can do scrollbars!
I imagine myself naked, flying in a sphere of jelly suspended mid-air!
It will work! For as long as it takes to fall
And all the dolphins cheer me on with their silly German accent!
We can make scrollbars in jscript right? But not modify them with CSS, I think
I feel like a dolphin now
come swim with me
eee eeee
@Vivix: there is no can't with jQuery
Can jQuery break something so bad that even jQuery can't fix it?
jQuery can break the speed of light, but thats it
And yes benlevy, I was playing bass so a bit preoccupied, but that should be totally doable
@Vivix Yes, and it can fix it too.
@Vivix So is your mom!
@jAndy nooooooooooooooooo
no no no no no no no no no no no
your sin is unforgivable
@Zirak I know right? valley-speak hair-flick
@Abhishek: I wish it would be only one
You just made it weird
According to people on irc- I make everything weird-
Try using microphones with jQuery...
@FlorianMargaine: jQuery can do !
the new Media-API proposals sounds REALLY cool.. so far only on experimental state with chrome I guess
but its cool.. video and audio accessible with jQuuuuuuavascript
native support for vid-aud?
Yep, only works on chrome Mac for now
@FlorianMargaine What?
getUserMedia, thou shalt be mine!
though, the thing I would like, is input-device reading for javascript
I will write the first jQuery-Trojan which transfers all the web-cam videos from all the beautiful girls to me !
rather than having to use tablet-drivers api I could write my own-
it will detect ugly and old men and only transfer the beautiful pictures
What if I prefer old men?
you're lost
@FlorianMargaine Why, hello there
@FlorianMargaine i owned it before u
@jAndy you too
owned what?
Zirak you stay away from me. I like them old but not almost-dead.
@FlorianMargaine lmao
@jAndy i was the first in this room to make anything web-cam related 8-)
and made a 1/2 of what u wanted but then gave up JS is not just the language for that stuff
Pepper API is much better for exhaustive processing SERIOUSLY
you wrote a 1/2 trojan to spy naked young girls via webcam ?
my hero !
no i wrote 1/2 of a js skin & human detector with blob detection
now since boobs are blobs too
and so is face
@FlorianMargaine :(
blob boobs
u can pretty much code it ;D to make distincting b/w good and bad :3
Sounds like everyone jumped their webcam coding now
@Vivix lol
Hm I wonder if there's a userscript firefox extension that adds proper middle-click-in-new-tab behaviour to javascript links
(i.e. by somehow intercepting location.href modifications)
Q: Is there a limit on the number of threads that can be spawned simultaneously?

georgeslYesterday I came across this question: How can i call robocopy within a python script to bulk copy multiple folders?, and I though it might be a good exercise for multithreading. I though of spawning as many threads as files needed to be copied, each routine having an exception handling system t...

but @ThiefMaster would probably answer that better
@Abhishek if that's it, just use rapidshare or stuff like this, after thinking about it I don't think I'll host it, I don't have much disk space available
@FlorianMargaine u wont have to host anything :P
its like u drop a file u get a link
ur friends open the link and then and only then the transfer starts :P
much like yer own "rp"
it already exists
on node.js ? something we can use to extend in tapeer ?
don't think so
if no .. then we needa build this
after peerconnection gets implemented fully :'( we will miss uTorrent and BitTorrent
[18:03:27.834] Object.prototype.__defineSetter__.call(location, 'href', function(x) { alert(x); })
[18:03:27.836] Error: Permission denied to shadow native property
@ThiefMaster hehehe
last meme for todayy
Anyone here used faye on node.js?
@FlorianMargaine here is some ux about file sharing
from my freind & her friends who tried to share files
Dropbox : too much pain to install and setup + too much privilages
Facebook : Does it exist ? Oh SHIT!!!!!!!!!
4Shared/MegaUpload ... .... : Never tried . i dont understand how to use it
@FlorianMargaine never even heard of that (x_x)
@SomeKittens always the last option is best
@FlorianMargaine whats that ?
the websites I just pointed are pretty good thoug.
over 25? I can still use email on that
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a truck full of hard drives speeding down a highway.
@Abhishek it exists on the internet
so no make it ? i am making it for the heck of it btw
@Vivix Most email providers cap at 10MB
@SomeKittens FTP FTW
@Vivix including gmail
Really? Man it must be ages since I've sent a file- was sure I sent 200mb with mail
you sir are crazy
Either way, dropbox is what I use when I need to share something, if people want to share with me- I use whatever they link me
My memory-- she lies to me
We just hired a 'contractor' engineer to design some smaller boards for us using surface mount parts - he's a pure engineer, not so much a programmer or modern computer enthusiast.
Granted, nowadays, I only really share images and text. So---yeah
At home he runs Vista - and I just got an email from him with the title
> Rq4helpb4vistakillsme.
and attached was the file
@rlemon ?
@Abhishek request for help before vista kills me (in BINGO talk)
the fuck happened to NASA's website?
did you view-source
131 requests. o_O
who the fuck made that website ?
That one guys son
did they want to make our anger reach outerspace ?
Page Last Updated: November 23, 2010
Page Editor: Cathy Weselby
@rlemon Kill it before it lays eggs
OMG that menu is horrible
clearly not the "designer"
the top nav ? yes
edited by seems to mean text--
top menu
Nasa is totally out of it
> '</div></center>' + "\n";
The funny part, I -as a 2month noob- can also see that as funny
http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LCROSS/main/index.html 1) Look at the site, UX, accessibility, etc. 2) Look at the source.... 3) Understand why the space program is a failure
after seeing the nasa website and especially codes.. I would not join any space program soon
imagine they build their rockets with the same effort
@jAndy the space shuttle on it's last mission still used less processing power than a commodore 64
Nasa train
quick jquery question, just hoping someone has seen this weird behaviour before: with $('.a').fadeOut(3000), .a stays at 100% opacity for 3 sec then instantly disappears
whats going on?
My phone has 300 times more computing power than the Apollo moon lander.
probably more
that seems low, you must have an old phone
And it's the oldest phone you ever saw.
Isn't it odd that that is all it needs?
What is .a? I don't think all tags swallow Opacity
@KendallFrey i'd say 3000
or 30000 for my 4s
'.a' is a div, sorry
plain old div
@rlemon working on neural networks for a while i have realized something ... is it possible that we humans think slow because we are using neurons ?
@Abhishek lol DING DING DING
i can't recreate it simply in a jsbin so something else must be mucking it up
i mean bugs and small insects with instincts react hell faster , and their brain is close to binary [ run or sit ]
neurons fire about as fast as you can double click a mouse
was just hoping someone had seen such a quirk before
I'm also giving my divs classnames of .a and all my anchors the classname .div, JUST BECAUSE I CAN
@rlemon not the speed of neurons but the architecture
what makes us 'smart' is the architecture
@Abhishek No, my phone is old.
Okay :-)
which is it ?
@Abhishek we don't think slow, we think differently
if we could replace a neuron with something like a transistor (which fires 1 million times faster) we would be a million time more cognitive
@KendallFrey no we think slow, animals don't think they react.
@KendallFrey The sad thing is that hardware hasn't really changed since then
I guess that was what einstein did... replaced his neurons with transistors
Sure, you can do a lot more things per second, but it seems that hardware goes along the "power" axis
I knew he was alien..
@Abhishek read this
The fundamental difference between a computer and a brain is that the computer is fast at arithmetic, and the brain is fast at pattern matching.
There hasn't been any real revolution in hardware for a very long time
Not commercially, at any rate
@KendallFrey and when u make neural networks on computers
@KendallFrey Exactly, because they're founded on two different principles
also a good read
they get similar characteristics of brains slowness
For example, which is faster at recognizing your friend's face? You or the computer?
@Abhishek used for different things
NN are pattern matching machines
@tuff Never seen it before, and can't find anything that would destroy opacity, but not sure what jQuery uses for their fade-out effect. jQuery api had no notes about incompabilities either
not number crunchers
@KendallFrey computer :P
@Abhishek They still won't be as good, since at the end, your computer will crunch numbers to emulate pattern matching
It doesn't actually do pattern matching, it can't
Hey all does anyone know if you can do a htaccess or some sort of redirect so for instance: domain.com/store will redirect to domain.com BUT will still allow domain.com/store/shoes will still work?
Interesting fact, your brain does not actually process a good majority of the visual input, rather it is faster for it to guess and recall an image from memory
@Vivix ok thanks for reply
so dont we need a totally different computer for Artificial Intelligence ?
The reason computers were invented was to make up for human deficiencies.
time to start ripping stuff out until it works
So implementing NN on a machine is kind of backwards.
the probem is, human brains suck at arithmetic and abstract operations, its just not made for those kind of stuff. On the other hand, it was powerful enough to build machines which use base-2 math operations and calculate things really fast, maybe with lightspeed someday
@Abhishek For true reasoning? Yes, we do
which is probably something what you can't do by pure math, "be creative".. ever
As much as I love binary, it doesn't leave room for "maybe"
anyways back to code thanks for the small talk :-)
Biocomputers use systems of biologically derived molecules, such as DNA and proteins, to perform computational calculations involving storing, retrieving, and processing data. The development of biocomputers has been made possible by the expanding new science of nanobiotechnology. The term nanobiotechnology can be defined in multiple ways; in a more general sense, nanobiotechnology can be defined as any type of technology that uses both nano-scale materials, i.e. materials having characteristic dimensions of 1-100 nanometers, as well as biologically based materials (34).4 A more restrict...
@FlorianMargaine will u be hosting it :3 or not
@Abhishek seriously, pick up that first book, you will not be disappointed
@rlemon i will just borrow from u in 2 months :P
lol sounds good mate
is your gf moving too? or she is already in the states so at least you'll be closer?
Which girlfriend? What's her serial number?
@Zirak 32 iirc
no wait 33
@rlemon she will probably move in
I heard 64 is better
Base 30?
@jAndy nah i stopped on 32
jAndy... robbing the craft-master adjustable bed?
@Zirak base 10
something like that :p
128 is even better tho, but .. who it lucky enough to get a girl with that attribute
@Abhishek yeah sure
its 50% done
writing server now
1337 is ok I guess...
push it on github this way I just have to clone
room topic changed to JavaScript: We have no affiliation to C# - goo.gl/bfBeN [crystal-ball] [git] [javascript] [why-is-git-here]
@Vivix ok, because i know you really care :P i found the answer: CSS transitions were eating jquery's opacity changes
I think I need to get some avatar showing a female
A: Why is i-- faster than i++ in loops?

alestanisIt's not that i-- is faster than i++. Actually, they're both as fast. What takes time in ascending loops, is to evaluate, for each i, the size of your array. In this loop: for(var i = array.length; i--; ) You evaluate .length only once, when you declare i, whereas for this loop for(var i = 1...

Ah~~ that makes sense, tuff.
@rlemon Make it jAVA


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
not that the answer is wrong, but that OP actually never showed a loop which accesses the length property per iteration plus, the answer isn't necesarily true or good
@jAndy is it dumb to do for(var i = 0, len = array.length; i++) ??
wtf at 458 votes.. ragetrain, I need tickets
I'm in the who-cares train, cheaper tickets
its not dumb, but it's unnecesarry work per iteration

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