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@KevinB What's the point of posting questions in the chat like that?
I have always seen people do it, but I'm not quite sure what the purpose is.
so, I was looking into code quality talks, and one of the ideas was to look at the frequency of things in your code, so I ran something like this:
$ cat src/{relevant,dirs}/**/*.js | tr '[:space:]' '[\n*]' | sort | uniq -c | sort -bnr | head -n 50
and the output looked something like this:
    536 {
    387 =
    275 const
    232 }
    143 },
    122 =>
    111 return
    111 if
     72 };
     70 });
     51 })
     34 module.exports
     33 config:
     28 res,
     28 new
     27 return;
     24 sendError(res,
     24 error:
     20 too
     20 parent:
     19 require('./common.js');
     19 details:
     17 is
     17 exists
     16 'sale
     16 false;
     16 //
     15 username
     15 res)
     15 not
     15 missing',
     15 >
     14 opts;
     14 next)
     14 i
so I guess most of my code is empty lines, then a big part of my code is about opening brackets, then assigning things (luckily mostly constant things), delcaring some lambdas, returning stuff, branching, closing a bunch of parens, declaring exports, and it's not until here that comes the first bit of my actual code
this is a nice indicator of what coding style you're using
I accidentally ran it including node_modules before, and at the top you could still see "the", "and", as well as other common english words, I guess from comments. I don't know how to feel about that
@jake To draw attention to them of course.
What action you take on it (if any) is entirely up to you
@towc the solution is simple, remove all whitespace
single space > tab
I'd love to have a nice tool for these kinds of unixy code analysis stuff
the very raw things, nothing clever
including that require graph I linked to earlier
bash seems to be the tool you're looking for
And vim for everything else :)
man, I'm easily excited about architecture design / analysis
start learning awk
but the thought of doing it for a living isn't appealing
awk has a pretty steep learning curve but it's crazy powerful
as a heavy vim user, that sounds good
kinda like vim I guess
right lol
yay for typescript
huh, having a line-based language meant for terminal usage doesn't sound like a great idea
or maybe it wasn't meant for terminal usage
awk is amazing
learn it and you'll see
yeah you could probably put all six of those commands you used back there into one awk command
WebStorm still doesn't have proper Typescript support
doesn't work with complex TypeScript Vue component registration
which causes annoyances when working with e.g. Vuetify
huh, post/preincrementation screw over awk people too, great grymoire.com/Unix/Awk.html#toc-uh-8
the 4 concatenation is kinda lovely:
this person has serious issues with code formatting
guess I'll stick with it for a while though
the first example is already not working 😒 (the one about printing squares)
the examples given by awk -h do, though
which turns out to be gawk, which made me panic for a bit
i have a quick question
but the one with the input does work
I'm confused
i am trying to take objects that are created and add them to a continuous growing object
@ChristianMatthew reduce and object.assign
or just object.assign, if you're not using an array
reduc is after correct
no just object.assign
the problem right now is that my object looks like this
or you can use object spread, if you like immutability
retryArray  {0: Response}
the only thing different in them is the url name
that looks like an array, not an object
{0: Response}0: Responsebody: (...)bodyUsed: falseheaders: Headers {}ok: falseredirected: falsestatus: 404statusText: "Not Found"type: "cors"url: "https://ion/fl.png"__proto__: Response__proto__: Object
no it's an object
@jake what is that for
It looks like you have a response object
you need to convert it to JSON
looks like he wants to queue up failed fetches to retry them later
has nothing to do with the response body
Because its a stream?
he's not using the response stream. just wants to collect them
ofc we're both assuming
Yes, you need to convert the stream to an object, but I am just assuming because the paste has the same properties as a Response Stream: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response
why do you need to convert anything?
you know the status
assuming he's just building a retryArray, like the code hints, you never need to access the body to do that
@rlemon I assumed they needed to since they are fetching PNGs
You have response.ok and response.status without accessing the readable stream
turns out the problem was that the first example was using printf, which seems to be causing issues
But there is some weirdness going on with that approch
how so?
it's the status of the http request
you just care if that fails or not.
again, assuming this is all for a retryArray based on http completion
ok here is what i am getting 3 times each object different based on url...
here is an example of 1 of the 3
Response {type: "cors", url: "https://navigtion/fl.png", redirected: false, status: 404, ok: false, â€¦}
what are you actually trying to do
don't say "merging objects"
what i now want to do is take those 3 returns and add them to an array of only the url's
so make a new array and push the urls
is that better than map
depends on what you need it for
in general, no. in a lot of cases, yes.
as contradictory as that sounds.
@ChristianMatthew map works fine depending on what you need 👆
so the issue i am having is that the array push isn't growing the array it is doing 1 at a time
i think the reason is the name of my object is Response.
Response {type: "cors", url: "https://navigtion/fl.png", redirected: false, status: 404, ok: false, â€¦}
shouldn't it be different per url
Shouldn't what be different per url?
the name of the object
awk is like an even less structured javascript. Lovely
you just said you wanted to push urls to an array
I guess this is what people mean as "scripting language"
so why is it not pusing to the array
but it is only doing 1
show us that code
the problem is clearly with that
Make sure your "array" is not actually an object
retryArray.url  ["https://navigtion/fl.png"]
 retryArray.url  ["https://navigation/cr.png"]
 retryArray.url  ["https:///navigation/rerts.png"]
i'm getting that
that doesn't assign anything
show us the code you're using. not the results.
35 mins ago, by Christian Matthew
retryArray  {0: Response}
we can't debug your code with shitty results :D
retryFetch(response) {
          let retryFlag = false;

          if (!response[0].ok) {
            retryFlag = true;

            let boo = response[0].url;
            let retryObj = Object.assign({}, response);
            // retryObj[boo] = retryObj;

            let retryArray = [];

            console.log('retryArray.url ', retryArray);

            console.log('retryArray ', retryObj[0]);
            this.retryFetch2(retryFlag, retryObj[0]);
Looks like you are setting it to an Object that contains a prop that is an Array
you redefine the array each time?
you're dealing with a new array, and a new result each time
how do i deal with that
response[0] should be just response
define the retryArray outside of the function
or pass it in as an argument or something
but if you redefine it, it will be fresh (and GC'd) each time
That Object.assign wont work how you might think it works.
lol that worked
what the hell
because i defined it in the function it reset everytime?
duh that makes sense
thank you
has anyone used vue.js ?
@Jony Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Not me, but yes
sure, what's your question
My question is, tutorials for vue.js shows how to display a list of items, and such. but isnt it more simple to just paste the html? for example when I render my template (I use laravel blade, I iterate through my items and just print in the items
what is the reason to use vuejs for that (besides click handling, and such stuff like that, that actually require JS)
I have a job interview and they give me a chance to learn vue.js and told me to build a simple web app that displays products, and each producth as add to cart, and a cart page
And he told me "lets see how you combine PHP and vue.js technologies together"
It depends.
\> shows how to display a list of items, and such, but isnt it more simple to just paste the html?

Yes, it would be simpler to do this...but imagine you worked for a book store, would you want to create an html file listing every book?
@jake Are you talking about limiting how many books there are in a page?
And hiting to make a pagination that loads more books via xmlhttprequest with API?
Sometimes, the simple solution is the right solution, but, if you instead had, say, a list of features for a particular product, it may make sense to store them as separate items in the database so that you can use that data later for faceted search, or for any number of other features/tasks.
@Jony By programming it dynamically you save time.
If you were simply storing it in the db as an html list, it would be much harder to work with for those additional features/tasks
So the right way is to inject books data (first 10 books for example) into vue.js data, and use vue js to display it, and then have a button to laod more which uses an API to fetch more/pagination?
That is the idea?
that reminds me of AE autocrafting (minecraft)
you go from crafting things to instead setting up autocrafting patterns to craft stuff for you, and setting up said autocrafting systems ends up taking up all the time
when you could have instead just crafted a few hundred of said thing and never needed to again
(not good info if @Jony is trying to prove themself for a job)
Well I am not lying to them, they do know I have no experience in front-end frameworks like angular and vue.js
but they are giving me a chance for OJT
oops... "features" -> "specs"

Heres a tutorial that is akin to what you need.
Also don't discount the official docs: vuejs.org/v2/guide
slack just notified me that i have two new messages... only, those messages were sent friday afternoon
Hi Everyone
import { map } from 'rxjs/operator/map';
import { map }  from 'lodash';
how to handle such situations? ^
import { map as loMap }  from 'lodash';
oh thanks
But why?
I need both but didn't get idea that I could do as you explained above
I think I am losing JavaScript..
what is the difference, in chrome, of an array that is empty but there are things inside of it when opening the array... looks like this >[] and when the array has everything inside before expanding it... looks like this >(3) [..., ..., ...]
that's just a visual representation
the dev tools try to make things pretty for you
@ChristianMatthew This is what I was getting at before, you need to separate out your functions, the fact that you need to call response[0] means you are doing something wrong.
im calling response[0] because i was splitting up a promise chain... i know how to get rid of that
i still am not 100% I may not need it
the idea is that i would use the split promise to do something else in a function of the promise chain.
promise chains are so 2017
@rlemon should I be using async await
but I was mostly in jest there
i feel like i can't catch up to 2018 smh
You're supposed to aim at 2019 now
When in doubt, JSON.stringify() :
@jake what does that tell you exactly
@ChristianMatthew If you tell us your Use-Case I'm sure we would all compete to help you.
if the response is an object
so i am buidling a service worker...
It tells you how nested your arrays are
it takes a set of arrays and downloads them
but some might fail... i need to rebatch arrays and retry to download them
this is the part i am working on now
@ChristianMatthew Do you know how to create a snippit in chrome?
that's why i am passing around arrays
do you have to do them in any order?
and objects
no just as the come and or fail
async function getURL(url) {
	const response = await fetch(url, defaultOptions);
	if( !response.ok ) return getURL(url);
	// repsonse was okay, work with it
	const body = await response.body;
	// other shit
isn't that retrying everything again?
	if( !response.ok ) return getURL(url);
if the response status isn't in the 200's, ok is false.
yes but you're returning the entire funciong with all of the url's
if there is something wrong
just one
that is a function you pass single urls to
just loop the urls and kick it all off
then they self manage
im confusing the first check is to see if any of the respnoses come back bad... then it is saying run the enrite function again
for( const url of [a bunch of urls] ) {
  const whatever = await getURL(url);
or you know, tweak it as you need it
everything probably doesn't need to be async
im doing something similar... the only thing I am doing is trying to parse out the bad url's from the good and retry them
however.. because i am calling the begging funciton i am rerunning the bad but creating an infinite loop.
yes, so add in a few checks, or delays
something is off though. it is literally looping and just compounding the array
i need a fire upon trigger
idk, that's how I'd do it.. probably.
@rlemon you need to call .json()
no I don't
god, what is with you and .json()?
I'm not requesting json :D
Then call .text()
why? I was showing a failure/retry example
I'm fully comfortable with the fetch api, and Request api
@rlemon jsut to ask that const url of url... are you using that as the number of times to run the loop i.e. i there is a bad url rerun the loop?
@ChristianMatthew No, urls is an iterable (and array in this case), and we're iterating over it. Each element is placed in url.
trying to do this
but what the table to change size when the text changes length
any ideaos?
I was thinking of putting everything in a table and rotating the actual table
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, my mistake
@William Because that's how tables work.
Tables don't have the concept of overflow.
Q: Slanted Table Text Resize based on Text

WilliamI have a table like this(the borders don't really matter really). But I want the top column labels to expand no matter the text. Meaning column 5 could have 10 words in it and the table will appropriately resize. My question is how do we align the slanted column header with the column below i...

There has to be a way and just can't think of it
If nothing else you put the values in a table and rotate the table itself and then overlay it inline with the table below
tables do have the concept of overflow actually
the problem is skew and resize values don't change how the box is drawn
@rlemon i think it is because i am using the async function inside of a function but the function i am trying to await this.fucn() is not firing and erroring as undefined
it's perfect except for that
is there a reason i can't call an outside function from within my ascyn await function
are you there
lol @KevinB sorry
are there any text characters that are sideways?
in utf-8
nope nevermind
@ChristianMatthew scope works differently in the console, chrome does come magic
i am not us9ing console.
when i use fetch it is fine
but for this.myFunction it says undefined
I know but lemonCode is
Try and fork that
@jake I see web apps that use vueJS for their whole website, everyhting is components like not using pure html at all. is it how it should be? or you can also mix both html and vue for sepcific parts?
@Jony It just depends on what you want. "everything is components" is just a SPA
haha picsum lol
@jake I talk about like this vue.pizza/app/#/login
open source standards suck sometimes
its not a single page
@Jony It is, it's just fooling you by changing the url
@jake i don't see ho this addresses the looping and retry attempts
That guide I linked goes over that: scotch.io/courses/build-an-online-shop-with-vue/…
@jake And SPAs interact with the server by XHR?
Yes, preferably with JSON
@ChristianMatthew Right, that was only to address the scope issue and the console errors.
 let responses = await Promise.all(urls.map((url) => fetch(url)));
you're using fetch...
i need fetch to be replaced by an outside function of that async
Now with retrys
"i need fetch to be replaced by an outside function of that async"
Thats what getUrls() is.
@jake I usually like to add a predicate to determine whether it's worth retrying or not
500 = worth retrying.
404 = not.
In general, 4XX responses usually mean that if you retry the exact same request, you'd get the exact same response.
geting closer
@MadaraUchiha Wait 500 is worth retrying an identical request?
@LadyBird Sure
500 is "The server had an error"
Internal server error
You don't know whether it was a momentary "I lose connection to the database" error, or something more permanent
Given the same payload I'd expect the same results
@MadaraUchiha That would be 503?
Again, a momentary disk or DB failure might result in 500 this response, and no error the next.
@LadyBird Not necessarily
But yea you're right 500 is generic af
503 would (technically) be "I couldn't reach the database"
But what if you managed to reach it and the connection died midway?
Which is the same as your first example :P
Same result IMO
Most servers wouldn't differentiate, and respond with 500 for almost any serverside error.
Yea backends are known for sucking
@Jony Also check out codesandbox.io/…
Nginx would make a differentiation
But developer-written, application-level server? Not likely.
With Nginx for example, you'd get a 503 if it tries to forward to a non-responding (or connection-refusing) backend, or 502 if it takes too long
But if I wrote a server in node, by default, the error catchall would respond with 500 in case of an error.
400s: There is a problem with you
500s: There was a problem with me (server)
(Because of what you sent me)
@jake I still think that 418 should have been 518
@MadaraUchiha Same but @ChristianMatthew's needs seemed to not require it.
I get 500s for bad payloads at my org lol
@LadyBird That's a no-no, and you should grab a heavy blunt object and do the needful with the backend developers.
@MadaraUchiha I think it should be in the 200s
what's failing about being a teapot
I work from home, nothin I can do heh
@rlemon The error is literally "I couldn't respond because I'm a teapot"
🤔 http.cat/518
It's clearly a server problem.
@jake lol..... that;s a 404
I love how someone wanted to remove 418 from most implementations because it wasn't in the specs, and in response, they added it to the specs :D
@jake I see, and vue router is used for SPA apps right
Simplest change tbh
@MadaraUchiha well, it isn't exactly that, but I guess they do say 'error' in the RFC
so I'll give it to you
@LadyBird You don't mess with a nerd's ages old joke.
@Jony Correct, but I would not start with routing.
tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2324#section-2.3.2 it's the response to trying to brew coffee in a teapot
He's fine he gets up fine in the video
lol, I was about to say
dude, not that kinda fail
like fuck up their car, not their life.
Naw he got up and yelled after the car
They were fighting with a bat for awhile before I think facebook.com/lateef.myles/posts/10216362815084983
@rlemon If someone ever made a coffee machine with an HTTP API and responded with that when trying to brew non-existent types of coffee, my life would be complete.
ahh, so not the 'get out of your car while driving and dance' meme?
I guess maybe a knife? Idek what's happening there
I thought it was this meme / whatever they call this. trend.
it's stupid and I hate it
Oh jeez man me too.. I learned it was a trend like yesterday
who is the best at math in here
I was confused, because I posted this and complained in another chat. then you pinged me with that
forgot I didn't post it here. :D
@LadyBird Holy shit
I am trying to use trig to figure this thing out
@Jony Try just messing around with a static app: codesandbox.io/s/o29j95wx9
@William doesn't matter. assert the wrong answer. you'll be corrected in no time.
pi = 4.13159264
I think that's right
meh, pi = tau/2
@William ≈
last digit should be 5
fair lol
I do prefer tau though
I would use except well everyone in school looks at you weird
I'm not the best one at math, because didn't get the pi = 4.13... joke at all but it seems like everyone else did
it was a joke
best math song ever
@rlemon vihart!!
haven't seen her in, wow, several years
well here is the code
rlemon I really like your videos
do you have a reddit thread or something I miss your posts :)
jsbin is stupid now
meh this is way more difficult then it should be
I wanted to support multiline text but know I don't know
I'll revisit later need to think through my trig
if they just added an option for the transform to alter spacing this would be easy
hard to believe I'm about to break 9k
Q: Slanted Rotate JS Calculate Spacing

WilliamHow using JavaScript can I make the following HTML display the following? getComputetedStyle will obviously be needed but I can't think of any easy way. <div style="border:1px solid black;display:inline-block"><div style="text-align:left;background:pink;display:inline-block;"> <div id=box style...

I simplified the question
Trying to make a cookie with the longest possible expiry. Couldn't find a working example, and mine doesn't work either:
document.cookie = "cart=" + data + ";expires=2147483647";

working with javascript btw

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