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because copying the data is the hard part :)
especially in an efficient way
@Vap0r I don't understand why you're still using Redux, but your reducer should just take the dispatched action and apply state updates based on the payload.
@FlorianMargaine isn't wordpress identical websites and like 30% of the internet or something?
@Vap0r you would put the work in the action
@BenjaminGruenbaum I mean e.g. copying the mysql database in your new branch
@FlorianMargaine oh, I don't know anyone who actually does source control and databases correctly to be honest
We certainly don't, our databases are huge though so we might have an excuse
yep, that's hard, which is why doing a bit-by-bit copy of the production is a good idea if you want to reproduce issues, or test your changes
we just do block-device level CoW snapshots, so we don't care about the actual size of your data and the data itself, it all just works
@BenjaminGruenbaum because we use redux via ngrx everywhere else in our app, but this isn't angular, this is plain JS via web components. And in the action??? I thought the action was basically just an enum.
@Vap0r wow, youre using ngrx without Angular? That's awful I'm so sorry for you.
No we're not using ngrx without Angular, that's why I'm implementing my own redux solution!
row.addEventListener("mousedown", (event) => {
    store.dispatch(new SelectPatientContext(patientId));
That's basically the dispatch, are you saying SelectPatientContext should perform an action and return the patient information to the reducer?
I am sure it is very hard ;). I could be wrong, but your servers are mostly used for coordinating the peer to peer connections. it's definitely the smartest way to go when delivering content to users from other users in real-time. I could be wrong, and please correct me if I am, but your servers are mostly for signaling and routing when the connections fail.
@BenjaminGruenbaum because currently this is what the actions file looks like
@Vap0r this is awful, Angular already has change detection.
@Rick that is correct, but we still deal with millions of websocket connections :)
Yeah but we can't use angular in this area of our app
@FlorianMargaine that's cool :)
@Vap0r hook into its change detection, in a year or two someone else is going to find this code and curse you and throw it in the trash - you have been warned.
The code you are writing now is not code people will find maintainable in the future.
Because it's a persistent component across pages that should have very little to no load time, and we still have a multi-page app because our legacy stuff is MVC C# razor
You can put the changes in a saga or in the actions - but seriously this is terrible.
Other than the effects implementation that I'm not duplicating this code actually is pretty consistent with how we use ngrx
@Vap0r that's even less motivation to use ngrx
The web component layout is pretty consistent with how we use angular
@JBis Oh well it notifies me.
If we decide to go with web components, or decide to go with angular, this will be a relatively easy changover
If you care about performance why would you use Angular to begin with? They're on their third compiler rewrite in the last 2 years because it still takes 5 seconds to load an empty app on a low-end mobile phone. I suspect most of the improvement is because phones got faster
No, because you're stuck with rx and redux :D
@FlorianMargaine Deno switched from Go to Rust, but that's not really Go's fault
Using angular was a decision made 2.5-3 years before I got here!
I would have suggested either polymer or react honestly
That's how I got to Rust
@Vap0r yeah, but ngrx... it's like the opposite of how I use Rx
One thing I have always wondered. Why is rest still a thing when you can use websockets. Is it just more difficult to maintain?
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh that's fair. I'm not a huge fan of it. We got rid of a lot of the "Rx" implementation parts of it though so it's about as bar bones as possible. I don't really understand the motivation.
@Rick rest is a lot easier to scale and it's a lot easier to reason about, you don't need to deal with state and reconnects.
@Vap0r then ask your team what you should do - hopefully someone who likes the mess they're in since they understand the motivation most likely.
Not any fans of the mess we're in. We use MVC C# razor pages w/ angular <= 4 and angular 5. We also use jQuery and DevExpress in certain areas
It almost seems like the angular decision was made by management, which is.... baffling
I want to go full web components with our own state management library.
We only have to support chrome for our product which is a huge plus
@ndugger choo choo baby
I've been so productive without this chat. Can I show you the personal project I've been working on? I have some neat-o screenshots to share.
@Vap0r hi babe
@ndugger sure, and I recommend you prefer productivity over chatting :D
Same here. Since this place is a wasteland I only come here when I have questions about learning and it's been really refreshing, share away
I mostly come here to hang around and maybe help
^ and at that you do a fine job
Sometimes we build these storylines here and forget at the end of the day we're professionals and should build cool shit.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/165582312753463296/469720820512456714/script-editor.PNG -
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/170045736090730496/470322636686360587/uiuiui.PNG -
chat messed up my links
> image not found
It's the editing suite for the game engine that I made with WebGL + WebSockets
I think I'll have an alpha release in a month or so
The UI is a custom react-like lib that I made that uses shadow DOM, living on top of an electron app that uses a custom application scaffolding that I made as well
I might switch to NW.js though, since I've heard that it's faster now
@ndugger web components?
Yeah I've been battling here and there with them
But rest comes with "head of line blocking" and a million other things that just make it terrible. if the only reason people don't use web sockets is that it's more difficult, is not a compelling reason for me.
Honestly, web components + shadow DOM is the best thing that's happened to the browser in a long time
I agree but there are some quirks I still haven't found solutions to.
I haven't had any that I can recall
Mainly when you have nested web components and need to do a blur-type event
But I know the shadow dom spec like the back of my hand
Say you have DOM -> CompA -> CompB nesting
if CompB has something like document.addEventListener("click", (event) => {})
where you want to check any click that isn't on CompB, I couldn't figure it out
that's not a problem specific to shadow dom, if I understand correctly
just check if event.target !== event.currentTarget
oh wait, no
Still doesn't work.
you'd have to attach the listener to CompB for that tow ork, which defeats the purpose
All targets in Shadow DOM show as the top-level DOM-nested element
Only real complaint. I'm sure there's a workaround but I couldn't figure it out
Everything else has been a joy.
Interesting. I've not had to do something like that yet, so we'll see.
My favourite parts of shadow dom are slots and properly encapsulated styles
Except sometimes third-party libraries for behavior (material in this instance) only target document
100 100 100 100 fr fr
I had to rewrite the libraries and I couldn't figure out a good way to detect all web components on the page dynamically
I wrote my own styled components lib on top of my react-like lib. I'm trying to do as much on my own as possible, well, at the JS level... I'm not about to rewrite electron.
I ended up just checking every component on the page for the existence of an attachShadow
Wrote my own WebGL wrapper, my own UI lib, etc... I need to eventually write a UI/Widget lib for WebGL as well, but I'm putting that off, because that sounds miserable.
@ndugger I had trouble with certain aspects of slots, I would love to see your implementation as the MDN examples are sometimes pretty basic
@Zirak Happy birthday! 🐐
@BenjaminGruenbaum I hope you bought him cake
@Vap0r this is the react-like lib: github.com/cyclonic-games/quark & this is the implementation (which you can see in the screenshots) github.com/cyclonic-games/elementary
@ndugger oh cool :D
The best one to look at would be the Tab component github.com/cyclonic-games/elementary/blob/master/components/…
@BadgerCat I don't think he's around - I recommend you ping him in hangouts
It shows some advanced slotting techniques by swapping which slot is available
@ndugger give a talk about it?
Very off topic but does anyone know where I can find what program used FTP on Windows 10? Maybe logs?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't like to talk in front of people
I get sweaty and gross and it's not a good time
I checked Task Scheduler.
@BenjaminGruenbaum or you could give me his phone number, so I can call him
@JBis I would check the logs
@Vap0r Not sure where they are.
you can find them by doing alt+f4
it's a cheatcode
@ndugger definitely something you can practice
@BadgerCat you can find his phone number :D
@JBis What are you using as an FTP server?
@ndugger Thanks!
I'll just hoard my knowledge all to myself
If people want to learn the shadow dom spec, they can read it themselves. I actually implemented it as a polyfill in order to fully understand it
@Vap0r What do you mean? I am checking logs on a client. The client being the default command prompt ftp. I see FTP traffic on security logs. But it doesn't tell me application or destination just FTP.
@ndugger don't hord. I appreciate your knowledge :) speak truth to the Dom abusers :)
@JBis couldn't find anything on that buddy, I would try ndugger's advice
read the spec, bruh
@ndugger did you figure out any good ways to quickly find all web components on the page other than keeping an updated list?
I think I had to read the spec like 3 times before I understood it. It's definitely not written like anything I've read before
I couldn't find a way to enumerate customElements
@Vap0r Which advice? His advice to "alt+f4"?
Why do you need to?
Thanks though
I don't keep track of that at all
I just let the DOM manage its nodes
People are all too eager to overcomplicate things
@ndugger I have a material design behavior library that adds material behavior via JS, but it only targets document nodes and doesn't have the sense to find nodes inside web components.
you mean like it doesn't traverse the shadowRoot?
Because you're SOL at that point
correct. It just does document.querySelector('.their-libraries-selectors') for initialization of their elements
Yeah, then it's simply not compatible with shadow-dom
I mean I made it compatible. But the solution isn't super effecient
One of the main reasons for shadow dom is to encapsulate your components to help prevent style leaks and other random shit.
  let allRoots = [];
  function findAllRoots(root = document) {
      var webComponents = [...root.querySelectorAll("*")].filter(el => el.shadowRoot);
      var shadowRoots = webComponents.map(component => component.shadowRoot);
      return shadowRoots.forEach(root => findAllRoots(root));
That's the function I created to fix the issue
Ugh, that's gotta be slow
but hey, if it works, more power to you
It's only slow if someone notices!
Like I said I tried enumerating CustomElementsRegistry but there isn't a good way
I mean, what you're doing kind of defeats the purpose of shadow dom, though... You're already creating antipatterns by injecting new styles/functionality into your components
Is there a way to change the reference of a variable for an imported JS file?
I guess a solution would be to import the behavior library in each web component that requires it if I can set the document to be that of the current shadowRoot
That would definitely be the way to do it
Something like import "bahavior-library.js".bind(this.shadow)
that's obviously pseudo-code
and that would change the this reference when I want to change the document reference
Just kind of stumped I guess
What's the material design lib? Maybe I can help take a gander
It's really not worth spending your time on because they are currently working on web components and extensibility libraries for them rather than just vanilla JS (they just aren't done)
But if you'd like to it's material design lite
I personally dislike material design. I think it's super ugly.
I based my styled off of fluent design, but I tweaked it to not look so boring
MS is notoriously bad at design. They were heading in the right direction with their fluent styles, but it feels bland
I don't think it's super ugly but it's definitely not beautiful. What it does well however is add clarity I think
@ndugger beautiful
yeah... my commit messages are a work of art all on their own
> you don't need atomic commits, if your prevent yourself from writing meaningful commit messages
Commit message: "No"
can't make it sound fun. It's just true
Commit message: "no"
Project srslyness: "no"
It's a personal project, with me as the only contributor; I'm perfectly ok with garbage commit messages for now
@ndugger I'm not judging, just taking the piss
I do have a volunteer on standby that offered to help my organize and clean it up, but I don't want to add anyone elses name to the credits, lol
oh man
oh wait, there was a people counter right below it
maybe you should add a github account for each of the voices in your head
Saying 'we' sounds more professional
I didn't realize he was trying to look professional
I wasn't. It's a proverbial "we", since it's open source, and everyone likes tequila, right?
I'm done now, but I'm having a blast
It's been a lot of code so far... and pretty good code, if I might add, even though I am hella biased
oh, I'm not questioning that
I'm not questioning your motives, bruv. Meme all you want.
I haven't seen you defensive in a while
maybe the meds are working
I got new meds
now I'm on 2 separate ones
well, 3 if you count the absurdedly high dose of Vitamin D that I'm on
Because I had a mental break recently
affair or open medicine?
I'm really bad at managing my mental illness
just pump me full of meds
I want meds
I couldn't get my keys out my pocket at the coffee shop. FML my back is done
@ndugger are you meditating?
@Vap0r be sure to check the redux source...it's less than 100 lines of code: gist.github.com/gaearon/ffd88b0e4f00b22c3159
@ndugger Seriously, I don't wanna sound like a hippie, I had a chance to talk to a ton of people who are way more accomplished and successful than myself in the industry and physical activity, therapy and meditation were a really big common ground.
Of course if you tried and didn't like it - do whatever works for you.
I totally believe that meditation would help with mindfulness, but It's a really hard thing to get into
@jake wow, those comments... Dan must be cringing so hard..
@ndugger yeah, it literally forces you to be alone with yourself and be aware of it
I've meditated like twice, and it felt great, but man, I feel like I could be doing something productive or fun instead, lol
That's the hard part, you need to put in like 10 minutes daily for a month to see benefit and the bigger benefits come after a year. I'm not great at it either - I skip it every once in a while.
TIL there is no configuration of laying on your stomach on the floor that still allows effective typing
I had a physical 2 weeks ago, and my vitamin D levels were extremely low; it's a major factor in my depression. So, we start with the chemicals and go from there.
I do need to find a new shrink, though
Oh, and sleep, sleep is super important
I've always slept poorly, for whatever reasons
7-8 hours of sleep
physical exercise 3 times a week
10 minutes of meditation a day
no/less drugs and alcohol

All great ideas
@ndugger well, if you have low Vitamin D then that only makes sense - sunlight is directly tied to my happiness.
I think our differences stem from this comment. I like understanding and implementing the complex bits, you seem to find productivity in abstracting complex systems away so that you can focus on the things that matter most.

Like redux vs mobx, both above have trade-offs and strengths. 👍
I'm seriously confused by those people's amazement
@BenjaminGruenbaum In what way?
Yoga is a very good middleground for people who can't get into classical meditation
a few hours ago I just found that I was really not enjoying sitting in front of the laptop, so I just got up and left. Then hung out under a bridge for maybe 20 mins, doing nothing, and then got back
I think that's effective
forcing yourself to do this regularly? I'm not sure about that
Yoga is for people who are already fit
You should market that @towc
Hanging Out Under Bridges; the new cool thing
Maybe force companies to give employees mandatory 30 minute periods to themselves every day
@ndugger I'm not particularly fit :)
But are you fat? Because I am
@Cereal I can't tell if you're joking or not
well, I can't say for sure, but there are fairly fat people in my class, and they manage most positions, to some extent. but yeah, I can't say, maybe it's less enjoyable. you'd have to try :)
heavy sarcasm
some days I just want to keep writing code for hours, and breaks are a nuissance. I know a fair amount of people like that
some other days, I don't want to sit down at all
> Breaks are a nuisance
So don't take one, how is a voluntary act a nuisance ;P
> some days
Yea I'm pedanting
@LadyBird some companies force it, that was the experience of some friends of mine. It was never something that affected me in that way
@ndugger are you in therapy?
Nah, I was, but my shrink moved. I'm on new meds, though
but I still try to force myself to leave if I haven't taken a break and it's 3pm, otherwise I'll mess with the food clock and similar
@towc Really? I mean I've heard of that in manual labor for sure.
But I would think it is overstepping in a software dev environment to have mandatory breaks for everyone. Really micro-managey
@LadyBird well, I think it's because they're legally required to
otherwise it can be thought that they're pressuring the employees into not taking breaks
They're required to allow you to take a break
so I guess it mostly happens in corporations
There is no requirement that you do. Here anyway
Actually from an HR perspective, all IT employees are considered 'exempt' which means that they cannot (amount other things) micromanage your hours or dock your pay.
@jake Afaik exempt means salaried
IT is written into the law bc nobody wants to pay it overtime
@ndugger If you ever consider going again, find someone who does CBT.
Yeah same as your link
what are they gonna do, fire you for refusing to take a break?
@BadgerCat neat, it's got negative page numbers
See boring gov doc: Exemption for Employees in Computer-Related Occupations Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
@KevinB Walmart fired my buddy for taking his lunch 4mins late lmao
@LadyBird I have doubts that's the only reason
No it's a hard rule
Lunches happen before 6 hours of work or you're out
No tolerance
Well to be fair yeah there could have been circumstances I did not know about. We worked together he was my peer. But they even told me that's what they'd do if I broke any guidelines about time worked
@LadyBird which state?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ooh, thanks for the tip! What are the discussions you found interesting?
@LadyBird Looks like breaks are only mandatory for under 18 in.gov/dol/2345.htm
I've worked in retail before, they will definitely get on your case if you are not taking breaks in IL
When I worked for Disney World, they were VERY hard on this subject. You got punished for not taking breaks.
@BadgerCat Yeah, I'm familiar with CBT. I actually have been doing a lot of self discovery lately, though, so I know what my problems stem from, and am working on it. I never learned how to process my emotions, and I was a really, really sensitive person as a child. I just learned to stuff them deep down and never acknowledge my feelings. Now I stop and acknowledge my emotions when they come up. I've made a lot of progress on my own so far.
But I'm definitely gonna get a shrink again too
@ndugger Would you ever want to grab a beer? I'm sometimes in MN for family.
Where in MN are you?
it's really good at showing me how bad my code is
Or, where in MN do you visit?
@jake Oh yeah state law wise, I meant it was corporate policy
Err, regional policy
I'm doing a fair amount of dynamic requires. It would be interesting to have a runtime version of this tool
@ndugger I'm by Chicago, but my wife has family ties up north in Brainerd, MN
@jake I'm by chicago
Oh when you say by you mean like, basically in Chicago
Where at? I work out of Lake Zurich
I'm East of Gary
Ah yeah you're way up north
2 hour drive to Chicago
@jake omg you have a wife?
Ah yea I am like an hour and a half east of Hammond
@towc Yes, I married an internet stranger
I'm not sure if you're joking
that could mean anything from reddit, tinder, to I don't know craigslist
100% true, we did long distance for a year, then she moved from CA to IL
lol why didn't you move to CA?
that is kinda like you know a tech hub
We met in the comments section of Imgur (back when Imgur was good)
you are surely joking
@William that's often not a good thing
100% true
so imgur about a meme?
@jake how long have you been married for, and to when do those comments date?
There was an Imgur thread that was about pairing up strangers
Ill get you some screen shots 1 sec
did you frame the hread
yes please
this story is to good
who is the reacher in the relationship?
Like did you luck out or her?
@jake just want to know the timings
still working
instead of tinder maybe i should try imgur
8 years ago? yesterday?
mainly, how long between that comment, and you getting married
Brainerd is not near Minneapolis
But if you're in town here, yeah, let's grab a beer
towc's taking notes over here
@Cereal you bet
Alright @towc @William @LadyBird This is the comment and post, I only have a wife because the first guy messed up so bad: imgur.com/gallery/MwPi2/comment/352615212
@towc Been married for less than a year
so, it took you 2-3 years to get married
anyone else wants to share their timespan?
@jake actually, what's the timespan of that comment to deciding to get married?
@towc We were waiting until I got a good job to make the move.
We were engaged for about a year. @towc planning weddings is hard
so it took you 1-2 years from meeting to deciding to get married
I'd say that's pretty quick
@ndugger Ill shoot you a message @ your listed github email if I am.
@William @LadyBird @towc We did pay tribute to the original post at the reception:
> Again, everyone who entered the form correctly got a match! If you did not hear personally from me or from one of the helpers about your match, please comment in the thread about it below or directly message me. I will respond when I can. Imgur messaging has been glitchy so if you don't get a response from me after 1-2 days, please find a different way to get my attention (i.e. tagging in comment). Chances are I did not get your message.
must have had duplicated matches
wow 68% male
yeah that would take way to long for me to fill out
not worth it to me
glad it was to you
I don't really "match" with people
Yeah, it was sheer dumb luck.
so who lucked out in your opinion?
honest question
A guy on reddit posteed how he matched on tinder with a cheeleader
said he was well pretty lucky
Trying to figure out how often this happens
I guess if she reads this might be bad
so meeh I guess you don't have to answer
> 16. What do you value most in a friendship?
understandig when you are using loyalty to force something instead of letting them choose
@William humans can have what you might call a symbiotic relationship
we're not all competitors
I don't understand what you are saying towc
my interpretation of your message was that one of them was luckier than the other
yes I do believe in most cases it is true
I mean different attributes for sure
one might be rich while tho other is a good cook
it's called a symbiotic relationship (not really, but ya know)
mutually beneficial
you are not wrong but I should say
I guarantee one them is regarded as having better looks
one makes more money
one cooks better the other
one comse from a better background
heck his opinion if he lucked out implies he is unlikely to get a divorce
I have a feeling that if you keep thinking about scoring people, you'll be lonely for a very long time
13 mins ago, by William
I don't really "match" with people
human networks (or most networks) aren't reducible to scores
I mean, you can, but they won't really describe those humans
so subjective descrptions are better
@William I mean luck in that sense that it was a chance encounter with the odds stacked against us.
qualitative over quantitative any day even it isn't 100% percise
my favorite example are insomnia studies
they are widely inaccurate
because instead of even using a scale they often ask do you have trouble sleeping
instead measuring hours sleeping they go by the users preseption
@forresthopkinsa Morning.
Q: how to convert an object to array of object, simple conversion no deep transformations

thegeekajayI have an object, something like this { x: "name1", y: "name2", } I want it to be array of object [{ x: "name1", y: "name2", }] I'm trying to write a function which takes in an array of object, but when only an object is provided - it should covert to array of object and continue p...

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