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Other than char.
haha hey Zirak!
12 mins ago, by Zirak
document.forms[0].ask.addEventListener('click', function () { this.form.question.value = ''; });
Dear Florian, but it does not really work with what I try to achieve :( I already tried methods like onclick etc and now placeholder but I just cant get it to work. The idea is that when you ask a question and click "ask" then the question dissapears. See the website students.stedwards.edu/lbradle3/javascript.htm
That's exactly what my snippet does
I exist! Acknowledge that! Or...do I?
Im sorry!!
Now it's too late!
!!/define Zirak
Hey im a absolute newbie :( I didnt even notice
@rlemon Zirak: The Zirak are a tribal confederation of Durrani Pashtuns, found in Afghanistan and Pakistan. (source)
hey come on im sorry :(
We have slipped beyond the bounds of reason, and wandered into the vast sea of nil
And now you know....
Ill try your code now! :)
May the force be with you
And you
hey Zirak, you killed my father
nevermind haha
Prepare to die!
hey this is a onclick event right? I already have a onclick assigned can I assign two?
Zirak is more a Yoda than a Luke
maybe a wookie
haha ok who is vader here?
That's what addEventListener is for
!!/mdn addEventListener
link broken :(
gah I suck
onclick="if (this.form.fragen.value!='') this.form.antworten.value = fortune();document.forms[0].ask.addEventListener('click', function () { this.form.question.value = ''; });"
with your code
I'm 3PO
why do you always @ yourself @Zirak?
talkative but useless
@Demorus you should understand what the code does instead of blindly copy pasting it :)
!!/tell nile help
I might go to W3schools as a reference
@Zirak whose the bot?
!!/stat Nile
@Zirak so I can make you say things? lol
@Zirak Nile has 266 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 22 answers, for a q:a ratio of 5:22
!!/stat SomeKittens
@Nile SomeKittens has 2715 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 44 questions, gave 137 answers, for a q:a ratio of 44:137
Do I really say these things? It is my name attached to text. However, are they truly my writings?
!!/tell Nile norris
@Nile In the X-Men movies, none of the X-Men super-powers are done with special effects. Chuck Norris is the stuntman for every character.
@Nile You do not have permission to use the command live
!!/help live
@Zirak aww
@Zirak live: Resurrects the bot if it's down
Try !!/sudo live
!!/mdn live
did you make taht yourself @Zirak?
!!/sudo die
@SomeKittens Command sudo does not exist.
Just me and trusty ol' keyboard
@SomeKittens trololol
I've been waiting MONTHS to do that
@Zirak how'd you make it?
@Zirak are you the only bot?
It's a hideously large bookmarklet
Ivo Wetzel made one a long time ago, but currently, yes.
tartempion is finally good enough to be an npm module
@FlorianMargaine Congrats!
thanks :-)
Glad we could sort it out
my roadmap is:

Create a module pushable to npm ✓
Create a CLI interface to use tartempion globally ∞
Create a mocha interface to test the pies (individually or all together) ✕
Create tests for tartempion ✕
Update the documentation ✕
Push to npm ✕
should I push to npm right away and then update the module?
Documentation & tests should come first. But I'd be a hypocrite to say "no".
it's ready for alpha use, but yeah, no tests or docs
there is some kinda doc
but it's almost obsolete now <<
this is why it's "update the documentation" :D
and I just had a "thanks git" moment too
recovering a deleted file some commits ago
tartempion is on npm
damn, that was fast
here a Jfiddle of that code xD
First of all: Turn all new Array into []
var foo = [ 0, 1, 2 ];
//rather than
var foo = new Array( 0, 1, 2 );
Second, javascript doesn't belong in html. Add the onclick listener in javascript
ya I added that one in a external js file
Third, indentation is important
hmm why doesnt the code work in jfiddle , weird. oh well
Fourth, num inside of fortune wasn't declared with var, that makes it an implicit global
weird, the same unmodified code seems to work outside jfiddle but your code seems to work now. Only thing I just dont understand Is how I can make the top input clear after the user "asks" or clicks the button
Zirak, the real-life JSLint
trying to check w3schools now
@Demorus NO DON'T BAD
hey somekittens, what? : (
You access the question box by doing form.fragen (or whatever it was.) Simply set it's value to nothing form.fragen.value = '' after you generate the fortune.
@Demorus w3fools.com
oh oh, let's see if this still works:
@Zirak Nothing found for w3schools
Raynos has too much time: npmjs.org/browse/author/raynos
hey zirak it worked
> Contrary to the belief of many, "npm" is not in fact an abbreviation for "Node Package Manager". It is a recursive bacronymic abbreviation for "npm is not an acronym". (If it was "ninaa", then it would be an acronym, and thus incorrectly named.)
im starting to make it work hehe
Also, SO is down! EVERYBODY PANIC!
@SomeKittens it's not
It was.
@Demorus :)
hey zirak you are a genious!
just it erased the answer too .. Damn. :(
yeah, not exactly
...wow, fail on my part. I was refreshing the error page
eventhough only fragen value is ='' ,
Don't do assignments in if conditions. You want to check if form.fragen has a value
Inside the if body, assign it to the empty string.
oh ok
Hey zirak!!! i love youu
hey thanks!!!
hehehe, np
erm, by coincidence really. You don't need to wrap it inside the if statement
Just take form.fragen.blah blah blah out of the condition, and put it inside the main if's body.
if (condition) {
//you want to put it inside stuff_to_execute, since it's stuff you want to execute
aaah now im confused xD
im still new to all this haha
how come that same code doesnt work in my external js file when previewing it with dreamweaver?
just the clear or reset doesnt work
you should code in Notepad++ and preview with Chrome or FireFox
dreamweaver is ":("
I do that both for just playing around with JS and web designing
I used to use DW, for years (never design mode, just as a beefy editor) and trust me when I say drop the IDE for a real editor. Notepad++ is a good start.
it should work though when previewing in a browser
I mean all code works except that newly pasted code from Zirak
but his addition works in fiddle
maybe i did something wrong not sure
Check where it is included. Nowrap body?
If so put the script tag just before you close the body tag
also, sometimes the normal quotes "" are changed to weird ones that doesn't work
NP++ is pretty neat
Or the mysterious jsfiddle hidden char
my money is on hidden char
do you get the error ILLEGAL CHARACTER
It is included in the top of my html, where my css and external scripts are bound
ill check the quotes
those are the quotes
' '
is all indented in dreamweaver
@Demorus press ctrl+k to paste code please
oh hey sure. Sorry about that
    var answers = ["Nein", "Ja :)"];
var form = document.forms["lucky-form"];

form.frage.onclick = function() {
    if (form.fragen.value) {
        form.antworten.value = fortune();
        if (form.fragen.value= '') {;

function fortune() {
    var num = Math.round((answers.length - 1) * Math.random());
    return answers[num];
does the code pasting work now Nile?
@Demorus indeed
and hop, making some ad on my blog yay margaine.com/2012/08/17/tartempion-released.html
heh, looks like i'm not the only one who prefers to work at night :p
@Demorus polish?
Nvm. German Ic now
sorry haha was afk
hey polish?? wow hey no way
anyone here
Hey, guys, I want to know do you all only engage in javascript development, are there other languages in your work
i am currently building an asp.net website and i was wondring where can i find someone to build the UI/JS side of the website?
I wish I could help but unfortunately im not web designer or developer. I just know the basics to help my self : ( . Im a composer
I know someone though
who does what you seek, he does app developments
I will ask him, any way to add you on stackoverflow? This way I can pm you when there is a reply from him.
Thats all I could do , sorry :(
I can do, but I'm too far away from you
i dont really care where r u located
jason, do you have some sample work?
yes, I do, but all my did is chinese website
sure, please write the URL
this website is completed by me and my co-workers
it is not bad. however, i am looking for something more professional. something simialr to SO
Clean, minimal, and simple HTML/JS
here is another example: xbox.create.msdn.com/en-US
actually, we create a tool like cq5 which can set up a site by user
i am not sure what is cq5
I have viewed this website, it's not complex
About how many pages does your website have
you can google, it's from adobe
5 - 7 pages
in bohth directions RTL and LTR
uses tow languages English and Arabic
can someone do me a favor?
please tell me if this code works for you on a normal html document jsfiddle.net/VULgU/16
i tried in dreamweaver but without success
weird, eventhough the code is the same.
Oh, it's not complicated
it all works but the top input text doesnt reset upon clicking the button
in jfiddle it does
I have made many websites which have two languages, English Chinese Korean
@Demorus That's awesome. I assume you mean musical composer. In which case, dude, you've gained 1 bagillion points.
Q: Add JavaScript in admin in custom plugin

Filip GórczyÅ„skiI was reading few posts here about this, but all answers are about wp_enqueue_script or something. I'm looking for solution to embed custom JavaScript variable (created by json_encode()) in footer or in header but in admin add_action 'wp_footer' and 'wp_head' are not called. How to embed custom c...

Hey, can I get some help, so I'm making this app for Overwolf, www.overwolf.com, and they use javascript, css html ect for their apps, I want to store data, it's a client side app. What should I use?
@GeorgeSumpster can you use cookies?
@Nile Don't believe so, I'll double check though
So, apparently they are broken, I haven't tested and it's on the word of one person, it could just be their code
But apparently 'local storage' works great? What's that?
@GeorgeSumpster something new in html5. google it
Alright, thank you.
@Nile localStorage.varnamehere = 9000 Right?
@GeorgeSumpster That should work, if that's the question.
@Nile Yes, thank you!
@GeorgeSumpster You can also user the setter setItem()
Alright, thank you.
@GeorgeSumpster bet time. gnite
@Nile Night
1 hour later…
Anyone good/knowhowtoexplain XML to me?
2 hours later…
Hello to you, too
How can we embed HTML pages in a wab page other than frames
Hello everyone
although, iFrames embed HTML pages in a web page, don't know about wab pages :-P
embed a completely different website -> iFrame, yes
Any regexers around? I want the dkno98* part (<video_id>) when facing these three url alternatives: tv.nrk.no/serie/distriktsnyheter-nordland/dkno98081612/16-08-2012 , tv.nrk.no/serie/distriktsnyheter-nordland/dkno98081612/ , tv.nrk.no/serie/distriktsnyheter-nordland/dkno98081612 (tv.nrk.no/serie/<series_id>/<video_id>)
like this one I want to show HTML pages in place of PDF's
@eithe: /\/serie\/(([^\/]+)\/?){2}/
@EliasVanOotegem :O this also Web Page
@EliasVanOotegem Woah! Thanks!
sorry, scratch that: /\/serie\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)/
that's the right one
on one of your example urls matches array looks like ["/serie/distriktsnyheter-nordland/dkno98081612", "distriktsnyheter-nordland", "dkno98081612"]
@EliasVanOotegem Can't get it to work on regextester.com , should it?
I just typed 'tv.nrk.no/serie/distriktsnyheter-nordland/dkno98081612'.match(/\/serie\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)/) in JS console. works fine for me there
Ok, cool.
On regextester you should omit the delimiters (1st and last slash)
Ah, I see.
And uncheck all flags, except for i, perhaps (if the url might be upper-case in some cases)
hello everyone :)
is there anybody who can help me out
hello @EliasVanOotegem
But I want to know that can I remove Scroll bars
can u hepl me @EliasVanOotegem in a javascript related task
@Vikas what's ur problem?
oh, you just have to love right-wing idiotism
hey hi @DextOr
ok now ?
actually there is a method dcsMultiTrack()
so when i call this method on console in chrome, it displays 2 urls
i want to override the method or create a new method to return me one of the urls
or give me an alert of one of the url
i have no idea to do that :(
can you show me some code ?
and where is that function dcsMultiTrack() ?
u can see the code. write down dcsMultitrack and press enter
it returns undefined for me
k . u go to webtrends.js
and there u ll get the code for the same
line 1740
wow, that page is broken
and now again try to call the method and i think u ll be able to see the urls
no, it returns undefined
after undefined it will display 2 urls
It's not a method, it's an event callback... so calling the method changes its calling context, if the method is accessible (part of google api -> out of scope?)
For me, it is like:
GET https://statse.webtrendslive.com/dcsgs0dqv8bv0h8ud5z2yrxxv_5c4y/dcs.gif?&dcsdat=1345196848140&dcssip=webtrends.com&dcsuri=/products/analytics/&WT.tz=5&WT.bh=14&WT.ul=en-US&WT.cd=32&WT.sr=1920x1080&WT.jo=Yes&WT.ti=Unified%2520Digital%2520Analytics%2520%257C%2520Webtrends&WT.js=Yes&WT.jv=1.5&WT.ct=unknown&WT.bs=1920x522&WT.fv=11.3&WT.slv=Not%2520enabled&WT.le=ISO-8859-1&WT.tv=10.2.30&WT.dl=0&WT.ssl=1&WT.es=webtrends.com%252Fproducts%252Fanalytics%252F&WT.ce=2&WT.vt_f_tlv=1345189668&WT.vt_f_tlh=1345192944&WT.vt_f_s=1&WT.vtvs=1345196848137&WT.vtid=7260947478808151196&WT.co_f=72609
so my problem is:
This site is making a request to webtrends.
and i want to somehow capture the url of webtrend
which is statse.webtrendslive.com
yep, it calls this.multiTrack, so we would need some scope there i suppose
so how to do that?
huh. no it actually doesnt
the one in the global object is different
it calls Webtrends.multitrack
which calls dcs.dcsMultiTrack again.... haha
`/ Modifications by Jeff Jobe November 17, 2011
customSearchControl.setSearchCompleteCallback(this, function(e,s) {
dcsMultiTrack('WT.oss', s.Rd, 'WT.oss_r', s.cursor.resultCount, 'WT.dl', '31');
} );
// End modifications
yup . so what should we do to capture it?
you won't capture anything really
or if u know the name of some other htttps website that uses webtrends, it will also work for me. There also i ll need the same
like you said yourselve, the function returns undefined
i don't know where these two GET-Requests are coming from in your case, i can't see them
webtrends.js starts with a self-invoking function. That makes it quite hard to interfere with the flow. Myy advise: set a breakpoint here: `(function(){
var s=document.createElement("script"); s.async=true; s.type="text/javascript"; s.src="//s.webtrends.com/js/webtrends.js";
var s2=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s2.parentNode.insertBefore(s,s2);
And step through the code until the call is made
By sending an XMLHttpRequest when my site is being unloaded - will the closing of the page be delayed?
Nope, it's ASYNC
yes but then it gives me 2 values as well . and those values are somehow printed by
Webtrends.multiTrack(o) in that method
hello @JDev
but may cause mem-leaks on older browsers, the xhr object lives on somewhere, with an onreadystatechange handler attached to it (likely). Best just post your data
@EliasVanOotegem Oh, but why is it delaying the users other movement in my WebApp?
@GNi33 what should i do then
are u trying the same in chrome? and you are not able to see those urls?
no, i can't see them
XHR logging is on
but as elias suggested
i'd try to debug the code, set a few breakpoints and make your way through the function call
@EliasVanOotegem can we create a new method to return the values?
Thanks @GNi33 but plrease keep in mine that i ll invoke he browser and js from my java code
@EliasVanOotegem Some of the requests are not POST-ed. What might be the problem?

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