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var myLife = $(tooTired......zzzzzzzz
is anybody around in US eastern time zone ?
Central here
what is the offset to ET ?
2 hours I think
what time is it there ?
Just past 5
so ET should be 7PM ?
or 3PM ?
Unless the earth started spinning in reverse and I didn't notice
wsop finaltable stream starts 8PM ET
Oh, shit. Totally forgot about that
I'm always bazzled with timezones :P
That Big Drop tourney was pretty epic
actually it starts 9PM ET
so if its about 7PM there (is that reliable :P ?) its 2 hours from now
which would be FANTASTIC because I'll mothereffinnn fu**** watch it :P
Ya know, there's this thing called the internet. It's kinda helpful for questions like this.
no, not for timezones :p I messed up even with wizzard calculators
then there is the GMT
I need food. BBL
and there is another freaking difference for summer and winter time in some european countrys (like here)
its a mess !
6:14 PM EST here
GMT all the way baby
It's 6:14 PM EST everywhere, silly.
our daylight savings ended a week ago I think
so that would mean, according to ze internet, that you are GMT -4
hehe touche
at 6:29 PM EST my beer will be officially chilly enough to drink
so... I have that to look forward too
Simple joys, are good things
I totally messed up that quote, and comma, but you know what I mean.
I wish it were wednesday . wednesday for me is payday and i'm buying a dishwasher on this pay
so yea. totally amped to take a permanent vaca from dishes
What an awesome thing to buy. My pay goes to buying text messages that don't get used.
Aah Dishwasher, the saviour of hands
I think that will be one of my first purchases in my first house
well I have had one for many years until I moved into this apartment
@rlemon yeaaah payday. On Tuesday for me... BUT I WON'T BE AT WORK. How does it work in Canada?
what? if i'm not at work for payday?
The last day they give you a check with your vacancy paid etc... ?
ohh yea
No it's my last day
well they mail it to you
depends on the company really
mail? oh nooo I move on Sunday
They usually give me a check every two Tuesday
usually you get your last pay, and the next pay period you get your retro pay (if owed any) then they mail you a cheque for vaca
but again, this can vary depending on company
you are best to ask your HR
my last place bought me out because of a, erm, disagreement with one of the higher ups and they wouldn't admit I was right. so they fired me and payed me out for 6 weeks. (I was only there for a year so one week would have been all they legally needed to do)
Well I'll ask them yeah
so I got my last pay, vaca pay, and 6 weeks pay on top of it all at once .
:) was nice
had my next job 5 days later :)
yeah I can imagine
ok smoke time, i'll be back then i'll be trying to do something productive.
maybe build a website using node.js
or PHP
I hurd php is cool now
I heard you were actually a lime.
Assert(kendallFrey.triesToGet("stars") !== kendallFrey.has("stars"));
Test passes.
in the JS room code puns should be in the native language of the room
.......... o_O
Your point is? I see only JS.
see my point now?
Good, now let us move on.
Epic stache.
but it was a nice attempt, i'll toss you a star
You were a nice attempt.
yea but your mom only likes fat guys.
I tried though.
party still hasn't worn off my brain i guess
Keanu got a haircut?
yes, yes he did
I need to change my nick to r[elatedImage]lemon
Sometimes I'm not sure if my brain makes stuff up sometimes.
I scare myself.
I scare others.
I often wonder what room lurkers think of these conversations.
dat face...
awwww, cute little squirrel-snake
must you?
I must.
it's not boring in here now
The Kylenator is here.
What do Americans know?
we know how to have a fun time.
How comes I can substract yet I cannot add?
you broke math?
in winter time at 79 F
@Shiki example?
Lemme explain.
If I have a thing like: tds[0].id - 11;
^ This works.
tds[0].id + 1;
^ This won't.
You can't play hockey in 79F stupid.
Any substraction works, and any addition fails. ... :/
wrap it in parseInt()
or parseFloat() for decimals
How does it not work?
because your trying to run addition on a string and a numeric
@rlemon Only the lamer non-american world does. Lame.
exception, invalid result, something else?
Number(tds[0].id + 1)
or parseInt(blah, 2)
Hello, can anyone help me?
Like this?
alert(tds[playercell[0].id + parseInt(11)].id);
(doesn't work)
@shiki parseInt(tds[0].id]) + 11
Ah alright.
Nope.jpeg. :(
what is the value of tds[0].id?
basically you need to convert the string to an integer. why minus works is because it automatically converts it. why + does not is because it attempts to concatenate the string so the result is actually "511" (assuming the id is 5)
i.e. alert(tds[0].id);
but using: tds[playercell[0].id] will give me like 36.
can you make an example on jsfiddle.net
Uuuhm alright... let's see if I can
alert( parseInt(tds[playercell[0].id]) + 11 ); // I should give you 47
alert( tds[playercell[0].id] + 11 ); // I might give you "3611"
You just blew my mind
it's so obvious now that I think about it
not... that this should affect anything I'm doing Nooow~~ but- goes away
@rlemon its times like this I appreciate PHP's concat operator
Actually, it could explain why once I was messing with coordinates, suddenly my div vanished like 2000px off screen
hehe yup
for a weakly typed language, that is.
js is a real piece of work.
You could say that...
I adore JS, now that I can play with it, but I really want to learn C and C++
seriously, I am only like a year and a half back into js since 2004ish when js sucked.
After JS, it's not that hard to get into C++ and C I guess.
pre jQuery
pre good browsers
Seriously, C++ is not that hard until you get into the advanced parts. Which you may or may not even need.
I guess, my problem with JUMPINg into C++ thinking "I can do this, I can do JS, sort of." was variables, murdered my understanding of the language
so take like a week and just watch some vids and read some guides and don't use the libs but reference to them to see how they do things and you can learn a lot more than you might think
how so? just install a proper IDE and it will take your hand
I was trying to compare a string, and broke down crying, I guess I should wait until I'm done wiht my project and actually try to read up on it
maybe more than any other language, C is like "easy to learn" and almost "Impossible to master"
c++ and an IDE????
hmm @rlemon - This concatenates the rest I guess. Not "adds" to the number.
Yeah. Eclipse CDT, NetBeans. For example. Some people prefer VStudio.
I was just confused by all the *pointer, addressed variables- string != char[] and so forth
My point was C++ needs no IDE
just like JS needs no ide
HTML needs no ide
Nothing needs an IDE
you can compile it from cli and use notepad to edit
.NET can be written in notepad
does need but my god you want to write thousands of lines of designer code??
winforms... sorry
but why all the hassle? a good IDE helps development, won't slow it down. :)
the reason I liked IDE in VStudio was how- when I had many many files to modify for my own pleasure, I could see their classes and definitions
winforms is pure C++ / WinAPI
@rlemon WPF.
@rlemon don't use winforms.
bah, you WPF hipsters
Anyway. Does anyone knows how to add to that ID?
i'm not a wpf hipster.
@Shiki my code should have worked
never touched the stuff.
unless you show more code I cannot be helpful
It conctaenates rlemon.
Like: 11+11 == 1111
Not 11+11 = 22
What I would need.
parseInt he said
read up darling, he gave an example on that
Substraction works like a charm.
@Vivix - Yeah but parseInt didn't work either. :/
then there is something else wrong
i.e. show more code like I asked
well, I can paste the whole code. give me a mail.
pastebin is nice for long code
it shouldn't go live in a few days, even though it's some babby js code.
or paste the line above and the line of and the line below will suffice
Oh f.. me.
^ fix me.

I accidentally the paste.
> alert[tds[playercell[0].id - 11].id); // works
this works?
yeah it actually does. :D
It's not normal. But in Javascript, it is.

Javascript. Not even once.
can you add html to that fiddle so we can run it ourselves?
@Shiki no that does not work
throws errors every time
Wha? It works for me.
unless you are using IE then so god help me
alert(tds[parseInt(playercell[0].id) + 11].id); // will work.
I get:
then 26
I'm using Chrome stable. :/
omg that looks so ugly it hurts
You are more than welcome to help me fix the code, mate. Seriously.
jAndy is kidding. it only looks so ugly he cringes. no pain is actually felt.
yes yes I always do and then jslint bitches till i fix it
anywho gf is dying in diablo, need to go save her.
and it bitches right so :o
Thanks @rlemon. Kudos!
unless its hardcore @rlemon, relax
well not hardcore. she likes to casual play
people casually play hardcore...
and casually die...
and casually show the middle finger
dude, I'm just glad I got her into the game
I love starring double entendres.
now whenever I don't want to deal with some BS romance flick I just suggest we play some Diabs
actually d3 destroyed my last little tiny gaming-core
its brutal how much they screwed it
her laptop crushes my beastly desktop
mine would too
@rlemon jealous
my wife is allergic to anything gamey
Why not Borderlands, rlemon?
the game has two caveats:
1) people expected it to be like Diablo 2
2) they had too many wrinkles in the first ~4 months.
Try Torchlight II
@KendallFrey you know my rig?
its like D3 but way better
No, but I know mine.
I heard it was good.
it should be at least close to diablo2 in anyway.. but if you look at in in deepth, its just not
isn't it made by the D2 devs?
way too much wow mechanics and ideas
If any laptop would beat yours, mine would.
i think so
none of that always online crap
@jAndy to blizes defense this is what the playerbase on the communities asked for.
I played D2 up to the release of D3
no, unfortunately blizzard north left blizzard long before
and that is what the community asked for ( at large ) then they turned on them once they got it
blizz north worked on diablo3 almost 8 years ago, but blizzard/vivendi wanted it to be not that "gothic / dark / hard" anymore
have you played it recently. they just released a few larger patches.
like WoW the game is changing a lot in it's first year
as long as they don't fix the skill system (huge step back imo) and the reward system for level's
customization is missing entirely
just with items
which you need to buy
D3 needs a lot more content, IMO
Is it really mp only?
as is, its just a grind to get the best gear game.
well items / skills I think customization is fine. I meet a lot of other builds for the same class. the item drops are random, so that is cool. the economy is stabling.
which is boring
I would like to see some stuff change. but overall I think it is a win, and getting better as time progresses
if d3 had, 100% freely distributable attributes, skills and a higher level cap.. it would boost the game by 2000%
not what I expected at the beginning, but I learned to ignore the fact I wanted an updated D2
@jAndy level caps have been adjusted
+ 8 (or even more) ppl in game
you now have "nephalium valor" or w/e
yea I heard avbout it
don't you have paragon levels now too?
past level 60 you get + lvls with added attributes for GF and MF
paragon levels ! that is the word
more than 4 in a game would be nice
I bought the game.. as hardcore diablo fan. We played it on softwcore once (normal) and then on hardcore
I heard next year sometime they are bringing out the PvP arena
for about 3 weeks
I'm addicted borderlands 2.
then the game was so boring, it was so frustrating and everything
and its not easy "fixable"
I can only play for ~1.5 hour per night, which sucks, so I'm still < lvl 20
@jAndy yea don't give up on it. it is getting better
@KyleTrauberman rlemon#1805 i'll rush you mate
I have two lvl 60+ chars
in borderlands?
ohh I thought you meant D3
I uninstalled D3 after a month
yea well. WPF sucks ass.
I gave up on bizzard actually. As mentioned, they were never able to get even close to the class of games blizzard north (condor) created
@rlemon just don't say anything like that bout my beloved MVC!
I gave up on blizzard years and years ago
they had to pull a bunch of WoW devs/designers/idiots to write d3
@KyleTrauberman MVVM > MVC
the RAGE is still on me
anyone play Guildwars 2?
I want to try that
@jAndy well that was a shame, it really was. but again, I think the biased opinion on what D3 "Should have been" vs what it is makes people not want to give it a chance now that it is beginning to mature
@KyleTrauberman - Why would you do that? ;_;
I'm just sayin, if you give up on it then it's like you gave bliz your ~$60 bucks
All that boredom...
@Shiki try guildwars 2?
blizzard sold the game in europe for 60 euros
is it boring?
I had to buy two, one for me one for the GF
that was another joke
:P ouch
keep the numbers, switch the currency
@KyleTrauberman - Yes. Is there a guest pass or anything I could give you so you won't waste your money?
I have gust passes for WoW and D3
I preordered D3 - never again.
@Shiki no idea
I'll take your word for it
Its not like I have any time to play anyways.
stupid marriage/children
well, I had my fun for about a week in the game.. PK'ing like 200 characters on Hell/hardcore :P
it was fun.. when you could lure mobs and bosses into town :p
@KyleTrauberman - I used my friend's account. He bought the game overpriced (GW2) and then played only a few days. Then I started playing for a few days, and it was so boring I stopped too. Maybe I'll just give it away if he says I can sometime later.
I played GW1 back in the day
it was boring too
I didn't buy the headphones. but I did buy two copies of the game :P
I thought it would be decent since it was made by former wow devs
The idea of having wars and whatnot is great, but all that farming for getting a proper level, and then just running, running, running in the combat.... grrr
Ultima Online was my gem. Nothing will ever compare to it
Invested like 8 years of my life into it if not longer
I hold a special place in my heart for FFXI
can't even begin to fathom the amount of hours I poured into it
It's alright. Do what you enjoy doing.
FF7 for me
and Tribes 2
FF7 was my most loved non MMO
FF7 was good,
better than xi
but I was talking about mmos
shortest beat: 31 hours
longest beat (got everything, all 5 star, lvl 99, all chocobos): 199 hours
made sure I did it in under 200 hours
okay okay I'll get back on that website of mine because I'll never finish it at this rate >.<
man now I wanna FF7 it.... wonders if he still has his ps2 around
... so it turns out the guy I've been waiting on all day to answer my ticket is on vacation... FML
at least RMS sends you that cute notice
that was better than tv :P like sitting in the front-row,popcorn by your side
because the suckers of course also removed any "legal" hostile mode or pvp from the ingame too.. hoooooww can you do that
they are bringing back PvP (they say)
I read too many forums

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