usually you get your last pay, and the next pay period you get your retro pay (if owed any) then they mail you a cheque for vaca
but again, this can vary depending on company
you are best to ask your HR
my last place bought me out because of a, erm, disagreement with one of the higher ups and they wouldn't admit I was right. so they fired me and payed me out for 6 weeks. (I was only there for a year so one week would have been all they legally needed to do)
basically you need to convert the string to an integer. why minus works is because it automatically converts it. why + does not is because it attempts to concatenate the string so the result is actually "511" (assuming the id is 5)
so take like a week and just watch some vids and read some guides and don't use the libs but reference to them to see how they do things and you can learn a lot more than you might think
well items / skills I think customization is fine. I meet a lot of other builds for the same class. the item drops are random, so that is cool. the economy is stabling.
@jAndy well that was a shame, it really was. but again, I think the biased opinion on what D3 "Should have been" vs what it is makes people not want to give it a chance now that it is beginning to mature
@KyleTrauberman - I used my friend's account. He bought the game overpriced (GW2) and then played only a few days. Then I started playing for a few days, and it was so boring I stopped too. Maybe I'll just give it away if he says I can sometime later.
The idea of having wars and whatnot is great, but all that farming for getting a proper level, and then just running, running, running in the combat.... grrr