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Ok, so if I understand correctly if collection[id][prop] exists it's true, if it doesn't exist it's undefined which is false?
@CvP it's not "is false", it's implicitly coerced to false.
@CvP it can both exist and be undefined too
if (arr) { arr.x = 1} I find much easier/cleaner than going: if (arr !== undefined && arr !== null) {arr.x = 0;}
@paul23 yes it's known that those are two only solutions available to mankind
why is everybody sane when I need them
How can it both exist and be undefined?
@BartekBanachewicz Thank you.
Maybe you meant it the other way around
I meant fuck TS it's a huge waste of time and you're screwing your org if you enforce it.
const x = undefined; // x exists and has as value undefined
ahhh @paul23 that makes sense
@LuckyKleinschmidt is this a day of bad opinions or what now
No, I watch people waste hours on end all the time on TS when they should be working.
that's what makes it such a great tool
okay I had this discussion enough times already
Then they finally come up with some shitty hack and make TS happy
you have no idea what you're talking about
I'm actually wondering, does const x; bring x into existance (initializes x with undefined) or does it only declare x?
your shitty quality dynamically-typed code is all that's wrong with software
can we end this
I'd say that's downright shitty
Where would I find more explanation about this "everything can evaluate to true or false"? Searching didn't really find anything relevant, because I don't know what this discussion is called
I gave an opinion not an attack :joy:
I don't care
Bruv calm down
uninformed, ignorant opinions are worse than outright attacks
if you outright attack something you at least had enough incentive to do something
If you would treat your opinions more like opinions rather than facts you'd get far less pushback
the terms you are looking for are "falsy" and "truthy"
2 mins ago, by Lucky Kleinschmidt
I meant fuck TS it's a huge waste of time and you're screwing your org if you enforce it.
Done and done
not you j
Oh okay. I'm pretty lost so I'm jst gonna go and marinade my steaks :/
6 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
3 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
anyway, my question was - what do I do to do TS in 2018
@paul23 thanks a lot, will read into it
I remember when this room had people that had actual answers
install typescript, install the types you need
Thanks a lot guys for all the help
do all your work in .ts files
@KevinB see, progress
then add it to your build process
@BartekBanachewicz Would it have changed?
is the TS that comes with VS okay?
I use my own, because i had trouble getting the one with VS to update
installed per project
some sort of virtual env?
nah, just node_modules
my google fu is failed. If a customer texts stop back to Twilio, and I keep trying to text them (automated) does Twilio care? is that a negative on my account?
as a dev dependency
so it's still a node package then?
getting the setup working took a bit at first, learning what all I needed in the tsconfig to get it to work the way i wanted it to
but since then... it's been great
yeah I've been pondering on doing a thing in TS again
I just like being able to specify what something should be, then get yelled at when it's not. the autocomplete is a bonus
yes if you're a sane person and a competent developer, that's kinda obvious
only thing that's been sorta frustrating is working with express response objects
(cue why people who still don't get why dynamic typing sucks annoy me so much)
if you need to add a property to it, you have to create a new type that extends the original with your new properties
@KevinB so you're doing backend dev with it?
I kinda wanted to make a WebGL thing
i have an api that uses it, and a react app (not related)
would a frontend part still build as a node package?
I'm actually not sure how static sites are built nowadays
i have the two setup identically basically
hmm alright
I think I'm gonna try the VS route first
if the not-latest version is the only drawback
let's try building the last version I ended up with
May I inquire why visual studio code is so popular compared to webstorm?
@paul23 VSC is much much lighter
it's closer to a notepad with macros than a full-fledged IDE
and people seem to like that
:/ Hmm I always feel that's a bogus reason since dev pcs need to be quite beefy anyways: and for me like 80% of the pc's memory is used by chrom/stackoverflow tabs (right now, 60%)
@paul23 it's more complicated than that
there will probably be multiple camps for reasons why people like software.
does it mean it's better? is vim better than emacs for dev? is vscode better than X? who cares, use what you like
or use multiple things
@rlemon well "visual studio code" was the highest rated dev in the SO survey last year, by a long shot. Yet webstorm wasn't even in the list at all (and pycharm was down at the very bottom).
yea, because people like it
@paul23 "who cares"
why? we will never know
it's subjective
I'd like to know, nothing more than that.
my main "IDE" is my text editor split 60:40 with a terminal window
to know you'll have to get a detailed answer from all polled
that isn't gonna happen. otherwise you'll just get one or two peoples reasons
if that's good enough for you, then fine.
@BartekBanachewicz you use debugger statements to debug javascript then?
but it isn't "the reasons"
@paul23 I don't write in Javascript
@BartekBanachewicz You came to talk smack not get answers it seems.
my Haskell code doesn't need debugging, and the work stuff is lately shell stuff that can hardly be debugged at all
16 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
I remember when this room had people that had actual answers
Can anyone look in this question? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52691644/a-better-way-to-handle-async-callbacks-and-rendering-dom

The given answer and codesandbox works in theory, but it does not fulfills my question
@LuckyKleinschmidt I'm ignoring you at this point.
Ever heard of the DbaD policy
@BartekBanachewicz Great. Now get out of my spot, I'm the angry mean old man here.
@paul23 Well tbf, if you give them less ram they will use less ram. As nonsensical as it sounds
Like. Run the same amount of tabs etc on a 4gb VM, it will probably run just fine
yea, i mean
this pc has 4gb of ram
chrome runs just fine
alongside my editor, rdp, putty, and whatever else i want to run
@KevinB which version of chrome?
Is there any way in JS to get the offsetHeight of an element if it were set to display:block;? Right now I change the style attribute, calculate it, then change it back - but I feel like that's not a good way to do it
Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
might be a version behind
My 16gb DDR3 machine is just as snappy as my 32gb DDR4 one
haven't rebooted in a week
Both run at ~80% ram under same conditions.
@Alesana Would it be easy for you to make a quick fiddle? The question is a little confusing
polyfill should make react-js code work in legacy browsers like IE8,9,10 , right?
@LuckyKleinschmidt Sure thing
@Alesana eh, no, but you can try to make an educated guess
@YashKaranke 9+
I don't know if anyone has made React useable in IE8, last I knew it was a huge NO
based on font size, line height, width of the parent container, etc
@KevinB They're dynamic slides in a slider
if you know the width of the parent container, you can recreate it in a div that you position off screen with that set width
I'm trying to set the container height to be the height of the largest slide.. because the way it is now it changes each time the slider slides
basically how jQuery tries to guess the target height when doing a slideup/down animation.
Hmm, if it's not visible anyways, I could move it off-screen before setting it to display:block;
can we not flag stupid messages? thanks
@LuckyKleinschmidt well, I have used polyfill and code still does not renders in IE9
my react app works in IE9
all i had to do to make it work was polyfill the few js methods i was using that ie9 didn't support
hmm... i can probably remove those polyfills
i use lodash for those now
@KevinB I'm trying this answer now stackoverflow.com/questions/43756211/…
First you need to identify what isn't working
not much use in throwing a bunch of polyfills at it for things you aren't actually using
i don't even use babel, typescript does the heavy lifting for me
but babel should work too
I target es6 then polyfill for the individual methods i need
This solution seems to work - although IDK if there's some bad practice/code smell in there
Nope. Babel isn't working for me
looks like i've removed all the polyfills already ^_^
@Alesana Ofcourse, I'm a newbie to React
@YashKaranke Can I make a recommendation? Don't lol
@LuckyKleinschmidt Always
What does your console say is wrong?
Like just don't support IE9.
@YashKaranke Sorry that wasn't pointed towards you :P
Error in babel.js
IE's errors are often cryptic, but they can still point in the right direction
Firebug as a JS snippet can help with cryptic IE errors
hmm? should babel.js even be being loaded?
Yeah, to support legacy browsers?
Also using Edge in different IE modes can sometimes repro the same problem, but with useable devtooling
i mean, babel is typlically part of your build process
not something that gets loaded on the frontend
import "babel-polyfill"; is in App.js
shall I put it in index.js?
I get the point of front-end
@YashKaranke Does it point to your bundle and this is via sourcemaps? Or is it pointing to a Babel.js loaded via network
@LuckyKleinschmidt Yeah, I personally don't want and at the same time I feel I should
I "support" IE11, "support" meaning things work, even if they look like shit.
It's linked to from the create-react-app cli you're using as a requirement to support IE9
@LuckyKleinschmidt I literally don't know an answer
I don't think I'm just super fortunate, I'd like to see some stats, but pretty sure majority of companies doing new development are not supporting <IE11 these days
seems pretty straightforward
npm install, import it, done
@KevinB that's quite helpful
i've never used create-react-app
@KevinB webpack?
webpack for one of the apps, the other just tsc
How do you deploy on cPanel? like server and client
If I am making static websites - should I still look into using Angular and/or React?
@Alesana React with creat-react-app
eh, i use react/angular when i don't care about SEO
Ah I work for an SEO company... hahaha
Probably not the best solution
yeah, it's possible to get good SEO for react/angular, it just feels like a lot more work to me
@KevinB how?
you end up with server-side rendering, and at that point... why not just leave it server-side rendering and not have the user download a huge js file
the exception being forms, but i don't see th epoint in making forms SEO heavy
For example, in our case the majority of our site is built with coldfusion, server-rendered. Within those pages, there may be react-powered sections, and then there's the user profile area that is entirely front-end react
SEO company will or should need only contact form
@Alesana you can do React SSR
all the fun of React, none of the client rendering
we used to, it worked pretty well
I moved us away from it because it was too much work maintaining both the react-built pages and the non-react built pages, and it was too much work to move all left over coldfusion stuff over to react. (it was only being used to build the home page at that point in time)
@YashKaranke Why would you recommend that specifically? Just wondering
@LuckyKleinschmidt YashKaranke is afk.
The premise for create-react-app is basically a hello world.
Not a production application or website
I might be wrong.
@rlemon I mostly would do it just to learn but if there's no major advantages I'll probably wait until we have a more dynamic app to use it
Also. The create-react-app repo explicitly recommends using something else for a static website. Oddly relevant
So I am reading that JS classes are not supported by IE, although I have code that implement "var foo = new Bar();" and it seems to work with IE... How should I be doing that?
@Alesana That's not a class.
Well it might be.
Ddpends what Bar is.
I'm used to PHP where new instantiates a class
I want an object to have methods, etc..
new instantiates constructors in JS
CLasses are a type of sugar on top of traditional function constructors
So IE doesn't support for example
Ohh so I can still set properties of an object with a constructor using a function instead of a class
class Bar {
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;
  someMethod() {}

new Bar();
That is a class and IE doesn't support it
function Bar(name) {
  this.name = name;

Bar.prototype.someMethod = function() {

new Bar()
FOr a shitty example... IE would support this ^
Classes are basically constructors. There's a really good answer on SO about this
But I can do..
function Bar {
  this.name = name;
  this.someMethod = function() {}
var foo = new Bar();
Q: are es6 classes just syntactic sugar for the prototypal pattern in javascript?

bigmadwolfAfter playing with ES6 I've really started to like the new syntax and features available, but I do have a question about classes. are the new ES6 classes just syntactic sugar for the old prototypal pattern? or is there more going on here behind the scenes? ie: class Thing { //... classy stu...

@Alesana Yep, no problem
Now since you defined this.someMethod instead of adding it to the prototype tho, it will be slightly different
o.o what is the prototype. I have a bit of learning to do.
Every instance of Bar will have it's own internal and distinct someMethod the way you did it
@forresthopkinsa how so? I mean maybe partly technically, but I mean legit Debian, parrot os or Ubuntu
If you add it to the prototype every instance of Bar will share the same someMethod. Basically. I would read up from actual docs rather than learn prototypical inheritance through chat tho
Yeah that makes sense looking into it. It's just weird that prototypes are defined outside of the function declaration as opposed to inside of it
JS is weird man
Classes make it a lot more intuitive IMHO
Oh but I can do this
var o = {
  a: 2,
  m: function() {
    return this.a + 1;
That's weird
That's more what I'm used to with PHP
Yeah you can do that and it might make total sense. Depends on what exactly you're doing
Hey there, what is the best way to revert to a previous file input value when the user tries to upload a new value that is too large?
@TylerLazenby Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I have a way to notify the user that it was too large, but I don't know how to make it so that the form file input will simply discard the file that is too large and go back the previous good one if applicable
@LuckyKleinschmidt no reason, I was in the learning phase and I learned it in creat-react-app I have no idea about other ways
I think I'll drop support for legacy browsers
That's webpack, right?
it uses webpack, yes
I don't understand webpack, need to learn it
I'm not really using it to its fullest potential
In future, I think I'll do projects on Angular, any opinions?
i don't use angular
i didn't really care for it when i did, but that was angular 1.5
tis quite a different beast now
was just about to ask a question here...and for once RTFM worked :)
I really need to start learning those, but I think I need to learn answers to the question above first (no I am not begging, just pointing out I may not be far enough along in learning to learn those)
eh, i think the only way you'll accomplish that is by moving the input when they go to change it and replacing it with a clean one.
then you can swap back to the one you moved if you need to
like this (it's my answer) stackoverflow.com/questions/8898077/…
is jQuery still needed? I mean I use to for patch work
no, not needed
it was never "needed"
VanillaJS <3
jquery was a super easy way to get rep
So the original would be moved to a form outside of the submitted information right?
How do I deploy express built reactjs app to cPanel ?
the server would need to support node.js at a minimum
@TylerLazenby yes, just move it and replace it with a new file input, then upon failure, you can just move the old one back in if that's the logic you want
true that
Ok that makes this a lot easier to work with I think. I am testing it out
have been actually, but gotta work it into the sandbox version THEN into my code
i haven't really worked with cpanel
So according to a few tutorials, I can ssh into the server and then install node, but none of them tell specifically, how to build for production
minify and/or gzip, remove public facing logs and console logs, errors go to a sensible place
for starters
if you're serving a shit tonne of clients, maybe look at other things
and a session store if you plan on keeping sessions
I find making logging "sane" for production actually one of the harder things to do in programming.
Just the other day I had to recover a server which crashed, but searching in the log file crashed the server again - due to the log file being 100 GB.. (oops, didn't think about that).
lmao our mysql-slow log got to 600gb and killed one of our servers
@DavidKamer crouton
@BenFortune I've had to take measures in our embedded systems
logs grew out of control after a few years if people left the devices on but turns off their dryers
and we only have a 4gb sd card
a bunch of devices couldn't start the mysql server because there wasn't room for the pid file
haha, we were lucky and had the slave pick up the pieces
I was lucky because the device I work on is only for remote access
so the worst you had happen was you had to actually go to the device to control it
but still annoying
totally my fault tho. I never considered runaway logs
always nice to store them on a separate partition
that's an interesting idea
So I switched to Brave :D
Goodbye Chrome :) [erm kinda]
How do you find `a` in `let obj = {b:[4],a:[2,3]};`?
I tried: `Object.keys(obj).find(key => obj[key] === [2,3]);` which works fine with normal values, but fails on arrays?
there is no good way
there are ways. but no good way
[2,3] === [2,3]// false
you have to test the values of the array, or if you know order is the same the stringified version of them
Hmm alright. Thanks @rlemon

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