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Anybody there for ruby on rails with javascript?
> Unfortunately the site isn’t viewable for those outside of the U.S. which is a huge bummer.
Hah, suckers
dievardump, don`t scare me :)
ActiveObject made me think of ActiveXObject
-» scaring
Ou, in this case, i would also be scared
@dievardump I'm not sure what I think about the "black above the fold, white below" thing for the background. It's kinda... strange.
Sorry, i do not know Ruby on Rails
Ok thanks
Can anyone explain what yield will do in Harmony?
> The function containing the yield keyword is a generator. When you call it, its formal parameters are bound to actual arguments, but its body isn't actually evaluated. Instead, a generator-iterator is returned. Each call to the generator-iterator's next() method performs another pass through the iterative algorithm. Each step's value is the value specified by the yield keyword.
> Think of yield as the generator-iterator version of return, indicating the boundary between each iteration of the algorithm. Each time you call next(), the generator code resumes from the statement following the yield.
Amaan, simplicity async operation, without callback hell
Yay, @Zirak!
Give me one of your metaphors!
@dievardump Thanks
Metaphors are like similes.
That made sense
Q: The Python yield keyword explained

Alex. S.What is the use of the yield keyword in Python? What does it do? For example, I'm trying to understand this code (**): def node._get_child_candidates(self, distance, min_dist, max_dist): if self._leftchild and distance - max_dist < self._median: yield self._leftchild if self....

@AmaanCheval All which rhymes is a chime
@Zirak Are you vegan?
Where would I go for a javascript utility that will markup php/javascript in a more readable form (just colors I think) on my webpage (like SO or jsfiddle)
@dievardump No, I just find it funny
Meat is awesome
They "bonus video" is the kind Veggies and Vegan people use to explain why we are bad people.
@SteveRobbins As in, programatically display syntax-highlighted code? softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en
Yes, something like that. I wasn't sure how to phrase the question. Thanks!
Vegans, like religious people (or for that matter any opinionated group), are fine as long as they're not preachy.
“Having a GitHub account is like having a drivers license.” — @maxogden at @upfront_ug.
mobile browser emulator?
hrm, analogy > metaphor > simile perhaps. All similes are metaphors, all metaphors are analogies? But aren't analogies more of a logical comparison than an abstract comparison?
More accurately, Simile ⊂ Metaphor ⊂ Analogy
Not sure. Who cares.
> The cool thing about Javascript is that you can’t delete your whole computer. – @maxogden at @upfront_ug1
@RyanKinal That's the phrase I was about to tweet
Then... I saw the "only available in US"
And that made me angry
Fair enough
I swear if I get one more error for typing hightlight instead of highlight
then what?
if (igetonemoreerror)
    // nothing?
who wanted a private room?
sorry been busy all day
@SteveRobbins you can't bulk replace s/hightlight/highlight/
@Loktar me
^ thats awesome
Very nice
(17:00:28) Lucas__: The algorithm of google search is done in javascript?
What were they allowed to take?
@FlorianMargaine nope.
@eicto interesting.
posted on October 09, 2012 by Victor Rodriguez

How To Steal The Space Shuttle: A Step-By-Step Guide Boeing proposes using gas clouds to bring down orbital debris Samsung Creates New File System F2FS For Linux, Good News For Android

@Zirak was that just EU?
@andrewjackson EU means...?
And what does "was that just Europe" means in this context?
copies of Windows in Europe can't integrate IE to the OS, but they can in America afaik
AFAIK, all copies of Windows have IE bound to them, and that's the criticism. But that's hardly the point
I just remember the EU making a big deal about it, but nothing really happening in America about it
shit gottago
what was the point? that a company doesn't have the right to endorse their own products with their own products?
That Google is doing the same shit and nobody's giving a crap
or that people are too stupid to download a new browser?
The EU thing is about Windows Media Player
(which isn't bundled in the -N versions)
It's about the way of mind which expects people to walk down the alleyway of the company's choosing.
But I don't think anyone buying windows actually buys that version...
@ThiefMaster Nope. It's about IE.
there was two separate cases afaik
In Europe, when you buy a PC
I might be wrong tho
Well all we get regarding IE is that browserchoice.eu prompt
At the first startup you have to choose wich browser will be installed
Not exactly. It just unpins IE from the task bar and displays this dialog
That's not " all we get ". That's a big step.
it does not actually remove/hide IE
But I agree, it's a good thing
Yes because IE couldn't be remove until now.
I wonder how they can put maxthon in the main list though.. that's basically IE, isn't it?
@dievardump I've only noticed that choice on Acer's in America, and I work on a lot of computers
@andrewjackson that's normal.
Nobody impose it to Microsoft in America.
That's cool, they even have Avant Browser....
knew that guy who made Avant
@Zirak I thought you were talking about Apple, not Google.
but yeah, same shit
Chrome Book? Seriously?
@dievardump still... Acer is pretty sweet. just sayin...
anyone else here hate Dell?
@Zirak dunno. Never used it.
Never saw any
And I don't know if any browser vendor did something that can be installed on a Chromebook
In a few words, a Chrome book means that you're Google's bitch.
So Chromebook is the Google's iSomething/mac ?
If nobody complain about Apple, nobody will about Google
Google is pretty good about privacy, I guess they have to be to compete with MS, or even Apple
I do not say it's ok, I say that's the same thing.
When I read that... I'm happy to not have any Apple product.
Well I rather trust google with my data than the government, apple or facebook
I don't use gmail though - but I guess I would if I didn't have my own server and domains
me too, but I still trust my hard drives the best
heh yeah
I'd be totally using my own server for firefox synx if the data wasn't encrypted locally
why shouldn't it be encrypted locally?
firefox servers never stores the key, which is awesome imo
It is. Just saying that I wouldn't use their servers for it if it wasn't
What does it mean " trusting someone with you data" ?
oh I misread
basically that I'd rather let them have some of my data than those others companies I mentioned
@ThiefMaster the future scares me
what i see is sovereign corporations by year 2030
Watch the tv series "Continuum" :p
already seen it
2084 will be a lot scarier than 1984
i felt like "oh , this is like a DeusEx spin-off"
Speaking of games, I really wonder WHY THE HELL there are still different release dates for different continents for a game that can be bought via steam.
@Zirak i want to me immortal not dying by 2084 .. not aging by 2112 and young by 2184
Immortality paired with the option to die at some point and good health - I'd totally take that.
How will you get anything done?
@ThiefMaster , technically , after you reach 27 you start dying
Still 3 years to go!
then start running ... seriously
you have like 3 years to improve
"The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older"
anyway .. this is a strange generation ... we have no gods and most of us are extremely aware of our mortality
Yeah, with never-ending life, you won't get anything done. The majority of us already don't do or achieve a particle of what we wish to do or achieve because of procrastination, and we essentially doubled our life-span
It'll take several generations before humanity can progress, both physically and emotionally, to match the current technology, and it's already blazing past us. That's really the human race - how fast we can catch up with our defiance of nature, before we destroy ourselves.
well .. here is something to think about for you: the internet , as it is now, contains the first type 1 societies
@ThiefMaster the release dates are different because the "salary day" differs in each region
It's still stupid. I already paid for it but can't play it yet just because I did not use e.g. a US proxy to buy it.
it's an old practice , mostly perpetuated by different marketing departments , because they assume that there will be +2% income , if they release game when yo have the most money
ans yes , it is stupid
Which I'd totally have done If I had known that it's already out in the US
Well, I guess I can be glad that I don't get a cut version
it's a strategy which completely ignores advertising
Having to ask someone in the US to buy the game as a gift and then paypal him the money just to circumvent censorship is annoying
(s/US/any country but germany/)
it assumes that gamers are 14 year old kids who get the "lunch money" when parents receive salary .. and especially kids, incapable of saving and watching gaming-news
and yes , censorship laws are extremely stupid too .. fueled by assumptions that countries are isolated and people are stupid
well.... I don't think we can argue on that last point.
I just overheard the following at school....
"I want it so when the page loads there's tabs..."
"Yeah that's what jQuery's for."
"What's jQuery?"
"jQuery's like a built-in library for doing stuff like that..."
i hope you explained the error of that person by throwing him/her out of the window
oh quite
@ThomasShields , but seriously , i would have stopped, interaped that person and explained that he/she is wrong
@tereško I guess I could... but i'm lazy and it'd be pretty rude to interrupt their conversation now...
if he mentions it again i'll say something
was that person from your class/group ?
@tereško nah just another person in the general lounge area
across the room, no less
hours later, tired and pissed off at the days events; the young Thomas Shields calls up his fellow schoolmate and asks him to meet him in the back lot behind the liquor store..... Thomas brings his shovel.
@rlemon ROFL
@ThomasShields , then i would have said loudly "your wrong"
@tereško not exactly compatible with my personality type
it is exactly compatible with my personality type
i try to be a bit more civil when i am online
lucky you
@tereško frontal lobe controls your morality, which actually begins to shut off when morality goes down. when that happens, you get more intelligent and begin to die younger, unless you keep good health.
don't quote me on that
i think i have sociopathic tendencies ...
it's normal
well, in small parts
Screenshot... for when I read in the news some startup tech company got gunned down for calling MVVM MVC.
if startup starts talking extensively about the patterns the use internally, it means that they actually have nothing real to show ... it's a sinking boat
Sinking boat because some well placed C4 by chance?????
Q: Shortest code to check if a number is in a range in JavaScript

MohsenThis is how I checkout to see if a number is in a range (in between two other numbers): var a = 10, b = 30, x = 15, y = 35; x < Math.max(a,b) && x > Math.min(a,b) // -> true y < Math.max(a,b) && y > Math.min(a,b) // -> false I have to do this math...

hey, this isn't strictly a js question, but is it possible to have a tooltip with an image inside of it with Twitter Bootstrap?
hey - I have a question - I have a div set to a certain height - like 150px with overflow set to hidden , another div is positioned relative under it, now when I change the top one to overflow visible the height of the div stays at 150px , but the contents go down another 150px , but the div under it does not automatically get pushed down since its relative
what can I change to make the bottom div move as the top contents gets changed dynamically
try overflow:inherit
isn't auto scrolls bars on the side ?
who said auto? lol
haha, i'll try inherit
@Prefix tooltips are no more than divs.
nah - didn't work , its weird if I inspect element in firebug after I change overflow in js , the size of the div doesn't actually change , it stays 150px , the contents just go outside of it - and that causes the other divs positioned around it to not know what to do since it didn't actually expand , and their still right under it
well if you have the height set for the parent, and overflow to visible...
you'd think the parent would expand with overflow visible to fit the child
oh, unset height
yea, that would ruin the whole idea though , I have tags kinda like SO , and I only want 150px worth to be shown , then "show more" to be visible if the contents exceed the 150px height ,
then you have padding and borders, which you need to account for
but since they are variable size , it is impossible to tell if they exceed the 150px div unless a parent is set to 150px and then check if the child exceeds that
aww :( I thought you had docs for me
@ScottSelby haven't started reading yours yet
@ScottSelby do you have and padding?
no padding or margin
adjust font size or something. you can't just set the height and magically expect it's contents to resize.
I'm going to try , when setting overflow to visible , instead to set the height to the height of the child
good idea........
is this proper jquery?
$('.placetags').css('height', $('.tags').css('height'));
default as a value will throw a validation error. I couldn't remember what it was and I know the css engine will default to the default if the improper value is entered.
:P little cheat there
I think it's visible, but I like default better
is height auto , like 100% ?
@ScottSelby no
@andrewjackson yea it's visible.
yea i get it , auto for its children , not 100% of its parent?
auto is like... "well if it goes bigger display the bars if not dont". scroll is like "yo always display bars regardless"
you can inspect an element in Chrome that doesn't have a css property set, and look at the computed styles to see default values. kinda nice
or look up the spec.... just a suggestion :P
that is how I found out that my div wasnt expanding height
well, if you ever need to know, and happen to be offline
could you imagine that? lol
offline ?
42 mins ago, by tereško
i try to be a bit more civil when i am online
yea i silently luled
I can not (do it silently). It's not my personality type.
holy crap
it works
my next task is "add social media" stupid crap , nobody cares about your facebook likes
DONT use the iframe social media links.
they slow down your page A LOT
so im working with jquery. I have a statement like follows
    $('#modalArticleHeaderImg, #modalArticleThumbImg').change( function(){
if I want to handle each one differently, how would I do that?
basically I'm wondering how I find the "source" of the .change event
like "if(this == #modalArticleHeaderImg) do A. if(this == #modalArticleThumbImg), do B
function handler(event) {
    event.target; // what the event fired on

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