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Wow. It worked.
Hey guys
i have a PHP server and i would like to run node on it
@AlexanderSolonik I suppose it's just a regular linux server with something like apache running on it?
Hi All Please join my chat room and solve my problem
Your problem has already been solved.
@little Actually not getting the expected oputput
I just looked for node emulators written in PHP. I was disappointed.
@GNi33 yes true
is it possible to run node on it ?
just run node alongside it on a different port, or do you want to get rid of the PHP server altogether?
yep, it's definitely possible. It's just a server
@DenysSéguret github.com/phpv8/v8js It's only a matter of time
@GNi33 , i still want the PHP server
say i want to run an app like this ::- github.com/service-bot
You don't see a lot of people go for one and the other
Just run it on a different port?
Not sure how you'd even have both honestly
okay, yeah. node will just need to listen for http connections on a different port than the php server
@littlepootis wonderful
you mean PHP for the pages and node for backend?
You can have several hundred servers written in a dozen languages running on the same machine.
There's no problem in having node and php and dozens other things on the same server
@littlepootis that's true. I have an rpi and the locale is all messed up
@Neil , not really , i have a PHP blog on the server , i can use a subdomain for my node hacking
not combining the two , i beleive that would be more complex
No, like programming languages.
you don't need a subdomain (even if you can). Just proxy everything (like sending urls in /mytests to your other port)
@littlepootis you say that like I was serious
@littlepootis ok i kindda get it
I thought you were always serious?
yeah, what Denys said
So unwelcoming
. u too
At least buy drinks first
fair enough
so i guess i start by installing node on my php server ?
anyone seen the purge origin story yet?
@AlexanderSolonik the real start is probably on your dev computer. And when it works it's just easy to put it on your server
Stop calling it the php server
and learn nginx configuration. When you know how to forward some URL to some ports, and other stuff like this, testing is much simpler
(or docker. I've dockerized many of my toy applications just so that it's easier to manage various versions of php/mysql/go, etc.)
@littlepootis oh ok :)
hi all
@DenysSéguret by dev computer you mean get it working locally first right ?
Oh ok thanks
So I have web components that use a third-party library to give them material design styles and behaviors: codepen.io/anon/pen/gjavjG
The components get the styles, but they never get the behaviors. Any ideas?
you might need to initialize it
It works on the component present in the DOM though
Are you thinking that DOM ready happens before the webcomponent shadow DOM ready?
it's possible
Is it possible to write HTML with an inherent shadow DOM element?
Meaning that it's not injected via JS?
That would be a good way to test.
trying to install an npm packagae i'm getting "npm ERR! code E404"
i generated a token, ran npm login but am still getting this
can you show us the actual commands?
it's unclear if you get 404 while logging in, or doing an npm i, or something else
is this a private package?
The package maintainer probably got frustrated and removed the package
i just got a different package for removing flow types. the failing one is babel-preset-flowtype
hi people
someone just assumed my humanity
btw, @ShrekOverflow I think it's time to unpin the first 3 pins
no clue what's in the RO thing
you realize pins unpin themselves automatically?
they do?
Tell that to my pin cushion
@towc ouch
@KendallFrey o/
I'm revisiting some util code, in which I have an isObject function that checks that the parameter is an object, but not an array ({} is true, but [] is false). But we know that arrays are objects too. What do here?
const isObject = val => val instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(val);
isObject(obj) && !isArray(obj)
because isObject(new Map) is still true, and this is fine for my use cases
It's not like array is some pseudo-object
it's an object
so just check that it is an object and not an array
@Neil which is why the name is wrong
so I'm trying to find another name
Ok, I'm telling you to use two methods instead of one
otherwise you'll wind up with a very specific method with a weird name
@Neil and how would I call the method that ands both?
I'm using this function quite a lot
You wouldn't have a method which calls both
isObject(obj) && !isArray(obj) is a lot clearer than isObjectButNotAnArray(obj)
normally I'd agree with you, but only if it reads easier
when the round peg doesn't fit in the square hole, don't hit harder :P
you might be right. I'm not really convinced though :/
well it's mostly subjective anyway
that's what I'd do in any case
it makes sense, thanks
so, I found a solution. Turns out these are never being used in the codebase, so I just deleted them and shrugged
looks like you found a better solution than me :)
another friend pointed out "why would you want to do that", and I had some ideas, but then looked more into it and saw that it was completely useless in these scenarios
btw, nobody else has touched this codebase. I'm not blindly breaking someone else's hacky code
that function was just referenced in some other internal util functions that were never referenced outside of the util file
It happens often to me to try to make minor improvements before I see ways I can make major improvements
One small change sort of leads to another until you realize that a lot of it is simply superfluous anyway and can be removed altogether
but I never really see the major improvements until after I start fixing smaller problems
It probably has something to do with my understanding of the code I'm changing, small understanding leads to small changes and major understanding leads to major changes
Universal Apps are kinda confusing 😃
how do ya'll recommend doing stuff partially on one side, I find that it defeats the purpose of a universal app altogether.
In my case since I am using OAuth 2.0 my client relies on the Authorization Server to give ma token just in time this works perfectly on the client by implementing the OAuth 2.0 implicit grant in background. However, on server, the full redirect flow is obviously not available. One solution was to use the hybrid grant type and get both code and token responses. However, for a universal app this seems like a wrong approach, as the refresh token acquired has completely different goals
Then the session on the Authorization Server.
i have a concern about this code block
fromEvent(this.getNativeElement(this.btn), 'click')
      startWith({ticker: 0}),
      scan((acc: Ticker, x: number) => {
        x = 1;
        console.log('acc ', acc);
        //console.log('x ', x);
        return {ticker: acc.ticker + x};
    .subscribe((event) => {
      console.log('this.event ', event);
      this.count = event.ticker;
why doesn't typescript know that the object is not empty {}
i therefore get an error when i enter into the object i.e. event.ticker that ticker doesnt' exist on type {}
an error, asin while running?
or during compile
RROR in src/app/examples/01-counter/counter.component.ts(67,26): error TS2339: Property 'ticker' does not exist on type '{}'.
during compile
so during compile
That's what u get for typescripting
well that is angular 2
they are in bed with them..
i don't mind it usually
@ChristianMatthew this looks related:
A: Angular 4 - Http to HttpClient - property 'someproperty' does not exist on type Object

Kirk LarkinYou can specify the type that is being returned, using an interface, class, etc. For example, you can use something like the following: return this.http.get<Sidebar>('http://localhost:3000/sidebar/edit-sidebar'); As an example, Sidebar might be defined as: interface Sidebar { _id: string;...

insanely i can avoide the type error by doing this... in the template i pass the property in... so instead of {{count}} i do {{count.ticker}}
not sure how you'd implement that in your case though
I want to update my queryselectorall function to access elements in the shadow DOM
yea i am using add: Ticker <<< interface
but I suppose that is not the same thing as in the return
also, why does the error effectivley go away when i only reference the template property i.e.. going from count >>>. count.ticker
i think the problem is fromEvent ... it creates the empty object in the first place
Why is that on health.se
if I recall correctly used to work
don't know why but I starred it
I very much welcome this new option (multiple accounts)
@Jhawins :applaud:
ProTip: Don't work > 11 PM in the night, if you woke up at 9 AM. You'll re-write your code either the next day or on another midnight w/ production outage.
prior to having a sleep disorder my best ideas came at night
@William Prior to turning 23 that was the case with me
but at 25 I realize all those ideas were stupid because I was stupid and immature.
@William I suppose it could be "mental health"
mental health drugs is what caused my sleep disorder
look up remeron, doxepin, elavil, seroquel sleep withdrawals
hint they aren't withdawals the brain sometimes never starts slep again in the same way
once every week or two I simply don't fall asleep at night
have you tried alcohol? that usually helps. ;)
self medicating uhh yeah hmm not sure
one guy online did that for about a year same drug don't recommend it
he said he wouldn't really sleep with alcohol but instead just pass ou
sounds like a really bad idea everyday
Psychiatry's diagnostic practices are psuedo science
which alludes to why so many people get treated with conditions that make the symptoms worse
If I could give Psychiatry a negative score in my case I would
" uhhh I give this field 1 out of 5 stars"
heroin is quite literally less addicting then some of this stuff. The difference is heroin makes you feel better and no doctor would be willing to prescribe it.
Let's see if I can find my favorite comic
that's a pretty cynical view of medicine
just parts of psychiatry
if you come in with sleep problems you sleep problems will likely get better short term and then get worse
with what they prescribe you
many drugs approved for depression raised suicide risks compared to placebo in the trials but yet they were still approved to treat depression
heck all antidepressants now say
black box warning "will raise suicidal thoughts" after all the suicides
the brain is the most complex mechanism we know in the entire universe
in my opinion
nobody should really be messing with it ever
but what about when someone's brain is broken on arrival
define broken define need
even schizophrenics(the most severe mental illness) show to do better long term learning to cope with the illness themselves
ok, epilepsy
My grandmother died from the treatment for her seizures
might've died sooner from the seizures
she was put on depakote and died with in a couple years of pneumonia
ehh that's pretty bad
known to be significantly raised from the depakote
seizures probably are the only exception I can think of.
I think that chemical treatment should always be a last resort, but I don't think it should be ruled out
I think professionals should be much slower to go down that road, sure
there are liability issues though
if you don't prescribe something and they kill themselves or die
well if you have a good lawyer there is an issue
interesting point, I'm unfamiliar with the legality of it all
my problem is that namely ADHD/bipolar skyrocketd in children for years
parents forced their kids to take it and as the bottles say shortened their lives
the studies show that if you start medication you should stay on it for life expectancy but if you never start it its debatable if you should
yeah I think that specifically is a pretty good example of what you're saying
afaik a lot of professionals agree that the way we've been treating AD(H)D has been fundamentally broken for a long time
It still is for sure
my problem is the advocates for mental health are seen much better then the advocates against
my brother and my sister both have it. My brother ADD, my sister ADHD. They gave him all the medicines that were recommended, but they weaned her off of them as soon as they could. Nowadays, she's off of them and shows no symptoms, while he's dependent on them and seems to show no improvement.
in any other field of medicine taking no medication is idiocracy but in mental its really still the wild west
yes the medications are addicve
long term they don't show benefit but harm instead
definitely. Very easy to observe IRL too
in many cases
bipolar is the one I hate more because it is basically the more popular term for schizophrenia
I mean, I know it's a more complex problem than anecdotes can solve, but it still means something when everyone seems to be observing the same issue
a lot of doctors don't distinguish between the 2
my step-mom is diagnosed bipolar but I wouldn't consider her schizophrenic
They are prescribing schizo drugs to children because of anger issues absolute nonsense
Unless you only take mood stabilizers a fairly large percent of bipolar people also take schizo drugs
schizo drugs = antipsychotics
I'm not really a conspiracy theorist but I don't doubt that the profitability of the pharmaceutical industry doesn't help
I can believe that they're all antipsychotics
the original drugs were funded by the government
to benefit people's lives in the 60s
then capitalism stepped in and pharma companies made more addictive drugs with specific side effects happening less
its debatable if the newer drugs are that much better when the pharma companies did the studies themselves
The saddest part is people with a diagnosis die about 15-20 years younger
and they don't really know why
the doctor tries to BS us and say its simple life style choices
but cigarettes wouldn't even cause that much of an issues
once they released the randomize studies in nursing homes showing early death a lot off doctors backed of saying it was only lifestyle choices
@TomMinor Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Welcome to the Mental Health chat! We took over for today. Just kidding
I mean I don't doubt that "lifestyle choices" are probably like the biggest factor in life expectancy
Yeah I agree I doubt it also
farewell fellows
see you next time
@forresthopkinsa if you read Dr. Breggins books he shows Schizo lived normal life expediencies prior to treatment.
yeah I mean I guess it depends on the situation
why im being quite ignored!
@TomMinor bye
@William finally
so, I have this problem
who are you talking to @William
I really like eating shoes. How do I fix?
my first chat room i ever chatted in was meta.se
take antipsychotics
that was yesterday
it was called tavern on the meta
pretty cool room
i am new to the site actually.
@forresthopkinsa I keep dropping them in the shoes
so I just eat the shoes instead
but in the last week i have gotten 11 bronze badges.
still have no silver or gold
only 11 bronze
and 21 rep
the highest rep i have gotten so far is 30 but then i lost some
github is down
all is lost
once you get I believe 100 you will start with 100 on every site
github is up for me
@William so you are saying that ounce i get 100 rep on here i start with 100 on every other se site?
I believe so. I know I do
but I have slightly more rep
i actually got my 19 rep just by just doing post edits and tag wiki edits.
I can't program without github, it's time for me to do my plan B: become a mountaineer, so long friends
what is broken on github for you?
and then i got to 21 by asking a question and accepting an answer.
but the question is still at 0 vote count
yeah be careful if you edit to much they might block you
seen it happen at least once
the will? @William what for?
meaningless edits mostly
just don't edit to correct grammar
i am trying to get my first gold badge by coming here for 100 consecutive days.
just right a script to do that problem solved
I honestly don't know what badges I even have
i was going to make that but then i read that you cant just load the site
lol see you know more about badges then me
hahhaa probalby shouldn't tell us that but okay
serial voting is bad and that is really close although not detectable probably
i have removed proof
ROs can still see it though
which are the ones who can actually do smothenig
the best way is to post an image with text hosted on your site and then change the image content after posting it
proof is gone!
except for unlikely cache
i clear my cache every 10 mins
no the mods cache not yours
but im pretty sure the mods dot scroll thru there cache with all the things they have to do!
so anyone have any advice for JASON library?
trying to decide if the variable name should be JASON or jason in the window scope
maybe @Loktar would have some input
maybe @KendallFrey would have some input.
Tom pinging for giggles is a little tacky
although not a strict no
that was a serious statement.

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