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lol all that and this is what I came up with
document.frames[document.frames.length-1].getElementsByTagName('body')[0].onload = functionHandler; // would this actually work? now i'm just trying to think of hard to maintain code.
Are you still going on about the issue that I already fixed, rlemon? lol
man.. too many css animations kill the browser
@dievardump sorry man
and my hour is up on the project
omg this one is cool
yeah some weird random shuffling going on

add prefixfree.js
1 minute.
That is so cool, @Loktar
thanks, wish it were faster
@dievardump will that work for keyframes too?
Cant you just increase the multiplier to i?
if I think about it I will tomorrow, I actually have to leave for a hair cut
@Nexion what do you mean?
like i*something
it seems to slowdown no matter what i is set to
I think its just because 52 or so elements are being animated individually
Hmmm, I woulda thought that would make it faster
but I could be wrong
oh no I mean performance wise its slow
well on this crap work laptop im on
alright haircut time see you all tomorrow
@Loktar you have to add the card.Style difference, but yes.
@Loktar I'll be older and more mature by then, I'm not sure I can associate myself with the people in this room anymore..
lol, at least the age difference between you and I wont change
wouldn't have either way
Hey guys, I seem to have forgotten the name of an inbuilt function in JavaScript. it does the same as parseInt but is stronger and checks for strings such as "342sd". Any ideas?
unless I was travelling at a speed greater than yours (or vica versa) enough to augment time passing relative to me (or you, however it may be) - the difference in our ages will never be any different.
!!> parseInt("342sd");
@rlemon Damn I knew it was something simple, thanks
That's exactly my point rlemon
Ooooooh wait a sec
Science and things and math. I wasn't thinking
My favourite physics.se question was "if you could travel faster than light, and had a telescope capable to see earth from great distances, could you theoretically view yourself being born"
Q: If you view the Earth from far enough away can you observe its past?

John IsaacksFrom my understanding of light, you are always looking into the past based on how much time it takes the light to reach you from what you are observing. For example when you see a star burn out, if the star was 5 light years away then the star actually burnt out 5 years ago. So I am 27 years ol...

Yes and no
yes and yes
You would see the light being reflected off of the earth, which traveled said distance, which in theory could present the past
I could see myself being born is the question and yes is the answer :P
you're seeing the past. Not living it. you cannot change it. but you can observe it
OH: "Once you start the JVM, you've already lost"
assuming you were born outside, on a clear day, and the earth was positioned just so that there were no other heavenly bodies obstructing your view from ~27 lightyears away, and you happened to have the capacity to absorb all the light from the earth and view it in such detail you could zoom in on yourself........... yes you can view yourself being born
That's a lot of fucking if's lol
Science is awesome, I hope they write a book about it one day.
About science?
I'm not sure why that would happen, since books will become a lost medium.
Well, at least, paper books
I guess you could write an e-book about it
@palmic at 32px resolution your gravatar looks like a ninja turtle. +1.
@RyanKinal well when they become lost i'll have to travel 1 lightyear away so I can look back and read it then.
With a really good telescope
telescope wouldn't work.
you would need a MASSIVE photon collector
Was speaking lamens terms
or one of the wands from Harry Potter. Those shits are wicked.
But hey man, science gives me a LARGE HADRON
really? science just gives me a few bosons
Ah so THAT's how you get it up, you simply create more mass?
well that is just speculation. I say to you: Prove it!
I like W, not a big fan of Z (I don't like being called weak)
I'll prove it once i figure out this god forsaken login issue
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to initiate a navigation change for frame with URL data:text/html, from frame with URL thelearningodyssey.com.
Would help if I understood why thats happening
One Word: TARDIS. game overrlemon 13 secs ago
and now I officially have trolled Physics.SE
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey?
@Nexion that error message couldn't be any more semantic.
are you doing document.frames.CLOMain.window.location.href = foobar; ??? or document.frames.CLOMain.src = foobar
Pretty sure somebody already linked this, but...
In computing, the same origin policy is an important security concept for a number of browser-side programming languages, such as JavaScript. The policy permits scripts running on pages originating from the same site to access each other's methods and properties with no specific restrictions, but prevents access to most methods and properties across pages on different sites. This mechanism bears a particular significance for modern web applications that extensively depend on HTTP cookies to maintain authenticated user sessions, as servers act based on the HTTP cookie information to revea...
Just for something different: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/…
French kiss partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I'm just trying to friggin login
I dont know what their javascript for their login actually is
sounds to me like they want you to "magically" hack some website you don't control into a mobile app.
well this won't work.
they need to remove their heads from their anuses and smarten the fuck up
@dievardump That's pretty sweet
Why is this site written so poorly
Which one ?
line 43: you'll understand...
can't test google.
Fuck it, im chalking that issue up to the site being written poorly and nothing i can do about it
At least I got that god damn logout button working
▄︻┻═┳ - - - - - - - - - - -
/* ASCII gun */
Gorram website...
@rlemon If I was developer on this website, I would go on a co-worker PC and add a google-analytics script on the main template.
pingdom or google or microsoft.
I'm confused.
" Your website is slower than 76% of all tested websites "
Need hot dog
and french fries
time to go home
(You know we can see you message history ?)
@Greg that was mildly entertaining. thankyou.
@dievardump no you can't
I can
I see everything
Everything ?
I love JavaScript but I just came back from a meeting lecture about how amazing Node is and how we should be using it yawn
oh boy, now i get to replace 10 broken laptop screens >.>
poor guy
The amount of times this guy said "non-blocking", I was really finding it difficult not to asynchronously slit my own wrists
non-blocking is what threaded languages have been doing for decades
why is it suddenly something new and hip?
posted on September 04, 2012 by Victor Rodriguez

Curiosity’s Laser Leaves Its Mark New DNA analysis shows ancient humans interbred with Denisovans From the Annals of the Impossible (Experimental Physics) : Wavewatching A DDR3+Flash DIMM: Enough To Revolutionize IT? Tell it to your Teddy Bear « Talk About Quality Epic Linux Community Song Featuring Linus Torvalds

I had a question related to HTML designing. Can I ask in this chat room?
HTML coding
go ahead
@Greg not quite. threads just block to the side. :)
have another thing that needs doing, that can block? need another thread.
real async sidesteps all of that
far as your code's concerned, there's one thread. you don't block the main thread, and you have hardly any of the ugly issues that make threads a pain
@Nexion Sounds like your job sucks dude. are you by chance.... a co-op?
Anyone familiar with git? please visit stackoverflow.com/q/12271962/978733
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cross domain iframe parent access w/ js ? doable?
i am aware of cross domain issues
Q: cross domain access in iframe from child to parent

roshanhow do we access parent document from a document loaded inside an iframe when the page loaded inside iframe is from another domain ? I am getting a permission denied error. Thanks in advance for the help.

Q: <iframe> javascript access parent DOM across domains?

aaaidanI control the content of an iframe which is embedded in a page from another domain. Is there any way for javascript in my iframe to make changes to the parent's DOM? For example, I would like to have my iframed script add a bunch of html elements to the parent DOM. This seems like a pretty tall...

similar ....
Q: Cross Domain URL Access from Iframe using Javascript

Sri KumarI need to access the Parent Domain URL from my Iframe which is in another domain. For example: example.com is my website which is in Iframe of another parent(google.com) domain. Here i need to access the parent domain URL in my example.com. i.e I need to get the URL google.com in m...

those were top four links (for me) from google search "cross domain iframe parent access"
last one was meh stackoverflow.com/questions/5092973/… long stretch you might be doing this
to sum them up; short answer: no, long answer: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
however depending on what you are trying to do there may be alternatives.

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