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@Loktar Write what?
Yeah, I want to too
Except I won't.
It'll distract me from my unit tests
@Neal why not?
You've written Tetris, right?
you think cv-pls exists?
@FlorianMargaine the ones that are used are and
I use too
other people too
and who cares?
it's not like they're written in stone :p
jshint comments are function scoped, that's nice.
I feel really bad when I see that our "UX Architect" does not seems to have read anything about UX since 10 years and that our "Designer" does not seems to know that what's fantastic with PNG is that it allows TRANSPARENCY.
@FlorianMargaine answer from the jsHint - project-leader himself. not bad :D
But because of the transcript, maybe I shouldn't say that.
this is why browserify is awesome
@GNi33 yeah :p
I cross-posted on their issue queue, that's why
just like mr.doob hanging around in a lot :)
oh, i messed up the tag :(
and also close voted on both for duplicate
I got the green tick + some upvotes on both
when they're duplicates of the same question
@GNi33 [ tag:three-js ] ->
hmm trying to figure out the best way to make the snake grow.
add one to the end? or to the beginning?
HA! thanks
you had it moving already?
@FlorianMargaine That's an infinite loop!
@Loktar to the end
well kind of
using your algorithm? and it can turn et al?
should be able to
/me hopes
I just have 1 piece currently
adding pieces when foods eaten
I like how smoothly yours moves
mine starts at length 30 or something
easier to see
@FlorianMargaine why did you put handleKey outside of the Snake ?
haha thanks
or the Game/
@dievardump because I just need to call snake.move
mines soooo sloppy :P
ok so I just grabbed an old HDD to get some files off of it. however because it is NSTF? Ubuntu shows it has X space used... but nothing on it.
anyone? anyone?
It is fubard.
two partitions the FAT partition is fine. it's the other one
@FlorianMargaine sure, why not ?
I lie wasnt 15 mins I guess
more like 30
anyway mine has no checks for walls or boundaries yet
was just testing out moving and stuff
I really like the smooth movement of yours though. Mines old school as in it moves one square each time.
@Loktar in full mode, it doesn't take key events in my FF.
I just used window.addEventListener('keydown')
Is there anything wrong with data-options="type=lazy maxHeight=auto" in HTML5? I'm not necessarily loving this approach but it seems like the most obvious for what's wanted.
@Loktar it's ok. I have to click several times. That's weird.
Is it normal that you can change your direction for the opposite one ?
@ErikReppen I generally split them up. data-type="lazy" data-max-height="auto"
(ie: going up, then down directly)
yeah lol
I didnt add any sort of collision
@rlemon in this case they'd map to an options object that's used to build UI elements. My boss basically wants a magic wand that auto-builds stuff when pointed at a form. I'm hoping <uiName>-type will be prefered over setting individual options but it's one of those things that would suck to not have in pinch. I'm also normalizing the dataset property so we can access that way, but I'd have to translate camel-cased stuff that wouldn't match the non-camel-cased.
Firebug Requested Feature : one little, tiny button, on CSS panel, that automatically add an " element.style { } " block to the CSS panel, when an element is selected.
Could be so easy...
@ErikReppen then do data-options="JSON-FORMATTED-OPTIONS"
Is it okay to just drop JSON right into an attribute like that?
@ErikReppen why normalize it. getAttribute works for retrieval and the rest you can fubb
@ErikReppen why not if it's a string
I guess I'm still mired in XML-syntax thinking.
Although I guess XML would give less of a crap than HTML in the case of a given attribute.
@dievardump also, because that doessn't clutter up the "public" api of the object
to my US friends, VDSL2 in Paris download 115Mb/s upload 64Mb/s : 24€/month...
I love this guy.
Does anyone know whats going on with Facebook event.subscribe?
Its been days, have angry clients and facebook is mum
nope :?
@Tyler what change needs to be detected. Is it something only the FB API can tell you?
Yes, the only way to know if the event is complete is if that event fires.
Its been down for almost a week and people seem to not want to talk about it.
so why would you think we would be any different.?!?!?! NOW SHOOO! NEVER SPEAK OF THIS AGAIN!
@dievardump , thats really expensive and kinda slow
I love this tags , now Neal posted a , why isn't there a too? :(
@tereško Where do you live ?
Kevin Montrose on August 21, 2012

Over the last 4 years we’ve built up quite a bevy of moderation tools here at Stack Exchange.  We’ve got closing, editing, deleting, flags of all sorts, voting, commenting, review queues, and more.

Plus our super secret mod tools.

These all work great, but they all require action after a post is made. This is a lot of work for the community, and not particularly friendly toward those posting, particularly new users. In a perfect world, we’d be able to offer specific, targetted guidance for authors whose posts were likely to be shot down, before they ever showed up on the site, and without requiring as much up-front effort from our community. …

@dievardump , Latvia
I pay 12 euro for 50MB/s because it's the slowest i can get
I didn't know you have a such good infrastructure.
Upload too ?
That's pretty sloppy to let your API stay busted for a week, but I've also seen FB CSS break in Firefox on numerous occasions.
Isn't Latvia the only one state in the Euro Community which still have really good economic results ?
well .. of course i could pay 60 euro for 500Mbit/s + unlimited landphone + all available tv channels + public wifi in capitol city
Maybe the size of the country helps
the infrastructure we have is relatively new
But that's a really good internet connection
oh , and i would have to pay +2euro for fixed IP
And have your own server(s) at home.
yeah , it would be possible
@dievardump wow...
So i just picked up my girlfriends two year anniversary gift :) I hope she likes it
what's it?
not engagement
You''ll have to be more persuasive with her
Well if it were an engagement ring it would be with much bigger stones
@FlorianMargaine wanna try ? ;)
heh, nah thanks
I could just never seem to get the 'minimalist design' argument to fly with my SOs when it comes to jewelry.
you should buy a second box with nothing but a trollface inside and then when she's there kneel in front of her and open the box!
@rlemon It has to be meaningfull, not BIG AS THE BIGGEST BIGGEST THING ever sing in the BIGGEST LAND of BIGGEST RINGS
(and then quickly get the real one while your balls are still intact)
That ring looks nice. Sadly my wife only likes things I get for her when she picks them out or her friends point out that it looks nice.
Lol well she is not ready to.marry yet, this is my attempt at easing her into it lol
Q: shorthand if return object

paul smithIs it possible to have the shorthand if return an object? Something like this: var showDimensions = true; $(div).css( showDimensions? {height:'100%', width:'100%'} : {height:0, width:0} ); Note: this is javascript, in case you were wondering.

Hi, can someone point me to a reference that explains/explain to me what this syntax is for? :
$(function () {
@dievardump github.com/Ralt/Snake/blob/gh-pages/js/Snake.js updated so that I never clear canvas, and I add the new position and clear the last one
@canisrufus Do you know jQuery ?
it is for executing the function on document.onload
@dievardump i'm starting to.
Does anyone know how to serve an IRC WebClient? are there any libraries for connecting to IRC from client-side javascript?
@canisrufus do you know $(document).ready(function() { })?
Ah, cool. So it's shorthand for jquery.ready()
That's it.
But more document.ready (DOMContentLoaded event in modern browser i think) than jQuery.ready
while(me.soulMate==her) { make(her, 'happy'); }
I'm not sure what you mean "more" document.ready
iirc document.ready waits for images to load
ahhhh frigging computers suck.
jQuery.ready does something fancy, and fires before that
and any other DOM content that was just added @canisrufus
@canisrufus nope
onload does, in theory
in practice, it's not even the case
DOMContentLoaded just waits for the HTML to be loaded in the page, that's it
@Loktar I don't think I can have more performant than that :p
I never clear the canvas ;o)
so can anyone answer my question up there ^ or is everyone stumped?
@PatrickRoberts there aren't
at least that I'm aware of
mibbit.com is a WebClient. how do they do it?
@FlorianMargaine so that's what $(function) fires on, then. DomContentLoaded.
proxy through their servers
@canisrufus if possible, yes
@dievardump i'm not sure what you mean by "more document.ready" than jQuery.ready
if possible, as in, if the browser supports it
@FlorianMargaine +1
it uses DOMContentLoaded is possible, otherwise it uses onload
    // Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event
    if (document.addEventListener) {
        // Use the handy event callback
        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false);

        // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
        window.addEventListener("load", jQuery.ready, false);

        // If IE event model is used
    } else if (document.attachEvent) {
        // ensure firing before onload,
        // maybe late but safe also for iframes
FML - my backup drive is borked :( Windows AND Ubuntu won't read from it :(
@Florian what about irc.lc do they proxy as well?
All that code ... all of those images.... all of that software.... gone
@FlorianMargaine nice :)
@PatrickRoberts totally
@Loktar yep, using an array of positions means I can just fillRect the new one and clearRect the last one
Q: Javascript inheritance

Matteo PagliazziI have a simple class inheritance in JS: var Class = function(){}; Class.extend = function(){ var Extended = function(constructor){ function extend_obj(destination, source) { for(var property in source){ if(typeof source[property] === "object" &&...

and... btw, use browserify, it's awesome
with a little script like this one, you're just good to go
@FlorianMargaine thank you, florian. that helps my understanding quite a bit.
@Florian is there a way to use Heroku with Socket.IO that ensures each client connects via a different IP address on Heroku servers?
@PatrickRoberts not if you have only one heroku ip...
@Loktar I'll start the food stuff now :p where are you at?
so you're saying basically the only solution for stackoverflow.com/questions/12080458 that is to compile and execute locally?
that hard drive also had my snake game in it :<
sad rlemon :(
@rlemon try putting the hd in a refrigerator
@PatrickRoberts just make an MSI
oh I stopped after that one link I posted
@Loktar there is a weird flinch at the tail though when you turn margaine.com/Snake
was mainly just making sure my concept worked
looks fine to me
I find it amusing you say "just" but anyways... here's another question. is there a way to make a draggable iFrame with an invisible background that contains content and resizes dynamically to display all the content?
keydown doesn't work
@rlemon :D
front end js
is hard
@Loktar oh god I hate you
hi @Raynos :p
I've stopped using htmldoc btw
and docgenerator now supports themes, so you can use it like you want to write the doc for the tons of modules you've got :D
@Raynos ?!
@FlorianMargaine yeah that was the last one
hey @Raynos
@Raynos Sad Lemons are Sad
@Loktar you're too good to be true :p
@FlorianMargaine ohh I know the trick. it's not failed. it's a FS issue.
@FlorianMargaine bah, it was crazy sloppy
@Loktar well, it worked at least
oh, and scratch my last question, I found the answer.
Linux reads it as a proper partition and even goes as far as telling me how much of the disk is used and free... Windows ignores it. (one partition on the disk is fine, the one with my backups is not)
and btw I think you didn't flush the cache, that's why you're seeing the older version where the tail doesn't flinch
ah ok
it's github pages, they cache at maximum
@Raynos done too much node to go back to client? :p
Why does everyone love Ruby so much? I mean... jesus.
both are ugly
yea but Ruby is a real language and not some hipster barista puke
CS === Computer Science
Get it right guys
CS === (anything starting with the words C and S, in that order)
We live in a world where the same acronyms mean many many things :(
pigeonhole principle. not every phrase we use can have a unique two-to-three-letter initialism :)
We need to up it to three letters from each word.
psh. i have no intention of talking like the military
CS = CouchSurfing, guys
LOVE the <sarcasm></sarcasm> tags!
slapthink.net ohh god the flash... the typography... the horror!
" advocating web standards "
That was the best time-vortex ever.
Turns out, that 2 minutes actually mean 2 hours or so.
!!/stat dievardump
Wait, all the others aren't?
@dievardump dievardump has 626 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 0 questions, gave 35 answers, for a q:a ratio of H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘ ̶̧̨̱̹̭̯ͧ̾ͬC̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M̲̖͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎̭ͯ̿̔̀ͅ.
!!/stat jimmy
@SomeKittens no method found with this name
!!/stat Jim
@SomeKittens no method found with this name
!!/stat 298479
@rlemon ThiefMaster has 76349 reputation, earned 145 rep today, asked 64 questions, gave 2803 answers, for a q:a ratio of 64:2803.
!!/stat 1337
@SomeKittens Brad Gilbert has 10268 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 364 answers, for a q:a ratio of 5:364.
!!/stat 123456
@rlemon Could not find definition for do I know i
@SomeKittens mhughes has 36 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 2 questions, gave 1 answers, for a q:a ratio of 2:1.
!!/stat SomeKittens
@rlemon Could not find definition for do I know i
( I think SomeKittens should really use )
( ID's and not names.... but what do I )
( know i'm just a cow... )
O ^__^
O (Oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
\/ ||----w |
|| ||
@SomeKittens [SomeKittens](http://stackoverflow.com/users/1216976/somekittens) has 2881 reputation, earned 48 rep today, asked 45 questions, gave 147 answers, for a q:a ratio of 15:49.
!!cowthink e=Oo T=\/ "I think SomeKittens should really use ID's and not names.... but what do I know i'm just a cow..."
I'm just firing off random numbers
@rlemon Could not find definition for do I know i
( I think SomeKittens should really use )
( ID's and not names.... but what do I )
( know i'm just a cow... )
O ^__^
O (Oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
\/ ||----w |
|| ||
@rlemon Could not find definition for do I know i
( "I think SomeKittens should really use )
( ID's and not names.... but what do I )
( know i'm just a cow..." )
O ^__^
O (Oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
\/ ||----w |
|| ||
@SomeKittens names only work for those in the chat
@Zirak your cow sucks!
c yall
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, thus random numbers
!!/todo add "Special handling for lone messages"
@Zirak Item(s) added.
!!cowthink e=Oo T=\/ "I think SomeKittens should really use ID's and not names.... but what do I know i'm just a cow..."
( "I think SomeKittens should really use  )
( ID's and not names.... but what do I    )
( know i'm just a cow..."                 )
        O   ^__^
         O  (Oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
             \/ ||----w |
                ||     ||
@rlemon moooo
!!/tell rlemon "no"
@SomeKittens Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand tell rlemon no
@SomeKittens Command no does not exist.
@dievardump Command commands does not exist.
@Zirak Available commands: help, listen, live, die, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, beautify, hang, learn, nudge, ring, roll, spec, stat, todo
!!/beautify Zirak
@Zirak Available commands: help,
!!/beautify Zirak
@dievardump Could not process input. Error: Cannot call method 'toString' of undefined
@dievardump Could not process input.Error: Cannot call method 'toString'
of undefined
don't take this the wrong way...just testing
@cHao You do not have permission to use the command die
just making sure :)
you may want to remove commands from the list if the user doesn't have permission to do them
Too much trouble
!!/tell dievardump help beautify
@dievardump beautify: Fetches and beautifies a message containing html, css or js. /beautify msgid [lang=js]
Instead of a msgid, you can pass a username and it gets their last message
!!/help help
@Zirak help: Fetches documentation for given command, or general help article. /help [cmdName]
@cHao the bot might be used by other people
@FlorianMargaine and those people, when they ask for help, should see the command. people who can't do it, shouldn't even see it as an option
@cHao Available commands: help, listen, live, die, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, beautify, hang, learn, nudge, ring, roll, spec, stat, todo
collision detection is a bitch
margaine.com/Snake the collision detection clearly sucks for either eating a food or eating its own tail :D
Q: Javascript tools for branch coverage

Mirza DI'm looking for tools that will help me write test cases to cover all paths through a function in Javascript. Ideally, I'd like something that will spit out a list of combinations of parameter and property values. However, if the tool simply told me which parameters and properties have an effec...

@Florian: wow, it really does suck :P
also the game starts in like the worst location
I know :(
Seriously? Alerts and no restart button?
yeah, as long as it doesn't work I don't care about this kind of stuff
And the console spews an error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'call' of undefined
mapDir[ dir ].call( this );
I'm gonna side with Loktar (was it Loktar?); a general board map would be easier, especially since you're using fixed-width
!!/get question 851498
Q: jshint "Possible strict violation." when using `bind`

Florian MargaineConsider this simple code: "use strict"; var obj = { f: function() { this.prop = 'value'; g.bind( this )(); } }; function g() { console.log( this.prop ); } If I try to validate this code, jshint gives me the error Possible strict violation. where I call console.lo...

Q: How to improve this combination generator code?

micadelliI have code based on this, http://stackoverflow.com/a/10861679/617822, that looks like as follows (I strongly advice to first read the rest of this post and then get back to this code) players: [], teams: [], matches: [], Team: function () { this.list ...

Wait a minute. Is using this in a non-method a strict violation?
because if it's not binded, this is undefined
But that's not a strict violation, that's an error that gets thrown when you try to access a property of undefined.
I'd call that a dumb warning from JSHint
posted on August 22, 2012 by Victor Rodriguez

Curiosity’s Sundial Carries a Message of Hope Resilient 'SMSZombie' Infects 500,000 Android Users in China A successful Git branching model Titan's Underground Ocean Trello : Introducing Google Drive Integration

yay, in-person applications for my college are being accepted until Friday
my ass is saved!
@ErikReppen JSLint says "Strict mode violation."

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