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huh, so I fixed it
@cryophoenix how many tests have you written?
Note that for each bit of code you write on Hackerrank, there are like 30 tests...
I dunno, sometimes I feel like my code needs them.
tests? This isn't true modules. I just seperated them so that I could read them.
I mostly use chrome debugging
Are decorators standard practice in the ECMAScript specification yet?
I think they're still in proposal
Wait. I'm looking at this all the wrong way.
Why not just set the body to 100vh and then restrict the table to the size of the parent div?
Cause Opera doesn't support it.
is opera really that big?
this is goinng to be for distributors...i doubt most companies run on opera
StatCounter shows them at 2.35%
Which is more than IE
@PeterWard outside of the US
point is right now we don't care about anything but Edge, Chrome, Safari, and FF
depends on the market
we're just in the US
@cryophoenix FF is pretty low too.
well...we use FF so it's gotta be there XD
lol IE has a higher share than edge :p
supporting IE is easy as hell anyway now though
this has been written in such a way that we're mostly focused on chrome, ff, and safari tbh
UC is that high??
matchMedia is a great way to go, it seems, for implementing things like vh and vw
@cryophoenix China.
wth is UC?
a browser. i use it on android occasionally
it's above FF apparently
yeah it's pretty high in a lot of places, 33% in India
but non existent in the US meh.
Wow, StatCounter groups DreamWeaver, GoDaddy, Tumblr, and Drupal in the same category!
it also by default lumps mobile/desktop
desktop IE is still pretty high worldwide
and UC is non existant
w3Counter puts Opera at 3.5% and IT at 6.9%
Oh what crazy times we live in
Browsers aside, SO provides some killer stats on the state of software: insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2018. Worth a read if you haven't seen it.
If recent events have taught me anything, the state of software isn't gender normative enough
I can't believe SO is written in .net
I also can't believe 74% of SO users aren't students
@PeterWard IT wow cool browser
@PeterWard those stats miss so much
since they exclude non answers.
I was using a keyboard based browser for a bit there. Really liked it for laptop usage, just wish it wasn't so slow
same thing was pointed out about gender identification, what was it, 50% or so chose not to answer?
I think it was called qute
Gotta love those force-directed graphs in there, though.
@SterlingArcher yeah... until they stop showing the red dot on the review queues... i'm not doing reviews
the red dot?
the icon in top right that lights up when there's stuff to review
Why are you so mad Bront.
@KevinB ah I think it's a "this queue is overflowing it needs special attention meow"
yeah... i just block it
SO shows JavaScript to be 2 levels away from MariaDB but 3 levels away from MySQL...
That is, for the PHP programmer
On a force-directed graph called "How Technologies are Connected"
Funny thing - they don't show Node.js to be connected to C++...
I feel like, even though it's implemented with C++, Node.js is conceptually another thing.
Well it depends on what creates the connection, and I would agree that "made with" is not a connection
nodejs shares no concepts with C++ so I can see why there's no connection level there
which one is more closely linked to jquery
BuiltWith shows this chat website to be built with jquery!
everything SO is built with jquery
jQuery 1.x iirc
ancient tech
needs more redux
Q: Convert Node to Element in Javascript?

Akash Kumar SinghI have to write a function that takes a variable of type Node and returns whether the given Node has that attribute or not. But as Node class no longer supports the attributes property. I need to convert that variable of type Node into a variable of type Element.

There's a reason JavaScript doesn't support casting.
I love the business ones
Guys I'm creating phone and message verification for my startup, using passport for authentication. but I'm stuck at implementing it on the api
Sounds like your startup isn't off to the best start eh?
> stuck at implementing it on the api
lol en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESP_Easy . Was what the woman from "Get Out" did to the protagonist ESP or something else?
the thing is @forresthopkinsa I have created general auth, now I need to verify it. when users enters his phone and email.
@GabrielAmazonasMesquita Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Hello everyone, I have a question.
How can you write a function that detects a class change in an element that isn't loaded to the DOM yet.
@BilalKhoukhi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I got friggin space curtains
@KendallFrey @rlemon
And yea my entertainment center is a box
$65 on Amazon
I like em
ESP, a pseudoscience, chiefly refers to perception, whereas what happened in "Get Out" did not involve perception. Does information gain require perception, or can it come from a simple exercise of power?
but they don't block light very effectively hahahah
i.imgur.com/jBYly9w.png : Even more exciting tho got my 1440
ANd it's not shattered
SublimeText all day
could be Atom
probably not but
@Jhawins that was fast shipping!
it could be lol
@forresthopkinsa I didn't want them to block light at all actually. Theyre in our living room and we've been wanting to let the light in but have had blankets over the windows since we moved in
@SterlingArcher Dude right?! 30 hours from the broken ones arrival to now
ohh I getcha, cool
@Jhawins you've seen my setup right?
Dude curtains are cool. Get some curtains. Curtains suggest a thoughtful drapery.
No I think I was moving during that
Those curtains. They have tons of other styles too. They're well-made from what I can tell just not blackouts
It looks a lot cooler IRL
> Unique. Genuine. FUN.
@Jhawins snapchat
hello all.
How are you?
@SterlingArcher So freaking tall
@Jhawins I like a raised monitor, it goes lower
Eventually I'll get a second one
Get triple vesa mounts
Mine has no height adjustment but I knew that when I bought it
vesa mounts?
unfortunately if I get a second monitor I'll need a bigger desk
I really want that curved alienware but it wont match
It's only doing 60hz but maybe that's just because of the HDMI
The guys here had me get a display port cable
It's no 4k monitor but 240hz makes up for that
you need a display cable or a dual link dvi for >60hz
@Jhawins any chance you'd play overwatch with me?
@Cereal I don't think that's true
In 1440 maybe it is
I'm half right, I'll take it
Don't see what I'm looking for in there
what's "auto lip-sync"
1920x1080 @120hz -> hdmi 1.4
@Cereal Yeah, that's not what I'm doing
For some reason I didn't expect hdmi to be able to do 4k
I guess I could do the math
It's only a 75hz monitor lmao
What's the minimum GPU required for 4k @ 60fps?
@SterlingArcher what game?
@SterlingArcher on what
Let's ballpark it at the average $60 game
the average $600 gpu
I'm probably limited by my integrated graphics
Everything has to pipe through there first (last?). This is a old laptop
@Jhawins get one of those 1080ti eGPUs
I don't have thunderbolt
adapter chain? lol
I sent you my shopping cart yesterday boi
@SterlingArcher That is not a thing lmao
I have thunderbolt sized ports, they are display port only tho
Thunderbolt is a protocol more than a port
I thought thunderbolt was apple?
Thunderbolt is a protocol.. Usually done over mini-DisplayPort
I think Idek.
I DONT GOT IT that's all I know
So those thunderbolt ports on macbooks aren't proprietary? I had no idea
I've seen them on other things I think
@Jhawins the list you sent me, is that already here and bought?
Or future purchase
> Thunderbolt is the brand name of a hardware interface standard developed by Intel (in collaboration with Apple) that allows the connection of external peripherals to a computer. Thunderbolt 1 and 2 use the same connector as Mini DisplayPort (MDP), whereas Thunderbolt 3 uses USB-C. It was initially developed and marketed under the name Light Peak, and first sold as part of a consumer product on 24 February 2011.
@SterlingArcher I bought the 2700X that's all lol
ANd the thunderbolt ports on Macbooks are mini-dispayport
@Jhawins dude keep me updated!
Also add me on steam
You can use almost all the same adapters/dongles on a Surface or newer laptop with thunderbolt
or battle.net
I have a usb-c -> hdmi coming tomorrow for my computer at work
for some reason usb-c to mdp wont work on my benq monitor
Lol... The screen overlay on this monitor has a crosshair
You can turn on a static crosshair lmfao
that's funny haha
@SterlingArcher Oh right you have the newest macbook that does Thunderbolt over USB-C
yeah, it's a pretty awesome machine tbh
In what situation do you need a third-party crosshair
No idea.
@KendallFrey those over the shoulder shooting games maybe?
I always found the crosshairs in those types of games to be terrible
They don't give you a crosshair?
also the term for that is third-person shooter, right?
Like what's that one game where every dude if beefy as fuck but the world is so out of food it makes no sense and there's chainsaws on the guns?
Nooo not that one
the xbox exclusive game
Yea it wants me to use a DP cable is all
@SterlingArcher gears of war
that's the one
Whatever, still love. 60-75hz is negligible anyway (even when you don't have an 860M)
couldn't stand the way characters moved in that game
Lmao oh
It also has an Amsler grid tester?
And an Astigmatism test.... So random
I should explore my monitor settings
all I did was boost the hz
I meant the built in stuff
Boost the hz lol already at 240 jesus
@SterlingArcher userbenchmark contest
You tell me how and when I get home sure!
I don't think I've ever even seen 240hz
I think I've only seen 120 once
lol you have to scroll down to technical details to see the resolution
I mean, I wouldn't expect >1080 for 240hz
Just use their tool.
Roger, will do that when I get home
Oh it did the test on my integrated lol
Doesn't even matter..
Also I can't get CPU under 25% period. Ever. No matter what haha so
is that the machine you're playing far cry on?
It's my only machine with a GPU. Hold on running the test with my actual GPU
eta on the tower build?
Here compare with this one later
Tags for search Jhawins Machine Sucks
@SterlingArcher Couple weeks. I'm busy
Neat! Congrats dude
Idk I'm kind of curious what happens when the 1180s etc come out now. We'll see.
ugh. git gc --aggressive is literally using 100% of all eight of my cores
solid 100% resource usage for like five minutes now
I've had to close my IDEs because the system was migrating them to swap
@Jhawins RIP prices bc bitcoins?
@SterlingArcher Idk current stuff might go down... New stuff might be cheap enough that I buy it
I'm tempted to preorder a 1180 just to resell it when it's sold out
Preoreder is up?
not that I know of, but when it is
Oh okay
Do it and sell it to me
50% markup? :P
How come the NVIDIA TITAN Xp isn't being bought up?
from a recruiting company ad:
> why did the programmer quit his job? Because he didn't get a-rrays
I love the "his"
could have been easily avoided
@towc did you just SJW all over the joke
more like a marketing thing
you assume they used "his" on purpose
I went a drive in last weekend, in some backwater town
they're losing a whole gender with that
So we dropped the car off and went to a pub
i mean... do you code for IE9?
and the waiter dropped the bill in front of me, and the husband of the couple we were with
We were all like "gender norms pls"
then me and the other guy paid anyway because lets be real
stereotypes exist for a reason
Why not tailor the messaging toward the larger group?
@KevinB when you could very easily tailor an even larger group?
Can you quickly change and let me know how to achieve — Arijit Chowdhury 41 secs ago
> why did the programmer quit their job? Because they didn't get a-rrays
I mean, maybe it's a very british thing
slovakia is heavily americanized
eh, i mean, then you're making the statement that the company is PC/SJW, which could put off other groups of people
not really. It's common place in the UK (at least in my experience), to use their/they for singular, when gender isn't specified
but then you might think that oxford is fairly PC/SJW
I have so much code going through my head I don't have time to think about being PC
as far as I could tell, having that kind of behaviour wasn't at all stressful or hard. It was just common, and nice
Everyone knows you can only make jokes about men.
Anyways, we probably shouldn't get into a PC debate here
It never ends well
someone might prefer Macs
@SterlingArcher I love PCs, down with the Mac
Oh dammit @towc already made the joke
@towc Fat fucking chance
well, obesity didn't leak into slovakia, so there's that
Nvm this isn't a good topic
Q: Jquery toggle focus/blur

Matt Thomsontrying to toggle between focus and blur on a text box, so that when I focus on it a message pops up, and when I blur it gets removed and the blur message comes out. Done some research but I'm scratching my head, any help is appreciated. The JS : $(function() { $("#name").focus(functi...

the one advantage Mac/OSX has over Windows is that it is unix based and therefore has all the best dev tools
Hello people. do you know how can I make a two items horizontal in FlatList with React Native?
@elaineee Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
i've never used react native, but the above looks relevant. First result from text in your question
@KevinB Only first two elements, not all. I filter elements positions by index. renderItem={ (item,index) => <itemComponent isSecondElement={ index == 1} } for example.
i'd assume that you can't
@KevinB Any Idea? maybe I will need to make first one view container with these elements and then make a FlatList. :(
but.. I will think more about that. Thanks for you support @KevinB !
if macs had pointing sticks I would considering using one.
What do you call a function that instantiates something only once, sort of singleton like? (In my case a promise that resolves to a single common instance.)
@Linkgoron Blasphemy, I don't write bugs.
@Aaron "bad practice"? :P
It's generally called a memoized function, but memoized functions generally don't cause side effects.
@MadaraUchiha ofc, they are features ;)
i actually have a bug
and im not sure how to fix it
this one i definitely dont want to call a feature
i have googled for hours searching for a solution
there have been others with the same issue but the answers didnt help me
quite annoying
have you tried posting a question on stack overlflow?
not yet
sounds fun
@Wietlol .NET?
im also having issues with .NET if that was your question, but that is not this issue
we used to have a coldfusion bug like that... just kinda randomly happened, a lot of people seemed to have the issue, and none really knew what caused it or how to fix it
just kinda... stopped happening
my issue is boredom
and its bugging me for quite a while now
what does this mean
"I need to break her words"
I don't understand "break" here
boredom is a tough one
@Neoares Me neither
looks like standard vague/meaningless lyricism
it could be "i need to hear her words one last time"
that would make sense
@KendallFrey I told that to a friend I was discussing that, and she said that "the person who wrote that must be a native english speaker"
she's an english teacher here
I don't think anyone is suggesting that the writer is bad at english
I think the suggestion is just that the lyric doesn't mean anything
no no
she told me that kendall must be a native english speaker
I pasted his sentence
ohhh hahahaha
posted on May 23, 2018 by Myles Borins

Notable Changes addons: Fixed a memory leak for users of AsyncResource and N-API. (Michael Dawson) #20668 assert: The error parameter of assert.throws() can be an object containing regular expressions now. (Ruben Bridgewater) #20485 crypto: The authTagLength option has been made more flexible. (Tobias Nießen) #20235, #20039 esm: Builtin modules (e.g. fs) now provide named exports in ES6

@Neoares not an inaccurate statement
@Neoares If you listen to the lyrics it seems pretty obvious
so tell me
> She only wants you to say the words
> "I'm sorry my love, can we please turn around?"
> Well this will not be succeeded
Then he says you only hear what you want to hear etc
Prepare for battle prepare for war
He means he has to see through what shes saying one last time and not fall for it. See what's real lol. "Break" her words
Idk, It's after 5, I won't pretend to be sotally tober
I agree it sounds like nonsense, I'm 10/10 good with "it's nonsense" since it's just some annoying screamo
Having my own office is cool. But the amount of time I spend in here makes it feel like I have my own room and the bedroom is my girlfriend's room lol
I can join your office if you want
I would love it if the Rosetta stone was completely wrong
that would indeed be entertaining
it sounds like the headline of an Onion article
> New research concludes that everything we thought we knew about the Rosetta Stone was entirely wrong
lol that's very onion
> Apparently the sign was a joke written by someone to confuse future generations. He/She was succesful.

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