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@Jhawins girl scouts are freaking pissed
too personal? (got it off social networks)
I heard they're doing drag races with original Duesenbergs again this year. I'm going
can I ask some node questions?
@Akashlal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Akashlal ofc
@Jhawins That sounds cool. I've never really done anything in Auburn, but now that I'll be there all the time I might.
It's pretty posh up here. Mostly golfing and wineries
Auburn is far for me. I go exclusively for the cars and WW2 museum once or twice a year
Some of the houses on these lakes are owned by NBA stars... That's why bebes came here once
The whole town is together tho like you go to one attraction and they give you a discount for the next. You can have more than a full day of stuff to see unless you're super fast
Have you ever been to the Air Force museum in Dayton, Ohio?
Once. When I was very young
@Jhawins I never knew that. I'll have to try it once one I'm not so busy.
@Jhawins I have family in Piqua/Dayton Ohio so I've been a few times.
@Akashlal What's your question?
I was there for a race once but normally we got to Indy for that
Are the React dev tools worth it after you know react fairly well? I had an issue when I first learned react that screwed up my browser because of the addon but now I'm tired of seeing the suggestion to use it lol.
They're just useful for me to find the structure to look for in the code.
They don't do anything else useful except for $r, $r is awesome
@Jhawins I've never went to many races. Hockey is pretty good though and they just added a team at Trine when I worked there.
Omg I forgot about Trine all my weirdo friends went there
Dude... It's a strange little microcosm
I won't trash talk it, because I don't do that for places I've worked, but it's definitely got a few quirks
@DavidKamer they make good wheels there
@HatterisMad Do they? I've always been stuck on their failed nuclear reactor lol
The Piqua Nuclear Power Facility was a nuclear power plant which operated just outside the southern city limits of Piqua, Ohio in the United States. The plant contained a 45.5-megawatt (thermal) organically cooled and moderated nuclear reactor (terphenyl, a biphenyl like oil). The Piqua facility was built and operated between 1963 and 1966 as a demonstration project by the Atomic Energy Commission. The facility ceased operation in 1966. It was dismantled between 1967 and 1969, and the radioactive coolant and most other radioactive materials were removed. The remaining radioactive structural...
I even own a brochure from when it was open
@DavidKamer dayton wire wheels, the expensive wheel option for jaguar cars
@HatterisMad You own a jaguar to know this I assume? lol
@DavidKamer yes, but they also were common on many different english models
he's basically a Jaguar hospice nurse.
oh, I almost but an old luxury car once. Too expensive for upkeep to be worth it. Plus resell can be hard.
I want a lambo, but I've resigned myself to the understanding that it will never happen. My life goal now is to be a digital nomad.
That's the American dream for me..
@DavidKamer Idk if "luxury" fits
@Jhawins I was thinking luxury as in brand. I always classify sports cars of certain brands as luxury. But something like a Mustang isn't luxury and just a sports car.
wait uhmm
Like if you pay more because it's a certain brand, then it's a luxury brand like any other product.
I'm not a car guy so I may have did something taboo, but that's how I always thought it worked lol
@Luggage i uhm........ shit
btw, I bought a chicken
and I have an oven
@towc don't do it
watch out, I got an oven
I can't find tinfoil around, and the shops are closed, though :/
also, when I got to the office today, I was trying to decide what music to listen to
Is the tinfoil for a hat?
I put on some of my normal rock, and then the pop songs
it just felt wrong
I couldn't focus on the code
an hour later, I youtubed "relaxing music", and put this on
strangely, it felt great
I could think straight and talk to people nicely
@DavidKamer what about a Challenger lmao
I got really tested out by something I shouldn't be mentioning here, that usually ends in me being extra grumpy and wanting to push everyone away, but I felt ok
@Jhawins A car I want, but sadly not a luxury car
I think that corvettes are, but they kind of buck against the overall pattern of branding
Not sure if I can post that actually...
corvettes definitely do not count as luxury cars
they meet practically no criteria of luxury car lol
Didn't see it, but nothing offends me except for baseless personal insults, so unless you called me a bad (x) because I'm bad at (y) because I did one (y) subjectively wrong, then I won't be offended ha
they meet more of the criteria for an exotic than anything else sadly
@HatterisMad What about luxury as a product and not as a car?
i.imgur.com/cp97GlR.png there that one is polite. I got my dice up 😂
!!urban luxury
@DavidKamer Luxury An indulgence, something that's Elegant, Something that's very expensive and brings great ease and comfort. Sumptuous living. Something Rare and difficult to obtain.
@DavidKamer what?
@HatterisMad they're owned exclusively by old people. So they must be
!!urban product
@DavidKamer product drugs i.e. cocaine or weed
@Jhawins so that would make any exotic a luxury car? only old people can afford to buy them is the thing
I'll have some luxury products
how many 18 year olds do you see buying a Ferrari with their own money, not inherited
wow, that's the first one that sounded like it actually came from urban lmbo
@HatterisMad pfft no way. I could e got a Corvette but I wasn't 55+ so they wouldn't sell them to me
!!urban brown acid
Corvettes are <100K brand spanking new and tricked tf out tho...
@NH. [brown acid](http://brown-acid.urbanup.com/2776926) 1. A reference to the Woodstock Festival in 1969, when stage announcements were made by legendary radio disc jockey Wavy Gravy, telling people that some of the brown-colored blotter acid (LSD) circulating the crowd was giving people negative hallucinations, causing freakouts.
2. A bad drug experience
3. Something that was supposed to be pleasurable but turned out nightmarish.
@Jhawins yeah and i could have bought corvettes too, i just don't want to.... because corvette....
none. I feel like I speak for every middle class and working class person who grew up around rich kids when I say, they can be arrogant little punks.
but they meet no criteria of being a luxury car
I don't like sitting in the trunk is all. Otherwise I like them
hum. I was expecting an Information Security meaning...
oh well
they meet much more of the criteria of being an exotic
hi! can any body answer my question?
they are an affordable exotic
They're track cars that suck at the trck and street cars that suck on the street.
@towc I'm proud of you
you did good
@Jhawins exactly... they are an exotic
who is this?
@azamkhan your indenting is a little off
lambo's and ferraris would fall into that exact same description
Afaik most exotics really are decent track cars
compared to purpose built track cars? nah
Those aren't street able. You have to compare to streetable cars
exotics are made to be trailered to a car show and sit there all day and then be trailered back to a garage so it can sit there for the rest of its life
Cars.js. Okay we've hijacked the room
!!afk smoke
@Jhawins exotics are hardly streetable either, with the exception of the corvettes
@azamkhan run it through prettier.io/playground
I just hope whatever exotic you buy someday catches on fire to spite you calling a Corvette an ex
@jhawins the exotics are so low to the ground that they cant drive on the streets cause of the speedbumps and potholes and speed dips and shit, and if they find a road they can go on then they stop at every gas station on that road
@Jhawins im not happy calling a corvette an exotic either, but it fits the criteria of an exotic better than it fits luxury car lol
@Zirak !!refresh doesn't reload the merged script?
@HatterisMad pretty sure Corvettes have DoD now
corvette is just made to be more of a street capable car than the lambos and ferraris
@KendallFrey It should
Displacement on demand i.e. MDS for Chevy's
I tried it in sandbox fyi
I merged it a second ago
@Jhawins thats silly
i saw
in Sandbox, 2 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@jhawins the way i see the corvette is similar to the ford gt40, except shittier in every way essentially :/
but that is what it is supposed to be right?
@NH. I am facing issue including font awesome there
link to fontawesome cdn if you know
@KendallFrey Oh right, fucking shit, the welcome message is also stored in the config somewhere isn't it?
@rlemon nnnnnnnnnnnnnn do some stuff
he's gone :/
@jhawins i just remembered i had a nightmare last night that i locked up my front brake in a turn on the bike lmfao
what the hell does this mean:
Warning: Can't call setState (or forceUpdate) on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in the componentWillUnmount method.
@DavidKamer It means that by the time setState was called, the component in question was unmounted and dismissed
const sortDirection = flip(uncurryN(2, ifElse(
This feels so magic in ramda, so useful
It usually happens when you do async things in componentDidMount(), and then navigate away without cancelling whatever it is you started.
@corvid Good luck debugging that if shit breaks though
No stack traces, no debugger breakpoints.
hmm. I wonder how that even happened. It's saying it happened in my container somehow after I update my redux store and pass the mapped props down as props..
@MadaraUchiha Then it probably has to do with my router
would passing down an updated prop from a higher level component cause the componentDidMount to be called again in the currently updated component?
@DavidKamer the component was probably erased
@MadaraUchiha but so composable though!
redux updated, hid something, or showed something different based on some props
killed the component you had
@corvid It's pretty AF, but seriously does not last in production.
you're pretty af
blush b-baka!
is there an easy way to tell what is calling setState?
@DavidKamer use the non production build and click into the stack trace on the error. It will say exactly what happened
@Jhawins I'm actually not sure if that would work
Non production React I mean. Looks like you already are tho. justexoa the logged error
There's a chance it's called asynchronously.
Well okay the stack trace won't point to it maybe. But it will log the DisplayName of the affected component
Don't remember exactly, but definitely worth a shot.
No you're right. It tells you enough other info to find it tho
It's definitely asynchronous.
    Warning: Can't call setState (or forceUpdate) on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in the componentWillUnmount method.
    in MessageSession (created by Connect(MessageSession))
    in Connect(MessageSession) (created by Route)
    in Route (created by withRouter(Connect(MessageSession)))
    in withRouter(Connect(MessageSession)) (at UserView.js:45)
__stack_frame_overlay_proxy_console__	@	index.js:2178
Given the last line mentions on message for your websocket I'd bet you are setting state on socket messages and the listener isn't cleared when the component unmounts.
I think it might be that I'm storing my socket in state
I bet if you click into that line it shows a setState call, btw. For future reference
I have a setState for my socket object in componentDidMount and a listener that references that state in the render mehtod
@azamkhan um... I think you misinterpreted what that was for. it is only supposed to format the code.
@Jhawins Thanks.
@DavidKamer The socket.io-client is a big hint
That or MessageSession.js:88
Somewhere you create a socket connection
And you aren't dismissing it.
You should use componentWillUnmount() to dismiss any open event handlers or open connections.
(On the some component as they are being opened, of course)
I don't know if I want to. I want it to persist. The view isn't changing just the props from redux through a container, so I don't know why it would do this on a send
That's why I'm confused. I thought componentWillMount is being deprecated?
@DavidKamer something is clearly calling this.setState() and not changing Redux props
@DavidKamer Right, I'm talking about componentWill*Un*mount
It's similar to a destructor in more class-based programs.
It's called right before React destroys the component.
that is correct. Ok, didn't see that sorry. This only started happening after I passed something to my redux store, before that the same socket references and setup worked, so how can I make my socket stick around through updates to the virtual dom?
I don't want to reopen a socket connection everytime I send a message. It could cause a loss of data potentially..
@DavidKamer Leave the socket open, only add/remove the subscriptions
i.e. addEventListener/removeEventListener
Idk where your socket is, hoping it's actually a piece of a data store and not of a component
Also ramda in set state is pretty cool, this.setState(compose(assoc('open', true), assoc('ready', false)))
yeah, I'm creating it in componentDidMount and putting the object into state. I could put it in redux, but I really don't want to because I want it to never have a chance to leave this component.
are you saying just define it outside of the component altogether?
@corvid awful tbh
Well the reference to the socket itself probably should live outside the component so it isn't destroyed on every mount/unmount
It could be as simple as defining a variable outside of the class in the same file, then assigning the socket to it. Or it could be in a data store
But it shouldn't be a property of the component instance
Then conditionally recreating it onMount if it doesn't already exist.
@Jhawins I was halfway there lol
Every tutorial I saw told me to create the socket in the render method
So what you create a new socket on every render? haha
That was like the most evil thing I've seen in my life and it totally threw me off.
yeah, evil
@DavidKamer link?
@Jhawins It's like something a supervillian would do as a part of his master plan, and I was like "no way." hold on, I'll get a link
@Mosho Pretty pointless considering state is usually relatively contained and easy to handle, but just interesting that you can
!!urban retcon
@NH. [retcon](http://retcon.urbanup.com/175866) (shortened form of RETroactive CONtinuity; first made popular in the comic book world)

1. (original meaning) Adding information to the back story of a fictional character or world, without invalidating that which had gone before.

2. (more common usage) Adding or altering information regarding the back story of a fictional character or world, regardless of whether the change contradicts what was said before.
@DavidKamer wat
second meaning should be Retroactive Contradiction
I could have misunderstood it, but It looked like "put the socket creation in the render method because render happens a lot".
@DavidKamer It's exactly because of that you DON'T want to put the socket creation in the render method.
I know, but that's what threw me off
Can you imagine opening a new socket 200 times in the span of a few seconds?
I just was like "I'm better than that! componentDidMount() is the answer!" But no... Shouldn't be a part of the component at all.
yeah, open once and keep using it, right?
No, definitely open the socket once in componentDidMount(), and dismiss that connection in componentWillUnmount()
Alternatively, you could do it completely outside of React
BUt heres the problem...
And inject the props inside when stuff happens
It doesn't work right and the component remount everytime props are passed down through redux, a router and as a prop from the router. At least that is how I'm reading the error message.
@MadaraUchiha oh baby
why would you even think to put it in the render method
@DavidKamer That should not happen.
but then you need to have it respond to those sockets by creating new sockets.... Socket Fork Bomb!
That is an evil master plan.
React should not unmount the component only because props change.
@MadaraUchiha And that's what confuses me. I'll post the code in my send method that triggers this warning...
        const {socket} = this.state;
        const body = {text: this.state.message}
        const head = {token: localStorage.userTokenFSK,
                      session: this.state.session_id};
        const data = {head, body};

        socket.emit('send', data);
        let {id} = jwtDecode(localStorage.userTokenFSK);
        let message = {text: this.state.message,
                        user: id,
                        session: this.state.session_id};
probably needs refactoring, but I'm just getting it running as fast as I can right now.
@DavidKamer lol wtf
it could be the decode?
@Jhawins What lol?
@DavidKamer That's definitely not the code that triggers the warning, there's no setState here.
What are you passing for addMessage?
is it just me, or does github.com/jimmywarting/StreamSaver.js have a shifty, uncool, approach?
that's my redux store's action
@NH. Thanks buddy for help. I removed the js method of including the fontawesome which generated svg element for the icon. Which was not working with jquery and difficult with javascript. Its working fine now
In that case, your princess is in another castle.
Here is componentDidMount:
        let array = this.props.location.pathname.split("/");
        let session_id = array[array.length-1];

        const socket = socketIOClient(this.state.endpoint);
        socket.on("news", function(news){
        socket.emit("session", {token: localStorage.userTokenFSK,

Why set state in componentDidMount? You can do it in the constructor/class property
I'm storing the session id in state so that I can make a get call (which will migrate to a socket on method) if nothing loads from redux store because of a page refresh
@corvid I heard you weren't supposed to put anything in the constructor besides state and binds?
but what you're doing will cause possibly two re-renders as soon as the component mounts, no?
maybe I'll ask in the DMZ instead.
@corvid IO in the constructor is bad.
@DavidKamer This is probably not it either, I'd expect your setState to be asynchronous.
For it to product that warning.
The error ONLY occurs after the send method is triggered, and everything works correctly other than the warning
Also, as an aside @DavidKamer, prefer const, always, unless you must change the value of a variable, then use let.
Why would the socket be in state btw?
@DavidKamer Yes, of course it would, it says so in the warning "This is a no-op", meaning it does nothing
I know, I usually refactor it later, but I just get tired of typing const all the time lol
@corvid I'd probably put it as an instance property, but eh, doesn't really matters.
Yea I'd make it an instance property in constructor and store it forever regardless of lifecycle
@MadaraUchiha Slightly deceptive, things in state should change to cause re-renders intentionally, no?
Earlier I interpreted him as saying he only uses the socket sometimes, so it made sense to not open it until later
@Jhawins I definitely would not. You have no guarantee of when/if React calls new upon it.
No matter when its opened tho yea instance prop..
Either do it outside, or use the proper lifecycle hooks to ensure that the lifetime of the socket is not greater than that of the component.
Not to mention SSR, which is sometimes an important use-case.
The socket should live longer than the component in one scenario
We don't actually know what he's doing tho
ok, so I'll show you the last place I have a reference to the socket that is in state, and I would have said it was this all along, but I didn't have issues until redux came into play. It's placed in my render:
If it should stick around then I'd do what I said. It sounds like he needs to keep it, possibly for other reactions not limited to this component? I don't know his needs
const {socket} = this.state;

socket && socket.on('socket_message_broadcast', (data)=>{
            this.setState({message_ids: [...this.state.message_ids, data._id]});

I think the problem is state should be informing the rendering of the component. I don't see how the instance of the socket is important for the rendering if the component
I think we've reached consensus that it should not be in state.
@DavidKamer Now that looks like something.
I want it to stick with the component and go away once the user is away from the component. Maybe not if it is more difficult, but that is how I was managing performance.
You have this.setState() inside of socket.on's callback, which is called asynchronously.
Well you need to close it. Not just delete the reference to it by trashing the component
If you don't dismiss the subscription when the component unmounts, you will get that warning.
use state to trigger re-rendering, if you don't need to re-render based on initiating a new socket, then why not store socket instance elsewhere? Anywhere except this.state, David, are you subscriibing to that socket_message_broadcast each re-render?
Also you have probably got a listener added for every single render with that code. So it probably sets state like a dozen or so times unless Socket.io protects you
@MadaraUchiha wow, yep I'm blind
@Jhawins Which in turn causes more re-renders
Yeah lol
yeah, very bad way to do it, very inefficient and will have problems
Don't copy example code and try to use it
@Jhawins No, definitely do that.
The code you took was never meant to be code someone uses. It was to show you how something works fundamentally
Just not in applications you actually care about :D
@Jhawins this was after I looked at example code and thought it was stupid..
Either that or OP was a pretend coder
This would explain another problem I was having..
@Jhawins The code he took was written by someone who has no green clue about how React works and how to use it.
Who the hell teaches people to do IO in the render() method?
@MadaraUchiha i figured as much when it was a Node/Socket/React tutorial in one
I think I'll put it outside of the component and then worry about closing the socket as a serpate issue unrelated to the component itself and maybe with redux if possible.
I mean Idk, I could take what OP said and apply it to my React knowledge to do something new. But yea as a standalone tutorial it is horrible
Where are you setting socket to state? Instead of doing that, set it to this.socket, subscribe to that event, then in ComponentWillUnmount, you can unsubscribe the socket/clean up
@Jhawins one tutorial I suspect was based on that one literally said something like "you put the socket in the render because it happens lots of times"
I was like, "wow, that can't be right at all"
ok, figured it out
I put this comment on the tutorial.
Yes, it is that bad an advice.
This is like, w3schools level advice.
This library, from what I understand from the broken tutorial is for react. I put the listener in componentDidMount. I didn't understand that it was a listener for some stupid reason.
wow holy cow, dude has a lot of claps for terrible code
I clapped for it lmao
!!giphy slow clap
lol, clap bots
@MadaraUchiha I clapped for yours not the tutorial
yeah, I thought because the said "render method is good for the stuff" and it was a tutorial for react that I'd be safe doing it that way... definitely now lol.
> You really think people do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?
The worse part is somebody already told him it was terrible on Jan 12, and he asked 'why is that'
just for clarity, here is what fixed it:
        let array = this.props.location.pathname.split("/");
        let session_id = array[array.length-1];

        const socket = socketIOClient(this.state.endpoint);
        socket.on("news", function(news){
        socket.emit("session", {token: localStorage.userTokenFSK,

        socket.on('socket_message_broadcast', (data)=>{
@DavidKamer Do you have a componentWillUnmount that clears the socket?
@TravisWhite well, hell, if none of you want to write a tutorial that is less shitty, maybe not good, but less shitty, I might have to lol
@MadaraUchiha I'll add it, but socket.io closes the connection server side. I really don't know how to check client side, but I will do it just in case.
@DavidKamer I'd imagine there's either socket.off like there's socket.on
yeah, because having an open socket that sends user tokens seems like a good idea, right?
@DavidKamer try to not call setState multiple times in same function if you can. React I think can consolidate some updates but you can simplify code and re-renders if you actively think about when you setState, if your socket isn't a need to re-render, then don't put it in state
Alternatively, socket.on might return a subscription object, that you can call unsubscribe() upon
server side is socket.close(true)
@TravisWhite that's really good advice. It was a "let's see, I could use one of these, and one of these and one of these" type moments
I'm going to have to call it atleast twice though, because when is conditional.
just letting you know, I've had to go back and re-do a lot of pulling stuff out of state to optimize some of my apps after a certain point
but I might be able to git rid of that now that I'm not unintentionally creating 30 sockets a second.
before I understand what state did, that is, I used it for all local state
it was because I was getting thirty responses per message. I thought it was because render was being called, not multiple sockets, definitely not both.

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