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Q: If I write spaghetti code, I'm gonna have a bad time. Help with this ajax/jquery logic

user15872This is a pretty simple script. In short it's meant to look for an id in the data attribute in each containment div, then send an ajax call to get the amount of retweets, calculate the karma based on those retweets and then display that number in a div. This code is pretty spaghetti. How do I ...

Q: Apache Rewrite rule with multiple files from same virtual directory?

user1079641There are two parts to this problem: I have used htaccess rewrite to change "file.php" to just "file" so http://www.example.com/file works just like http://www.example.com/file.php Here is part of my .htaccess that deals with the issue: RewriteRule ^register website/register RewriteRule ^regi...

3 hours later…
Q: Can I include Javascript/jQuery in a page?

Doctor OreoI'm extremely new to Wordpress, and I've offered to help out with a project that uses it. In a new page I'm creating, I need to use javascript/jQuery to write out the html dynamically - it doesn't seem to be working? I believe I read there was something special that needed to be done, but I can'...

1 hour later…
Q: Javascript Muilti Sub Array

vaahosti have a javascript code which generates dynamic sub arrays. function createArray() { var myArr = new Object(); myArr[0] = createSubArray('apple'); myArr[1] = createSubArray('Mango'); myArr[2] = createSubArray('Pineapple'); myArr[3] = createSubArray('Grape'); document.ge...

1 hour later…
@SVarun you've been answered already
nm, I didn't realize that had jQuery in it. wtf??
@andrewjackson kindly check my question and this chat chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/16947/…
I want to ask you about Jquery - Javascript space function...
room topic changed to JavaScript: $($); [javascript]
@NagaBotak space function? what's that?
@NagaBotak the best is to link your question, like this
Q: Javascript space function

Naga BotakI have a JS code that the function is to validate the form, now what I want to do is add 1 function to prevent space in textbox username with message too, "No space allowed". Here it's my JS code so far : $().ready(function() { $("#signupForm").validate( { rules: ...

Any chance anybody knows anything about using javascript/jQuery in a WordPress page?
How do you call a JS function from jQuery
having :
function test() {}
and would like to do something like:
$("button").call(test) ;//?
@cyril What are you expecting it to do? How does the function relate to the button elements?
I woud like to call a fucntion giving it a context
for the momoment I'm doing onclick="test($(this));" (with a function test(el){//... }
but it's ugly
@cyril $('.button').click(function(){test(this)});
Right, what you want to do is $('button').click(function... ^ what he said
yes but I'm using the jquerymobile thing, and dom elts are loaded specifically, your answers would work, but giving a really long initializing stuff, that's why I prefer to insert them as onclick..
@cyril I guess using $('.button').live('click',function(){test(this)}); would solve that.
I'll try
do you know in which library SO use to html encode posts ? ( before sending to server)
in what language is their framework?
c# mvc
that's what I heard they use dotnet
I have no idea of the libs, you'd better ask in C#/C++ room
@DaveRandom Why not using the .on() instead?
@cyril C# and C++ are about as unrelated as PHP and assembler.
@RoyiNamir What do you mean by "HTML encode"?
@bitsMix Because I rarely write jQ and I'd forgotten about .on(). The important point about that demo was to show how to call the function by wrapping it. The mechanism for attaching the event handler was not relevant to the question.
@DaveRandom that shows how much I know about dotnet ;), no I meant there could be microsoft fans in C++ also
Q: How can i implement Encryption and Decryption In PHP

Prince UchenduTrying to implement Encryption and decryption functions in PHP but it is not jsut working right can anyone please help. In PHP here is the algorithim: 1.Encryption key is a master code: 1234567890. 2.Encryption alphabet is a-z, A-Z, 0-9, = 3.Encrypt each symbol after the signature that belongs t...

@DaveRandom yeah, i agree with that. ;)
@bitsMix on is for one shot click event right?
oops no it's one
@cyril You can write .NET apps in C++ if you want to torture yourself. C# is much more closely related to Java than C++ though (syntactically, at least)
@cyril the document would tell you more: api.jquery.com/on
Q: How do I make a simple level system? - JavaScript

ROROXI've been learning programming for a while and things are slow but steady. I only have a couple experiments that look something like a game (JavaScript,HTML5,CANVAS). One of the things I would like to establish this early in my process though is a basic level system to my games. I'm thinking like...

say, is there a IRC interface for this chat room?
@bitsMix No, don't think so chat.stackoverflow.com/faq#irc
@DaveRandom that's kinda pity.. but anyway, i also love the web interface here :)
@DaveRandom yep that's what I heard C# ~ java, let alone J#
someone know best site to draw data points in x/y axes using javascript or jquery ?
learn html canvas
you don't necessarily need canvas for this
@goodmood there are a lot of libraries for that, some of them use pure DOM, a lot use SVG
i heard good things about highcharts -> highcharts.com
never actually used it myself though
@ThiefMaster , how the hell this ended up "protected" ? stackoverflow.com/questions/10390724/…
Q: Automatically protect questions with three or more low-rep-user deleted answers

Won'tThere are a few "automatically protect questions" requests out there, but I'd like to add another twist. I'd like to request that questions that have three or more deleted answers by users with <50 rep be automatically protected. The reasoning behind this is that we have lots and lots of "no...

oh ... that's kinda strange behavior
@rlemon its not just you i sleep for like 4-5 hours
nd even then my pc is on nd online on S.O.
hello people
someone who can help me understand the clearInterval
You set an interval, then clear it with clearInterval.
@Loktar And you've got a different picture too!
i know the theory
yeah felt like changing it
but in fact is not being cleared
var bob=setInterval(); clearInterval(bob);
are you doing it similar to that?
my actual code
c = setInterval(function() {
$('#a').fadeOut(1000, function(){
it should c,lear it before is called right?
with only seeing that, yes
that piece of code is in an if inside a function, the interval variable is also declared at the top of the code
thank you Loktar for answering by the way ;)
np, maybe you could setup a fiddle for it
@Loktar \o
hey @Abhishek
sup mate ?
did u got a chance to test the motion detection one ? by chance
x) , the background removal wont work nice on your skin color (x_x)
I just messed with the one link you sent
I think that was the bg removal
it worked pretty well imo
some people cheat and use color tips on their fingers
hello everyone.. I was trying to test the "popup" function in jquerymobile


but it doesn't work.. it says "Object has no method popup".. I followed the jquerymobile doc found here :http://jquerymobile.com/branches/popup-widget/docs/pages/popup/index.html
any idea? :O
so that is it eh? we're all on this "new gravatar" kick now?
Like when i have a domObj and write .isVariable = "yes". Then my domObject gets taht variable with the value, is there anyway to do the same from html ? :)
that's still javascript ? :) need it in html :)
<div data-attrib="foo">
your question is bad, and you should feel bad.
so if <div id="foo" data-attrib="bar>
Then i can retrieve it by document.getElementById("foo").bar or .attrib?
No. There's a difference between a property and an attribute.
or in modern browsers (not IE) you can use element.dataset.attrib
Properties are part of the DOM, attributes are of html.
inline html they are attributes, they get mapped to properties on the dom element you work with in js
Not all of them
And not directly
anyone here
We're all gone because of you
i should be home - feel lika a POS
could you maybe help me with a question?
@JamesF Zirak isnt' a real person he is a bot
Please insert coin to continue
!!/learn whatiam " I am a bot"
@Loktar what i do is
@rlemon Command whatiam learned
just compare images (x
!!/tell JamesF whatiam
u can see that probably
@JamesF I am a bot
bg removal removes the bg so that we dont get tons of blobs
@rlemon lol sorry
that we dont need
Im going to be 30 this week dude
I needed to change it from something when I was like 24
Uncle Loktar
You are old and about to die. You should reflect on your pathetic life and weep with misery.
@Loktar Welcome to the club! Have you published a book or had some groundbreaking research done up to this point?
@Abhishek yeah thats what I figured, just minus the old image from the new one
If not, statistically you never will..
well I never will!
Again, welcome to the club! :D
@Loktar learnt that from something similar in C++
@Abhishek if anything I think that would be cool for doing green screen stuff.. w/o a green screen
You suck at everything and should be exterminated to relieve society of your weight
!!/learn iduncarebro "Listen bro, I'm sure that is a good story and all and you usually keep your audience more entertained but today I must mention; you have failed. and hard."
@rlemon Command iduncarebro learned
@Loktar we can do that
just blur the first image so that we get tolerance
!!/tell Loktar iduncarebro
@Loktar Listen bro, I'm sure that is a good story and all and you usually keep your audience more entertained but today I must mention; you have failed. and hard.
now we can do blob processing on human body ;-D
and find out hands :3
though 3d would be hard as hell
It's not the only thing that's hard as hell
yeah like I said the Kinect does that kind of stuff
@Zirak new feature "!!/narrate <book title>"
the 3d stuff.. and it looks effing crazy
@Loktar kinect uses multiple cameras
we just have one
@rlemon Which...?
yeah Im just saying that kind of stuff is insane.. like even attempting seems crazy :P
@Zirak Ulysses?
could you use mult cams with chrome?
that would be friggin badass
@rlemon What would it do?
they make cameras that you can rotate in real time, and it will estimate the 3d layout
read the book to the room
line by line
costs a lot of money, but the fact that it exists means it's definitely possible
Why is it a good idea?
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my "slightly out of context" message of the day.
it's not.
it's an idea
New feature !!/sodomize <person name>
isn't that meta?
How the frick i get a css filter rendered awesomness ?
@Abhishek you see that codepen with the fire?
@Loktar Whoa
yea looks great
And CSS only! :O
i want some way to get that image for post-processing in canvas
pretty simple
i can blur an image with h/w acceleration and hten use it in canvas :3
                       .    .
                        )  (   COME INSIDE!
  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(.--.)
{{ { { { { { { { { { { ( '_')  AND HAVE A NICE
 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>`--'>  CUP OF TEA!
@rlemon I'm too used to ascii penises that I found myself straining to find it
I got the plush for my girlfriend.. working on adding the audio to it
Anybody knows how can i debug a setinterval, im loggin to console value of interval variable and is allways different numbers?...
@Neil penis tank?
¶▅c●▄███████||▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅||█~ ~:~:~ :~:█►
@SantiagoRebella show us code or it didn't happen.
room topic changed to JavaScript: Show us your code or it didn't happen. [javascript]
@rlemon In general anything long and ascii
room topic changed to JavaScript: Show us your boobs or you're not worth our time. [javascript]
@Zirak You probably don't want to see my boobs
You're not worth my time
I've been collecting images for the new lemon meme
this will be one of them
as will this
$('#somediv').fadeIn(500, function () {
    c = setInterval(function () {
        $('#a').fadeOut(1000, function () {
    }, 3000);
declaring c at the top
and this inside another function
show us where you declair c
c is a different value because each time you call setInterval, you get a different id
@GNi33 thx:)
var c; and then many functions and then setinterval
is a very big piece of code, thats why i dont put it all
1 min ago, by Zirak
c is a different value because each time you call setInterval, you get a different id
Hi Zirak, I dont get much that
c should be the interval i mention isnit?
It's an id for that interval
Also, if it's just that code, you might want to use setTimeout
c its the id of that interval and then if im clearing it out it should be gone
i think need interval as the stuff is fading in out in a loop
rlemon tks
Just ate a large size pizza
alone :3 , burp!
setInterval(<function to be executed every X milliseconds >, <X milliseconds >);
setTimeout(<function to be executed after X milliseconds >, <X milliseconds >);
@rlemon I theorize that 200 years from now, we'll still be able to determine the time since January 1, 1970 down to the millisecond
@Neil Why wouldn't we be able to?
@Neil I theorize in 200 years from now your statement will still be as useless :P
@GNi33 o/
man now I feel like I need a new gravatar as well.
everyone else has one and i'm the loner kid sitting in the corner eating paste.
I do need a new Gravatar
thank you all for listening, thing is that i have correct the timeout and cleartimeout, but for some reason, (at this point almost sure some weird function) is not working as expected
@Abhishek Have you added rlemon on Facebook?
@AmaanCheval yes
@AmaanCheval to get it consult a mirror
I'm on facebook?!
@rlemon i think i have u added
@Abhishek I don't think so
Because he isn't a mutual friend when I see your profile
Nice picture, @rlemon
hahahah I forgot about this one
grade 8 camp
if thats him i have him
You have the face of many logos.
Yeah, not one picture of me online
@AmaanCheval sent a freq
Yeah, accepted
I was looking at the wrong profile
thats a honey pot (x
Ive got lots of pics of me
but only a few I like
<- i like my gravtar
recent ones I look friggin awkward as hell
hey its on wiki :D
I think I found my new gravatar
well... it's a toss up
haha idk man
2nd one fits with halloween soon
@rlemon That's an odd smile if you pay attention to it
this one maybe?
Let's wait to see what @dievardump says :P
ohh man it's been so long since i've browsed my own pics on fb
@rlemon use the one u have as profile picture on fakebook
** facebook [intentional typo]
the MJ one :P
Im not even your friend on FB dude.
also just came across a reddit post of yours
lol you are karma whoring it up :P
I'm not active on FB but I am on reddit.
what post :P
I was going to put some dick remark like "welcome to 2 years ago"
but then I was like oh shit its @rlemon Ill give him an upvote!
^ was that post
lol yea
for some reason I always act like a dick on reddit
then I read through my comments and feel bad
@rlemon Equally true
@Loktar You were nice to me :p
@Loktar I luled at this comment chain
yeah Im nice to people I know :P
but yea, all can feel free to add me to fb
I plan on attempting to clean it up one of these days
remove all the junk and organize my stuffs
until then I likely won't be on it much
@AmaanCheval I already saw these pictures
s/much/at all/
@dievardump creeping my FB?
Even if I visit Facebook, I rarely post
@rlemon No you already show them here.
I get on at least once/twice a day now
effing FB.
I dont want to be a pain in the ass but sorry, im uruguayan; find below the structure of the function, any strange position or something you may see, tks in advance
function adjust() {
clearInterval(int2);//tried putting this line inside the function, outside, etc, nothing works
var Orientation = window.orientation;
setTimeout(function() {
if(agOrientation == 0 || agOrientation == 180 || agWindowWidth < agWindowHeight) {
$('#cont').fadeIn(500, function(){
$('#im1').fadeIn(500, function(){
$('#im2').fadeIn(500, function(){
I never go on my facebook account.
@SantiagoRebella, code without any indentation is unreadable.
i know
use the "fixed font" button in chat when posting code.
function adjust() {
    clearInterval(int2); //tried putting this line inside the function, outside, etc, nothing works
    var Orientation = window.orientation;
    setTimeout(function () {
        if (agOrientation == 0 || agOrientation == 180 || agWindowWidth < agWindowHeight) {
            $('#cont').fadeIn(500, function () {
                $('#im1').fadeIn(500, function () {
                    $('#im2').fadeIn(500, function () {
                        $('#im3').fadeIn(500, function () {
'morning JS folks
So, on the off chance a woman actually enters this chat room, can we maybe get a new topic?
@rlemon Now I want to go and see, tssss
@RyanKinal 'morning dude
Playlist for the day
I am going to write in my college about asynchronous programming / node.js
what should i write about ?
to me node.js feels good since i can use javascript but then i will have to hopefully introduce javascript aswell , on the other hand i can write about asynchronous programming with C / JS code
any suggestions
@dievardump so go and see :P
I have no shame and nothing to hide
But I don't want to go on FB ^^
ARE YOU USING CHROME CANARY (23/09/2012) ON A MAC WITH "Web Audio Input" ENABLED IN chrome://flags?
@FlorianMargaine it wont support my linux build
@Loktar maybe I can crop myself out of this one.
Frodo Lemon
lol thats a good one
the more I see rlemon, the more I want to break free
Holy Crap i'm young sorry guys... haven't crept my own fb in a few years. forgot about most of these
anyone else do that? give up on fb only to return years later and forget all this shit you had on there?
I only have FB since 6 months... so no
@dievardump Good shit
@rlemon yes
@Abhishek only difference is I was your age or older for most of these pics
@RyanKinal I'm fond of this guy. I could love him
that last one I was 17~19 ish (she was 26... and was in porn. yea that's right. I nailed a porn star)
u look young
So good music. Subtile mix between reggae and pop-rock
@rlemon ... o/
As much as porn stars are awesome, though... I think the room topic is probably a little alienating.
posted on September 24, 2012

When I spoke at From the Front I was asked what I thought was the worst case of thoughtless copy/pasting I saw going on around the web. My answer: jQuery. I feel that jQuery, even the mobile version, and in fact all current JavaScript libraries, are too heavy for mobile. I think it’s time for a re-evaluation of the libraries’ good and bad parts. I followed up in this tweet, which

@Loktar I saw this link this night on twitter, that's awesome, even if he could have done it with less css and elements.
the codepen fire one?
thats where I saw it too
this one is pretty good also
mixing border-radius and border-style: dashed
yeah I like that one too, but the colors are meh
it also killed my browser here at work
no idea
just totally locked up the tab
room topic changed to JavaScript: 42 [javascript]
ho? not how?", sorry
Humpf, does not work on my FF here
@FlorianMargaine Thank you
I named my iPod “The Titanic” so whenever i sync it reads “The Titanic is Syncing”
why for the love of god does stuff like that make me laugh so bad?
@rlemon lol
LOL best way to end a bad nerd date: Sex with you is about as responsive and interactive as a HTML page.
> I named my memory stick ‘Alaska’, so whenever I lose it, I’ll be ‘Looking For Alaska’.
> I named my hard drive “dat ass” so that once a month my computer asks me if I want to back dat ass up.
> I’m sorry, our software is perfect. The problem must be you.
^ could replace software with hardware and it would still be funny/relevant
Last week: Pointed out critical security flaws
This week: Tasked with fixing them

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