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internet, you make me sad
Q: Better way to do this in coffeescript

RockbotI was actually writing this little script: $ -> # Alter 'input' Width inputResize = -> $('form').each -> tF = $(this) formWidth = tF.width() tF.find('input').each -> tE = $(this) inputBorder = (tE.outerWidth() - tE.innerWidth()) inputPadding = parseI...

> "i have this coffeescript wth jquery . emm .. how should i optimize it"
There is a coffeescript language?
wow, i feel too old now.
Anyone wishes to help me , espcially after getting rejected in another room?
no javascript
I prefer thank you... its uniformed... scares me.
		          alert("your message");
That is my code
And it's purpose
it is supposed to show an error message ("your message") if the textbox name,email, or password is empty
except it doesn't and the form continues to go on to the next page.
Why aren't you checking onsubmit, but onclick?
What do you mean?
Exactly as I said. Why do you have an eventhandler onclick instead of onsubmit? I mean it is a form right? And you want to check whether all required fields are filled on when it is submitted? So...
so $("#signUpSub").submit(function(event){ ??
@user1079641 , do you know how in php you should not start using symfony framework before you have learned php ?
well ... jquery is a framework
and you really should learn javacsript before you start messing with jquery
I'd much rather use javascript than jquery but I am forced to use it in the current situation.
@Zirak i hope you are aware that this is a developer chat room, and there is much higher chance you are talking with a fat guy eating cheetos and not a girl ... so ... be careful what you wish for
Id be interested in using the new myspace as odd as that sounds
@Loktar Oh dear.
@Loktar It's certainly interesting
yeah it looks pretty slick
It looks like Win8...
@Justin I actually have to disagree with that
@drderp it's truly a web2.0 deisgn tho.
I see a few interesting songs on there
@Justin I'm just mad that I didn't think of it first
I love the video on board... lol. @drderp I've already had a web deisgn on-top of myspaces... lol.
Dance by Justice
Propane Nightmares by Pendulum
Robot Rock by Daft Punk
@Justin I've actually had this on my laptop for a while, but I uninstalled it for ubuntu because I couldn't shake the feeling that windows was at a lower resolution than my display could handle
@drderp yep, me to
except I ran a virtual machine
It seems that sharp corners, light shadows, and contrasting borders is the new Web 2.0, but I have to say I like it
there is no new web 2.0 :P
web 2.0 is dead!
man they were talking about web 2.0 in 2008
Web 3.0?
heh its a weird classification but I call it web html5
since people just slap html5 on everything now
I think web 3.0 is the HTML5 revolution
new web2.0
hey @dievardump
has anyone tried to make an editor for multiple languages in javascript? And by language, I mean markdown, bbcode, etc.
@Loktar hey :)
I'm really not sure how I'd end up doing output previews, I'd much rather prefer to keep that client-side, but getting/making implementations for the languages in javascript could be hard...
@drderp canvas or iframe
I seriously need help
on this form validation
would anyone mind helping me out a little
<form method="POST" id="register" action="/register.php">
    <input id="name" name="name"alt="Full Name" type="text" />
    <input id="email" name="email" alt="Email" type="text" />
    <input id="password" name="password" alt="Password" type="password" />
    <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit">
I have this code and I need to get form validation going on with this.
Anyone want to help help me please?
Anyone, come on
someone? pleease?
no one wow
Q: How to have a maintainable and manageable Javascript code base

dadeI am starting a new job soon as a frontend developer. The App I would be working on is 100% Javascript on the client side. all the server returns is an index page that loads all the Javascript files needed by the app. Now here is the problem: The whole of the application is built around having ...

have a good day yall
room topic changed to JavaScript: if( Java !== JavaScript && !(jQuery > JavaScript){ / welcome*/}else{ /* shoooo / } [javascript]
room topic changed to JavaScript: if( Java !== JavaScript && !(jQuery > JavaScript)){ / welcome*/}else{ /* shoooo / } [javascript]
room topic changed to JavaScript: if( Java !== JavaScript && !(jQuery > JavaScript)){ / welcome*/}else{ /* shoooo / } P.S. Dont link to w3school references [javascript]
2 hours later…
how to control the speed of title in <a title="somthing"> with javascript opr jquery
What do you mean by speed of title?
i want to use the effect(fadeIn) of the title but not success
i want to use the effect(fadeIn) on the title but not success
how to refresh one page from another page using javascript
this page must be opened by another page, or I think it's impossible
with using window.location.href or any of such methods also isit impossible?
it can only control it's own page
I think web browser will not allow a web page to control another which is not created by itself, it's too dangerous
Does anyone know if I have a openGL application write by C++, is it possible to run it in web page? I'll appreciate your answer
1 hour later…
hey pal, how are you?
fine what about cha?
fine, fine. just hoping i'll be able to finish my milestone today ;)
what does that consist of ? :)
lots and lots of json-parsing, templating and assisting work for the cms - team
not wandering in there :D
hey guys.. can you help me?
i need help on google map api v3
i got solution in displaying distance in km from stackoverflow.com/questions/12572071/…
Q: Style bits vs. Separate bool's

peterchenMy main platform (WinAPI) still heavily uses bits for control styles etc. (example). When introducing custom controls, I'm permanently wondering whether to follow that style or rather use individual bool's. Let's pit them against each other: enum EMyCtrlStyles { mcsUseFileIcon = 1, mcsT...

great question, vote it up ^
Q: Style bits vs. Separate bool's

peterchenMy main platform (WinAPI) still heavily uses bits for control styles etc. (example). When introducing custom controls, I'm permanently wondering whether to follow that style or rather use individual bool's. Let's pit them against each other: enum EMyCtrlStyles { mcsUseFileIcon = 1, mcsT...

can any one please help me with the scripting
Q: Style bits vs. Separate bool's

peterchenMy main platform (WinAPI) still heavily uses bits for control styles etc. (example). When introducing custom controls, I'm permanently wondering whether to follow that style or rather use individual bool's. Let's pit them against each other: enum EMyCtrlStyles { mcsUseFileIcon = 1, mcsT...

great question, vote it up ^
wtf, Florian? :D
@coolnicq we should write the code for you?
i tried to compile.. but got an error there as m confused with the input var
im having trouble with my codings im trying to get the previous data in the table then append in in a div but i guess something is wrong with my code here it is pastebin.com/HCDweLm6 my firebug keep on giving me an illegal character at line 80 and it says }); i checked it if i supplied the sufficient }); and yes i did but whats the problem with it?
@GNi33 chat bugging <_<
2 hours later…
woah, nice
wow that's nice
what is it?
get your webcam in ascii
ahh gotta try that when i get home :)
actually, it draws your webcam on a canvas
120 lines
yeah, really cool experiment
didn't think this would be that easy to implement
just checking grey-vals for every pixel and replacing them with chars
his DOM operations are quite inefficient though
well, he could use a DocumentFragment to improve this
I want to make a pull request <<
also, I don't get why he's adding a global variable
@tereško Win-win, I can ask for some cheetos.
I am using jQuery to reset Drop Down when page loads
change option then reload page
It works fine in Chrome but nor Wrking in FF
@DextOr Just looking at it briefly, you need to separate your javascript lines with a ";" rather than a ",", even if it is inline with a dom event like "onchange"
Though some browsers might let you get away with that, that's not how it should be done
@Neil I am using this
$(document).ready ( function() {
$("#seldate option[value='']").attr ( 'value' , '' );
@Neil can this stackoverflow.com/questions/6364806/… be usefull
@DextOr I'm simply basing myself on the page you sent. You have onchange="showYearHint(this.value, 2, 1), populateMetadataTitle(this.value,2,'Title')"
It should be onchange="showYearHint(this.value, 2, 1); populateMetadataTitle(this.value,2,'Title')"
That may or may not fix it, again, just telling you what I see wrong
ok but now I removed onchange but still its not working :/ fiddle.jshell.net/ipsjolly/uS6Qw/4/show
Ok Solved Now I will use document.adv_search.Title.selectedIndex = 0;
thx @Neil for your time
@DextOr No problem. I didn't even fix your problem in the end. :P
but u trie:D
@PeeHaa ahahahhahahah and that makes u a halp vampire :3
@Loktar you are a canvas pro :D
@Abhishek lol no im not
it was really slow and had issues
BUT was fun to mess with :P
def going to be ding more with the web cam stuff
who are you trying to fool here :D
> "no i'm not"
yeaaah, right...
ffs, i got a perfectly valid json-file here that i'm loading using jsonp... and i get "Unexpected token :" on the second line... i don't get it
because you don't load json through jsonp
you load some js code
but there is a wrapping function
i do know, that i need that ;)
anyone here using node hosting?
node hosting? which kind?
just node.js hosting, Im looking at ec2 currently but idk
realistically I should just ship my server to the colocation service but im lazy
so im looking for some cheap node.js hosting
like nodejitsu?
I guess, do you use them?
just looking for feedback on how good the hosting is, and price
it's free :p
worth trying
woah cheeep
yeah ill mess with this for now
thanks, forgot about them @FlorianMargaine
heh then I need to get off my lazy butt and send my server in..
only $80/month for colocation, unmetered 10mbps I believe
wait its 100. $40 for 10
nodejitsu has a fun way (same as heroku iirc) to manage their stuff
using a node.js CLI app
I bought retroships.com
when you go, youll get a randomly generated pixel ship
lol just a dumb micro site idea
oh crickie..
> These plans will be available for purchase in the next month.
I get that when choosing the free option too
@Loktar tried heroku?
no but I will now
I signed up for all these betas and forgot about them
don't forget about joyent too
oh wait, I have a nodejitsu account apparently
so maybe I can still do the free one
hmm so I think I can.
woa ok
I think I killed windows.
(jQuery) Can I get 2 children of element in different indexs using function like .eq([fristindex, secondindex]) or something like that?
var objs = $('selector');
for(var i=firstindex; i<=secondIndex; i++) { ... }
this will get me all the elements between the two indexes.. I want to get only the two indexes and using some built-in function of jquery.
right now I got 2 options:

(index == currProd || index == tempProd)?$(this).toggleClass('orange-brdr'):'';
@Ron var objs = $(selector), child1 = $(objs[firstIndex]), child2 = $(objs[secondIndex]);
go for the 1st option
1st option is indeed lighter but I want even lighter ~if possible ofc~
thats why I want something like pbPordsBtns.eq([currProd, tempProd]).toggleClass('orange-brdr');
Q: Mootools equivalent of jQuery's before

Mirgoroddoes mootools have equivalent of jQuery's before? Or if not, how can I do similar functionality in mootools? For example, I got result from ajax and I want to insert HTML-code of result before some element. <div class="elements"> <div class="element"></div> <div class="...

Hi guys)
I need help!
You didn't search man
myFirstElement.inject(mySecondElement, 'before');
I searched
<div id="myFirstElement"></div>
<div id="mySecondElement"></div>
No, not in MooTools doc.
But I don'e have HTML object)
I have HTML code string
this is my 3rd option (lightest so far):
And why don't you create an HTML Element using this string?
Yay more hardware issues!

And I want to insert it before some div
@Mirgorod and why don't you tranform it into an HTML element?
These types of operations are easy once you learn JavaScript
@Mirgorod You kidding?
MooTools element from string into google
first link
Result of server maybe absolutely different. <div class="one">ewffewf</div>efwwefwef<b>wefwef</b>
MooTools more documentation
I have not one element
you are a carpenter... Libs are your hammers... learn how to build the fence... not just swing the hammer.
Now I did all the research for you, you don't need anything else? Maybe a coffee?
function appendHTMLBefore(elem, html){
if ($type(html) != 'string') return false;
var temp = new Element('div');
temp.set('html', html);
temp.childNodes.inject(elem, 'before');
return this;
And this is not working
@rlemon And if you're Tom Sawyer, just have someone else do it for you
temp.childNodes.inject is not a function
new Elements(temp.childNodes).inject(elem, 'before'); I think. Not sure.
Sure it's not a function
Neil... no designers can paint it. That is what they are good at. You and I.. well we build them.
posted on September 25, 2012

Oh my God, oh my God. Apple thinks it has a bright idea, but craps all over your beautiful responsive sites. Even worse, it’s being inconsistent from iPhone to iPad. I don’t know what they were smoking when they thought this up, but I want some. OK, so what’s going on? This morning a follower pointed out an article that describes how Safari iOS makes a total fucking mess of

@dievardump not working
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'apply' of undefined
@dievardump Brought my camera in... but the battery died -_-
mootools vs jquery?
var temp = new Element('div');
temp.set('html', '<div>bla</div><div>ble</div>' );
new Elements(temp.childNodes).inject($('slide_rando'), 'before');
I just did that. It works
one moment, I'll show you
You have what you need
pfffff @RyanKinal
<div url="/catalog/?scrollload=1&amp;block=goods" class="b-scrollload b-mgoods b-mgoods_catalog">

		<div rel="/catalog/svetilniki/jackets/1/" class="b-good">
			<div style="background: transparent url('/user/7-sveta/upload/photo/tnail/336113391_cat.jpg') no-repeat center top;" class="b-good-image">
				<a title="Жакет Альфа" href="/catalog/svetilniki/jackets/1/"></a>

			<div class="b-good-title">
				<a title="Жакет Альфа" href="/catalog/svetilniki/jackets/1/">Жакет Альфа</a>
You have what you need to insert the element before, please now try by yourself. use console.log etc...
@Feeds. Apple fuck up again... fanboys everywhere defend it tooth and bone... the rest of the world stopped caring last month.
hey guys i read the guide on w3schools and it said that i should use the jquery language not javascript can anyone teach me it???
@Mirgorod And don't paste code like that, it's REALLY annoying
@dievardump Thats not working
@drderp lol.
Read the top fucking star
@dievardump I know, I know :-(
Then someone link him my articles and bids saved convo
I'm on mobi
in jquery before works, in mootools not
@Mirgorod It works. It doesn't works with your code, so you have another problem. FIX IT
damn mootools
Damn noobi
Not Damn mootools
You don't know JavaScript
Don't blame mootools
@Loktar i still dont understand why i++ & iter = i*4; is faster then i+=4 in the for loop
Blame your lazyness to learn
it just makes no sense
I wish room owners could ban users from said room.
after the party i am going to i will do some really badass blob detection
w3schools is terrible, MDN is better
more or less i will make it realize the tip of convex hulls
here is the start code
nice man
so basically tell ur fingers :D
which part are you talking about by the way, in the code?
I'm so confused
the for loops
i changed i+=4 to i++
@Mirgorod And so? what do you want us to do with a big HTML and no assets?
and made var iter = i * 4;
oh weird
and it ran faster , even in my code i had the problem
one moment
man I played with that crap until 12:30 am or so
I was so tired at the end
was making stupid mistakes
its catchy aint it ?
but it was fun to play with
its just so uber cool its making me switch to windows
pastebin.com/ZxSQd8Dn - here is the response of the server. And i need to insert this code before loader
I want to mess with a "green screen" effect tonight
so that i can use my microphone and create a small scale voice command [ have c++ code for it ]
whats cool?
in realtime
@Loktar dont go green screen
just take a pure bg frame
well not a real green screen, yeah thats what I mean
what are we talking bout here
and then use difference operation , much faster seriously
@rlemon chrome webcam
@Abhishek yeah thats what I mean will be so neat
I need a webcam
like imagine overlaying yourself on youtube vids
also what do you use to record your code @Abhishek
@Loktar gtkrecordmydesktop
That is effing hilarious
aiight i am off i have to goto a party
cool have fun
@dievardump feeds posted it.
function appendHTMLBefore(elem, html){
    if ($type(html) != 'string') return false;
    var temp = new Element('div');
    temp.set('html', html);
	temp.inject(elem, 'before');
    return this;
it works
@rlemon when u can get a webcam check my demo or loktars [ his is badass] , mine can just remove background in realtime and detects rough blobs
A party is not a party if you can not come at 3am in the morning and still can dance and enjoy yourself for 3 hours.
it makes new elements in div
@Abhishek lol yours is better, mine just has dumb smileys
I was trying to make them follow my eyes
new Elements(temp.childNodes).inject(elem, 'before'); - not woking
temp.inject(elem, 'before'); - working but makes new elements in div
check the mootools docs?
@Loktar oh thats a different idea
and if all else fails, ask stack overflow
u know you will have to detect ur face
and then apply a mesh onit for doing so
yeah :? I was trying to do it based on colors
with uber leetness
ur face
@drderp of courser
face detection is teh hard.
but theres a js library I believe
were here for teh codez
we can do dis
is it possible to act as if you got another press from the tabulator?
friggen hell thats cool
youtube.com/watch?v=NCtYdUEMotg&feature=related this one actually explains how its done
Damn mootools
i tried to do that 3 years ago , failed but learnt a lot .. js makes me feel i can do it now lol
mootools isnt the problem here i think
Abhishek you have any idea? is there anyway to make a "tabulator/tab" like .click() ?
Learn JavaScript.
how to remove long white -space in a string i have a string like this var str="<divclass='space10'></div>
It works.
how do i learn jquery?????
@drderp I thought you were just trolling
yeah read the docs at jquery.com
@srini where are your spaces?
i was kidding :p
ive used jquery, javascript, etc

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