I'm honestly wondering: which of the large libraries (angular, react, vue or another) would one recommend if I say "I would like to build the dom directly from javascript objects and not use html as extra language"?
with media I mean different screen sizes/orientations. - This is in my experience best gained if the components themself are more abstract things like "a panel with a title"...
@William It's supposed to be something that demonstrates a quick time reminder for like a test or something like that were you might want to know when a minute passes by having it draw attention to ietself
Like it's not actually for anything, but I like the idea of having a clock that draws a little attention when your doing something like a test where minutes count
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a half year ago, my team took over the development of the company's CRM. Guess what. Old code: jsp pages, jsp scriptlets and obscure HTML stringbuilders in classes
but still, my manager didn't let me put that in my review
they let me name my new project "sexi" though
which is nice
Hi there. I seem to have a little issue with a function passed through my props. My handler won't reach the function after doing a post request... It looks like this: pastebin.com/DSiH8MmN anyone got any ideas ? reactjs here
@AlexanderSolonik I have interpret your question incorrectly. I thought that calling that function gives you undefined. But you meant that the console.log should not display undefined.
I think people are a lot more polarised nowadays. If you are not with me, you are against me. There's no space for middle ground. That's why people don't let other people live
it's used in libertarian economy, meaning no intervention from the state, effectively leading to a confusion with libertarian from a freedom of speech/act point of view
so libertarian is effectively used to mark both left and right winged people
without a clear separation of what people feel a libertarian is
libertarian .. economically , is a bit impractical , though in theory, its a great idea , impractical as in the notion that the government does't get to interfere at all in a free market
well thats a good thing to believe , but u'll have to have really good definitions for "protect your citizens" and "basics"
when u say "economic libertarianism" , i assume thats capitalism , its not a perfect system , and as has been said about democracy ... "its the worst system , expect for the others "
Hi guys, I have a question: Is it possible to change the text in an element with a child without losing the reference to that element via child.parentNode? Here's an example: jsbin.com/dezubecihe/edit?html,js,console,output