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jsfiddle.net/darkyen/C99LL/1/show <- so far webkit only but have a look ladies and gentleman
click to shoot :$
click and hold to have fun
Looks good
@Abhishek That looks great!
erm thanks x-)
just a second i forgot something important init
jsfiddle.net/darkyen/C99LL/2 @Amaan now better timing
ugh i forgot it with easing -> easeInOut
should be linear , its a bullet!
@Zirak Give up
give up on ?
rlemon's problem
That's the bot talking
oh okay
aiight making the bullets more fun!
@Abhishek I don't like how the bullets follow the mouse position after they have been fired.
@rlemon they dont follow ur mouse (xD)
its a new bullet!
@Abhishek I'm getting a rather large flicker on mouse down
@RyanKinal on jsfiddle screen or on the fullscreen ?
Yeah, me too
@Abhishek I realize that, however if I click and move my mouse around they appear to be following it
@Abhishek Both
thats intresting
i seriously have no clue why !
@rlemon That's because you're changing where you're shooting now
but lets find :D
No flicker in the first one
@Amaan no you don't understand :P
Must have been what you changed
i just changed the damn easing :$
Oh, you're right, @rlemon
The bullets curve
Instead of going where they should
you guys xD
wait just a second
The bullet changes direction after it's been shot
I'm not sure they curve... I just think their tails are in the wrong direction
w/e it is it's off putting
its actually not following if u see the /3
its actually so fast that ur eyes think its following.
boink i should make the tracer frequency less
I thought it might be that
You should change the bullets to keep going
Till they cross the canvas
bleh, why can't javascript have simple printf-style formatting builtin
@Amaan i am adding map it will auto move em till they collide a wall ;-)
the mouse.x and mouse.y are just coordinates i am using atm
@Abhishek yea now I can ALMOST generate a real row...
but thanks
@rlemon No gap yet, huh?
@ThiefMaster it would be nice. but yea.
@Amaan no for each new row i'm generating a new starting row.
Have something to flip some 1s into 0s to make enough space
I need to now read the previous row and just modify it
I'm going to try making something like this later as well
@ThiefMaster is f**k without * automatically banned on the chat ?
@Amaan (1)Try rlemon's map thing, (2)Machine Learning course, (3)A* search algorithm, (4)Add health bar to game
aiight gonna add madness to this now .. cya in a century
@dievardump did you get banned again or something?
[ of minutes not years ]
@ThiefMaster I was "automatically blocked" because of this word.
wtf? Ludum Dare 24 begins in ~6 hours.
ah, before submitting it
that's possible
No after
Like 5 minutes after
O hai Ivo!
@IvoWetzel: was that your flag?
@dievardump because many people flagged it
@ThiefMaster No, just found it funny someone flagged you right away
@ThiefMaster no that was I :P I troll :P and I know you and the others will invalidate :P
@rlemon a single "f**k" ? Seriously ?
quite amazed at some of the things that get flagged...
@dievardump I got banned for posting my own gravatar
@dievardump Happened to me once too, people will find it out of context and might be just concerned about oh so evil words
People flag for nothing. We should be able to report this kind of flags.
When I post a comic against Christian, OK I can handle to be "banned"
FTR: I don't often flag. When I do there is generally reason (minus me trolling @ThiefMaster a few seconds ago :P)
@dievardump Let's just say that in the C++ room, it takes spam or outright personal insults to get flagged.
But for a simple f**k...
C++ guys are debian users
When you use Debian...
Well you can imagine
yeah, i guess the offensive flagging system could be improved a bit
@dievardump dude... look at my gravatar right now... apparently it was flagged 8 times in like 3 minutes a week or so ago when I posted it
Yes I remember rlemon
for example requiring three flags from people in the room before it's even shown as flagged to anyone
It's because you're too cute.
They think my face is offensive... or is it spam? Surly i'm not inappropriate :P
You're inappropriate in a certain way
Too cute -» make people think of things that God does not allow -» People are ashamed and don't want to DESOBEY -» they flag you
They are weak
You're inappropriate for God Laws
you follow some strange logic my friend...
But that's logic, at the end
hi all :)
brb smoke and coffee. (and maybe work... you know)
smoke :(
I miss smoking during the day
@dievardump I miss my girlfriend :( for 2 days...
Your girlfriend or ex-girlfriend ?
@dievardump don't know right now, we have argued very well...
Are you drunk ?
@dievardump no
You should.
Until you have news from her, you should be drunk
Only if you have right to drink in your Country
That's good advice. You should also trip on LSD, so that when she talks with you, you know you'll make the right decision.
@dievardump I don't like this way for getting light and easy feelings
Easy feelings ?
No no no
When you're Drunk you look at all the girls
Then you bring the cuttest that want you home
Then you wake up, and you see her
It's not easy feelings
When you remember how she was cute for you
When you were Drunk.
It's funny how finding the cutest one (that you want) and getting your way with her are in the same step.
cutest that want you*
Not the same thing.
Are you some tightly knit pack of hormones and awesomeness?
I don't like such teen stuff.... I want family, not these games between people, because such games end very sad , really.... cause at the finish there won't be a family, some result... there will be only disappointment
...how old are you?
That's funny
My first flag ?
It's very offensive
It assumes so many things, like human decency.
@SomeKittens who ?
@Zirak who ?
@Zirak human decency? :) Many people have forgot about it
@DarthNihilus He (I assume it's a he) sounds like far too many emo teens I've known
@SomeKittens emo? :))) no, that's funny ))))))
@DarthNihilus A family is a very nice concept. Problem is, people idealized it.
@DarthNihilus Dude, you came into a programming chat room and started complaining about your relationship
@SomeKittens I just want family... I'm not a teen
People idealize life. And when they don't...
@SomeKittens upper people, comparing about smoking )))) and what?
lol @rlemon
@DarthNihilus DUDE
I smoke because at one point it was cool... then it became uber uncool ... alas I was already addicted.
...and they're still backwards.
pfft, we only talk about programming 60% of the time.
@SomeKittens dude, please read history better :) and be more patient please, we are people, not robots, sometimes we could discuss something other , than programminhg :)
I never missed a girlfriend, but maybe it's because I only dated guys.
I'm referring to your egregious misuse of end parens without opening ones.
who does that )))) ?
@rlemon when did smoking became uber uncool
Not only that, you're a lisp user. You should know these things.
@rlemon I hate hotlink blockers that actually send redirects instead of just serving a different image...
@dievardump Really? Odd. All homosexual people I know found that out by dating the other gender, and figuring out all the attraction thing. I only found out for realz that I'm heterosexual by having a relationship.
@SomeKittens if( my.relationshipStatus === 301 ) { (function() { me.drink(); setTimeout(arguments.callee, me.timeToDrinkOneBeer); }()); }
If you want to speak about programming, I have read some time ago about WebSockets concept in JavaScript ( with html5 standart ), does this stuff already work well in browsers? :)
@ThiefMaster ahh yea I usually try to 'upload from web' but I forgot this time
@Zirak dating and having s*x with is different. I'm not homo. I just never dated girls.
@Zirak I was exposed to gay porn, nothing moved.. I realized I was heterosexual.
But you dated guys! I'd say that kind of makes you gay assuming you are a guy.
@rlemon Except in your back ?
@ThiefMaster I do both. But I only dated guys.
Having sex and being attracted are also two different things.
I can understand being physically attracted to both genders... but I fully am under the belief that you can only have "feelings" for one or the other. @dievardump can you ever see yourself being in love with a woman?
@ErikReppen dataset needs a proxy. You need a way to bubble up the fact that someone did elem.setAttribute("data-foo", "bar") into the dataset object.
Greeting fail. :(
@rlemon I can't see myself being in love with either type.
I use the hateful word "date" simply because that's the most convenient social word, but I actually mean "had a romantic relationship with".
huh? What are we discussing here?
@OctavianDamiean I often do this...
@OctavianDamiean What homosexuality actually is
I like the expression of the guy on the right. :P
@Amaan No I think we are just discussing the difference between love and attraction
Thought there was something more general
I'm attracted by women and love myself.
@OctavianDamiean you love yourself often? That can cause blindness I hear.
Every night mate. :D
@rlemon ...but not see
It is also supposed to cause furry palms, I have the vision of an eagle and there no fur. ;)
@SomeKittens lol i'm glad someone picked up on that :P haha

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