Dear Florian, but it does not really work with what I try to achieve :( I already tried methods like onclick etc and now placeholder but I just cant get it to work. The idea is that when you ask a question and click "ask" then the question dissapears. See the website
Create a module pushable to npm ✓ Create a CLI interface to use tartempion globally ∞ Create a mocha interface to test the pies (individually or all together) ✕ Create tests for tartempion ✕ Update the documentation ✕ Push to npm ✕
should I push to npm right away and then update the module?
weird, the same unmodified code seems to work outside jfiddle but your code seems to work now. Only thing I just dont understand Is how I can make the top input clear after the user "asks" or clicks the button
You access the question box by doing form.fragen (or whatever it was.) Simply set it's value to nothing form.fragen.value = '' after you generate the fortune.
> Contrary to the belief of many, "npm" is not in fact an abbreviation for "Node Package Manager". It is a recursive bacronymic abbreviation for "npm is not an acronym". (If it was "ninaa", then it would be an acronym, and thus incorrectly named.)
I used to use DW, for years (never design mode, just as a beefy editor) and trust me when I say drop the IDE for a real editor. Notepad++ is a good start.
I was reading few posts here about this, but all answers are about wp_enqueue_script or something. I'm looking for solution to embed custom JavaScript variable (created by json_encode()) in footer or in header but in admin add_action 'wp_footer' and 'wp_head' are not called. How to embed custom c...
Hey, can I get some help, so I'm making this app for Overwolf,, and they use javascript, css html ect for their apps, I want to store data, it's a client side app. What should I use?
Any regexers around? I want the dkno98* part (<video_id>) when facing these three url alternatives: , , (<series_id>/<video_id>)
It's not a method, it's an event callback... so calling the method changes its calling context, if the method is accessible (part of google api -> out of scope?)
undefined GET…
webtrends.js starts with a self-invoking function. That makes it quite hard to interfere with the flow. Myy advise: set a breakpoint here: `(function(){ var s=document.createElement("script"); s.async=true; s.type="text/javascript"; s.src="//"; var s2=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s2.parentNode.insertBefore(s,s2); }());`
but may cause mem-leaks on older browsers, the xhr object lives on somewhere, with an onreadystatechange handler attached to it (likely). Best just post your data