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parseInt converts
trunc errors on a string
maxodgen, love you <3
@dievardump Even better, no mention of jQuery
I'm sure this has been asked before, but why do we have Math.SQRT2?
Is the sqrt algorithm inefficient in computing the root of 2 or something?
The square root of 2, often known as root 2 or radical 2 and written as \sqrt{2}, is the positive algebraic number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the number 2. It is more precisely called the principal square root of 2, to distinguish it from the negative number with the same property. Geometrically the square root of 2 is the length of a diagonal across a square with sides of one unit of length; this follows from the Pythagorean theorem. It was probably the first number known to be irrational. Its numerical value truncated to 65 decimal places is: : . The quick approximation ...
guys in Jquery how to animate background position?
@Irakli what's Jquery?
.animate('background-poosition', 'x y') ?
@Irakli What's a jQuery?
I am trying $(this).css("backgroundPosition","0px 0px").animate({"backgroundPosition":"-100px 10px"}, 500);
On Tuesday? What's jQuery joke? Was yesterday a very bad day?
but not works
"finished" my wifes realtor website effing finally!
now I can dedicate more time to fun projects
@Loktar I like the alliteration
3361 Grant Street, 68111
@Loktar you should link list and map icons
that's intolerable
i'll send you the dollar tonight, okay?
consider it bought :D
@dievardump what do you mean?
btw. is the pink selection-color in there on purpose?
yeah, I left it
its from the html5 shim
yep, they took it out of html5-boilerplate because people would leave it in ;)
wtf is this magic site
oh, i just got my paycheck
this is pretty nice @dievardump
i'll buy "3314 Decatur Street, 6811" too
so you mean map an icon to the results eh?
@GNi33 MINE!
@GNi33 lol yeah I was surprised to see houses in the area so cheap
@AmaanCheval you'll have to buy it from me for.... let's say 5$ then
I stole githubs method as well for the page transitions
@Loktar It's a neat animation. The house falling thing
@Loktar just don't look at the code it was more than 2 years ago I think
But yes it's the idea
@dievardump psh my codes bad too..
I use jquery :?
We used MooTools
I wanted to use the datatables plugin so I was like eh screw it
nice use of pushstate
oh and I used backbone
@FlorianMargaine thanks, that was probably the most difficult
@Loktar that plugin is actually really nice
used it a few times already
yeah I've used it at work
@Loktar any resource to handle this nicely?
last night I tied datatables into the backend
@FlorianMargaine heh I use a few things.. its probably crazy
I use backbone for the push states and such. And then I have a controller on the backend that also displays the data based on the url
@Loktar SEO advice: put the site's title in a div/span, whatever and put each page's title in a h1
/me tries to remember
@Loktar The pink selection is "Bleeeeeeeerghhhhh why?"
@AmaanCheval haha ok Ill change it :P, to green
@FlorianMargaine I think I have the site title in an h1
hmm thats good advice though
yep, don't put it in an h1
Every time I open a new tab and type "f" in order to go to Facebook, I'm happy to see that the first suggestion of the browser is "jsfiddle.net"
@dievardump Nice
Mine is Facebook
I don't use jsfiddle much anymore
It's annoyingly slow
Just use something like drunkenotter.com
(Edited it to have tabs, of course)
I love codepen now
but I wish they had a save draft option
It will come
I still find this buggy as hell
it didnt act how I expected it to
@Loktar you might implement this too support.google.com/webmasters/bin/…
yeah I like that one even though its so surprisingly simple
@FlorianMargaine interesting
haven't seen this before
@Loktar lol looks like someone did it smoothly. remember trying this? codepen.io/html5web/pen/nyLsx
lol yeah
made me jealous
anyone here c#.net ? vs2012?
@rlemon No, I try to avoid stapling my face to my hand.
shhhh C# is frikkin awesome sauce
VS2012 is turning out to be nice... a lot faster than earlier versions (maybe because my pc hardware is now good)
@Loktar with phone, address, etc, you can have google showing something like this cmswire.com/images/rich_snippets_google.jpg
I'm a noob remember? I'm supposed to hate anything I don't understand.
Does CodePen have a Ctrl+Enter like feature?
@AmaanCheval autosaves
What if I want to restart a demo?
@FlorianMargaine ooh thats nice
yeah Ill do that tonight
her contact info isn't done yet, I just used a stupid mail:to, so yeah Ill implement that
Hmm, I guess I should just type in the editor for that
@Loktar yup, if you search for stuff on my blog, you'll probably see a picture of me next to the result
@rlemon what is that shit? :o
@dievardump GTFO..... NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my current rage...
I'm including the Assembly... but it does not exist?
@rlemon eff asp.net
eff it in the butt
@Loktar yea I would never write ASP.NET
C#.NET winforms
winforms is the only place I will use .net
and ffffffff I'm reading MSDN and it's giving me deprecated examples and doesn't include the newest information for VS2012 / C#5
you read what i said in c# box?
A: The name 'ConfigurationManager' does not exist in the current context

pencilslateOk.. it worked after restarting the VSTS. The link suggested the solution for the same problem. Wish i could have seen it before. :)

 It turns out that you need to add a reference to System.Configuration to the project, rather than simply adding it with a using statement. This can be done as:
Add a reference to System.Configuration by clicking Project -> Add Reference... and searching through the .NET components for System.Configuration
that's what I said like 3 times already. but ok...
meh, you didn't say it here.
@RemcoRos no sorry, I only keep one tab open so If I don't get a ping I don't switch rooms
he asked the same in C# box/.
i pinged you ;)
hey Guys, are fieldsets really that necessary ?
@RemcoRos I do not see any messages in C# :P
@rlemon you should really check that you have a reference to System.Configuration.dll !!
not System.Core or System.Web. but the one and only System.Configuration ;-)
and not a 'using' but the real reference to the dll
or if you 100% sure you do. Remove it. save all. exit VS, add it again. recompile
@AnujKaithwas what do you mean necessary?
@RemcoRos seriously. I don't see any messages from you in the C# room. but thankyou for the answer :P
I already felt pretty ignored :D
I do see new message tough. bugged prolly.
when we make a form, should we be compulsorily using fieldset? because they really didn't change anything in the form output structure @FlorianMargaine
RT @asciidisco: Highly recommend to read "Designing JavaScript APIs" Article by @rodneyrehm now available on @smashingmag http://t.co/XM ...
RT @rworth: jQuery UI 1.9 is out http://bit.ly/QcoH6j with a new website http://jqueryui.com and a new api site http://api.jqueryui.com :D
anyway. check you have a reference to 'system.configurion.DLL' not just a using ;)
@rlemon :p
grrr stupid MS
@RemcoRos thanks :)
and i just double and triple checked. I don't have you ignored :P and I don't see any messages in the C# room. I'm not crazy!
@AnujKaithwas that's the difference jsfiddle.net/UBms4
@AnujKaithwas you use fieldset if you need to. BUT you need to add the elements into a block element
If you don't use fieldset, then use a div.
But you can not form > input
@dievardump why?
It's not valid. That's why people usually put fieldset, because they believe that you have to do that.
@FlorianMargaine That's not w3c complient
xhtml strict? transitional? html5?
form > block_element > input
@FlorianMargaine it just put a rectangle around it. so does it mean that you use fieldset to tidy up the form?
If you want to write Strict HTML 4.01 (or Strict XHTML 1, or XHTML
1.1, or ISO-HTML) then you need to wrap all you input elements inside
a block level element.
Not sur for HTML5 doctype
Content model:
    Flow content, but with no form element descendants.
was going to link that
hello, can someone help, how can I change this to properly identify var div?
 var div = $('.tags');
        div.setStyle({ overflow: 'visible' });
since input is flow content, it can be
Seems you can in HTML5
it says [object object] has no type setStyle
flow content?
but in 4.01 : <!ELEMENT FORM - - (%block;|SCRIPT)+ -(FORM) -- interactive form -->
@ScottSelby where does setStyle come from?
@dievardump yep
good to know :-)
I got it from another SO question , I thought I could just set the style like that
you can't.
@ScottSelby that is MooTools & others.
But with setStyles
And $$
ohhhh, would I just be better off using jquery .css ?
I think you mixed both, no?
should W3C.org be considered as the best source of Information?
I did mix both
You seems to use jQuery so yes. .css('overflow', 'hidden');
@AnujKaithwas depends
Can you elaborate @FlorianMargaine
@AnujKaithwas It should be considered as a SPECIFICATION source
first, it's not w3c.org, it's w3.org
So when you have to RTFM, then yes.
sorry about that
second, if you use html5 doctype, you don't need it
third, it's the manual when you want a clear answer about some doubt, although it's a PITA to navigate when you're not familiar with it
@dievardump - thanks man
fourth, w3schools is not affiliated with them and is a bad resource
yeah, I have read about that in w3fools
fifth, for html5 doctype, whatwg is the manual to use whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage
they recommended MDN as the only best source to learn the technology
webplatform.org is a new initiative from big players/
sixth, w3c and some big companies started webplatform.org and released it yesterday :)
for standardization.
yeah Im idling in the irc chan
@FlorianMargaine even when you are...
some Russians in there now
@RemcoRos I dunno why they did that. They should have contribute to MDN.
@Loktar just pinged you :x
It's like Mozilla having a new blog dedicated to JavaScript
@dievardump MDN is "Mozilla"
@FlorianMargaine and?
> There's a chance of one in five that you experienced some time travel in the past half hour. This should be fixed now, but a few messages may have been lost (but most people wouldn't have seen your message anyway). Sorry about that. See Meta Stack Overflow for details.
it's not "company agnostic"
Why's that? Mozilla is known to be the most open of all
@dievardump lol got that as well
yeah, they dropped out support for .mp4
Mozilla is known to try to "make the web better" and not "profit profit profit"
Ok they don't have the best browser
But they try to make things open to everyone
When they do something you can see that it's for the users
And stop starring me :(
@dievardump still, it's "one company name"
if Google contributes to MDN, they're helping a concurrent
Private joke: i.imgur.com/lWsq1.jpg just for you @FlorianMargaine
translate it please @dievardump
Because I can not really translate
Can't get into webplatform.org chat: == ERROR: Closing Link: gateway/web/qwebirc/webplatform.org/session (Too many user connections (global))
@dievardump rofl, what's that :D
@RemcoRos it's #[email protected]
yeah, got that. stupid freenode doesn't work with qwebirc, because it doesn't allow that many proxied connections probably.
of course
it's a protection against proxy attacks
quakenet doesn't have it.
anyway, they should use a java client. not qwebirc
quakenet for Quake Arena ? :D
it's webplatform, javascript, come on ;)
@AnujKaithwas irc network for game-related people
haven't seen a JS IRC lib :)
pidgin > irc
BitchX ftw :p
@dievardump that's... like saying firefox > http
@RemcoRos There is some.
using sockets or something?
@FlorianMargaine no, I use IRC with pidgin it was more " pidgin -» IRC "
Don't need anything else ^^
I just use x-chat :>
ChatZila > * :)
have used it for years
pidgin feels... clunky
(11:01:35) shinaku_: Apple use lots of common standards.
If they begin to troll...
> [17:02:21] <Ralt> petionet maybe you don't know, but Apple promotes html5 since quite a while (and guess what, html5 is a standard)
Ralt === me.
Garbee == him?
You asked him?
it's irc, go for it
people don't give a shit on irc
A: What should be done about a user who makes a threat?

Nick Craver Hope your server can handle it Bring it.

@FlorianMargaine wtf lol
apple hindering web developers
I was like wtf is this guy thinking
15 mins ago, by dievardump
> There's a chance of one in five that you experienced some time travel in the past half hour. This should be fixed now, but a few messages may have been lost (but most people wouldn't have seen your message anyway). Sorry about that. See Meta Stack Overflow for details.
What was that?
A: What happened to Chat?

Nick CraverSorry, this was my fault. We started about 2 weeks ago building our entire external infrastructure out in our Oregon DC (Stack Overflow's original home). To do this I copied the sites on our new OR-WEB01 -> OR-WEB04 servers over to the even newer OR-WEB05 to do this build out of the line of fir...

@Loktar yeah... note the sarcasm in my answer :p
@Loktar is that your kid with an Alienware x14 on your site?
yeah, go make some off topic there... Garbee's not happy
@AnujKaithwas yeah
both of them are my kids :P
those are my laptops by the way
lucky kid :D Alienware is Awesome \m/
they just get to use them
@dievardump - I'm still trying to write this - I just want to check if the contents on this div exceed 160px;
 function TagsFunction() {
        var div = $('.tags');
        div.css({ overflow: 'visible' });
        var fullHeight = div.css('height');
        div.css({ overflow: 'hidden' });
        if (div.css('height') <= fullHeight) {
            div.css({ 'overflow': 'hidden' });
@FlorianMargaine LOL
@ScottSelby .css(propertyname, propertyValue)
> L’homme s’est avéré être un récidiviste : il avait été interpellé il y a deux mois après avoir abusé un adolescent de 14 ans dans des circonstances similaires en lui racontant la fin de saison de Dexter.
like in .css('overflow', 'hidden');
@dievardump both work, his problem is just that he's trying to get the height through .css
oh ok
can't they just provide ONE WAY to do things?
Like not "all the imaginable way" ?
he could use, for example, dunno... api.jquery.com/height
@dievardump I'd prefer to have only the ({}) way then
otherwise you'd have to call css multiple times if you want to change multiple properties
why? it's creating an object for NOTHING
So it takes memory for NOTHING
every time you {} you create object.
    some: 'property',
    other: 'property'
yes. If you manipulate a lot of element and use this technique, like 2000 div
in a loop, it's creating 2000 objetcs.
you have another problem if you create 2000 objects without reaching GC :)
@FlorianMargaine Vector libraries performance were improved by using the method to "not recreate object"
@dievardump let's be serious, this is never going to be where you experience performance problems with jquery and the dom
@Neil Sorry for the late response. I had to leave for home cos my ride was about to take off. I got it working though. :) Thing was that I was setting the listener before the user allowed to take a decision (whether to allow the site to take user location or not). Forgot about the callback. Stupid stupid me .Thanks for your time :D
@FlorianMargaine I'm trying to make it work WITHOUT mongodb before trying out connect mongodb hehe :-/ No one seems to find the problem, including me. It sucks hard time
@ShyamK :) No problem, happens to the best of us.
Am I bad, or there is only a button to make the hand "change", three social buttons and one mailto?
@dievardump I was just thinking that
what is that site for even?
it looks nice
@TomShreds you still have to specify a store (MemoryStore)
A vancouver digital agency
but there is NOTHING
And they say they are recruiting
How can I want to apply
if I can not see how they work and what they do?
they are probably rock paper scissor champions
another library released github.com/Ralt/time.js
unfortunately, the name is taken on npm
not surprising.
@Loktar did you sell that domain for 15k$ to some australian company?
@Yohann nope
they own loktar.com.au
I own loktar.com
which I really need to redo.

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