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yeah this shit was very simple in 7th grade rofl
to parse my javascript?
10 years later...
I just put the scripts before the closing body tag
@Esailija totally <<
@Esailija 17th grade!
must be fun times B-)
17th? wtf
we have 1-6 and 7-9 :<
I had like 18/20 average in maths back in middle school (20 is the max, 0 is the lowest)
and we have 1-12
where do you live
in high school... well this went down to 14/20
los angeles, CA
oh I see
what was the last math you took ?
hey purmou this what im trying to do: "By minimizing the amount of JavaScript needed to render the page, and deferring parsing of unneeded JavaScript until it needs to be executed, you can reduce the initial load time of your page."
differrential a few years ago
well you can wrap stuff in functions and run them when necessary
but if you just need things to change on page load
rainbow parentheses in vim is fun...
math...omg me and you are from different planets xD
then you need to wrap it in a DOM ready function
thanks alot purmou
heyyy whats with the ahh??
@rlemon sent me a nudge
silly bastard
lol wtf?
idunno, lol
@rlemon Nudge registered.
@rlemon Nudge registered.
you silly silly boys.
@Zirak can you remove the nudge through the debugger? ^^
he shouldn't, though
@rlemon Nudge registered.
@rlemon Nudge registered.
@rlemon Hey, help me out with something.
the one who starred this ^ should feel ashamed for using stars.
@rlemon Hey, help me out with something.
well, i need sleep
good luck with all your projects, guys :)
Hey guys
Someone knows a way to create an ImageData ?
From a CanvasPixelArray ?
@FlorianMargaine Compare method for arrays:

Array.prototype.compare = function(arrToCompare){
var arr = arrToCompare.slice(0),
i = arr.length;
while(i--){ if(arr.pop()!==this[i]){ arr.unshift(i); } }
return arr;
imageData.data is readonly
@Esailija sorry was getting beer. now i'll brb need the other half of that shit show
I just made css while drunk
@dievardump ask @rlemon
A: Masonry-style layout ONLY with CSS

EsailijaWith css3 support you could do this: http://jsfiddle.net/huAxS/2/ .container { -moz-column-count: 2; -moz-column-gap: 10px; -webkit-column-count: 2; -webkit-column-gap: 10px; column-count: 2; column-gap: 10px; width: 360px; } .container div { display: inline-blo...

it's what he's doing with lememe
ah yes
Hum no
He does a toDataUrl
I have a canvas. I make a getImageData on it. Then I take the data, modify them. And I want to recreate an ImageDate with this modified data.
I'm afraid I won't find a solution.
wai what
@dievardump can't you reuse drawImage?
you mean like setImageData back
drawImage need an image object. setImageData need an ImageData object.
I modified an CanvasPixelArray object, wich is the data containing in an ImageData Object
pitImageData is the setImageData
There is no setImageData I think
getImageData returns ImageData, putImageData takes ImageData? no?
game engine done
interface ImageData {
  readonly attribute unsigned long width;
  readonly attribute unsigned long height;
  readonly attribute Uint8ClampedArray data;
I modified data and want to recreate an ImageData from data.
no idea why this doesnt work in JSfiddle but anyone has an idea how I can actually add a "translate to german" href after the user clicks on translate to english? jsfiddle.net/hjs3L/2
I wonder if you can use .createImageData
Holy shit I step out for 10 minutes...
createImageData, according to mdn, take a size OR an ImageData object
they just .getImageData, modify it, and then .putImageData the same imagedata object
and it removes the red eye
not bad!
Bought one of these for the girlfriend http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/e6cc/?srp=4 and it came in broken. So I called and bitched and they sent me a new one, but because of duty and shipping and shit they said keep the old one.

Popped it open, just a bad solder connection... fixed it! Now I have two for the price of one!
haha cool
hey @rlemon you're soon at 6k
yes sir I am
@Esailija Thanks. you can not do a ImageData.data = newData; but you can ImageData.data[x] = 0
That's weird. but enough.
this shoiild help you remove thos red eyes
@FlorianMargaine I wont lie.. I was hoping it would be more difficult than that... I wanted to use some of my eng-fu
ok finally got the code to work in jfiddle. jsfiddle.net/hjs3L/4 rlemon do you have an idea how to replace "english translation" with "german translation" after the user has clicked?
@FlorianMargaine I can't remove individual nudges, but I can disable that command entirely
@Zirak really? you can't open the debugger and change the variable? (or whatever it is)
It's inside a closure
add a breakpoint
meh, but it's a worthy bug/feature.
Words of Wisdom: Links <a> take you places... Buttons <button> do things. Don't let your links take the actions away from your buttons. use semantic HTML
@rlemon but I have no idea how to like give the user the option to translate back to the original language :(
oh ok I wanted to add button but I thought links would be enough
thanks for that advice, I will follow it
watch some more js vids and you can improve on that
gives you a starting block
and wont work in older IE
tip: setAttribute
Oh I just check for IE8 compatibility every now and then. Is that ok?
because I heared internet explorer 8 is still used alot
@rlemon event delegation > event on each element :p
there are a few "mistakes" in there
rlemon is there any javascript book you recommend?
why do you use forEach and then check for innerText? :x
Javascript: The good parts
Javascript: The definitive guide (6th ed)
im really a starter so I have no idea whats suitable for me and im also not very talented in math
so i dont think I can go very far in javascript
don't worry, you'll never use math unless you make games
@FlorianMargaine because I set him up to learn. He's not jumping on the Jquery train and wants to learn... I give him some seemingly working code and let him correct the few mistakes in it as he tests for browsers and performance and then he'll learn and not have just copy pasted and did some sanity checks.
but im willing to read the basics and intermediate scripting if there is a good book
okay :)
@Demorus the good parts is a good book about js in general
@Demorus don't let the condescending title of this next link fool you - these are all gold.

Learn Javascript Videos

Apr 27 at 15:10, 1 minute total – 7 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked Apr 27 at 15:13 by rlemon

is the definitive guide good about the DOM? never read it
If anyone's good with Genesis songs, can you remember the name of their song (I think the album was around Foxtrot times) which starts with a classical-piano style?
the definitive guide is ~1000 pages... it covers pretty much everything
live verdict about apple vs samsung patent stuff
Genesis - Firth of Fifth
do I have to be a math genius?
5th edition sucked ass though. They hardly updated anything.
For each of the following products did Samsung (SEC, SEA, STA) infringe claim 19 of /301 patent
Found it - Firth of Fifth from Selling England
Answer for all devices is YES
@rlemon ha, thanks anyway
You a genesis fan?
the google-fu is strong with me
it's a good song
Apple wins against Samsung :|
anyone here use AWS?
I have an account but their friggin admin panel is so effing confusing
oh well
off to bed
g'night everyone
have a nice week end, I don't think I'll be there
@FlorianMargaine yo
one quick question
modern day js, how do I do sound?
good enough?
It's sad what happened to Genesis. Saying that they turned gay would be an insult to homosexuals everywhere. Their early works are simply magnificent, and later on...they just suck. It's like with Led Zeppelin. A streak of awesomeness, and then straight down to suck-land.
eh, Metallica were never really good. Sure, they were better, but not several dimensions better.
Compare "Houses of the Holy" to "Physical Graffiti". It's like they really changed.
I was a Pantera Slayer Mega Death Metallica White Zombie Mushroom head kinda guy.
so Metallica doing Battery vs anything from Garage inc. is just horse shit
@Zirak yo how do I do audio with js??
How do you do? Nope
If you mean outside basic <audio> usage, then I'm at a blank
well how do I control it. say I embed a tag for a single noise, how do I play it and stop playing it
mdn only shows the moz-prefix ways and the audio apis specific to moz
maybe i'm a bit drunk and not understanding anymore :/ possible possible.
Well, the audio element has play and pause
jsfiddle.net/hjs3L/16 now I got two buttons. Trying to make the same button translate as well. God after this I will close myself in a dark room for a month reading javascript books
There's no load event
it doesn't works jsfiddle.net/VmC6B/4
I love the html audio tags
ok it does
if I call .play from console
listen, all I wanna do is add audio to SIMON
not for me
It's https, not http
ok rlemon I purchased the book you recommended
javascript: the good parts
The Good Parts?
good, you wont regret it
yep, im really upset how bad my javascript skills are thats why
like... cry at night upset? or just... mildly upset? because dude..
eventhough im a composer I really want to conquer the basics of this programming language. No no, mildly upset
ok just making sure :P
hey im not crying xD
no sound :/
use audiomanager 2 with html5
it should work without a problem at all and even has flash fallback
Gimme some sample sounds and I can show you an example
i think i got it
you know what would be cool? creating a own Music sequencer application with html5
just looking for a good set of sounds
A real daw with mp3 export and piano roll
Ya i checked out the patternsketch project, really nice
but i mean something similar to cubase
I would like a HTML5 dr boss
oh yaa
I agree!
so people are already starting new projects....
really, the first person or team to create a fully operational DAW will become famious
!!/todo add "Seriously, work on Weis. She's getting lonely."
@Zirak Item(s) added.
@Zirak Item(s) added.
zirak you need to save my life again lol
@Zirak (1)Make OctoGod annoy people who say ajax instead of xhr, (2)find snuggles, (3)Fix /mdn DOM, (4)fix > code, (5)Seriously, work on Weis. She's getting lonely.
@Zirak (1)fix > code, (2)Seriously, work on Weis. She's getting lonely.
@Esailija pfft, poser.
ok hey Zirak, I got this code from rlemon, do you know how to make the button itself translate as well upon click? jsfiddle.net/hjs3L/24
then im going to sleep xD
and ill have a tough time with this javascript book...damn
here's same with jQuery jsfiddle.net/hjs3L/25
@Moon hi
does anyone know how AMD loaders work under the hood?
@Nile Hi
@Esailija the issue im having though is to make that same button text toggle aswell from "English Translation" to "Deutsche Übersetzung" :
so this way not only the main text but also the button text translates
and wow the jquery version is way shorter!
rlemon should I use your code or the jquery version fro m Esailija?
depends on if you are using jQuery or not
oh and thanks for the help. I learned many news things
I have jquery in my site which I use for other things
ok then use jQuery
the minimized version
but at least you are learning real js :p jQuery is an abstraction library.
Im actually studying the code you just gave me and im starting to understand it :)
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/jjrFE/12 did you play SIMON?
ya I did
read that code.
did you create this?
holy crap
the code is not difficult to understand
just the order xD
but i think when someone understands the basic tags and the order of things then its easy
in my case im figuring out what a node is and the temptation was really high that I nearly entered W3School
yes...w3 schools...you heared it xD
well if you look everything is it's own semantic function. read from init() on. follow the code.
really good app
Are you going to add some shadows and other effects? like glow
sound first. then make it work mobile. then maybe spice it up a bit sure
wait but this isnt html5 based?
are you going to use the audio tags?
what do you think html5 is
canvas element and other tags
otherwise im not sure, probably features some security enhancements
yes it is the next revision to the HTML spec. it includes more tags, the new ECMAScript spec introduces more APIs in js, and CSS3 gives you the new CSS experimental features
but css3 is already 2 or 3 years old or not?
I dont really know the connection between html5 and css3
but it is not official.
HTML, JS and CSS are three different things
you interact with HTML using the DOM API as implemented by the browser available to the Javascript Language.
i mean I used css3 already and pretty much every tag thats exists. You say there are still experimental tags that arent yet shown?
no, the CSS3 spec is "experimental" which is why we have browser prefixes
did you notice something though?
mozilla doesnt use prefixes
I think box shadow is one of them
and border radius. It somehow changed since the last 3 versions
some browsers are starting to implement aliases for the none-prefixed rules as well as webkit rules etc.
anyways, stargate time. later

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