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6:00 PM
nice try
you have to defend this point to the death
I have another topic
except hawins
Someday the real hawins will come back and notice he's been here all along
6:02 PM
/me racks up profile visits
> then there is an impostor on the loose!

> the footprints lead right to you!

> clue one: the impostor is a phantom
Has anyone organized a local IT/programming networking event/meetup?
even if you don't seem to like the small city I did it in
I have a very large corporation willing to soft sponsor (provide a building with a cafeteria and a conference room for presentations)
Why are the orms I have used always expect a single-value unique key in tables :(
6:06 PM
But I'm not sure how to move forward from here.
@paul23 clearly the solution to your problem is nosql
hold on, what's your position?
Most don't understand something like "id + link-to-other-table's-entry" must be unique.
@forresthopkinsa God no
you know a corporation that is willing to sponsor? You own it? You organize the meetup and know of a corporation...?
I've gauged interest on our local subreddit.. So far have 10-12 people expressing interest. But everyone is from different background.. Cryptography, DB management, etc. I'm not sure how to organize something that everyone will find interesting. It's mainly a local networking thing but still
6:07 PM
@towc There is currently no meetup. A company I know of is willing to provide space etc, they are also trying to hire tech talent so that's their angle
is it in freakin wisconsin or wherever
Indiana yea
@Jhawins I always find those meetings that do something completely perpendicular to the generic topic better.
what kind of field is the company looking for talent in?
6:08 PM
This is for locals. Monthly. Not something to come from out of town for
Like don't go about programming in your presentation, but about other topics everyone can relate to.
Tech. DB, Front end, BE, design. All things tech
wasn't expecting you to affirm what I said
if your town doesn't already have a js meetup, how about a general js meetup?
and let the "programming" and "networking" happen by itself in the foyers
6:08 PM
@forresthopkinsa Dont you dare compare us to those cheese heads
that's more like it
@towc No, there is not enough interest in a JS meetup. It has to be quite broad
what's the name of the town?
We have here in our town a "hockey clinic" for people of IT industry every year.
Or well, one town over, but that's 5 km :P
well maybe you should come at it from a different direction, i.e. what kind of talent is the company looking for? maybe do something that will be more attractive to that crowd
6:09 PM
I figured maybe we could bring in a local group I have worked with on bringing talent to the area. They are all about "WHere to work" "what is coming to the area in the next year" etc. All about the future of our city.
But with a focus on tech in a broad sense. And then just let networking happen
The company runs a cafeteria and would be open to providing food if the meetups continue
@forresthopkinsa Well this company itself really doesn't have a lot of positions open or anything.
I think a possibly safer bet is to sponsor an existing meetup
the company is hiring lunch ladies
6:11 PM
There is no existing meetup. Period :/
in the whole town?
what's the name of the town again?
Fort Wayne Indiana
We have OpenHack but 3 people attend it
6:12 PM
doesn't sound like you're trying to organize a hackathon
I'm also seeing a python meetup
Fuck that
Those guys can do their own thing
not quite monthly
makers meetup
arduino meetup
6:13 PM
Makers is all 3d printing etc
Yea that is all hardware. We have lots of hardware stuff.
We're a manufacturing state
and another open source meetup
I'm assuming you've also gone through the meetup.com list
Idk for now I am just planning to attend the existing meetups.. Even the Python one. To get in touch with the people already trying to engage the community
6:14 PM
@forresthopkinsa No upcoming events :/
yeah it's like biannual, yeesh
Yea it barely exists
SOme people expressed interest on reddit. But yea Idk. I'm guessing I'll end up in a room with 4 people lol
If that
ship out someone from Google to give a talk
6:15 PM
oh, fort wayne is smaller than bratislava
good luck
the whole town will attend
I don't think an overly general purpose meetup will work
maybe it should have a focus, and some talks should be not about that thing
the corporation is looking for js devs? Have 1 js talk (maybe even from someone inside of the corporation), and maybe 2 non-js talks. But at least a js talk every month
this way you can brand as a js meetup, and people can think you at least know where you're headed, but you can attract more people
Have you ever seen an Rx talk? They're great because they tend to be really new and interesting for people unfamiliar with Rx, and they're language-agnostic
btw @Jhawins this is a real thing. Google will sponsor "google experts" in most cases, to come give a talk at a local meetup, if asked
4 mins ago, by forresthopkinsa
ship out someone from Google to give a talk
^ thank you towc
6:20 PM
@towc See... It's hard for you to have a sens eof scale and same for me. The densities are very different between them
And yes I've seen that but I can't ask them to come to an event I don't know if will have more than 3 people haha
actually, you can
THis is all super preliminary. First step is talk to the guys already having little meetups in town. But yeah good advice thanks guys
point is, this can be at a later date
if that corporation pays for it, I'm happy to fly to fort wayne to add to the head count
6:22 PM
lul count all of us in if the corp will pay for plane tickets
Yea they aint paying for shit. When the room is unscheduled we can schedule it.
or on a boat
Thats about it
ask for a boat plz
6:22 PM
put us on a yacht to indiana
I suppose you could take a airboat all the way down the Maumee from lake erie
if that's what it takes
tell the corp I'll settle for an airboat
@DavidKamer would come
Lol unlucky dude is also in this state
6:26 PM
Room17 global meetup in Indiana
That was supposed to happen in Canada
But then ndugger happened.
@Jhawins We could fit a yacht up in one of the lakes in Angola lol
well how the hell are you gonna take an airboat to canada
Go up niagra falls
6:27 PM
Isn't is Canada if you go more than halfway accross the lake?
Afaik the border splits the lake
And international waters laws don't apply. But idk
every country in the world belongs to america
Someone swam accross a few years ago and started an international dispute
> his mom is very mad at him. "She just hung up on me," Morillo told the Star. "She said 'you’re just so stupid.'"
Most canadian news article evar lol
damn you beat me to it
@forresthopkinsa you're wrong. You imply there are other countries besides the United States
6:37 PM
I mean we talk about Mexico all day every day atm
And we want some sort of line drawn between
Sorry for ruining the joke
@Jhawins Mexico? You mean Not-America-Yet to the south? lol
I thought Mexico was just Spanish for "Southern Not-America-Yet"
Did you know that the sanskrit word for war was something about getting more cows? << something I learned from a movie
wait, you're telling me "war" isn't short for "mwar milk"?
I think he's saying that's exactly what it's short for
6:44 PM
@towc ha, I thought it was an acronym for World's America's Right
@forresthopkinsa for sanscript, not for english
comic sanscript
well, this is slightly creepy
why would that be creepy
I don't know if google knows I was going to look for "word for war" because I was in this chat, or because apparently most people that google about sanskrit are doing it because of the movie
6:53 PM
what else would the search be for
@DavidKamer LOL fat chance
I've been trying to carefully observe instances where I talk out loud about something with friends, and none of us look it up, and I encounter facebook ads for it
@KevinB alphabet, dictionary, location, what is, how old is...
@forresthopkinsa I have noticed just how often my "Ok Google" or whatever decided it got turned on
Why would any of those take precedence over a movie search?
6:54 PM
Example... In my recordings I will find casual conversations where I never even used my phone.
I actually encounter that one more with Siri than with my many google homes
@KevinB because I had more respect for humanity
I'm to believe that I accidentally trigger Speech to Text constantly.
WHich is a feature I flat out do NOT use.
you should disable it
6:55 PM
I don't have any IOT devices period
This is just my phone. And yeah now it is disabled
@Jhawins I'm not sure how that's related
@towc He mentioned his Google Home?
if you're talking about the frequency issue, then you don't need to be the one with the devices
I'm off for pizza. I better find some clever conversation to hook into when I'm back
6:57 PM
I occasionally browse my Google account soundbyte history and I don't encounter many erratic recordings
here's a starter: have you ever used a bloom filter?
I think you're talking to jhawins but I have not
hmm in react the textbox cursor position isn't stored in the state by default.
which means that if you click away from a textbox and then later give it focus back (tabbing) the cursor is back at position "0", start of the string.
Which feels a bit unintuitive.
I feel like the intuitive thing would have been for it to select all when tabbing to it
Well that happens if selection is allowed, but if you don't allow selection..
7:01 PM
i would think the default behavior would be more intuitive
Or give focus in another way.
(Such as when clicking on the parent "container" - a fancy border box around the textfield -)
I want to rant...
would ya'll like to hear 😃 ?
@forresthopkinsa Holy fuck you look young. No wonder boss was so surprised!
also @Loktar I am officially bald now (as in can't have a hairstyle except for buzz cut) - so I beat you to it ):
@ShrekOverflow HA caught
7:10 PM
I had two wisdom tooths extracted, and other dental work --- Me sleeps of having a great rest of the week. Lawyer mails, now I have to travel 5 places in 3 days and on pure liquid diet .... all this with a friday launch 😃 (because ofcourse!)
@forresthopkinsa what if this phenomena is simply predictability?
whoa are you using a translator
your grammar has taken a dip
> me sleeps of having a great rest of the week
@DavidKamer that would be unfortunate
@forresthopkinsa I think that is probably what it is. Most of us fit in a fairly solid mold
@DavidKamer Ok but like, a friend of mine will tell me about something I hadn't heard of, and then I'd get an ad for it
minutes later
@forresthopkinsa you two friends on facebook?
7:13 PM
In this case no
I'm exceptionally un-paranoid about technology
but there have been some weird instances
were you near each other with location turned on or does he or you have your home address or city recorded?
we were near each other with location turned on; however, he confirmed that he hadn't typed it into his phone at any point during or before our conversation
@ShrekOverflow lol I had all 4 taken out at once. But we have Wendys in my country so I just ate frostys for a week
And mashed potatoes. It was pretty much the usual diet anyway
@forresthopkinsa nothing to do with it on his facebook page? He probably had done something that others who became interested in it overwhelmingly did
7:15 PM
@Jhawins fuck --
At least you're not a smoker
@DavidKamer I'm telling you man, it must have been something crazy predictive
@forresthopkinsa yeah, it probably was. That is where all the money is going for this big tech companies
7:30 PM
@Jhawins oh yeah? local anasthetics don't work well on me
beat that 😃
7:49 PM
I'm back from pizza
let's see what clever topic is being discussed
Is it a bad idea to give the "root-admin" account on a server the ability to execute arbitrary javascript code - on the server itself?
Root admin would be a single account which is (only) used to setup the server fill the initial data on the database.
@ShrekOverflow Waking up from local anesthesia is worth the entire surgery... lol
@Jhawins lmfao
I have to agree with that
does it feel good?
@towc depends, are you a massochist?
If not, nope it hurts like crazy
7:55 PM
I've only had it done twice but both times I woke up feeling nothing but pure joy and warmth lmao
Then it wore off...
why is the waking up from local anesthesia worth the surgery then?
What do you mean by "waking up from local anesthesia"
Oh I'm saying the wrong thing
7:56 PM
@KendallFrey your body getting access to the nerves back
I thought "waking up" was for general anesthesia
What's it called when they give you a shot that sends you to heaven
in my case since it doesn't work as well
Yea. General. That's the shit
as soon as the drillbit touches the nerve
I start crushing whatever I am holding
while also trying to not bite the drill and kill my jaw
7:57 PM
Screw local. I paid an extra $400 for general. I had 2 impacted teeth tho so they recommended it anyway
@Jhawins Heh I paid $100 for the entire thing :P
@Jhawins mostly paid by insurance?
Wait for dentist you have anesthesia? Last time I had my wisdom teeth pulled they needed me to be awake & "feel" things for feedback.
I paid $1700
slash health care
7:57 PM
That is the only thing I love about India
Out of pocket.
the whole procedure $100
And I have insurance
need a crown $200 done :P
Yea I can get a $200 crown... With insurance lol
7:58 PM
0, it's basic insurance :P
@Jhawins Including the root canal and the wisdom tooth removal
and that's without insurance
USA dental insurance does not generally cover wisdom tooth removal unless you do it as a young child and call it "preventative"
However the quality of dentist
is dubious -- so if you get a cheap one
btw, any interesting movies that you've recently found out/remembered about?
and the dentist sucks (like my last one)
7:59 PM
If you wait for an issue it is no longer preventative and you have to pay. In all of the cases I know of anyway. This is obviously anecdotal
its bad!
My last dentist dropped some really hot warm (red hot metal) rod inside my mouth
and then was like -- mouth tissue heals fast it'll be ok
@Jhawins Funny, here putting crowns/fillings isn't part of insurance (you should just live more healthy) - however wisdom teeth pulling is (you can't help it they grow wrongly).
@KendallFrey oh you!
@paul23 The thought here is that you should've had them pulled at a young age when it would've been a simple operation. I waited until age 20. My dentist never mentioned that they'd need to come out... Even with biannual xrays
8:00 PM
@ShrekOverflow LOL
You starred it -- didn't you you perv.
Then one punctured my sinus.
I had them all removed within 24 hours of that...
@Jhawins You don't know when/if they start growing the wrong way.
8:01 PM
@paul23 You do if you have biannual xrays
It's pretty trivial to see a tooth at a 45degree angle
@Jhawins what no
Mine were growing forward.
And deliberately pulling them is just damaging people. Only muslims do that with their manhood at young age.
And up literally into my sinus. I had a hole in my sinus when they finished
8:02 PM
@paul23 what
Mine only started growing at the age of 24, and they suddenly were below the other teeth at 26, pushing the others "out".
Weird. Mine were obvious from past xrays, that is what my surgeon told me. I'm not a dentist
He said back 4 years before is when I should have had them removed.
Also annual checks are expensive here... like damn expensive. (It's not part of the standard insurance, so about 300 euro for a 10 minute checkup).
Oh I get free biuannual xrays and free preventive care (cleanings and biannual checkups)
8:04 PM
I pay 10% if I go out of network.
Otherwise no cost
Well it's due to a difference, dental work is not part of insurance. But pulling wisdom teeth falls under "jaw-repair" and is a hospital thing (dentist always forwards you to a specialized person), so that falls under general insurance.
We have a distinction between medical and dental insurance
If it became an emergency I believe it could become something covered under medical
Well for me it kind of was: my wisdom teeth already "destroyed" 4 other molars by literary growing through the root of those teeth, and I was one of those who's wisdom teeth don't stop growing/grow speed increases constantly
Was pain as hell also when they removed it, and the local anesthesia worked out later at night. I almost headbanged my head through a door just to get away from the pain.
8:14 PM
I felt better 6 hours after surgery than I did before it.
But like I said I literally had a tooth go through one of my sinuses
8:36 PM
9:32 PM
hmm is there an easy way to convert a json string to Maps+arrays (+ values) instead of objects + arrays?
Since JSON more closely follows the specification of a Map (dictionary) than that of an actual object.
i'd assume not
unless you can use the reviver fn
forget what all it's useful for
9:48 PM
Well I could (recursively) iterate the returned object and build the maps that way. But that 100% beats the point (easier iteration, without having troubles with prototype property pollution).
It's kind of sad that actual data-structures are second class citizens to objects and arrays in javascript.
@Jhawins Do you have Netflix?
The reviver is probably what you want to use
Is opening multiple Websocket connections asynchronously possible in JS? Right now, my WS connections are connecting synchronously. I wrapped the WebSocket creation process in a Promise, and onopen resolves the Promise for each WebSocket.
Then I call Promise.all() on an array of Promises.
But in my Network tab, the waterfall shows each connection is getting opened synchronously.
function connectTypeaheadSocket(url) {
    const typeaheadSocket = new WebSocket(url);
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if (typeaheadSocket.readyState === 1) {
        typeaheadSocket.onopen = () => resolve(typeaheadSocket);
        typeaheadSocket.onerror = err => reject(err);
9:53 PM
what i'm curious of is is it being delayed server-side, or client-side
let socket1 = connectTypeaheadSocket(url1);
let socket2 = connectTypeaheadSocket(url2);

[socket1, socket2] = Promise.all([socket1, socket2]);
So the backend is a gunicorn server with 4 uvicorn workers. I can see in the logs that different workers are accepting each connection
So I'm assuming the backend is setup for asynchronous connections
@towc ouch dude. just starting off a conversation. I'll call you guy bud... k? lol
guy bud?
@towc I'll call you guy, bud
lol im only kidding
please kid less with me :)

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