If I reference an object's key like so: item[key] and key can be an object... and I can only pass in the key, is there any way I can pass in key.param to the brackets and get back item[key].param ? If not, I'll have some string splitting to do...
an array of keys, to print from an object. I want to be able to set one key as 'subobject.parameter' or similar and have that give me the parameter on item[subobject] if this can't be done with any fancy JS methods, I'll just have to string split :D
@Rick The usecase for WeakSets outside of a library are rather slim, yes.
It's for when you want to test whether something is part of a set (for example, a few DOM nodes you care about), but don't want to prevent them from being garbage collected (for example, when said DOM nodes are removed from the DOM and are no longer accessible otherwise)
It's a rather slim use-case. But I reckon it was added along with WeakMaps with thoughts of future expansion on the idea of weak references in JavaScript.
@rlemon the Mozilla add-on was disabled because I need to install all remote packages directly in the add-on. Do you think it's a difficult update? (Code mirror is the issue)
@MadaraUchiha I 302'd you to the right place, just saying though x) I don't think the recruiter watched naruto and may think your real name is Madara Uchiha