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if you were to make a simple live chat room in JS ... would you use push/pull or web sockets? (lets say total users is no more than 50 people)
well, better comet-like solution
whats that
we use it on pravo.ru
well this support all browsers who have ajax
i must admit im not totally advanced in JS i can use set intervals and know how to request a php file and update divs etc
thats about it tho :P
comet is push tech
Comet is a web application model in which a long-held HTTP request allows a web server to push data to a browser, without the browser explicitly requesting it. Comet is an umbrella term, encompassing multiple techniques for achieving this interaction. All these methods rely on features included by default in browsers, such as JavaScript, rather than on non-default plugins. The Comet approach differs from the original model of the web, in which a browser requests a complete web page at a time. The use of Comet techniques in web development predates the use of the word Comet as a neologism f...
push better than pull ?
as i understand - simple ajax is pull
would pull be sufficient tho if 50 users is all that uses my chat ?
but push - it's when server send data
im trying to make a basic one for bunch of friends to chat live whilst we play a online game
and don't want to spend weeks on it :P
so just need to find simple without it lagging the server
well, if each user should send request 1 time per 10 secs - then your server will process 5 requests per second.. seems not a lot
so you can use ajax
well thats 5 users :P not 50
oh wait i read that wrong
how many requests per seconds can most servers handle these days
well, i think it's easy query, when data you can store in memory (memcache)
so.. 100 queries per second server can process
so just request it - return say the last X rows and json encode return it and then js can output it
ok cool :)
will give it a try
your ajax should send last row id ;)
it hase
ah so just add the "newest" oens
true thatll save data
well, server get last id of row and send all rows (but limit eg 10) that have id less
oh true
do you know how to limit selected rows to the last 10
cos limit 10 gets them in backwards order =/
well, what server you have ?
linux i use pdo sql
like if i get ID DESC limit 10.

The top message is "newest"
yes, so, you should add memcache and not use sql
i want it so the newest chat message is at the bottom
oh damn ill have to read up on memcache
so, simple put in memcache array with latest 10 rows
@ThiefMaster Yes...I saw that...but was turned away from it b/c of the lack of documentation. I really didn't find any docs/user manuals...
Do you know where I can find docs?
@Ivan you here ?
anyone here
how business
how do i loop this
[{"eventtime":"0000-00-00 00:00:00","message":"testttt","bywho":"dave","id":"1"}]
well how you try?
i did this
		result = call_data('get_chat.php');

		for(var data in result){


data[0] just shows random number
instead of alert(data[0]); use colsole.log (data);
data no matter
first - value of id
so data holds id of 0
of the " result" i mean
really? ,"id":"1"
aka array position
console.log (data);
when looped shows 1 2 3 4 5 etc up to 84 =/
so result[data]["id"] ?
would that be how i loop the data?
well, did you get smth?
result[data]["id"] ?
well, so
one remark
i just get letters
oh wait
85 undefined
85 times it looped =/
i dunno whats going on
well, you get text
may be should eval() it
how do i grab the data =/
before for()
just use jquery
it's so easy
library is too heavy for sumin this basic
all use it
there are already ajax
with success function where you can itarate javascript data from server
but not text
just cos everyone uses it doesn't mean everyone should :P
i like to know how to do it without library doing it for me
well, how you ask server, show it
function call_data(url,data)
  if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
    AJAX=new XMLHttpRequest();
  } else {
    AJAX=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  if (AJAX) {
  querystring = "?dta="+data;
     AJAX.open("GET", url + querystring, false);
     return AJAX.responseText;
  } else {
     return false;
all the ajax stuff works
and i have the data returned and assigned
just dunno how to loop the data correctly
as i said you get text
so, it's now JS
to be JS this text should go thouht eval() function
isnt json_encode already encoded for js ?
return eval(AJAX.responseText)
ive never had to eval the code before :S
equally if console.log shows that data
then try to iterate with console.log (data) SIC
it should already be done
no it show JS object now
console.log (data) just gives me numbers from 0 to 166
so try iterate with console.log (data)
really, it's strange )
show piece of code with call_data func
and iteration
//Browser Support Code
function call_data(url,data)
  if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
    AJAX=new XMLHttpRequest();
  } else {
    AJAX=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  if (AJAX) {
  querystring = "?dta="+data;
     AJAX.open("GET", url + querystring, false);
     return AJAX.responseText;
  } else {
     return false;

function loadchat(){

		document.getElementById("chatbox").style.height ='250px';

		result = call_data('get_chat.php');
thats the entire thing
SIC i wrote return eval(AJAX.responseText)
try <script>
//Browser Support Code
function call_data(url,data)
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
AJAX=new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
AJAX=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (AJAX) {
querystring = "?dta="+data;
AJAX.open("GET", url + querystring, false);
return eval(AJAX.responseText);
} else {
return false;

function loadchat(){

document.getElementById("chatbox").style.height ='250px';

result = call_data('get_chat.php');

for(var data in result){
yay its working :D
@Ivan: Don't use eval to parse JSON!
yes agree
but here simple application
Not an excuse :) But actually, in a "simple application" that might be just for yourself: Use JSON.parse() without any additional stuff
Every modern browser supports it natively.
@ThiefMaster did u use jquerymobile.com for desktop applications?
Or just be lazy and drop in jquery
want to implement it in desktop web app
in backend
wheres the best place to put my set interval call :S
don't use intervals at all... use setTimeout()
That depends on the use case.
what im lost with tho is do i put it in the same function that loads the chat messages
Umm, you better don't use polling for chat-style applications..
there are websockets for this purpose; or workarounds like long-polling if you cannot use them
the chat is only for a few users its not worth me doing much else
Well, you are probably faster writing a chat using nodejs+socket.io than anything else + polling
not if i never used nodejs n sockets before lol
its not worth learning it for a quick chat between me n mates to use
heh, then use IRC
i want to use sumin related to the website
but seriously, it's simply javascript - just without the crap you have to care about when targeting browsers
time out should be sufficient for 50 people
yeh that looks alien to me i wouldnt know where to start to get it linked to my db and push it to client
function checker(id){
	result = parseInt(call_data('check_chat.php',id));
	} else {
	setTimeout(function() { checker(id); }, 3000);
this seems to go much too fast for setTimeout
are you seriously using synchronous xhr calls?
don't do that... use callbacks instead!
and make your check_chat.php return the new messages instead of doing another request to fetch them
dunno what u mean im new to doing this kinda thing
who know corporate css style library ?
What is that shit ?
@Dave AJAX means asynchroneus. Read about Ajax and tutorials.
You'll understand what a callback means
well i was using this:
If you don't after some read, juste think about not doing that chat.
function call_data(url,data)
  if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
    AJAX=new XMLHttpRequest();
  } else {
    AJAX=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  if (AJAX) {
  querystring = "?dta="+data;
     AJAX.open("GET", url + querystring, false);
     return AJAX.responseText;
  } else {
     return false;
You have to check the state, not returning the responseText
i can only find jquery examples and i don't want to use a library
You send and you ewait for the result, is it hard to understand that you try to return something that was not already filled by a response that did not happend ?
jquery example for ajax ?
jquery examples for sending requests etc
"mdn ajax" on google
just try to be clever while you search
"vanilla ajax"
"mdn ajax"
"library free ajax"
i dont have time to learn the better style right now
my approach should be sufficient
If you don't have time, use an effing non efficient library
no cos then i have to learn how to write them based on the library by reading documents
i want to finish in the next half hour
plus ive never used a library i dont like them
You want to finish what in the next half hour ?
my live chat
And you think you'll do it without being able to understand ajax ?
well its working lol..
ive made one before like this
Ok, so go ahead.
i can show u how i did it if u want
No i don't really want to.
You said yourself the code should be sufficient without understanding anything about Ajax
So your code is probably crappy as hell
And everything I'll want to do is correct it, if I see it
well i dunno how it works if im not used to understanding ajax
But I don't want to want that
It's why I tell you to read about it.
as soon as i learn it some one will say "whats this shit?" use sockets.
i dont see any thing wrong with my method =/
doesn't lag
Nop. This chat use ajax pulling I think
@Dave crappy code, probably unsafe, will crash if server take more than 3 seconds to respond ?
more details maybe ?
well the last part might be an issue
i doubt my mates would hack it
Maybe that's why Ajax is constructed with the word ASYNCHRONEUS.
To not do things the way you did.
well when i searched how to request to the server the function i use was what i got
It's not used anymore since maybe 10 years. I'm not sure you really searched correctly.
responseText is never used outside of the callback response
text/ XML Etc...
so is the new function like 10 times as long with checks n what not
no check.
It just wait the server answer to talk to you
It's like calling someone on the phone
but then how does the server call it =/
You don't speak before the person answer4
It's done to work act like that
given js is client side id have to learn sumin in php aswell then ?
You do an ajax call you wait for the server to respond ( the XMLHttpRequest will "tell you" when it happen) then you act with the data
That's it.
Nothing complicated
so im doing that already minus not waiting for the response ?
Just "waiting for the correspondant to answer before acting according to their response"
just re-calling every 3 seconds
Doing it wrong, yes.
so i just need to edit my call_data function
Your method is what was done before ajax with hidden iframes
I don't know. read the tutorials and you'll know.
Oh I just met you
But this is craaaaazy
But read [this article](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/AJAX)
And come back maybe
lol okay ill bookmark it :)
1 hour later…
@FlorianMargaine Make a PR. Add a --silent flag so it doesn't log. Add a bunch of config flags so it can be customized.
@FlorianMargaine --watch is known to be buggy. It's not good enough for me.
Random Discovery : The best cleaner for sink [ the bathroom sink not sink.js ] is expired shampoo
@ShyamK o/
@Abhishek can you help me in solving the javascript?
@Ritesh i am busy programming in objective C
@Abhishesk K sorry for disturbing you
its okay , and sorry i wont be able to help
Can any one solve my javascript problem?
@Abhishek hey bro.. how are ya?
haven't seen florian for some days now.. he down with something? or am I just not visiting the room so much?
@ShyamK yu are not visitng the room that much
and i am fine just getting frustrated by college / so business as usual lol
@Abhishek I usually visit the room during the morning (IST).. he's here around the afternoon (IST again)
@ShyamK he probably started a new job
when u are here
@Abhishek ya most prob.. so not shifted yet (presuming from the frustration)
@Abhishek 1st sept. Have you finished?
@Raynos it was 1st oct **
if u mean the game
we increased the timeline [ all of us for all were doing it as side job ]
+ i am hell busy binding ffmpeg :=D
why do you bind ffmpeg
Guys need help..
Q: How to use string.split( ) for the following string in javascript

CdeezI have the following string: (17.591257793993833, 78.88544082641602) in Javascript How do I use split() for the above string so that I can get the numbers separately. This is what I have tried (I know its wrong) var location= "(17.591257793993833, 78.88544082641602)"; var sep= location.split("...

I've got the solutions
but the problem isn't solved
please see the comments of WTK's answer
Q: Fetch particular field from moodialog and pass value to parent screen

Harsimran SinghI used MooDialog.iframe and onClose i need some values. But not able to fetch values from that iFrame and want to use in the page i opened this frame in popup. The function/code i used for popup is below: function popup_window() { var hostname = location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname ...

Can anyone help me with the mootools dialog box.
@GNi33 \o
I got it working :D
omg i am so happy and i know it 8-)
~1% increased cpu usage at all 4cores when my code runs EHOOOOOOO
HI can anyone tell me how to give class or css on input tag attribute value
:-) me happy me happy!
@SACHIN ???????
i didnt quite understood your question ?
// if you wanna prefer explaining it in hindi you can do so :-)
chekc this
okay ?
do you want to style the input tag depending on the input ?
well you have :valid pseudo selector in CSS & HTML5 validation API which allows you to do it
agar aap mozilla may input tag ko left arrow say aage kro
:-/ makes no sense
brb lunch
and ie may left arrow say aaage kro to padding-left nhe chal rheee
@SACHIN IE me problem jayegi hi jayegi
but how to resolve :-P
any hack or smothing
I am on a linux :-/
but ..
Q: jQuery: add classes according to image proportions

user1645438Hello, I am trying to add classes to each image depending to its proportions (landscape/portrait/square). This code works in JSfiddle but not on the website (locally or on server): $(document).ready(function() { $('img').addClass('wide'); $.each($('img'), function() { var im...

@GNi33 , wanna help ?
he is trying to get padding-left working
in IE 8
in an input element
padding left on what?
did u open my fiddle ?
what's the problem with ie?
ie8 should be able to handle this without problems
check image
have a look on textfield
can you explain the styling a little? are the graphics in some background-image?
yes its bg image
well, crap, i switched to mac yesterday, so i don't have an IE at hand right now. but this seems weird, this should work without problems really
there have been problems with ie7 and text-inputs with background-images, but when it comes to the padding, every browser should handle this just fine
bt its only ie problem
my problem in all ie
it's most of the time just ie-only problems ;)
have you tried wrapping a div around it?
i was planning to do this
div with padding, fixed width and the background image and the input-field inside
cuts out the ie7 - bug too
Pls any one can help me to solve the javascript problem?
I have done the canvas 2d rope in html5.But i need the touch event and mouse click event for it.Pls anyone can help me?
you need to test wether a touch or a click is happening on the canvas, amiright?
@Gni33 this is my code paste2.org/p/2188785
anyone knows how to use .toggle() inside .on() of jquery???
you're not expecting me to dig through 10k lines of code right now, are you?
@Gni33 i am having doubt in 9783 line code
var isTouch = !!('ontouchstart' in window);
var clickEvent = isTouch ? 'touchstart' : 'click';

$('#canvas').on(clickEvent, function(e){
using jQuery for smaller snippet here, but i think you get the idea. But i'm not sure if that was what you were asking for
@CodeJack where's the problem?
oh, you got jQuery unminified in your code, that's why it's so horribly long :D
@Gni33 ya
my video fullscreen not working in ie browser only
sometimes, this chat-room makes me sad :(
@GNi33 o/ u art not alone my friend
Anybody using fedora ?
@GNi33 jsfiddle.net/Lwv9U/1 please chk this
i have a few divs here
InsideTest div should disable as we click Test div
so i used toggle
InsideTest only?
so i added a class disabled
when i click test again , it should get enabled
with your code, everything gets the class disabled
$('.h2h:not(.disabled)') is working wen i run thgh console
insideTest isn't "inside" anything
ok..parent() is not required
my bad
@GNi33 :D :D
i am so happy
i can dance and run around here and there :D
hehe, why?
my work module worked
20x better then before (XD)
congrats ;)
before we had 40% increased system load with 14 instances of module . i am handling 14 without a single % of increase (XD)
:3 , i am soo happy :D :D
sambro.is-super-awesome.com/2011/03/03/… @FlorianMargaine , @ThiefMaster this worth reading
aah, i can't stop listening to that one song...
which song ?
August Burns Red - Cutting the Ties

it's crazy, i'm constantly listening to it since 3 hours or so
for past 20 mins i am listening to this one , try it :D
@FlorianMargaine o/
woorank.com just made me smile... again :D
Is it permitted to post links to StackOverflow questions here? :)
the chat even parses the link and makes it nicey-nice for you ;)
Ah great, I was wondering if anybody could help with a simple JavaScript question where HTML elements are controlled by a function name generated by geo IP.
Q: Controlling HTML elements dependent on geo IP

AudityWe have a mobile web page here which will be available in different countries and within each country we need the ability to change the following based on the visitor's IP: div#container to have a different backround image div#buttons to be hidden and div#buttons-2 to be shown Using JavaScrip...

Wowoweewaaaa! Kinky!
@FlorianMargaine o/ ?
hes up ? lol
@rlemon wakey wakey :3
Is it just me or is the accepted answer to this question complete rubbish?
A: scrollTop() and then div fixed

barlasapaydinTry this: Here is working jsFiddle $(document).ready(function() { $(window).scroll(function() { var scrollVal = $(this).scrollTop(); if ( scrollVal > 150) { $('#subnav').css({'position':'fixed','top' :'0px'}); } else { $('#subnav').css({'posi...

he asserts that moving the expression in the if clause into a variable somehow fixed the code.
@Abhishek Are you free now.Can i ask the doubt with you?
still coding bro
K bro thanks

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