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@William so you just watch from the incognito closit
just messing, just tried it seem cool
If I reference an object's key like so: item[key] and key can be an object... and I can only pass in the key, is there any way I can pass in key.param to the brackets and get back item[key].param ? If not, I'll have some string splitting to do...
@RandoHinn What
If key can be an object, and all you can do is pass key, you'll get item['[Object object]'], which is likely to be undefined.
item[key] can be an object
How does your data look?
an array of keys, to print from an object. I want to be able to set one key as 'subobject.parameter' or similar and have that give me the parameter on item[subobject] if this can't be done with any fancy JS methods, I'll just have to string split :D
previously I'm using - image: circleci/node:8, but now image names have changed on circleci..
anyone know what the new image tag is for node:8?
I did a string split and it works. Not the prettiest, but
@RandoHinn Rethink your design if you got to this point
If anyone's familiar with yml files or travis, please would you mind having a look at this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/52909145/…
@Zirak cute :)
@Rick no
@RandoHinn You have lodash's get() which does what you want
But no builtin JS function.
what is javascript proxy in es 6. why would we need this
@user1575229 gives you more control over an object. used primarily by authors of lib
however, it's primary use case would probably be for permissions and security
look into membranes if you are interested.
@user1575229 Proxies give you hooks into certain operators that you normally don't have access to.
am sleepy right now that is why I asked here.
For example, using a Proxy, you can define how the object behaves when used with the in operator, or the instanceof operator, etc.
anyone ever finds themselves using a weakest, I get weak maps but weak sets use cases are baffling to me.
my suspicions have been confirmed, they were useless. :(
@Rick The usecase for WeakSets outside of a library are rather slim, yes.
It's for when you want to test whether something is part of a set (for example, a few DOM nodes you care about), but don't want to prevent them from being garbage collected (for example, when said DOM nodes are removed from the DOM and are no longer accessible otherwise)
It's a rather slim use-case. But I reckon it was added along with WeakMaps with thoughts of future expansion on the idea of weak references in JavaScript.
you still have access to them in a weakmap even after they are destroyed. crazy that actually sounds useful.
so lets say you delete a node from the dom, but you store that node in a weakset before, it's still there
@Rick No you don't, at least, not once GC kicks in.
Also, the "Weak" part only applies to the keys
but weaksets are not enumerable
You can only add, remove, and check if a thing is there.
You can't iterate a weakset.
I guess It can be used to navigate a multi-dimensional circular object. maybe that might be a valid use case
@rlemon the Mozilla add-on was disabled because I need to install all remote packages directly in the add-on. Do you think it's a difficult update? (Code mirror is the issue)
@MadaraUchiha I 302'd you to the right place, just saying though x) I don't think the recruiter watched naruto and may think your real name is Madara Uchiha
is there a way to trick nodejs into supporting ES import/export without changing every .js file extension to .mjs?
@ShrekOverflow I kinda want to see how far I can push that
I haven't replied yet, I have a strict "no work mails during the weekend" policy, so I'll put a reply together tomorrow :)
No worries, I totally understand that ;), feel free to ping me on the work email if you have any questions etc
2 hours later…
Absolutely great channel HistoryBuffs
Back to typing on pure Dvorak
well almost pure Dvorak
its on Japanese keyboard with the extra key assigned to the ]
I realized if I type on something that it is standard or near standard it will make everything so much easier
Its been almost 7 years since I typed on pure dvorak basically middle school.

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