Is it a too open ended question? I find when my questions are too open ended I simply get replies to tutorials of which I've already looked at. But, Hmm Ok then Thanks anyway.
Hey, twiz I got a reply on my question… I don't really want to bump the thread again and again so, just curious do i change the parts accordingly so 'method' = GET or POST etc. Though i can honestly say this is the last time I try and attempt ajax before properly learning it.
see, there is this page: and on the top you may see the carousel. Now i have to update the image carousel for every recipe page that I might include in the future. so i want to put them in an SSI so that I would have to change it at only place and then it reflects on every page the ssi is used.
so if u see the mark up of that page, in the body tag, i used another html tag with a body tag so that it becomes more accessible.
Just one of your stylesheets has over 2000 lines of declarations, I'm not about to sit here and go through what might be wrong with a website that has two <heads>, mid-body <style> tags, and more plugins than I even knew existed.
well, everything is useful there. You ofcourse know more than I do about making websites. but i have used all the codes and yes, i agree that it is messy.
@FlorianMargaine: It is all due to global warming. See, the world is really going to end in 2012 dec, 21 :D
I am setting up a JavaScript Server for my Game.
Am I understanding this correctly:
If I use setInterval to call a function every second, and takes 2 seconds to process. Then I am going to "stack up" requests indefinetly the Client will become more and more out of sync?
If I use setTimeout, an...
Can you help me to optimize the speed and security of my homepage. I'm a beginner in Javascript.
if you need the script files please let me know
And sorry for my bad english :)
Has anyone played around with the new Twitter API and its OAuth? I was wondering if the same consumer key may be used across multiple sub-domains. Possible?
No I won't be here that much I think. But, the chat is in my pinned tab, so if I'm looking for something on the internet with my laptop instead of my phone, and I surely will, I'll maybe say hello
@RyanKinal "Dear sir and/or madam, it has come to my attention that despite my best friendship tricks, you are a n00b. Please see Appendix 1 through 10 of this letter for a full description of your acts. Best regards/salutations/happy birthday/happy anniversary, YourName." That's my usual way.
Question: Is there any way to return a value that is obtained a-syncronously? Use case: I am trying to write something that will act on DOM mutations, using MutationObservers if possible and falling back to Mutation Events if not. I need to detect if the browser supports mutation events with an isSupported() type method, and the only mechanism I can come up with to do this is by registering a handler and causing a mutation, and the handler will be run asyncronously by its very nature.
Related question: Are there any known issues with WebKitMutationObserver in Chrome <= 22? It sporadically seems to stop working after 3 events have occured.
Yes but what if I want to expose an isSupported() method? I can't think of any sensible callback mechanism that guarantees that error handling code will be run, because if the browser doesn't support the event, the handler code will never be executed.
@dievardump Well, only one (AFAIK) but not everything supports anything at all. But the problem is that if it isn't supported, anything registered against it will never be executed.
For ex:
a = function() {
document.body.removeEventListener('DOMElementInserted', a);
document.body.addEventListener('DOMElementInserted', a);
/* add an element to the DOM */
...which would work, but only if the code that runs that allows the callback to execute before it checks IS_SUPPORTED
(and yes, I know that's horrible in many ways, it's just a simple example)
According to spec, only the BODY and FRAMESET elements provide an "onload" event to attach to, but I would like to know when a dynamically-created DOM element has been added to the DOM in JavaScript.
The super-naive heuristics I am currently using, which work, are as follows:
Traverse the pare...
Yes I know. But there is a moment, when you use things like that, you should tell your customers " some things won't work on your device " instead of trying to always use a fallback
You try to use advanced tools, tell people to use advanced devices/softwares
You can not expect to find a canvas fallback on ie 5.5
@dievardump Fair point. I guess I'm writing around an extreme edge case here - there can't be many places where addEventListener is supported but mutation events aren't.
@dievardump The real-world use case for this is actually browser extensions, the only place where I would have a problem at all is Opera since Chrome and FF support MutationObservers anyway. I actually can't think of a good use case for mutation observers other than browser extensions, since if you are working with you own page you should know how/when it will be modified anyway. I just wondered if I was missing a trick.
Thanks, I'll just forget about it altogether I think and stamp a warning of "You browser is crap, he no worky" on it.
can any one tell me how to convert json variable into javascript objects or arrays? it should even work on IE 6, I googled, and download json2.js from json site, but cant help myself
I really don't understand why they don't have "LIMIT" and "OFFSET" and instead I have to calculate the row number and filter rows accordingly. Pageination pain.